FRULLANIA No7ver21 newsletter No 7.21. http://www.frullania.de/frullnl07.pdf January 6, 2021 Publications since 2011 - by years 2011 Aguillaume L, Gómez-Bolea A, Avila A 2011 Líquenes y briófitos epífitos como biomonitores de la contaminación atmosférica en dos encinares mediterráneos [p. 24] -In: 18th Symposium on Cryptogamic Botany. Barcelona July 13rd-16th 2011. Abstract book. [ - Fr dilatata - ] Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia & Facultat de Farmàcia Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia & Facultat de Farmàcia, , 149 pp. [ / E ] # 2707 Ahn YS / 안연순 2011 국가생물종목록 (선태류) /National list of species of Korea (Moss, Liverwort) [ as2: Korea - Fr amplicrania, appendiculata, bolanderi, brotheri, davurica, densiloba, diversitexta, ericoides, fauriana, fuscovirens, hamatiloba, inflata, inflexa, kagoshimensis, muscicola, muscicola var. inuena, nepalensis, osumiensis, parvistipula, pedicellata, polyptera, schensiana, taradakensis, usamienesis - Check list] 정부간행물번호 Government publication number: 11-1480592-000242-01National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), Incheon, 161 pp. [ P / ] # 4565 Ah-Peng C, Boullet V [Coord] 2011 Version électronique de l'Index commenté des Bryophytes de la Réunion. Index Commenté des bryophytes de la Réunion [version 2010.1 // mise à jour du 15 décembre 2010]. [29 afr3: Réunion - Fr anderssonii, angulata, apicalis, apiculata, arecae, borbonica, caffraria, capensis, diptera, ericoides, grossiclava, humbertii, repandistipula, serrata, spongiosa, trinervis, usambarana, usambarana var reducta, variegata - ] http://bryophyte.cbnm.org/recherche ["Frullania", accessed 27.07.2011]Conservatoire Botanique National de Mascarin / Université de la Réunion, , [ / E ] # 2714 Akiyama H, Furuki T, Sri-ngernyuang K, Kanzaki M 2011 Alphabetical list of bryophytes occurring in a 15 ha long-term monitoring plot at Doi Inthanon, Northern Thailand. [Hepatics det by T. Furuki] -In: Kanzaki M & Sri-ngernyuang K, Diversity and Dynamics of Epiphyte, Hemiepiphyte, and Parasite in Tropical Forests of Doi Inthanon National Park (2008-2012) [ as3: Thailand (Doi Inthanon) - Fr alstoni, apiculata, claviloba, evoluta var tagawana, meyeniana - ] Complete Report of Thailand-Japan Cooperative Research Project (2008-2012) Submitted to National Research Council of Thailand in September 2012, , 49-53 [ / E ] # 4176 Page 1 Allred KW 2011 Report on the 2010 SO BE FREE Foray in Southern New Mexico, With Eight New Moss Records for the State. [ - Fr eboracensis, inflata - ] Evansia, 28 (3), 74-77 [ / E ] # 3174 Alvaro-Alba WR, Cárdenas-López D, Pinzón M 2011 Musgos, líquenes y hepáticas en la Amazonía [ am4: Colombia - Fr nodulosa - ] Revista Colombia Amazonica, 4, 56-76 [ / E ] # 4617 Andika WK 2011 Penggunaan tumbuhan sebagai bioindikator dalam pemantauan pencemaran udara ITS-Undergraduate-17195-Paper-594142 [ as4: Indonesia - Fr dilatata - ] , , [ / E ] # 4685 Arikawa T, Hirooka R, Kawai K, Tateishi Y, Nishimura N / 有川智己・廣岡涼子・川合啓二・立石幸敏・西村直樹 2011 鳥取県産コケ植物チェックリスト / A checklist of the bryophytes in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. [38 JAP as2: Japan - Fr davurica, monocera, muscicola, oakesiana ssp takayuensis, pedicellata, tamarisci ssp obscura, usamiensis - ] Bulletin of the