1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 13923 - The following-named lieutenants (junior grade) to be lieu­ The following-named lieutenants (junior grade) to be lieu­ tenants in the Navy to rank from the date stated opposite tenants in the Navy, to rank from the date stated opposite their names: their names: Salem A. Van Every, Jr., December 8, 1939. Richard Lane, July 1, 1940. Reynolds C. Smith, February -1, 1940. Murray Hanson, December 1, 1940. Dennis S. Crowley, May 1, 1940. Passed Assistant Paymaster Bion B. Bierer, Jr., t~be a pay­ Oilbert H. Richards, Jr., July 1, 1940. master in the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant commander, Willard R. Laughon, July 1, 1940. to rank from the 1st day of July 1940. Kenneth Loveland, July 1, 1940. Lester C. Conwell, November 23, 1940. Boatswain Charles A. Parsons to be a chief boatswain in Joseph W. Williams, Jr., November 23, 1940. the Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the 1st day of Frederick L. Ashworth, November 23, 1940. November 1940. Antone R. Gallaher, November 23, 1940. Paul W. Burton, November 23, 1940. CONFIRMATIONS Harry C. Maynard, December 1, 1940. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate December 16 Warren B. Christie, December 1, 1940. (legislative day of November 19), 1940 Joseph F. Enright, December 1, 1940. The following-named ensigns to be lieutenants (junior APPOINTMENT IN THE NAVY grade) in the Navy to rank from the 3d day of June 1940: MARINE CORPS Edward G. De Long. Maj. Gen. 'Thomas Holcomb to be the ~!ajor General Com­ William R. Crenshaw. mandant of the Marine Corps. The following-named passed assistant surgeons to be sur­ geons in the Navy with the rank of lieutenant commander, POSTMASTERS to rank fro in the 26th day of June 1940: FLORIDA Emory E. Walter. William T. Gary, Ocala. Fred Harbert. Bishop L. Malpass. _ ILLINOIS Assistant Paymaster James S. Dietz to be a passed assistant William Harry Bruns, Camp Point. paymaster in the Navy with the rank of lieutenant, to rank John A. Miller; Nameoki. from the 1st day of July 1940. Lawrence P. Luby, Rockford. The following-named boatswains ·to be chief boa'tswain.s in the Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the date stated WISCONSIN opposite their names: Adolph H. Meinert, Albany. Frank H. Watts, June 15, 1939. Lawrence C. Porter, Cambridge. Carter Garthright, October 20, 1940. Mae I. Swann, Cascade. Machinist Otis c. Oliver to be a chief machinist in the Mary E. Meade, Montreal. Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the 20th day of Jessie I. Sweney, Endeavor. October 1940. Edward E. Bengs, Greendale. The following-named lieutenant commanders to be lieu­ Harris Gilbert Hanson, lola. tenant commanders in the Navy, to rank from the date stated Clarence L. Peck, Kennan. opposite their names, to correct the date of rank as pre­ Rudolph H. Wirth, Lake Tomahawk. viously nominated and confirmed: Margaret F. McGonigle, Sun Prairie. William Miller, Jr., July 1, 1940. Richard M. Grimsrud, Westby. William R. Smedberg 3d, July 13, 1940. H. Shirley Smith, Holmen. The following-named lieutenants to be lieutenants in the Navy, to rank from the date stated opposite their names, to correct the date of rank as previously nominated and con­ firmed: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John P. Lunger, February 1, 1940. MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1940 Brooks J. Harral, February 1, 1940. Robert E. Coombs, Jr., February 12, 1940. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to order by John W. Ramey, February 20, 1940. the Speaker pro tempore, Mr. McCoRMACK. Albert E. Gates, Jr., February 20, 1940. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered George L. Bellinger, April!, 1940. the following prayer: Edmond G. Konrad, April!, 1940. Our blessed Father in Heaven, infinite in wisdom, power, George L. Hutchinson, May 1, 1940. and goodness; we pause at the altar of prayer. We thank Ennis W. Taylor, May 1, 1940. Thee for the Christ, who is the divine heartthrob from the Clare B. Smiley, June 1, 1940. dawn of time. We pray Thee to bring all men into the king­ Frank R. Arnold, July 1, 1940. dom of love, which forever flames beyond the bounds of sense. John A. Tyree, Jr., August 1, 1940. From the simplest to the wisest, draw us nearer that epoch Carter L. Bennett, August 1, 1940. and epic when we shall behold the glorified cross and under­ Albert L. Shepherd, September 1, 1940. stand that the enchanted pursuit of life is brotherly love, deep Paymaster Reed T. Roberts to be a paymaster in the Navy, and strong, and which is the measure of man's greatness. with the rank of lieutenant commander, to rank from the 0 God, humanity, grown so very weary by its long, long 23d day of June 1938, to correct the date of rank as previously tramp down through the ages, bewildered and indicted because nominated and confirmed. of its unbrotherly hatreds and unfilial relations, we humbly The following-named lieutenants to be lieutenant com­ beseech Thee to let its darkness be dissolved in the foreglow manders in the NavY, to rank from the date stated opposite of Mary!s holy child. