OPTICAL INSIGHTS/CHROMA STANDARD FILTER PRICE LIST (US Dollars) [Updated March 15, 2004, Prices Effective Since January 1, 2004]

OPTICAL INSIGHTS/CHROMA STANDARD FILTER PRICE LIST (US Dollars) [Updated March 15, 2004, Prices Effective Since January 1, 2004]

OPTICAL INSIGHTS/CHROMA STANDARD FILTER PRICE LIST (US dollars) [Updated March 15, 2004, prices effective since January 1, 2004] Customer EXCITATION FILTER SETS (for MICROSCOPE) Application Master Set* LIST Dichroic Filter Part # LIST Excitation Filter Part # LIST Chroma/OI Part # PRICE O.I. Chroma PRICE O.I. Chroma PRICE Coumarin/Oxynol FRET OI-01-EX $275 MS-430LD 430dclp $125 MS-405/20X D405/20x $150 BFP/GFP Dual EX/EM OI-02-EX $550 MS-51014BS 51014bs $275 MS-51014X 51014x $275 BFP/GFP FRET OI-03-EX $275 MS-420LD 420dclp $125 MS-380/30X D380/30x $150 CFP/YFP Dual EX/EM (or FRET w/ monochromator EX) OI-04-EX $550 MS-51017BS 51017bs $275 MS-51017X 51017x $275 CFP/YFP Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ EX filter wheel) - JP4v2 (2 exciters) OI-04-SEX $625 MS-86002v2BS 86002v2bs $275 MS-430s/25X S430/25x $175 MS-500S/20X S500/20x $175 CFP/YFP Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ 2 EX cubes) (2 BS and 2 exciters) OI-04-SEX2 $625 MS-455LD 455dclp $125 MS-430S/25X S430/25x $175 MS-515QLP Q515lp $150 MS-500S/20X S500/20x $175 CFP/YFP Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ laser EX @442/514) (2 exciters) OI-04-SEXL1 $650 MS-442/514ZRPC z442/514rpc $300 MS-442Z/10X z442/10x $175 MS-514Z/10X z514/10x $175 CFP/YFP Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ laser EX @457/514) (2 exciters) OI-04-SEXL2 $650 MS-457/514ZRPC z457/514rpc $300 MS-457Z/10X z457/10x $175 MS-514Z/10X z514/10x $175 CFP/YFP or Chameleon 2 FRET OI-05-EX $275 MS-455LD 455dclp $125 MS-436/20X D436/20x $150 Cy3/Cy5 Dual EX/EM OI-06-EX $550 MS-51007BS 51007bs $275 MS-51007X 51007x $275 Cy3/Cy5 Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ laser EX @568/647) (2 exciters) OI-06-SEXL1 $650 MS-568/647ZRPC z568/647rpc $300 MS-568Z/10X z568/10x $175 MS-647Z/10X z647/10x $175 FITC/Cy3 Dual EX/EM OI-07-EX $550 MS-51009BS 51009bs $275 MS-51009X 51009x $275 FITC/Cy5 Dual EX/EM OI-08-EX $550 MS-51008BS 51008bs $275 MS-51008X 51008x $275 FITC/Texas Red Dual EX/EM OI-09-EX $550 MS-51006BS 51006bs $275 MS-51006X 51006x $275 FITC/Texas Red Dual EX/EM (w/ EX filter wheel) (2 exciters) OI-09-SEX $625 MS-51006BS 51006bs $275 MS-492S/18X S492/18x $175 MS-572S/23X S572/23x $175 Fluo3 or Calcium Green-1/Fura Red OI-10-EX $275 MS-510LD 510dclp $125 MS-480/40X D480/40x $150 GFP/DsRed or TRITC-Rhodamine or Cy3 Dual EX/EM OI-11-EX $550 MS-51019BS 51019bs $275 MS-51019X 51019x $275 GFP/DsRed or TRITC-Rhodamine or Cy3 Dual EX/EM (w/ EX filter wheel) (2 exciters) OI-11-SEX $625 MS-51019BS 51019bs $275 MS-480S/20X