Tottori Prefectural Museum, 48, 103-118 [ / E ] # 3723 Ariyanti NS, Sulistijorini 2011 Contrasting arboreal and terrestrial bryophytes communities of the Mount Halimun Salak National Park, West Java [ as4: Indonesia (West Java) - Fr apiculata - ] Biotropia, 18 (2), 81-93 [ / E ] # 4684 Asakwawa Y 2011 Bryophytes: chemical diversity, synthesis and biotechnology. A review. [ - Fr dilatata, tamarisci - Sesqui-terpenoids, diterpenoids, biological activity, hemisynthesis] Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 26 (5), 318-320 [ / E ] # 3240 Bainard JD 2011 Patterns and Biological Implications of DNA Content Variation in Land Plants. Thesis (Dr. phil.) - University of Guelph [ - Fr dilatata, franciscana, nisquallensis - ] The University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada, 221 pp. [ / E ] # 3190 Bansal P, Nath V, Chaturvedi SK 2011 Epiphytic bryophytes on Thuja orientalis in Nagaland, North-eastern India. [ as3: India - Fr ericoides, wallichiana - ] Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 18 (2), 163-167 [ / E ] # 3207 Page 2 Barbhuiya HA, Singh SK 2011 Contribution to the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Mizoram - II. Frullania apiculata (Reinw. et al.) Dumort. new to Mizoram, India. [ as3: India (Mizoram) - Fr apiculata - ] Geophytology, 40 (1-2), 69-73 [ / E ] # 3303 Bardat J, Ah-Peng C, Gradstein R, Lavocat-Bernard E, Thouvenot L 2011 Bryologie tropicale dans les régions d'Outre Mer: de la connaissance à la conservation. [ - Fr guadelupensis - ] www.premieres-rencontres-francaises-de-bryolo.. /Bardat_et-al.pdf, , 28 pp [ / E ] # 3292 Barringer K 2011 A Preliminary Catalog of New Jersey Hornworts and Liverworts. [ am1: USA (New Jersey) - Fr asagrayana, eboracensis, ericoides, inflata, plana, riparia, tamarisci, virginica - ] Bartonia, 64, 1-18 [ / E ] # 3315 Bartholomew-Began SH, Vitt D 2011 Barbara J. Crandall-Stotler and Raymond E. Stotler – A tribute. [ - Frullania - Barbara J. Crandall-Stotler, Raymond E. Stotler] The Bryologist, 114 (1), 1-8 [ / E ] # 2868 Barukial J 2011 A Bryofloristic Ecological Assessment of Assam, India. [ as3: India (Assam) - Fr hampeana, muscicola, subclavata - ] Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 1 (3), 98-106 [ / E ] # 3146 Barukial J 2011 A Bryofloristic Ecological Assessment of Assam, India. [ as3: India (Assam) - Fr hampeana, muscicola, subclavata - ] Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 1 (3), 98-106 [ / E ] # 3351 Benavides JC, Gutierrez CA 2011 Effect of deforestation in palm-epiphytic bryophyte communities in a cloud forest in the northern Andes. [ - Fr brasiliensis - ] The Bryologist, 114 (1), 155-165 [ / E ] # 2583 Benitez A, Gradstein SR 2011 Adiciones a la Flora de Briófitas del Ecuador. [ am4: Ecuador - Fr riojaneirensis - ] Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 32 (1), 65-74 [ / E ] # 3808 Page 3 Benitez A, Gradstein SR 2011 Adiciones a la flora de briofitas del Ecuador [ am4: Ecuador - Fr riojaneirensis - ] Cryptogamie Bryologie, 32, 65-74 [ / E ] # 5134 Benner JW 2011 Epiphytes preferentially colonize high-phosphorus host trees in unfertilized Hawaiian montane forests. [ oc: Hawaii [USA] - Frullania - Epiphytes] The Bryologist, 114 (2), 335-345 [ / E ] # 2650 Bentsson O, Olausson