![CI--! ?-/O ~-4~~ U..T //-I'/ ~4:J ~ /S-/L](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
-,=oB$ SECTION 11 - ASK EVERYONE 00/-:L I~Y() ~ 1. Now thinking about the newspaper you read most· on the whole. do you feel that it does a good job. or not a good job of presenting the news? GOOD JOB -........... 1 --, 31 S~ NOT A GOOD JOB······· 2 FAIR JOB············· 3 UNDECIDED············ X Nr-v 2. As you may know. Canadian troops are stationed in Europe IS plrt of NATO· the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Do you think they should continue there. or should the Canadian government bring them back? CONTINUE THERE········· 1 . 3g CALLED BACK············ 2 SA QUALIFIED (SPECIFY) Do NOT HIT. .3 DON'T KNOW············· X NJ-V CONTINUED ON BACK ••• ~:d ~ ~.;< ~# at ~-b ~# CI--! ?-/O ~-4~~ u..t //-I'/­ ~4:J ~ /S-/l T' I}'F! n 7 r:s Trw­ - 2 ­ 3. Do you think the Cold War has ended, or not? YES------------------- 1· 39 Sit NO~------------------- 2 DON'T KNOW------------ X N!-V 4. If a federal election were held today, which party's candidate do you think you would favor? 40 LIBERAL--------------- 1­ PROG.CONS.------------ 2 N.D.P.---------------- 3 REFORM PARTY---------- 4 OTHER PARTY (WRITE IN) SA Do NoT )j.T'. S t UNDECIDED/.~NE-------- 6 REFUSED--£ ~--------- 7 NOT ELIGIBLE---------- 8 Sa. Did you vote in the last federal election on November 21, 1988? YES-----------------­ [ ] NO------------------- 1· '+/ TOO YOUNG------------ 2 IF 'YES'. ASK: Sb. Which party did the candidate for whom you voted represent? LIBERAL-------------- 3 PROG.CONS.----------- 4 N.D.P.--.------------ 5 REFORM PARTY--------- 6 OTHER PARTY (WRITE IN) Do ~OT }j.T. 7 REFUSED-I. !---------- 8 DON'T KNOW/NONE------- X ASK EVERYONE: 6. The following are some names suggested as possible successors to John Turner as Liberal Party leader. Which of the following would you favor as next leader of the Liberal Party? HAND CARD 1. CIRCLE ONE ONLY LLOYD AXWORTHY-------- 1­ JEAN CHRETIEN--------- 2 SHEILA GOPPS---------- 3 CLIFFORD LINCOLN------ 4 PAUL MARTIN JR.------- 5 DENNIS HILLS---------- 6 BRIAN TOBIN----·------ 7 TOM WAPPEL------------ 8 CLYDE WELLS----------- 9 DOUG YOUNG------------ 0 NONE------------------ 1· ~3 DON'T KNOW------------ X RH INS- V to'hT f'D (0&.. L/3 CONTINUED ••• .....RI! '11111 '__al _ " . , ,. - 3 ­ -. 7. What do you think is the m211 important problem facing this country today? DO HOT READ LIST INFLATION/HIGH PRICES--------------­ 1­ 'fA/­ OTHER ECONOMIC PROBLEMS------------­ 2 UNEMPLOYMENT-----------------------­ 3 LABOR UNIONS/STRIKES-------~-------­ 4 NATIONAL UNITY/INTER-PROVINCIAL SA RELATIONS/MEECH LAKE--------------­ 5 ENVIRONMENT/POLLUTION/CLEAN AIR----­ 6 fREE TRADE: U.S. TRADE RELATIONS---­ 7 HEALTH CARE------------------------­ 8 GOVERNMENT-------------------------­ 9 WORLD PEACE/INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS-­ o OTHER {SPEClFY)j)Q N(JT H...;.:r~._ V CAN'T SAy-f~~---------------------­ X 8. Who do you think ;s doing the most to promote world peace. U.S. President George Bush or Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev? rA. GEORGE BUSH--------- 1- '1-5 ~ MIKHAIL GORBACHEV--- 