S480/20x $175 MS-565S/25X S565/25x $175 Indo-1 OI-12-EX $275 MS-380LD 380dclp $125 MS-365/10X D365/10x $150 SNARF-1 (@488 nm) OI-13-EX $275 MS-505LD 505dclp $125 MS-485/25X D485/25x $150 SNARF-1 (@515 nm) OI-14-EX $275 MS-535LD 535dclp $125 MS-515/30X D515/30x $150 SNARF-1 (@534 nm) OI-15-EX $275 MS-565LD 565dclp $125 MS-535/25X D535/25x $150 SNARF-1 (@546 nm) OI-16-EX $275 MS-565LD 565dclp $125 MS-540/25X D540/25x $150 FITC/TRITC-Rhodamine Dual EX/EM OI-17-EX $550 MS-51004V2BS 51004v2bs $275 MS-51004V2X 51004v2x $275 FITC/TRITC or GFP/Alexa546 FRET (w/ EX filter wheel) (2 exciters) OI-17-SEX $625 MS-51004V2BS 51004v2bs $275 MS-484S/15X S484/15x $175 MS-555S/25X S555/25x $175 FITC/TRITC or GFP/Alexa546 FRET (w/ 2 EX cubes) (2 BS and 2 exciters) OI-17-SEX2 $600 MS-505LD 505dclp $125 MS-484S/15X S484/15x $175 MS-575LD 575dclp $125 MS-555S/25X S555/25x $175 GFP/Cy5 Dual EX/EM OI-18-EX $550 MS-51008BS 51008bs $275 MS-51008X 51008x $275 GFP/Cy5 (w/ laser EX @473/633) OI-18-EXL1 $600 MS-473/633ZRPC z473/633rpc $300 MS-473/633ZX z473/633x $300 Green Fluorescence/VIS DIC** OI-19-EX $275 MS-510LD 510dclp $125 MS-480/40X D480/40x $150 Green Fluorescence/NIR DIC** OI-20-EX $275 MS-510LD 510dclp $125 MS-480/40X D480/40x $150 Red Fluorescence/NIR DIC** OI-21-EX $275 MS-565LD 565dclp $125 MS-540/25X D540/25x $150 FITC/TRITC-Yokogawa confocal (w/ laser EX @488/568) OI-22-EXL1 $475 TBD TBD $300 TBD TBD $175 GFP/Cy3 or Alexa546 FRET OI-23-EX $275 MS-510LD 510dclp $125 MS-470/40X D470/40x $150 GFP/DsRed Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ laser EX @488) OI-24-EXL1 $325 MS-488ZRDC z488rdc $150 MS-488Z/10X z488/10x $175 GFP/DsRed Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ laser EX @488/568) (2 exciters) OI-24-SEXL1 $650 MS-488/568ZRPC z488/568rpc $300 MS-488Z/10X z488/10x $175 MS-568Z/10X z568/10x $175 DAPI/FITC Dual EX/EM OI-25-EX $550 MS-51000BS 51000bs $275 MS-51000X 51000x $275 DAPI/TRITC-Rhodamine Dual EX/EM OI-26-EX $550 MS-51001BS 51001bs $275 MS-51001X 51001x $275 CFP/TRITC-Rhodamine or DsRed Dual EX/EM OI-27-EX $550 MS-51018BS 51018bs $275 MS-51018X 51018x $275 CFP/TRITC-Rhodamine or DsRed FRET (w/ 2 EX cubes) (2 BS and 2 exciters) OI-27-SEX2 $600 MS-455LD 455dclp $125 MS-430S/25X S430/25x $175 MS-575LD 575dclp $125 MS-555S/25X S555/25x $175 JC1 OI-28-EX $275 MS-505LD 505dclp $125 MS-480/30X D480/30x $150 Endow GFP/Visible DIC** OI-29-EX $400 MS-495QLP Q495lp $150 MS-470Q/40X HQ470/40x $250 GFP/mRRP1 Dual EX/EM OI-30-EX $550 MS-51022BS 51022bs $275 MS-51022X 51022x $275 GFP/mRRP1 Dual EX/EM or FRET (2 exciters) OI-30-SEX $775 MS-51022BS 51022bs $275 MS-470Q/30X HQ470/30x $250 MS-565Q/55X HQ565/55x $250 GFP/mRFP1 FRET (w/ laser EX @488) OI-30-EXL1 $325 MS-488ZRDC z488rdc $150 MS-488Z/10X z488/10x $175 GFP/mRFP1 Dual EX/EM or FRET (w/ laser EX @488/568) (2 exciters) OI-30-SEXL1 $650 MS-488/568ZRPC z488/568rpc $300 MS-488Z/10X z488/10x $175 MS-568Z/10X z568/10x $175 DI-4 ANNEPS or D-8 ANNEPS OI-31-EX $275 MS-505LD 505dclp $125 MS-480/30X D480/30x $150 Cy3/Cy5.5 Dual EX/EM OI-32-EX $325 TBD TBD $150 TBD TBD $175 Cy5/Cy7 Dual EX/EM OI-33-EX $550 MS-CY5/7PC Cy5-Cy7pc $275 MS-CY5/7X Cy5-Cy7x $275 Beta Lactamase emission ratio OI-34-EX $275 MS-430LD 430dclp $125 MS-405/20X D405/20x $150 Quantum Dots (single excitation… customer to specify which dots being used) OI-35-EX $450 MS-475LDXU 475dcxru $200 MS-460SU E460SPUV $250 *Master Sets include all Filters for the Corresponding Application NOTE: All DIC filter sets require one "Transmitted Light Filter" to function Example Microscope Cubes: Brightfield/Transmitted Light Filters (specify thickness when ordering ): LIST PRICE LIST PRICE NIKON CUBES OI Part # Chroma Part # Use with Green Fluorescence O.I. Part # Chroma Part # Diameter Nikon 18mm MS-MC-91000 91000 $150 25 mm VIS DIC MS-660/10x-25 D660/10x 25 mm $150.00 Nikon Eclipse MS-MC-91001 91001 $350 32 mm VIS DIC MS-660/10x-32 32 mm $225.00 Nikon TE2000 Eclipse MS-MC-91020 91020 $350 33 mm VIS DIC MS-660/10x-33 33 mm $300.00 OLYMPUS CUBES 45 mm VIS DIC MS-660/10x-45 45 mm $375.00 Olympus BH2 MS-MC-91002 91002 $275 Use with Green Fluorescence Olympus IMT2 MS-MC-91003 91003 $250 25 mm NIR DIC MS-700/10x-25 D700/10x 25 mm $150.00 Olympus BX2, IX and BX MS-MC-91018 91018 $385 32 mm NIR DIC MS-700/10x-32 32 mm $225.00 ZEISS CUBES 33 mm NIR DIC MS-700/10x-33 33 mm $300.00 Zeiss Axio "old" 25 or CARV confocal MS-MC-91015 91015 $231 45 mm NIR DIC MS-700/10x-45 45 mm $375.00 Zeiss Axio "new" MS-MC-91016 91016 $231 Use with Red Fluorescence LEICA CUBES 25 mm NIR DIC MS-750/10x-25 D750/10x 25 mm $150.00 Leica DM MS-MC-91007 91007 $350 32 mm NIR DIC MS-750/10x-32 32 mm $225.00 Leica DMIRB MS-MC-91009 91009 $350 33 mm NIR DIC MS-750/10x-33 33 mm $300.00 45 mm NIR DIC MS-750/10x-45 45 mm $375.00 OPTICAL INSIGHTS/CHROMA STANDARD FILTER PRICE LIST (US dollars) [Updated March 15, 2004, prices effective since January 1, 2004] NOTE: Any emission filter set can be used with laser excitation by replacing "D" filters with "HQ" filters NOTE: Each filter set must be installed in a Dual-View ™ or Dual-Cam ™ filter cube - Dual-View™ Filter Cube hardware (Chroma part #: 91021, OI part #: MS-DV-91021 -- $700 list price) is not included in filter prices. - Dual-Cam™ Filter Cube hardware (Chroma part #: 91025, OI part #: MS-DC-91025 -- $850 list price) is not included in filter prices. Customer EMISSION FILTER SETS for DUAL-VIEW™ or DUAL-CAM™) Application Master Set* LIST Dichroic Filter Part # LIST Emission Filter Part # LIST Emission Filter Part # LIST Chroma/OI Part# PRICE O.I.

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