B 2011 Undersökning av eventuella effekter på vegetation av damning från täktverksamhet. Rapport utgiven av MinBas II-programmet. [ - Fr tamarisci - ] Mineral•Ballast• Sten, Område 3, Rapport nr 3.1a-4, Göteborg, 64 pp. [ / E ] # 3660 Bernard EL, Schäfer-Verwimp A 2011 Checklist of the bryophytes of the Guadeloupe archipelago and Martinique (French West Indies). [81 am3: Guadeloupe archipelago, Martinique - Fr atrata, beyrichiana, brasiliensis, breuteliana, caulisequa, guadalupensis, intumescens, involuta, kunzei, minima, riojaneirensis, subtilissima, trigona, urbanii - Checklist] Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 32 (2), 233-272 [ / E ] # 3130 Beveridge P, Lewington R 2011 Bryophyte records from the 25th John Child Workshop. [ aust2: New Zealand - Fr deplanata, falciloba, incumbens, monocera, patula, pentapleura, pycnantha, rostrata, scandens, setchellii, squarrosula - ] Australasian Bryological Newsletter, 59, 12-22 [ / E ] # 3043 Bhattacharyya SD 2011 Threats and conservation of liverworts in India: An Overview [ as3: India - Fr pariharii - conservation] Assam University Journal of Science & Technology: Biological and Environmental Sciences, 7 (1), 168-172 [ / E ] # 4135 Bhattacharyya SD 2011 Threats and Conservation of Liverworts in India: An Overview. [ as3: India - Fr pariharii - Conservation] Assam University Journal of Science & Technology: Biological and Environmental Sciences, 7 (1), 168- 172 [ / E ] # 3123 Bhattacharyya SD 2011 Threats and Conservation of Liverworts in India: An Overview. [ as3: India - Fr pariharii - ] Assam University Journal of Science & Technology, Biological and Environmental Sciences, 7 (1), 168-172 [ / E ] # 2288 Page 4 BouffordD Kelles S, Ree R 2011 Plants and fungi of south-central China. A biodiversity portal for the Sino-Himalayan region. Biodiversity of Hengduan Mountains and adjacent areas of south-central China. [ as2: China (Himalaya) - Fr bolanderi, davurica fo. dorsoblastos, giraldiana, inouei, musciola, nepalensis, nivimontana, physantha, serrata, parvistipula, sinensis, tamarisci, yunnanensis - Frullania specimens of Harvard University Herbaria] http://hengduan.huh.harvard.edu/fieldnotes/specimens/search/search.zpt?action=search&st=frullania [accessed 26.7.2011, printed with "Make labels", Harvard University Herbaria ], , [ / E ] # 2704 Brito E da S 2011 Riqueza e aspectos ecológicos das briófitas do município de Soure e Cachoeira do Arari, Ilha do Marajó, Pará, Brasil. Thesis - Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia / Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi [ am5: Brazil - Fr apiculata, gibbosa - with key] , Belém – Pará, 144 pp. [ / E ] # 3717 Callaghan DA 2011 Notes on Cephaloziella massalongi and C. nicholsonii in Snowdonia. [ eur: Great Britain - Fr dilatata, tamarisci, fragilifolia - ] FieldBryology, 105, 2-9 [ / E ] # 3215 Can JM 2011 Diversidad de hepáticas de los biotopos Cerro Cahuí, El Zotz y Laguna del Tigre, Petén, Guatemala. - Proyecto Fodecyt No. 56-2007. [80 am2: Guatemala - Fr. ericoides - ] , Guatemala, 45 pp. [ / E ] # 3189 Chuah-Petiot MS 2011 A checklist of hepaticae and anthocerotae of Malaysia. [ as4: Malaysia - Fr alstonii, apiculata, armatifolia, benjaminiana,
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