Pan Adriatic Scope Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP 1 Index List of acronyms ............................................................................................................................................ 4 ABMT = Area Based Management Tool ........................................................................................................ 4 COP = Conference of the Parties ................................................................................................................... 4 CPMR = Conference of Peripheral Maritime Region .................................................................................... 4 DPCM = Italian Prime Ministerial Decree ..................................................................................................... 4 DPSWR = Drive, Pressure, State, Welfare, Response .................................................................................... 4 EBSA = Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area ...................................................................................... 4 IMO = International Maritime Organisation ................................................................................................. 5 MSP = Maritime Spatial Planning .................................................................................................................. 5 SEA = Strategic Environmental Assessment .................................................................................................. 6 UCH = Underwater Cultural Heritage ........................................................................................................... 6 UNEP = United Nations Environment Programme ....................................................................................... 6 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Scope and objectives of the study ................................................................................................ 7 1.2 Legal and policy frame .................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 The MSP process in the Adriatic-Ionian region ............................................................................. 9 1.4 Method of the study ................................................................................................................... 12 2 Transboundary and cross-border marine challenges in the Adriatic-Ionian region ........................... 14 2.1 Protection of highly sensitive and high value marine areas ....................................................... 15 2.2 Improving eco-connectivity of coastal and marine protected areas .......................................... 17 2.3 Fisheries management ................................................................................................................ 19 2.4 Marine litter management .......................................................................................................... 20 2.5 Other challenges calling for cooperation .................................................................................... 22 3 Common MSP principles and elements .............................................................................................. 27 3.1 Ecosystem-based approach as a guiding principle for MSP........................................................ 27 3.1.1 Elements needed for an ecosystem-based approach to MSP ............................................ 29 3.1.2 Better alignment between MSP and the EU Marine Strategy Directive through the ecosystem-based approach ................................................................................................................ 37 3.1.3 Ecosystem-based approach for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of marine plans 45 3.1.4 Data to operationalize ecosystem-based approach under MSP in a transboundary context 49 3.1.5 Tools to operationalize ecosystem-based approach under MSP ........................................ 49 3.2 Multi-scalar approach to MSP..................................................................................................... 58 2 3.3 Cross-border and transboundary cooperation ........................................................................... 65 3.3.1 Guidance for cooperation on MSP ...................................................................................... 67 3.3.2 Cooperation to improve coherence of plans ...................................................................... 70 3.4 Adaptive approach to MSP ......................................................................................................... 74 3.4.1 Adapting to variable context: sector trends in MSP ........................................................... 76 3.4.2 Adapting to variable context: climate change and MSP ..................................................... 78 3.4.3 Adaptive approach to MSP in practice: methods and indicators for plan monitoring ....... 80 3.4.4 Plan revision ........................................................................................................................ 82 3.5 Land-Sea Interactions ................................................................................................................. 84 3.5.1 Tools and approaches for LSI analysis ................................................................................. 85 3.5.2 Identification of key LSI in the Adriatic ............................................................................... 93 4 Areas with high LSI intensity: the national level ................................................................................. 95 5 Opportunities for cross-border and transboundary cooperation .................................................... 102 6 Conclusive remarks ........................................................................................................................... 115 7 References ........................................................................................................................................ 117 Authors: Martina Bocci, Emiliano Ramieri, Marina Marković Contributors: Rezart Kapedani (Albania), Josip Njavro (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ariana Korlaet (Croatia), Athena Mourmouris (Greece), Daniela Addis (Italy), Marina Izgarević (Montenegro), Emilija Kastelic (Slovenia), Jelena Knežević and Stavros Antoniadis (UNEP-MAP), Željka Škaričić (UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC) The views expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the UNEP/MAP. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNEP/MAP concerning the legal status of any State, Territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of their frontiers or boundaries. The present study has been supported through the Cooperation Agreement between UNEP/MAP and the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (IMELS). 3 List of acronyms ABMT = Area Based Management Tool ABNJ = Area Beyond National Jurisdiction AIR = Adriatic Ionian Region ALB = Albania AZA = Allocated Zone for Aquaculture BC = Barcelona Convention B&H = Bosnia and Herzegovina CAMP = Coastal Area Management Programme CBD = Convention on Biological Diversity CEA = Cumulative Effect Assessment CF = Conceptual Framework CKAN = Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network COP = Conference of the Parties CP = Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention CPMR = Conference of Peripheral Maritime Region CRF = Common Regional Framework CRO = Croatia CSPD/BSR = Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region DPCM = Italian Prime Ministerial Decree DPSIR = Drive, Pressure, State, Impact, Response DPSWR = Drive, Pressure, State, Welfare, Response DST = Decision Support Tool EBSA = Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area EC = European Commission EEZ = Exclusive Economic Zone EO = Ecological Objective EU = European Union EUSAIR = European Union Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region FAO = Food Agriculture Organisation FRA = Fishery Restricted Area 4 GES = Good Environmental Status GFCM = General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean GIS = Geographic Information System GRE = Greece GSA = Geographic Sub-Area H&BD = Habitat and Bird Directive HD = Habitat Directive HELCOM = Helsinki Commission HOD = Heads of Delegation ICZM = Integrated Coastal Zone Management IMAP = Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme IMO = International Maritime Organisation ITA = Italy LSI = Land Sea Interaction MAP = Mediterranean Action Plan MES = Marine Ecosystem Service MON = Montenegro MPA = Marine Protected Area MSFD = Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSP = Maritime Spatial Planning MSPD = Maritime Spatial Planning Directive MSPKC = Maritime Spatial Planning Knowledge Catalogue MUC = Marine Use Conflicts MTS = Mid-Term Strategy NAPA = North Adriatic Ports Association NGO = Non-Governmental Organisation OECM = Other Effective area-based Conservation Measure PAP/RAC = Priority Action Programme/Regional Activity Centre PoM = Program of Measures PSSA = Particularly Sensitive Sea Area O&G = Oil and Gas 5 R&D&I = Research, Development and Innovation SEA = Strategic Environmental Assessment SLO = Slovenia SPA/BD Protocol = Spatially Protected Area and Biological Diversity Protocol SPAMI = Specially Protected Areas
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