GENERAL INFORMATION · 5 GENERAL INFORMATION For information about the features of each Troy University location, please consult the university website. Students may also contact their academic advisers or registrar. addition, it works to create a bridge between the community and Academic Support the international students. It coordinates degree programs offered in Malaysia, and Vietnam. The Center for International Programs Troy University offers students a variety of academic support also develops and encourages study abroad agreements and activi- services, including resources to assist students in areas such as ties in order to assist all students at Troy University with invalua- ble experience in international education. The Center for Interna- technology, career planning, study skills, academic planning, and tional Programs offers instruction in English as a Second Lan- tutoring in selected subjects. Students at the Troy Campus may guage (ESL) to ensure that all international students studying at also participate in the First-Year Studies Program geared to the Troy University have the necessary English language skills to be needs of students making the transition to college from high successful in their chosen academic programs. school or post-high school experiences. Confucius Institute Students should contact the registrar or an academic adviser at their campus locations for more information about available The Confucius Institute at Troy University is a non-profit institute aiming at sharing Chinese language and culture through resources. affiliated Confucius Institutes worldwide. Its headquarters is in Beijing, under the Office of the Chinese Learning Council Interna- Alumni Association tional (Hanban). The CIT provides non-academic university credit in conversational language instruction to the community in addi- The Troy University Alumni Association’s sole purpose is to tion to serving as an informational resource. For more information establish mutually beneficial relations between Troy University about the CIT, please visit troy.edu. and its alumni. Alumni Affairs coordinates the activities of this association, promotes alumni services, and establishes scholar- Institute for Leadership Development ships. In addition, Alumni Affairs broadens communication be- The Institute facilitates development of ethical, responsible tween alumni and the university. Through these activities and leaders who want to use their leadership abilities at school, on the services, the university is able to respond to the needs of its con- job and in various sectors of society. The Institute promotes stituents thus enabling alumni to respond to the needs of the uni- servant-leadership; that is, leading to serve others and the versity. Additional information regarding these activities and ser- organization. Servant Leaders must demonstrate character (who vices can be obtained by calling Alumni Affairs at (334) 670-3318 they are), competence (what they can do), and confidence (belief or 1-877-487-6978. in themselves and their ability to lead). The Institute facilitate leadership development by: Centers and Institutes 1. Administering and teaching courses that are open to all students. These courses develop knowledge and Center for Design, Technology and Innovation leadership skills. Furthermore, the Institute offers the Better known as <<dti>>, the Center for Design, Technology Minor in Leadership Development. and Innovation is a design think tank housed within the Depart- 2. Instituting, attracting, administering, and coordinating ment of Art and Design at Troy. Synthesizing an aggressive, multi leadership conferences, including the Alabama HOBY -disciplinary design education with the varied visual communica- (Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar), Alabama tion demands of the global marketplace, <<dti>> is responsible for Lions High School Leadership Forum, and the African developing design strategies for qualifying businesses, industries American Leadership Conference. These conferences and not-for-profit organizations. each attract hundreds to the TROY campus. The Institute also hosts County-wide Youth Leadership Center for International Business and Economic Development Programs where high school students spend a day on the The Center for International Business and Economic Devel- TROY campus. opment (CIBED) is an administrative unit of the Sorrell College of 3. Cooperating with various academic deparments and Business. The CIBED coordinates the outreach and research activ- student programs to enhance LATC— Leadership ities of the college and directs the economic development under- Across The Curriculum. A study of LATC was the graduate and graduate programs. CIBED offices are located at all project of the 2018 Chancellors Fellows. Troy University campuses in Alabama to enable personnel to be 4. Directing the Chancellor’s Fellowship program which involved in the economic and community development of the enables full-time faculty and staff to develop increased region and to extend assistance to existing small businesses, indus- knowledge and understanding of the programs and tries and governmental agencies. operations of Troy University. Furthermore, fellows are The Center for Business and Economic Services (CBES) mentored by the Senior Vice Chancellors, and receive within the CIBED was established in 1974. CBES activities in- executive leadership, management, and communication clude applied research, educational activities and management skills training and they complete a project beneficial to consulting. The CIBED also publishes the “Troy University Busi- the university. Participants are selected by the ness and Economic Review” and co-edits the national “Journal of Chancellor based on their leadership potential and Applied Research in Economic Development.” service to the University. Previous Fellows have risen to CIBED supports the economic development of small busi- positions of Vice Chancellor, Academic Dean, Graduate nesses through its Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Dean, Dean of Library Services, as well as Directors and The SBDC offers one-to-one consulting, training, information and Chairs of many academic and support programs. government bidding opportunities to small businesses in a ten- Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness (IRPE) county area of southeast Alabama. Office Center for International Programs The IRPE office provides required services for institutional The Center for International Programs at Troy University research, planning, and effectiveness. In the area of research, the promotes international education for all students. It works to help IRPE office prepares analyses, surveys, and reports regarding prepare students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and atti- numerous University areas for federal agencies, state agencies, tudes to be responsible and concerned citizens in the 21st century. non-governmental external agencies, and the University. In the It actively supports international students attending Troy by areas of institutional planning and effectiveness, the IRPE office providing counseling, orientation programs, travel opportunities, coordinates activities which include providing information to the assistance with visas and other governmental requirements. In various divisions and units of the University; maintaining the 6 · GENERAL INFORMATION HOMER system, which documents program-level institutional Dothan. The network broadcasts diverse international, national effectiveness activities; surveying students, alumni, and employ- and local news and cultural and entertainment programs. The net- ers; and reviewing the effectiveness and planning documentation work is affiliated with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, for existing, new and revised programs. The IRPE office publish- National Public Radio (NPR) and American Public Media. TROY es the results of online surveys and provides the TROY Fact Site Public Radio operates the Radio Reading Service for the sight- of demographic information online. In addition, the IRPE office impaired and handicapped. assists the University liaison with the Alabama Commission on The Broadcast and Digital Network also gives “hands on Higher Education (ACHE) and the Southern Association of Col- experience” to broadcast majors of the Hall School of Journalism leges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). and for other qualified students in studios in Troy and Montgom- International Center for Collaboration and Creativity (iC3) ery. TROY TrojanVision is an educational access cable station The International Center for Collaboration and Creativity received by viewers in central and south Alabama and Columbus, (iC3) fosters and facilitates intercultural, international and interdis- Ga. Students and staff produce regular news programs and a varie- ciplinary ventures. The central catalyst for and the expected results ty of musical programs, lectures, sports and community/university from this center will intrinsically be collaboration and creativity. events for delayed airing Cultures and disciplines are converging. As a result of this conver- Information about Troy University Public Radio and TROY gence, there is a new emergence of discoveries and hybrid disci- TrojanVision is available at their website on https://www.troy.edu/ plines. The creation of the iC3 not only develops hybrid academic student-life-resources/campus-media/troy-trojanvision/index.html ventures but provides impetus for attracting new interdisciplinary and at
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