2 DON'T KNOW---------- X NS-V 9. In general, do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of ••• READ LIST. ROTATE STARTING WITH (J) Favor- Unfavor­ ~ .i.lli nK S~ (.;) Joe Clark---------------------­ 1 2 X·'· rA ( ) John Crosbie------------------­ 1 2 X IA ( ) Don Mazankowski---------------­ 1 2 X­ U+ ( ) Barbara McDougall-------------­ 1 2 X SA ( ) Michael Wilson----------------­ 1 2 X. 10. Are you in favor of replacing the manufacturers' sales tax with a new 7~ national goods and services sales tax, or not? FAVOR-------------------­ 1 _.f 5'1 OPPOSE------------------­ 2 DON'T KNOW--------------­ X NS-V ., CONTINUED ON BACK ••• II _ '0£" .,)~"""'''" 1\,) I'ULLUWS: 'How may I ask you I few question: ~n classify our data?' '. SA .-: Are you the male head of the household? YES·······] NO······2·'" N·f::3 ~EN:Are you the female head of the household? IiERYOHE: e you employed outside the home full·time, rt -t ime or not at .ll? $'A FUll·TJME···] PART·TIME···2 NOT AT All tJ· :~ at is your ~aritll status? SA SINGLE······] WID/DIV/SEP·······.· •• MARRIED·····2 LIVING AS MARRIED-····NS~j at was the llnguage you first spoke in SA ENGLISH·····] OTHER (SPECIFY) ildhood ~nd still understand? FRENCH······2 po N<'T "'.T. NJ~Lf hat is your religious preference? PROTESTANT··} OTHER (SPECIfY) ~ JEWISH······2 ROMAN 00 N'or H:r. CATHOLIC····3 1 HO RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE .J{~ ..•.......... ich of,these was the last school that mtE GRADUAJl U Attended? HAND CARD 'Q' PUBLIC/GRADE SCHOOL 1·.1 , 2 SECONDARY SCHOOL··· 3 4 DU graduate from ... (LEVEL OF UNIVERSITy········· 7 8 LING ATIEHOEO)l POST SECONDARY 1 HOH JA UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE··· 5 6 C.E.G.E.P.·········· 5 6 OTHER (SPECIFY) 5 6 HO FORMAL SCHOOLING 9 REFUSED·t~$·········· o at is your occupation? SPEC IFIC JOB: S~"'(){#..fJ' t:liu.v~ cJc,ufHOO"/ TYPE OF COMPANY: ~~~urT CHECK IF: () STUDENT ( ) HOUSEWIFE :UPATIOH Of HEAD OF FAMILY SPECIFIC JOB: SfAtJO/r'N) 't¥"f' OffWnW TYPE Of COMPANY: c~~lArr many people, including yourself. there in this household? ] 2 3 4 5 6 OR MORE -, many would be under ]0 years? $4 0 ] 2 3 4 OR MlRE lIS:. 5 - 7; many would be between 10 &17 years? SA 0 1 2 3 4 OR MORE tJJ:-.5 - '1$ you. yourself I member of a labour YES, MYSElF························1 . ,-I n. or is your husband/wife I labour SA YES. MY SPOUSE··············.······2 n lnember? YES. 80TH-···~··_··················3 NO·································4fJJ=5" was your year of birth? to IF: SA MALE-············] fEMALE·······2 - " CARD 'I'z Which number on this card UNDER S]O.OOO·······1 '40,000·$49,999···6 sponds to your total annual family SI0.000·$14.999·····2 150,000·$59.999···7 e from .11 sources before tax SA S15.000·S19.99~-····3 $60.000·S6~.9~9···8 ti ons? S20.000-S29.999·····. $70.000' OVER····9 530,000·539,999·····5 R[fUSEO·/~{······O r~ fARM ..