The Review of Contemporary Fiction Vol. I, No. 1: GILBERT SORRENTINO NUMBER. Interview with Sorrentino, and selections from his work-in-progress and recent criticism. Essays by Robert Creeley, Toby Olson, Leon Roudiez, Gerald Burns, Hubert Selby, Donald Greiner, and several others. Plus book reviews and Richard Sheldon's translation of Shklovsky's "The Parody Novel: Sterne's Tristram Shandy. " 232 pages. Vol. I, No. 2: PAUL METCALF/HUBERT SELBY, JR. NUMBER. Interviews with Metcalf and Selby. Essays by Metcalf, George Butterick, Richard Grossinger, Gilbert Sorrentino, Theodore Enslin, Don Byrd, Michael Stephens, Eric Mottram, Charles DeFanti, and others. Book reviews and Richard Sheldon's translation of Shklovsky's "Potebnya." 205 pages. Vol. II, No. 1: DOUGLAS WOOLF/WALLACE MARKFIELD NUMBER. Interview with Markfield. Essays by Melvin J. Friedman, Sanford Pinsker, Edward Dorn, George Bowering, Keith Abbott, Eric Mottram, and others. Book reviews and another Sheldon translation of Shklovsky. FUTURE ISSUES devoted to William Gaddisi'Nicholas Mosley (Summer '82) — Paul Bowles/Coleman Dowell (Fall '82) — William Eastlake/Aidan Higgins (Spring '83) —Jack Kerouac/Robert Finget (Summer '83) —Julio Cortdzar/ John Hawkes (Fall '83) — William Burroughs (Spring '84) — Juan Goytisolo/Ishmael Reed (Summer '84) — Camilo Jos/ Cela I Paul Goodman (Fall '84) Manuscripts Welcome Please Recommend To Your Library D Subscription, 1981 (Vol. I, Nos. 1,2]: Institutions $1300; Individuals: $10.00; Foreign, add $2.00 per year. D Subscription, 1982 [Vol. II, Nos. 1,2,3]: Institutions: $22.00; Individuals: $15.00; Foreign, add $3.50 per year. D Individual or sample copy: $8.00. NAME ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: The Review of Contemporary Fiction 1817 North 79th Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60635 U.S.A. 77 ^The ONTÂhuo Review a North American Jou mal of the Arts "The Ontario Review concentrates on both American and Canadian writers and artists.... In both cases, the editors' wide range of curiosity and acquaintance, and the stature anc integrity of their concern for good writing—writing that attempts to confront contemporary ex- peritnce at the deepest levels—make this one of the most significant literary journals now published." — DeWitt Henry, Wilson Library Bulletin Recent contributors to The Ontario h eview include: MARGARET ATWOOD FREDERICK MORGAN EAVAN BOLAND ALDEN NOWLAN PAUL BOWLES JOYCE CAROL OATES ELIZABETH BREWSTER GRAHAM PÉTRIE BARRY CALLAGHAN MATT PHILLIPS OLIVIA DAVIS ROBERT PHILLIPS JOHN DITSKY REYNOLDS PRICE BÊLA EGYEDI DAVID RAY WILLIAM EVERSON JOHN R. REED CARLOS FUENTES NED ROREM REGINALD GIBBONS LARRY RUBIN MIROSLAV HOLUB LYNNE SHARON SCHWARTZ DAVID IGNATOW ROBIN SKELTON BRAD IVERSON DAVE SMITH EDMUND KEELEY WILLIAM JAY SMITH MAXINE KUMIN ELIZABETH SPENCER IRVING LAYTON PETER STEVENS JOHN LOGAN JOHN UPDIKE ARTUR LUNDKVIST GARY F. WALLER IRVING MALIN TOM WAYMAN JEROME MAZZARO ROBLEY WILSON, JR. R. K. MEINERS GEORGE WOODCOCK CHARLES MOLESWORTH DERK WYNAND Subscribe now: THE ONTARIO REVIEW 9 Honey Brook