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. their names: Francis L. Busey, August 1, 1940. The Journal_of the proceedings of Thursday, December 1~ Claude W. Haman, September 1, 1940. 1940, was read and approved. LXXXVI--876 13924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 16 RESIGNATION Mr. COOPER. I am not aware of the gentleman's under­ The Speaker pro tempore laid before too House the follow­ standing. ing communication, which was read: Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Of course, the House may NEW ORLEANS, LA., December 12, 1940. consider it any time after that if it wishes, but that is the last Han. SAM RAYBURN, day the President can veto it. However, it is not the last time Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. the House can consider it. Sm: Ill reby resign my office as Representative in the Congress of Mr. REES of Kansas. The President is withholding his the United States from the Second Dlstrlct of Louisiana, effective a_t the close of the day December 15, 1940. action until Wednesday, which is the last day. It left 'the With great respect, your obedient servant, House on December 2, as I remember it. PAUL H. MALoNEY, Mr. COOPER. Of course, the President has been away on PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY official business. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. Mr. REES of Kansas. On official business? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman will state it. Mr. COOPER. Yes; on official business. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, how much time has been re- Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I want to propound a parlia­ quested after disposition of matters on the Speaker's table mentary inquiry to the Speaker in connection with this matter. today? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. In answer to the gentleman's Tennessee [Mr. CooPER] yield for that purpose? inquiry, 40 minutes. Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I yield. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE • Mr. RANKIN. It is my understanding that this so-called Walter-Logan bill will come back here day after tomorrow Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimou; consent that with the President's veto, and that we will be called upon to at the conclusion of that time I may address the House for vote at that time on that veto. Of course, I am for sustaining 20 minutes on the subject of the St. Lawrence Inland Water- way, - the veto. But if there are not enough Members here to form a quorum, we who are in favor of sustaining the veto win, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the re­ regardless of how the vote stands, do we not? quest of the gentleman from Mississippi [Mr. RANKIN]? There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair may say, of course, that a quorum is necessary to be present to determine finally EXTENSION OF REMARKS any question that may come before the House. Mr. GOSSETT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Mr. RANKIN. If there is not a quorum present, the veto that the gentleman from Texas [Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON] could not be overridden if every Member present voted to may have permission to extend his own remarks in the override it? RECORD, and to include a speech of introduction of Speaker Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. And neither could it be RAYBURN at a banquet in Dallas last week. sustained. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the Mr. RANKIN. Yes; it would be sustained-if there were not request of the gentleman from Texas [Mr. GossETT]? a quorum present. The veto stands until it is overridden. There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair is unable to ADJOURNMENT OVER answer the inquiry, because that is a matter that rests with Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the House. when the House adjourns today it adjourn to meet on Mr. COX. I suppose the gentleman's hope is that the Wednesday next. President's veto Will not be overridden because a quorum is The SPEAKER pro tempore, Is there objection to the not present, request of the gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. CooPER]? Mr. RANKIN. I am suggesting they better be here if they Mr. REES of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to want to vote on it. object, we have been going along here recessing 3 days at a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the time.
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