Site 1071 Hole A Core 1H Cored 0.0-5.1 mbsf 1071A-1H cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION METERS SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION SILTY SAND DCP Olive gray to dark olive gray (5Y 4/2 to 5Y 3/2), medium to fine 1 SILTY SAND containing abundant silt to sand-sized quartz and DCP mica and sand to granule-sized shell and lithic fragments; large SILTY CLAY clast lies between 58 and 65 cm in Section 2. Shell hash with very coarse fragments occurs in Section 1 between 24 and 29 cm. 2 2 1 3 4 4 HS CC PAL SITE 1071 195 SITE 1071 196 Site 1071 Hole A Core 2H Cored 5.1-7.9 mbsf 1071A-2H 1071A-3H cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS CLAYEY SILT and SANDY CLAY Very dark gray to dark gray (10YR 4/1 to 5YR 4/1) CLAYEY SILT 1 composed of quartz, mica, and lithic fragments, and SANDY SILT in Section 1 between 0 and 62 cm. SANDY SILT and CLAYEY SILT 2 IW Medium to thickly interbeded very fine-grained SANDY SILT and HS dark brown (10YR 3/3) CLAYEY SILT between 62 cm in Section 1 2 2 and 127 cm in Section 2; localized hydrotroilite staining. DCP CC PAL Site 1071 Hole A Core 3H Cored 7.9-12.0 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT Dark gray (5YR 4/1) SILTY CLAY, interbedded with dark gray 1 (10YR 4/1) very thinly bedded CLAYEY SILT. CLAYEY SILTS are DCP common from 63 cm to 150 cm in Section 1, less common from 18 to 95 cm in Section 2. SILTY CLAY is composed of quartz mica and lithic fragments. 2 3 2 DCP IW HS 3 4 CC PAL Site 1071 Hole A Core 4H Cored 12.0-16.2 mbsf 1071A-4H cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS SILTY CLAY, SILT, and SAND Dark gray (5YR 4/1) SILTY CLAY thinly to medium interbedded 1 and laminated with SILT and fine SAND. SILTY CLAY contains rare sand-filled burrows; SILT and fine SAND beds have irregular bottoms and tops and locally exhibit grading and/or disruption by bioturbation. 2 4 2 DCP IW 3 HS 4 CC PAL SITE 1071 197 SITE 1071 198 Site 1071 Hole A Core 5H Cored 16.2-25.7 mbsf 1071A-5H cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS CLAY and SAND Dark gray (10YR 4/1) CLAY thinly to medium interbedded with 1 dark gray (5Y 3/1) fine SAND between 0 and 113 cm in Section 1. DCP Most sand beds have sharp/erosional basal contacts and normal grading. Sand beds contain quartz and micas. SAND and CLAY Dark gray (5Y 3/1) fine SAND medium to thickly interbedded with dark gray (5Y 3/1) CLAY between 113 cm in Section 1 and 119 2 cm in Section 2. 2 SAND Dark gray (5Y 3/1) very fine quartz SAND from 119 cm in Section 2 to the bottom of the core with abundant mud clasts in Sections 4 to 7, possibly flow-in. SANDS are very well sorted, angular to subrounded, and contain some glauconite and muscovite. 3 4 Minor disturbed (?) clay bed at ~75 cm in Section 4. 5 4 6 5 8 6 7 CC PAL Site 1071 Hole A Core 6H Cored 25.7-26.8 mbsf 1071A-6H 1071A-7H 1071A-8X cobble pebble granule sand silt clay v f mcv STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS SAND 1 Olive gray (5Y 3/2), fine-grained SAND occurs in Section 1 (0 to 6 29 cm). Sand is most likely disturbed. HS CLAY and SAND CC IW Dark brownish gray (10YR 3/1) CLAY, in Section 1 (29 to 74 cm), PAL is interbedded with thin bedded (0.5 to 4 cm thick), normally graded, fine grained SANDS. Sands have sharp bases and gradational tops. SAND, SILTY CLAY Dark brownish gray (10YR 3/1), fine- to coarse-grained SAND occurs in Section CC. At Interval 0 to 10 cm sand is fine- to medium-grained; at Intervals 10 to 17 cm and 20 to 22 cm sand is medium- to coarse-grained. Sand contains granule-sized lithic clasts. Mica is scattered through Section CC. An interval of SILTY CLAY occurs at 17 to 20 cm. Site 1071 Hole A Core 7H Cored 26.8-36.3 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE SAMPLE CORE AND SECTION ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS CLAY 7 1 Olive gray (5Y 2.5/1) CLAY in Section 1 contains shell fragments PAL up to 2 cm long. Clay is very disturbed due to extrusion. Site 1071 Hole A Core 8X Cored 36.3-39.9 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mcv clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE