ELL, Doctor, I guess your is no sanction in the Scriptures for motion with which they were favor- practice of medicine will have carrying on routine work on Sabbath. ing him. Conscience reminded him Wto stop for a while." These The voice of conscience whispered that "we ought to obey God rather than were the words of a major a few that in order to keep the Sabbath holy men," but human reasoning told him weeks ago as he unexpectedly came he must refuse the new assignment. that in the Army insubordination is into the ward of a large Army hos- But human reasoning suggested that punishable. So while the colonel was pital in which a Seventh-day Advent- he was now in the Army and would still talking he prayed silently for ist physician was on duty. The young lose the respect of his superior officers wisdom to make a right decision and doctor wondered if he had done some- if he did not gratefully accept the pro- courage to carry it through. And the thing wrong, and, realizing same heavenly influ- that things happen suddenly ence which prompted in the Army, he braced him- Joseph to say, "How self for whatever might fol- can I do this great low. Then the major smiled wickedness, and sin and explained that the colo- against God ?" gave nel in charge of the hos- Have You him the courage to ask pital had just appointed the the colonel for an extra young doctor his new adju- minute of his time, so tant. He was at once ush- that he might mention ered into the colonel's office, REFUSED? a problem which made where his duties and re- it difficult for him to sponsibilities were briefly accept the new assign- explained to him. ment. As he listened to the out- 14zoldi __C2Aryod, AO He explained that line of his new work, his he was a Seventh-day mind was in a state of pro- Adventist and would found conflict. He realized therefore be unable on that it was no small thing Saturdays to carry out for him to be suddenly pro- rou- (Turn to page 13) moted to such an important position as that of the colonel's adju- tant. He knew that this promotion implied that his superior officers had been favorably impressed by his past record. He knew that the only reply he was expected to make to the colo- nel's remarks was, "Yes, sir; thank you, sir," and that any objection which he might make would logically be in- terpreted to mean that he was unap- preciative of the honor that had been extended to him. Yet he knew that the duties of an adjutant were such as to require a great deal of routine executive work on the Sabbath as well eft as on other days of the week. The new work would be quite different from his previous work of caring for the sick. The needs of the sick must be supplied on all days of the week, and Jesus Himself, on the occasion of healing the man with a withered hand, expressed the truth that "it is lawful to do well on the Sab- bath days." But there •-irussilar/o/z__ As He Listened to the Out. line of His New Work, His Mind Was in a State of Conflict VOL. 90, NO. 9 MARCH 3, 1942 LET'S TALK IT OVER FOUR-corners highwd cross- three orphan lads were buried beneath meeting continued until late in the A ing—a top-blacked-out street the bricks and mortar. afternoon. light—four bicycles—four boys with The raiders passed. As quickly as At sunset the congregation visited eyes fixed on the star-studded heavens help could be summoned, missionaries their fields and gardens. As they —an airplane roaring overhead— and workmen hurried to the spot and looked, the locusts arose in a cloud and lights streaking across the skyscape. worked with desperate haste to re- disappeared ! Behold ! what a won- The conversation was of bombers, move the mass of debris, hoping der God had wrought. Not a green bombs, air raids, shelters, blackouts, against almost vain hope to reach the leaf had been eaten, not a stem de- guns, ships, submarines, and whether boys before life should become extinct. stroyed ! the Air, the Army, the Navy, or the At last the bodies were discovered, The heathen neighbors crowded Marine branch of Uncle Sam's armed gradually uncovered, and lifted out— around in open-eyed astonishment. services offers the most desirable con- alive ! They were hurried to the mis- Eagerly they asked the reason for this nection when these "younger fry" sion hospital for examination and miracle. The promise was repeated shall have grown up. medical care. Then the fact was re- to them, and the message of a prayer- Finally one lad finished his ice- vealed that the children not only were hearing, prayer-answering God was cream cone, drew his "bike" out of the unharmed, but were unscratched. repeated. An old pagan, wrinkled huddle, and prepared to mount it for When questioned separately about with age, stepped forward. "If this his homeward ride, with the assuring what had happened, each lad told the is the way your God helps you," he promise : same story. When the bomb struck said "we want to know Him. Our "Well, fellows, no old enemy planes and the building was falling, they saw hearts are ready to hear His words." are going to bomb us tonight, 'cause standing beside them a beautiful per- my father's watching, he is ! So long !" son clothed in white, who said : "Lie "Watching?" It set me to wonder- down quickly. on your faces, and ing. Upon inquiry I learned that de- will cover you." They did as they HE evangelist in the Philippines spite the confusion-upon-confusion in were told. Thad baptized a woman whose hus- national Civilian Defense direction, That was all ! But how verily was band was very angry because his wife calm, far-sighted men and women in fulfilled to them the promise of the had become a Christian, and swore local communities along this section Inspired Word : "He shall cover thee that he would kill the evangelist, come of the Eastern seaboard have set up a with His feathers, and under His next prayer meeting. For he knew twenty-four-hour day-and-night watch wings shalt thou trust." the custom—how after the singing all system which is maintained by patri- knelt with bowed heads and closed otic volunteers who stand guard two eyes to pray. The preacher would be by two at established stations. And I TT was Sabbath morning. The sun in front, near the door. It would be am assured that "tests have proved shone down upon a clean, orderly easy to slip in and take off his head. that not a plane of any kind can fly African Christian village. The wav- And so on prayer meeting night this over the city of Washington or its ing grain in the fields that surrounded man stood outside the hall in which environs without being spotted and in- it gave promise of a bountiful har- the service was being held. His bolo stantly reported to headquarters in vest. The bell atop the mud-brick was in his hand, and it was sharp ! Baltimore." church was sending out its call to As the people knelt in prayer, he "No bombs tonight ! My father's Sabbath school. stepped in silently. All heads were watching! An enemy plane can't get Suddenly the sun was darkened. bowed. Not an eye saw him. Then through his guard !" A strange sound filled the air. suddenly he dropped his bolo and What a lesson in quiet trustfulness Anxious eyes scanned the heavens. turned and fled as for his life. Later this lad left on record for you, for Locusts! The air was soon alive with he told why. me! flying insect forms, and the ground As he approached the kneeling For our Father is on guard, too. was covered with creeping things! leader an angel with wings outspread, He is Ruler of the universe, the King Their growing crops ! What would stood facing him, piercing eyes fixed of earth and sea and sky ; He is all- become of them? The specter of upon him ! He could not lift his wise, all-merciful, all-powerful; fur- famine suddenly stared the villagers knife, and, terrified, he ran away. thermore, He loves us with an ever- in the face. "Let us shout and beat Oh, yes, today even as in the olden lasting love, and His concern about empty tins to drive off the locusts," time, the angel of the Lord encamps the smallest details of our lives is sym- cried some. But above the noise and round about those who fear and bolically expressed in His assurance confusion could be heard the steady honor Him, and delivers them. that the very hairs of our head are tones of the bell, bidding them to come numbered and are precious in His to worship, reminding them to "re- sight. member the Sabbath day, to keep it O, friend o'mine, "be not dismayed You ask for proof? It is at hand on holy." C what'er betide, God will take care every side ! And they remembered ! The church of you ; beneath His wings of love was filled. Following the Sabbath abide, God will take care of you"— school the minister led a study of the yes, "through ev'ry day, o'er all the HERE had been an air raid on third chapter of Malachi.
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