
■ ' - 7 ' r - th / Aytragc Daily 'Net PrcM Rtn ^ror tlM Weelj KbM Th« Weather taM,tO, IMt foracMt of O. 8. Weather Bw fw 1 3 ,6 0 1 Chance of ocattred liKfct ■Bowen toBlght and Tneaday, hnr toalflit t . a:’-- » «f tk* AndH itfOM idktfaa near M degreea, tomorrow araoad Cky o f VUiage Charm m . VOL. UDPO, NO. 242 (FOUirrEEK PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JULY 16, 1962 ,.x AdvortWng aa ^ago PRICE FIVE CENTS e S ta te N e w s Rountfup romise Qlimax Two-Car Crash W A S H IN G T O N ( A P ) — ftho chair for aBout three of the Oaims Cbie Life conferences on 14 regular money The predtige fight Between Bills. All chairmanships in the the ^nate and House Appro­ TRUMBULL (AP) — A. past have gone to the Senate. U.S. Navy sailw was kiUed i On U.S. Nuclear Test Ban priations committees, appear­ The Senate’s demand to origi­ ed close to settlement t^ay. nate half of the money Bills ap­ stantly early today in a two But another Battle was shap­ parently has gone down the drain car accident on the Merritt for this session. Agreement has Parkway that sent 11 othw ing up Between tiie two Agri­ Been reached to hold conferences Kowaldd Plans culture committees. in the old-Supreme Court cham­ persons to a Bridgeport hos­ Money bUla have Been tied up Ber near the center .of the Ospitol, pital with minor injuries. Joint P lan lor more than three months while instead of on the ter side of the Dead on the scene was 20-year- Still Uncertain the Appropriations groups squaB­ Senate wing. old Richard Rudolf of Brooklyn. Bled over chatrmsmships and Joint meetings are necessary to N. T. He was stationed -at Quonset With British meeting places of Joint confer­ adjust differences Between the Point, R. I. A fter Defeat ences and whether the Senate two Branches on money meas­ State police from the Westport ahouid Be aUowed to start Init- ures. Troop said Rudolfs car developed ating some of the revenue BUis. Here’s the Background of the a flat tire aa he was driving east­ NEW BRITAIN (AP),— Due Shortly Government agencies have Been threatened outBreak Between the erly along the parkway near Rt. Congresam an-at-Large F ri^ operating under emergency provi­ Agriculture committees: 113. He pulled the car well off the highway onto a grassy stretch of Kowpdfild, stQI denoutwing sions which permit them to go on The House committee last week what he called the “pi^ce GENEVA (AP) — Soviet spending this month at the rate shelved a Senate-paased farm Bill land. Deputy Foreign Minister Val­ they did- during the last fiscal with tight mandatory production He had Just crawled underneath state tactics” used against Us \ the car to set ^ Jack, police said, supporters at the Democratic erian Zorin rejected in ad­ year which ended June 80. controls for surplus crops. It ap­ vance today an American Final agreement on who will proved a measure of its own which when it was sntlck from the. rear State C!onTention,-8aid to^ y preside seems likely to Be would extend existing emergency By a car Being operated By Alfred compromise designed to reach Ferrara of New Haven. his plans for the future were reached on the bsMls o f m em Bers’ feed grain and adieat programs. still undecided. a nuclear test Ban treaty soon. seniority in congressional service, Five passengers in Rudolfs car Zorin was asked in a news emt- and five others in Ferrara’s car Kowalski, m a statement to the ference if the Soviet Union would m s would put House memBers in (ConOhued on Page Thirteen) New Britain Herald, said that "in were injured. All were taken to St. Be willing to accept international Vincent’s Hoq>ital at Bridgeport. the kmg run the Democratic party of COimecticat wfll Benefit from inspections on its territory, if tha the campaign I waged." United States and Britain drop Traffic FatalUiet "The Battle was lost." Be said, their proposal for internationally staffed seismic detection stations HARTFORD (AP)—’The SUte "But the crusade for a free party inside Russia. T a x Cutis N eeded Motor Vehicle Department’s daily will go on." "To thoee inside and outside the. He said the Western plan was ‘'no record of automoBile fatalities i compromise at all in our view." of last midnight and the totals on ConvenUon Hall who supported my cause in spite of the police U.S. AmBassador Arthur H. the same date last year: Dean said on his arrival Saturday To Spur Economy 1961 1963 state methods used against them the Western powers are ready to Killed .................... 