TRANSFORMATION SERIES 14 COLLECTION TRANSFORMATION SETTING COURSE A History of Marine Navigation in Canada Sharon A. Babaian Transformation Series Collection Transformation “Transformation”, an occasional series of scholarly La collection Transformation, publication en série papers published by the Collection and Research paraissant irrégulièrement de la Division de la collec- Division of the Canada Science and Technology Museum, tion et de la recherche du Musée des sciences et de la is intended to make current research available as technologie du Canada, a pour but de faire connaître, quickly and inexpensively as possible. The series le plus vite possible et au moindre coût, les recherches presents original research on science and technology en cours dans certains secteurs. Elle prend la forme history and issues in Canada through refereed mono- de monographies ou de recueils de courtes études graphs or collections of shorter studies, consistent with acceptés par un comité d’experts et s’alignant sur le the corporate framework, “The Transformation thème central de la Société, « La transformation du of Canada,” and curatorial subject priorities in agri- Canada ». Elle présente les travaux de recherche origi- culture and forestry, communications and space, naux en histoire des sciences et de la technologie au transportation, industry, physical sciences and energy. Canada et questions connexes réalisés en fonction des The Transformation series provides access to priorités du Musée, dans les secteurs de l’agriculture research undertaken by staff curators and researchers et des forêts, des communications et de l’espace, des for the development of collections, exhibitions and pro- transports, de l’industrie, des sciences physiques et grams. Submissions will be considered from academi- de l’énergie. cians or professionals working in areas complemen- La collection Transformation donne accès aux tary to curatorial subject priorities of the Museum. travaux de recherche entrepris par les conservateurs Papers are printed in the language of submission et chercheurs du Musée pour appuyer le développement (French or English) with a bilingual abstract. Enquiries de la collection, les expositions et les programmes. Les regarding the submission of manuscripts may be demandes présentées par des universitaires ou des sent to the Managing Editor at the address below. spécialistes d’un domaine sont prises en considération dans la mesure où elles apportent des éléments nou- To Order veaux aux questions de conservation prioritaires pour la Direction de la collection et de la recherche. Les Additional copies of this publication are available for articles paraissent dans leur langue de rédaction $25, including GST, while quantities permit. 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The contents of con- Collection Transformation tributions to the series are solely the responsibility of Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada the individual authors. C.P. 9724, succursale T Ottawa (Ontario) K1G 5A3 CANADA Responsabilité La formule de la collection Transformation ne permet pas de procéder à un travail de révision approfondi. La responsabilité du contenu des documents de la collection incombe entièrement aux auteurs. www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca Transformation Collection Series Transformation 14 Setting Course A History of Marine Navigation in Canada Sharon A. Babaian Canada Science and Technology Museum Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada Ottawa, Canada 2006 Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Babaian, Sharon Anne, 1957– Setting course : a history of marine navigation in Canada / by Sharon A. Babaian. (Transformation series, 1188-2964 ; 14) Includes prefatory text in French. Includes bibliographical references: p. 145 Includes index. ISBN 0-660-19626-3 Cat. no.: NM34-1/2006E 1. Navigation—Canada—History. 2. Aids to navigation—Canada. 3. Aids to navigation—History. 4. Navigation—Equipment and supplies. I. Canada Science and Technology Museum II. Title. III. Title: History of marine navigation in Canada. IV. Series: Transformation series (Ottawa, Ont.) ; 14 VK26.B32 2006 623.890971'09 C2006-980080-4 © Canada Science and Technology © Musée des sciences et de la technologie Museum, 2006 du Canada, 2006 All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés. www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca Printed in Canada Imprimé au Canada Table of Contents/Table des matières Abstract / Résumé .................................................................................... v Foreword / Avant-propos ........................................................................ vii Acknowledgments / Remerciements ................................................... xiii Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1. Navigation in the Age of Exploration.............................. 5 From Cabot to Vancouver: Early Europeans in Northern North America........................................................................................ 7 Out to Sea: Navigational Instruments, 1500–1800............................... 14 Where Are You When You Get There? Early Charting and Charts ........ 21 A Safe Place to Land: Early Land-Based Aids to Navigation ................. 28 Chapter 2. Navigation in the Age of Empire ...................................... 37 From Sea to Sea to Sea: Building a Maritime Nation ............................ 39 Instruments of the Trade: Navigational Instruments, 1800–1900 ....... 48 Finding the Way to Market: Charting Canada’s Primary Shipping Routes..................................................................................... 53 The Longest Coastline: Marking Canada’s Coastal and Inland Waters......................................................................................... 60 Chapter 3. Navigation in the Age of Electronics .............................. 79 An Economy Afloat: Marine Transportation in Canada since 1900...... 81 A New Direction: Shipboard Navigational Advances ............................. 93 From Ship to Shore and Shore to Ship: Two-Way Aids to Navigation ... 96 Electrification and Automation: Coastal Aids to Navigation ................. 117 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 141 Bibliography................................................................................................ 145 Index ............................................................................................................. 157 iii List of Maps 1. Champlain’s Map of Canada, 1653............................................................ 12 2. South Coast of Newfoundland, 1774 ......................................................... 25 3. Gulf of Georgia, by George Vancouver, 1792 ............................................. 27 4. Lake Huron from Henry Bayfield Survey, 1822......................................... 56 5. Gall & Inglis’ Map of Canada and Arctic Regions, 1850 ............................ 58 6. Radio-Telegraph Stations on the East Coast, 1913................................... 97 7. Radio-Telegraph Stations on the Pacific Coast, 1913 ............................... 98 8. Chart of Lake Winnipeg: Red River to Berens River, 1904 ........................ 112 iv Abstract Résumé For centuries Canada, like much of the rest of the Pendant des siècles, le Canada, comme le reste du world, has depended on marine transportation to monde, a dépendu du transport maritime pour faciliter facilitate trade and sustain its economic prosperity. le commerce et maintenir sa prospérité économique. Safe, efficient transportation, in turn, demands effec- En contrepartie, il fallait de bons outils de navigation tive navigational tools and infrastructure. These tools et une infrastructure adéquate pour que le transport are designed to address two critical needs: the need to se fasse avec efficacité et en toute sécurité. De tels outils establish a vessel’s position, course, and speed accu- doivent être conçus de façon à combler deux besoins rately, especially on the featureless open ocean, and primordiaux : le besoin d’établir avec précision la the need to identify, monitor, and avoid hazards, partic- position, la trajectoire et la vitesse du navire, particu- ularly in coastal waters. These requirements have not lièrement en pleine mer sans repères, et le besoin de changed since the turn of the fifteenth century. What déceler, de maîtriser et d’éviter les dangers, surtout has changed, however, is the technology mariners dans les eaux côtières. Ces nécessités sont
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