12602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE May 29, 1980 SENATE-Thursday, May 29, 1980 (Legislative day of Thursday, January 3, 1980) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the ex­ fers to the Selective Service System Now the administration has asked piration of the recess, and was called to $13.295 million in currently uncomrilitted Congress to appropriate the funds neces­ order by Hon. HOWELL HEFLIN, a Senator funds. This money would be used to re­ sary to revitalize the Selective Service from the State of Alabama. vitalize the Selective Service System and System and reinstitute military registra­ to register young men between the ages tion. Let me point out that military regis­ PRAYER of 19 and 20 for military service. tration is separate from the draft. The President does not now have the author­ The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward The registration plan calls for the U.S. Postal Service to undertake registration. ity to reinstitute the draft; that author­ L. R. Elson, D.D., otfered the following ity must be mandated by Congress. The prayer: Young men born· in 1960 and 1961 would be required to go to their local post office President is not asking for authority to Hear the words of the Apostle Paul in to register, where they would fill out a reinstitute the draft, and that is not the First Corinthians, the second chapter, simple form with their name, address, issue we are addressing at this time. 15th verse: date of birth, and social security number. I support peacetime registration. It The spiritual man is alive to all true The forms would be checked at the postal would enhance our general military pre­ values. windows to insure that they are legible paredness. It is an appropriate. action to Let us pray. and complete, and then sent to the Se­ take, given changing global realities and Eternal Father, whose mercies are new lective Service System where the infor­ recent events in the Persian Gulf area every morning, make us alive to the mation would be computerized. Subse­ and in Southwest Asia. It is important beauty and wonder of the world about quently, the registrant would receive a for our Nation to express its resolve us. Awaken us to the beauty of sight and short letter from the Selective Service through military preparedness. sound and sacred silences. Keep us alive System, indicating that he had been reg­ The Selective Service is presently in to the values of human character-of istered, and asking that the System be "deep standby." DOD mobilization plans bravery and brotherhood, of lofty kept informed of any change of address. call for delivering the first contingent of thought and wide horizons. Keep us from The proposal for military registration draftees within 30 days after a mobiliza­ being little souls wrapped in the narrow should be examined in the light of his­ tion, and for having at least 100,000 in confinement of selfish pursuits. Spare us tory and in the light of present circum­ training within 60 days. Under present from moral softness and spiritual flab­ stances. circumstances, it would take 110 to 120 biness. As we undertake our work put Through most of our history, the days for the first inductee to set foot on with;n us sinews of the spirit, moral United States has maintained relatively a training base. ruggedness, and an unvarying sense of small standing armed forces in peace­ Registration is intended to build a pool righteousness. So may our service be time, composed of volunteers. In the 20th of names and addresses so that a draft­ pleasing in Thy sight; for Thine is the century, during times of war, those if enacted-could begin with little delay. kingdom and the power and the glory trained forces have been augmented by It is a move to improve the overall readi­ forever. Amen. large numbers of draftees, with the force ness of the United States in the event of levels shrinking back to peacetime num­ mobilization. bers after the war. It has been argued that advanced reg­ APPOINTMENT OF ACTING PRES­ Shortly after World War II, the world istration would save us only 7 days IDENT PRO TEMPORE situation underwent noticeable changes, in the event of a crisis. Another argu­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk with free nations becoming increasingly ment supports the view that premobi11- will please read a communication to the interdependent, for both economy and zation registration could save us up to Senate from the President pro tempore security reasons. Circumstances required 15 weeks. Often cited by critics of pre­ (Mr. MAGNUSON) • the United States to maintain a large mobilization is a draft working-docu­ standing armed force. It was assumed The assistant legislative clerk read the that the only way a high force level could ment circulated by the Selective Service following letter: be maintained was through an ongoing which noted that only 7 days would be U.S. SENATE, draft, and such was the case for almost saved if we chose a premobilization plan PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, over a postmobilization plan. This as­ Washington, D.C., May 29, 1980. 25 years. From 1948 to 1973, a peacetime draft sumption has been shown to be incorrect To the Senate: in light of more detailed analysis con­ Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, was in etfect. Young men were required of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby to register for the draft upon reaching ducted by the Selective Service since the appoint the Honorable HoWELL HEFLIN, a. their i8th birthday, and upon register­ report first attracted attention in Jan­ Sena.tor from the State of Alabama., to per­ ing, they were subject to up to 2 years uary. The later analysis found that the form the duties of the Cha.tr. of active duty in the military, depending schedule does not allow sufficient time to WARREN G. MAGNUSON, on the manpower requirements of the take such necessary steps as activating President pro tempore. armed services. the Postal Service and distributing reg­ Mr. HEFLIN thereuPon assumed the Under the provisions of Public Law istration materials, getting legislation chair as Acting President pro tempore. 92-129--enacted in September 1971- and an appropriation through Congress, the authority to draft young men for or transporting registration data. Even service in the military expired on June if our preparedness response can be im­ RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY 30, 1973. However, 18:.year-olds were still proved by only 7 days under a pre- versus LEADER required to register. This requirement re­ a post-mobilization strategy, those 7 days mained effective/ until 1975, when in can be critical in the event of a crisis, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ March of that year, President Ford pore. Under the previous order, the ma­ temporarily suspended registration­ particularly if troops are on a beach­ jority leader is recognized. etfective April 1, 1975-to- allow for a head waiting for replacements. study of the registration system. But What we are asking ourselves is: Do when the study was completed, President we as a nation want to have advanced MILITARY REGISTRATION Ford did not reinstitute registration. registration which, in the event of a Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Thus, the authority to require military crisis, assures that there will be sufficient the Senate will soon turn to debate on registration has been dormant for 5 manpower on line to support our Armed House Joint Resolution 521, which trans- years. Forces in a timely manner? Or do we •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. May 29, 1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 12603 risk the uncertainties of a postmobiliza­ helps chart a clear course for greater football. The President made a grave tion effort? preparedness. mistake in withdrawing his support for The ready manpower support which Mr. President, I yield the :floor. this report. I will await with great in­ advanced registration could provide to terest the action to be taken by the other the Armed Forces is an important pool body. I hope that the House will adopt RECOGNITION OF THE the conference report. If they do not, of from which we could fill our prepared­ MINORITY LEADER ness needs in the event of a crisis. Mili­ course, the issue will be disposed of for tary registration has traditionally been The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the time being. If they do, it will come used to augment the armed services, pore. Under the previous order, the mi­ here and I am sure there will be a lively which were never intended to stand nority leader is recognized. debate. I do not intend for the President alone. Both the All-Volunteer Forces and Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I thank to have it both ways in this matter. our Reserves must be able to count on the Chair. the availability of additional manpower when necessary. VERNON E. JORDAN Our Reserves-which constitute our MILITARY REGISTRATION current second line of defense-are Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I wisn to operating well below strength. The Army Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I com­ add my voice to those of all responsible Reserve units, which supply the bulk of mend the majority leader on his state­ Americans in deploring the senseless and our backup manpower, are particularly ment with respect to registration. I agree tragic shooting of Vernon E. Jordan this with him. I agreed with President Car­ morning in Indiana. It has been my low in numbers. The individual Ready ter when he proposed that we resume privilege to work with Mr.
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