137 146«t I extend my aiaecre thanks,” Ko­ . ■ make this compromise to help get walski said. a treaty, But would insist the ac­ WASHINGTON (AF)—-Two Re-^ew s in filling in for Sen. John ’The congressman, now serving cord provide for International in­ Neu> Headnuuter his second term, lost his Bid for puBlican senators—one a liBeral O. Tower, R-Tex., in a weekly re­ MILFORD (AP) — E r n e s t spection of the site of a suspicious port to constituents. the party's UR. Senate nomination event detected on Soviet soil. and the other a conservative—say Wedge, former headmaster of the to ABraham A. RiBioaH. former ’The administration gave Busi­ ’The new Western idea h u not tax cuts are needed to spur the American School of Paris, hi governor and secretary of wel­ nessmen a 81.5 Billion tax cut last Been appointed headmaster of the yet Been raised in the disarma­ economy. But they disagree on fare. ment talks, which resumed today week By liBeralizing allowances Milford School, a Boys’ preparato­ Kowalski, speaking By p h on e where Om cuts should Be made. for depreciation of machinery and ry school. He succeeds Raymond after a month-long recess. ’Two of their Democratic col- from Washington, confirmed that Zorin said the ^viet Union has equipment. President Kennedy has Kallstrom, chairman of the iMcial he would have accepted tenomina- Isaguea disagree <» whether any deferred, however, any decision on studies department and acting already made its own compromise tax cut is needed at all. tion as congn ssnisii-at-large if By accepting aa a negotia^g Ba­ an across-the-Board-tax cut this headmaster the past two years. the party leaden had conceded to And Secretary of LaBor Arthur year for Business and individuals. sis a neutralist proposal provid­ J. GtddBerg says that if there’s a his conditions. ing for on-site inspections only By tax cut it should Be aimed at In- In A television program taped -in Licetue Suspended These, he said, included that he Invitation of tBe country - where Washington for'' use in New Jer­ efeasing purchasing power. HARTFORD (AP)—The Uquor Be nominated By acclamation and the suspicious event took place. GoldBerg declined to say yester­ sey, Case caid the domestic eco­ that he Be allowed to continue his "We are prepared to concltide nomy is not in good shiupe^ ^ the license of Mrs. Ida Carlson, pro­ day whether he thought there prietor of the Center Package fight against What Be called "Boee a test Ban treaty on the Basis of should Be a tax ciit this year. He unemployment rate is alarmiiv^ rule” in the party. the neutralist proposal,, and on no high and long-term unemployment Store of Manchester, has Been was interviewed By Sen. Kenneth suspended for 10 days, with five He said thM Both Ritficoff and other Basis,” Zorin added. B. Keating, R-N. Y., on a record­ continues to Be stuBBorn aad per­ State and National Democratic The Soviet stand came as the sistent. days in aBeyance. The State Li­ ed radio-televishdi program for quor Control O>mmission said Chairman John M. Bailey urged Leading the supporters of ABraham RihicoS who was nominated for U. S. Senator on the Demo­ delegates set in an atmosphere Broadcast in New York State. "I think a tax cut ought to Be him to ran again. cratic ticket was Gov. John Dempaey, left Herald Ouneraman Joe Saternis cauigit (he two notaBle for a lack of expression made ate] ought to Be made now,’' teturday the suapensioa sras for Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N. J., selling to a minor. “When Hr. Bailey aad Mr. RiB- grasping hands Saturday night at the Oemocratie Convention. of optimism. Only Dean was op­ aa avowed liBeral, called again Case asMrted. "And thattl the rates icoCr Both ashed me to run for timistic enough to say that there 0V4f the weekend for an acraaS- should Be I so that the tax riaignssmea st-laiKA" In was a Better chance now for a the-Board tax cut-how. He saMl ■stsnotnre t eoattaue-to act i ^ K U i e d * t T h i II INI th tlh a d -^ great I R o v p k test Ban jtreaty. But that was bfk the existliig tax structum aotq aa as a Brake upon our economy, as WASHINGTON.-PK. (A P )-L 9 s inclination to seek tke oCfloe again test ^Bnvention'in'-Y^an M U niverse fore ^rin talked with reporters. a Brake Bit the economy and pre­ it has in the past.’' Hines, 36, of Bristol, Conn., Was in view of the tactics which had Dean told the opening seradon vents full recovery from reces­ Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., killed yesterday when the car ha Been used against me.
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