••) RURAL.NON·fARH····Z URBAN···) LANGUAGE (jJ." )_._---~ ______________CJTy: .., OVI ~ Ml'ERYl[W: POSTAL CODE: ~ atttst that this is I true t interview •• lNTERVJEW£""~ SUiHATURE: --l e ~ALLUP CANADA, INC. ~:",'j:)APtR RELEASE SURVEY DATA KIT :1~S ',C 1( err ,"'~ sJDp'IY1ng actual survey data, and the support aOCU1~le," or an, us, . tJ ,;,j'i'UP for its periodic (usual ly tW1ce a week) neNspac~: eieases '[ IOD1C 1S usually political, social or econom1C 1n nature", ::r me O;:~,;3'j~'I,ji question(s) on subjects of cur-rene interest (e.g. trJ2 ;2: ;~~",nSD~ aC:~2C 'ine fo',,:ng al'E :n\, 'J,'J,if':CCS included In this kit (appr-oxinats CfirOlD c '~a I o~a0'~' ':"~;.J ecr 0dte iype Comments -( J.uN / 90 OP one (1,0 :c)!urnn E ~: ,a: U incJicates the project \\las an "0 :11 bus" , the 'P' iabe'! ':; en,," 1: >~' ,"'0 were in-home, and personal Io/hile 11e 'T' indicates ,j te ifL! .--:"'2 surve: ',ass otherWlse noteci, a survey \\las na 10nal ln seGue, •• ~~,~.~~. -~~4~~.~~ '~4~·f~~.~~*.**~~~~*****~*.~******~~***~**~~~***~*~*** * * * * * * * ~&.«.~, ""~ •• ~ ••"'" ••••&••*.***.****.~******************•••****.***.**••**** \ ~~~.~~."< ••• *•• ~ •.,,••••,•••*.***.*******.*********** .*****••****.************ " INSTALLATlON" S'L::oiy :il :ne r : o~ :,'D:: the diskette onto your haro isk. ! ne Cd: ,', far edch :rcJrc; comes with at least 3, and sometlmes four files: ',e ,C e C'S lS tri ~c.CJ: aata ltself. ':e g,~ner srLcrur-e af a .C f i le is: COlur::1 '-~ 'ceorO nu::er, 3:[e projects have more than ene record per case. J-b ;:rlal nu'ocr, !centlfles one case In the dataset. 0~lan Inc,'cr survey) N~~faundland ,Jr rce Eaward Island ~ail ScotIa ~e~ ~run5Wlck ~)l:.? JJ~C .., ur.r sr ro '~,Ji" 1 rous ',ii., "'.;a tonewan ~ 'D:~~r' ~d j"'~1sn Columbia . -i~i..!n i (,-.J - 0 "'U "'DO ,,;UU t~ 500,000 j ,'.JU to 100,000 1 ,UJJ ta 30,000 .vJU ta 10,000 1;,'1 , QUO :carlon :'~e ~Jllup lnternal value. '~:~':~1..~g:2 _..:2 - Enq l tsh ~ " .: French '," 1,,1;8 up what Ga ilup cails the assiqnnent number. \ v, t?,: t nu. illS fleld can contain alphabetic lnrJrmatlon. - j.' . ~ ',2 c;nt"lU, J ~ lmp"ie scheme ofage/s~x weighting.ras been . :, GUiat0 err n suits put tn tms f teld. rhe follc>'iing are the t s get pe :rt"iu:;e ; for the nattonal studies A. Male Fema'l e ---- -- 1 ; -. 14.32 14.25 j ~,i - 4 ':J 19.00 19.07 15.33 18.03 :ne ~[~,~ ~ol~mns tnn~Jgn 19) are repeated on all cards. ,U-:jU:U3stlonr:i';j 'Jata. For record 1, the upper l intt l~; 62 for Omnibus "11 ;'veys . )3-', .""lC oat (Sc.:~Ji;:JI UNLY). For the net tone l in-none lntervlews :112 i),jS1C !e;rC~i',JOnjc data on the respondent lS kept here. See the .1~tocned 'IDtC::GDy tor more detai l. ::iome coolng CHiils though: -1(J2 0' ::t· J:1 1S usus I J~, "What is the year o: your ai~th?' . r"· .. : stucy and a II subsequent studies t na year at blrth c as is. The age has not been convertea. Always greater C ,., • and the' age'; of 98 lS to be taken .:s someone born :: ~r: ·suu, the 'age' 99 indlcates the res0andent refused to :c Qlrthdate . "}CCL;rJj: ... c· ist : ~i 'islona] (of any kind) ~_: ness Executive, Owners/Managers '), ~:.:J Ern'cal :J!.<;~j Labour ;: . i eo La bou r - LU;: I 0'i80 'iC ,::::cwi1e ~J:- -._ C,;?1"'; t - J' . ~':' rd : l...i~~3G . ~-:E. ": e ..., .j :f1S --r5 or other pecularitles associatea wlth the survey. L ,. 0;'. you r'- : r~~a It. \ . :"':8 ~':. to! :r nole-count) of the .C file.
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