SAMPLE CORE AND SECTION ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS 8 CC PAL SAND Medium grayish brown (10YR 4/1) to olive greenish gray (5Y 3/1), very disturbed, fine-grained SAND with shell fragments and lithic granules. SITE 1071 199 SITE 1071 200 1071A-9X NO RECOVERY 1071A-10X 1071B-2X 1071B-3X Site 1071 Hole A Core 10X Cored 49.3-51.9 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mcv clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION METERS SS SILTY CLAY 1 SS 10 Dark gray (7.5YR 4/1) SILTY CLAY with scattered quartzose HS pebbles and granules and shells fragments (bivalves); very rare CC IW mica-rich (muscovite), fine sand- and silt-filled burrows (1.5 cm in IW diameter) at 24 cm in Section 1. PAL 1071B-1W WASH CORE; undescribed Site 1071 Hole B Core 2X Cored 39.8-49.2 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mcv clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION METERS SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION DCP CLAY and SAND Dark gray (10YR 4/1) homogeneous CLAY (0-11 cm, Section 1) DCP 1 and fine SAND (9-11 cm, Section 1). SAND contains well-rounded DCP quartz pebbles (up to 2 cm in diameter) and shell fragments; 2 discrete burrows are filled with very fine quartz SAND. These DCP sediments may have been washed in from above. IW Dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) CLAY (11-47 cm, Section 1), containing discrete burrows filled with fine mica-bearing quartz 2 HS DCP SAND, shell hash, and pebbles. Gradational lower contact with 2 PAL dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) fine angular quartz SAND (47-72 CC cm, Section 1) with minor glauconite, pyrite, and sharp-based thin interbeds of CLAY. Reddish gray (10R 5/1) CLAY (72-140 cm, Section 1) with minor glauconite and pyrite (at 72-84 cm and107-113 cm, Section 1) and medium dark gray (N4/4) CLAY and fine SAND (83-84 cm, Section 1); contains discrete burrows filled with fine quartz SAND. All sharp contacts are burrowed. Site 1071 Hole B Core 3X Cored 49.2-52.9 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt v f mc v clay DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE CORE AND SECTION METERS SAMPLE ACCESSORIES DISTURBANCE ICHNOFOSSILS BIOTURBATION 1 HS CLAY and SILT 3 CC IW Brownish gray (5YR 4/1) CLAY (0-24 cm, Section 1); contains rare PAL burrows filled with quartz SILT; lower contact is sharp and pinched, suggesting possible biscuiting. Alternating laminae of brownish gray (5YR 4/1) and weak red (10R 5/2) fissile CLAY (24-38 cm, Section 1) contains a few quartz SILT laminae and rare burrows filled with SILT. Gas void occurs between 38 and 44 cm (Section 1). Site 1071 Hole B Core 4X Cored 52.9-58.4 mbsf 1071B-4X 1071B-5X cobble pebble granule sand silt clay v f mcv ACCESSORIES ICHNOFOSSILS DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE BIOTURBATION CORE AND SECTION METERS SAMPLE DISTURBANCE HS SILTY CLAY and CLAY 1 4 SS Very dark gray (5YR 3/1) fissile SILTY CLAY (0-47 cm, Section 1) CC DCP PAL contains scattered muscovite; very dark gray (5YR 3/1) homogenous CLAY (47-52.5 cm, Section 1) with bioturbated lower contact; and weak red (10R 4/2) homogeneous CLAY (52.5-56 cm, Section 1). Site 1071 Hole B Core 5X Cored 58.4-67.8 mbsf cobble pebble granule sand silt clay v f mcv CORE AND SECTION SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ACCESSORIES ICHNOFOSSILS STRUCTURE BIOTURBATION METERS DISTURBANCE SILTY CLAY Dark gray (5YR 4/1) micaceous SILTY CLAY (Section 1 and 0-17 1 cm, Section 2); contains rare burrows filled with fine SAND. SILTY CLAY and SAND DCP 2 Brownish gray (5YR 4/1) medium bedded SILTY CLAY 2 interbedded with brownish gray (5YR 5/1) fine to medium SAND with glauconite and mica (17-140 cm, Section 2). IW SILTY CLAY and SAND SS Medium gray (10YR 5/1) SAND (0-2 cm, Section 3) with 5 glauconite and biotite; sharp lower contact. Dusky yellow green 3 (5GY 5/2) homogeneous SILTY CLAY (from 2 cm, Section 3 4 through 62 cm, Section 5) with scattered small lithic pebbles and granules; granule-sized bone fragment (50 cm, Section 5).
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