
February 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H837 ‘‘thank you’’ for helping to better our society a source of great inspiration and pride for all winning an NFL record-breaking 11 straight and contributing to our freedom. Too many Haitians. I am not surprised by the indomitable road games, granting them the title of were forgotten and unrecognized for their dili- spirit of these Haitian soldiers who so coura- ‘‘Road Warriors’’, and in the process became only the second team in NFL history to win gence, commitment and sacrifices. geously defended America’s fight for inde- 3 playoff games and the Super Bowl away As we continue to celebrate the month of pendence. from their home field; February and Black History Month, let us be On October 9, 1779, the soldiers of Chas- Whereas in each round of the playoffs, mindful of the Haitian soldiers and the numer- seurs-Volontaires de Saint Domingue, Haiti, when none of the experts thought they had a ous others of the African diaspora that re- served as the largest unit of soldiers of African chance to win, the Giants and their loyal, nounced slavery and aided in the formation of descent to fight in the Siege of Savannah dedicated, and passionate fans believed they our great Nation. I urge my colleagues to sup- alongside American and French forces. The could accomplish what others declared im- port this resolution honoring the courage of monument in Savannah serves as a tribute to possible; the Haitian soldiers who fought for American the hundreds of Haitian volunteers who took Whereas Tom Coughlin, in his fourth sea- son as head coach of the Giants, has gone to independence and renunciation of slavery . great risk and traveled by sea to fight for the playoffs for 3 straight seasons, and this Mr. BOOZMAN. Again, I appreciate American freedom during the Revolutionary season lead his team, with the help of Defen- the hard work of the gentleman from War. Today, I heartily applaud the Haitian sol- sive Coordinator Steve Spagnuolo, Offensive Florida in bringing this forward. I diers who lost their lives fighting for our coun- Coordinator Kevin Gilbride, and the entire would urge my fellow Congressmen to try. Giants coaching staff, to Super Bowl XLII vote ‘‘yes’’ on this very timely resolu- MR. FALEOMAVAEGA. I yield back and brought the Vince Lombardi Trophy tion, and having no further speakers, I the balance of my time. back to the Meadowlands; yield back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas the New York Giants organization Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. I thank my question is on the motion offered by is one of the most successful in NFL history, the gentleman from American Samoa boasting 15 Hall of Fame players, appearing good friend from Arkansas for manage- in 26 postseasons, winning more than 600 ment of this legislation and commend (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA) that the House games, 16 NFL divisional championships, and the gentleman from Florida and the suspend the rules and agree to the reso- 7 NFL championships, including remarkable gentlewoman from Texas for their elo- lution, H. Res. 909, as amended. title runs in 1987, 1991, and 2008 (Super Bowls quent statements concerning this legis- The question was taken. XXI, XXV, and XLII) that captivated New lation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the York and New Jersey; Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas Giants owner and Chief Executive support of H. Res. 909 introduced by Rep- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Officer John Mara and Executive Vice Presi- dent Steve Tisch have done a remarkable job resentative KENDRICK MEEK of Florida com- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. leading this storied franchise with the assist- memorating the courage of the Haitian sol- ance and dedication of their talented staff; diers that fought for American independence The yeas and nays were ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas the New York Giants have played in the Siege of Savannah and for Haiti’s inde- all their home games in the Meadowlands ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the pendence and renunciation of slavery. Sports Complex, located in East Rutherford, H. Res. 909 recognizes the honorable act of Chair’s prior announcement, further New Jersey, since 1976 and have supported the Haitian soldiers of the Chasseurs- proceedings on this motion will be Bergen County and the northern New Jersey Volontaires de Saint Domingue who volun- postponed. and New York areas with community out- f reach projects; and teered to join the fight for American independ- Whereas the entire Giants franchise has ence in the fall of 1779. Already in the fifth CONGRATULATING THE NATIONAL become a model of professionalism, team- year of the American Revolution, Americans FOOTBALL LEAGUE CHAMPION work, and community service in rep- were growing weary of gaining independence NEW YORK GIANTS FOR WINNING resenting the entire New York and New Jer- when the Haitians stepped in. Today, we give SUPER BOWL XLII sey metropolitan area: Now, therefore, be it them our gratitude for their bravery in sending Resolved, That the House of Representa- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I tives congratulates the National Football over 500 soldiers to aid us in our fight for move to suspend the rules and agree to independence. We also remember and honor League champion New York Giants for win- the resolution (H. Res. 960) congratu- ning Super Bowl XLII and completing one of their sacrifice of over 300 men lost during the lating the National Football League the most impressive seasons in professional Siege of Savannah in October 1779. champion New York Giants for winning sports history. I hold Haiti’s achievements of being the Super Bowl XLII and completing one of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- world’s first black-led republic and the first the most remarkable postseason runs ant to the rule, the gentleman from Caribbean state to achieve independence in in professional sports history. North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) and high esteem. However, Haiti continues to The Clerk read the title of the resolu- the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. struggle against poverty and instability. This is tion. SHAYS) each will control 20 minutes. why we need to commemorate the landmark The text of the resolution is as fol- The Chair recognizes the gentleman of the brave actions of the 500 Haitians who lows: from North Carolina. fought alongside Americans for our freedom. H. RES. 960 It is important that we honor the progress of GENERAL LEAVE Whereas on February 3, 2008, in Glendale, states in the 21st century continuing the fight Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I Arizona, the New York Giants achieved the ask unanimous consent that all Mem- against racially driven injustice. I would like to improbable and upset the previously mention that H.R. 3432, which I introduced in undefeated New England Patriots by a score bers may have 5 legislative days in August 2007, was signed into law by the of 17 to 14 in Super Bowl XLII to win the Na- which to revise and extend their re- President last week on February 5, 2008. This tional Football League (NFL) Championship; marks. bill called for the establishment of the commis- Whereas during the 2007–2008 post season, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sion on the abolition of the transatlantic slave the Giants were the epitome of determina- objection to the request of the gen- trade. tion, fortitude, and resiliency as they made tleman from North Carolina? As Haiti still struggles to find her own model their way through the playoffs and ulti- There was no objection. mately triumphed over the previously Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I of peace and liberty, we extend our support by undefeated New England Patriots, who were commemorating the loyalty of Haitians to the favored by 12 points to win the championship am pleased to join my colleagues today U.S. Haitians played a vital role in America’s game; in the consideration of H. Res. 960, path to independence and freedom. Whereas quarterback Elisha Nelson ‘‘Eli’’ which provides for the recognition of Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight Manning, who had 19 completions for 255 the National Football League cham- in support of H. Res. 909 ‘‘Commemorating yards and 2 touchdowns, was selected as the pion New York Giants for winning the Courage of the Haitian Soldiers That Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl XLII; Super Bowl XLII and for completing Fought for American Independence in the Whereas the New York Giants’ win over one of the most remarkable postseason the New England Patriots was the most- runs in professional sports history. Siege of Savannah and for Haiti’s Independ- watched Super Bowl ever, with 97,500,000 ence and Renunciation of Slavery.’’ viewers, making it the second most viewed On Super Bowl Sunday, I was in Co- This resolution highlights the heroism dis- American broadcast in television history; lumbus, Georgia. And when I realized played by 900 Haitian soldiers in Savannah Whereas the Giants achieved one of the that my flight was scheduled at the during the American Revolutionary War and is most remarkable feats in sports history by very same time as the Super Bowl, I VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:40 Mar 27, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\H12FE8.REC H12FE8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 12, 2008 cancelled my return and had the privi- held the Pats to a season low of 274 utes to the gentleman from New Jersey lege of watching this extraordinary yards.
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