Drive Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Rates: $7.00 for one year (two issues); $13.00 for two years; $18.00 for three years. Outside North America, add $1.00 per year. 78 The International Fiction Review, 9, No. 1 (1982) v , THE YORK COMPANION TO THEMES AND MOTIFS v . YjRK OF WORLD LITERATURE |ORK just Rekascd Mythology, History, and Folklore Just Released •— peCC Bv S. Llkhadem IRIDCCE C Pn (Paper S12.9.3; ISBN 0-919966-26-8: Ck)th $17.95; ISBN 0-919966-27-6; pp. 308) INTERTEXTUAL ASSEMBLAGE IN ROBBE-GRILLET FROM TOPOLOGY TO THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE Bv Brute Morrisselle (Paper $12.9.3; ISBN 0-91966-20-9; Cloth $17.9.3; ISBN 0-919966-21-7; pp. 84) SIGNS AND PORTENTS MYTH IN THE WORK OF WOLFGANG BORCHERT (With the Poems in Bilingual Form) B\ Kurt J. Fitkert (Paper $13.9,3; ISBN 0-919966-24-1; Cloth SI8.95; ISBN 0-919966-25-X) THE DARK AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT AN ESSAY ON QUEBEC UTERATURE B\ C. R.I-a Bossière '(Paper $6.95; ISBN 0-919966-22-5; Cloth $1 1.95; ISBN 0-919966-23-3; pp. 51) PRACTICES OF THE NEW NOVEL IN CLAUDE SIMON'S L'HERBE AND LA ROUTE DES FLANDRES Bv Doris Y. Kadish (Paper $14.9.5; ISBN 0-919966-16-0; Cloth $19.95; ISBN 0-919966-17-9; pp. 105) TOWARDS A CHRONOLOGY OF QUEVEDO'S POETRY B\ Roger Moore (Paper $4.9.3; ISBN 0-919966-02-0; Cloth $7.95; ISBN »-919966-0.3-5; pp. 60) JOSEPH CONRAD AND THE SCIENCE OF UNKNOWING B\ Camille R. La Bossière (Paper $12.95; ISBN 11-919966-12-8; Cloth $17.95; ISBN 0-919966-13-6; pp. 112) HERMANN HESSE'S QUEST: THE EVOLUTION OF THE DICHTER FIGURE IN HIS WORK Bv Kurt J. Fickert (Paper $6.50; ISBN 0-919966-10-1; (loth $1 1.50; ISBN 0-919966 II-X; pp. 164) THE CREACIONISMO OF VICENTE HUIDOBRO Bv Cetil G. 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Elkhadem Book (Paper $6.95; ISBN 0-919966-01-2; Cloth $9.95; ISBN 0-919966-04-7; pp. 154) 79 Y,RK YORK PRESS YOR K h P.O. Box 1172, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5C8 h IRESS CANADA RRESi S THE YORK COMPANION TO THEMES AND MOTIFS OF WORLD LITERATURE MYTHOLOGY, HISTORY, AND FOLKLORE JUST RELEASED JUST RELEASED By S. Elkhadem Pp. WH, paper $12.95; ISBN 0-919966-26-8; cloth 517.95; ISBN 0-919966-27-6 An encyclopedic compendium which includes the most popular themes* and motifs** of world literature. and lists more than 2.0()() literary works that illustrate these themes. Historical facts and geographical information which are relevant to the outlined plots have also been added. The York Companion is indispensable to literary historians, critics, creative writers, and students of general and comparative literature; it is an essential addition to any library concernée] with modern and classical literature. as well as with mythology, historv, and folklore. *Mythalofrical themes (e.g. Achilles; Aeneas; Agamemnon; Alcestis; Amphitryon; Andromache; Antigone; Ariadne; Bellerophon; Cassandra; Cephalus and Procris; Circe; Clytemnestra; Creusa; Cupid and Psyche; Daphne; Dido; Electra; tndymion; Eurydice: Helen; Heracles; Hippolytus; Iphigenia; Medea; Merope; Odysseus; Oedipus; Orestes; Orpheus; Pandora; Persephone; Phaedra; PhilcKiteies; Polynices; Prometheus; Pygmalion; Seven against Thebes; Troilus; Trojan War). Historical theme* (e.g. Alboin; Alexander the Great; American Civil War; American Resolution; Anne Bolevn; Baya/id; Becket; Belisarius; Berenice; Bismarck; Brutus; Caesar; Don Carlos; Ins de Castio; Cam; Charlemagne; Charles I; Charles XII; £1 Cid; Cleopatra; Columbus; Charlotte Corday; Coriolanus; Cromwell; Damon; Darius; Dimitri; Edward III; Elizabeth I; Eric XIV; Ezzelino; Marien Falier; F rant esta da Rimini; Galileo; Gustavus Vasa; Hannibal; Henry II; Henry IV; Henry VIII; Joan of Arc; Lorenzino de" Medici; Louis XI; Luther; Marat; Mary Stuart; Masaniello; Mazepa; Muhammad; Napoleon; Nero; Pedro the Cruel; Philip 11; Raquel; Richard [I. II. 8c III]; Rienzo; Robespierre; Roderick; Saladin; Savonarola: Sophonisba; Spartacus; Thirty Years War; Ttmur; Zenobia; . ). Biblical themes (e.g. Abel: Adam and Eve; Belshazzar; Daniel: David; Esther; jephthah. Jesus Christ; John the Baptist; Joseph; Judas; Judith: Mary; Mar\ Magdalene; Noah; St. Paul; St. Peter; the Prodigal Sim; Salome; Samson; Saul; Solomon; Susanna; . ) . Folklorir themes (e.g. Agnes Bernauer; Amis and Amile; Bartaam and Josaphat; Belphegor; Crescentia; Eulenspiegel; Faust; Genevieve; golem; Pope Joan: Libuse; Maguekmne: Manekine; Melusine; Nibelungen; Pathelin; Renaud de Mon tau ban; Reynard the Fox; Robert the Devil; Robin Hood; Rudel; Semiramis; Seven Sleepers of Ephesus; Tancred; William Tell; Theophilus; Tristram; Turandot; L'ndine: vampire; Wandering Jew; .. ). **Mutifs such as: abduction; adultery; assassination; betrayal; blasphemy; bribe; chastity; corruption; courage; crueltv; curstf. dictatorship; disguise; divorce; Doppelganger; execution; exile; friendship; humiliation; hunger; immortality; incest; jealousy; madness; magic; murder; murder of relatives; mutilation; oath; picaro; poison; punish­ ment; rape; redemption; repentance; revenge: revolt; sacrifice; seduction; shipwreck; siege; suicide; transformation; treason; Utopia; . 80 The International Fiction Review, 9, No. 1 (1982) THE INTERNATIONAL FlCTION REVIEW A Biannual periodical devoted to International Fiction. I I he /77MM MB give s authoritative and scholarly coverage to world fiction. The /7•• 7M i s an essential addition to the periodical collection of any library concerned with fiction. ::erned witt The /7MM 7M i s of special value lo seminars on modern fiction and scholars working in the area. ling in the The /7•• 7I includes a considerable number of excellent essays on the contemporary fiction of many countries as well as reviews of recently published novels and scholarly works on fiction. Manuscripts arc accepted in English and should be prepared in conformity with the MLA Style Sheet or The York Press Style Manual: Articles: 10-20 pp.; Reviews: 'J-(i pp. Editor: S. ELKHADEM, Department of German & Russian. University of New Brunswick. Fredericton. N.B.. E3B 5A3 The first 5 Volumes of the IFR include articles on: C.
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