巴生中华总商会 会务报告 KLANG CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ANNUAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 年 4 月 2 日-2019 年 4 月 1 日 From 2nd April 2018 to 1st April 2019 本会活动简报 A Brief Report on KCCCI Activities A) 内部会议 Internal Meeting 1 4-Apr-18 2015-2018 年度农工业组第 7 次会议 7th Meeting of Agriculture and Industry Committee for the term of 2015-2018 2 10-Apr-18 2015-2018 年度青商团第 22 次会议 22nd Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 3 16-Apr-18 2015-2018 年度文教暨教育基金组第 5 次会议 5th Meeting of Culture and Education Fund Committee for the term of 2015-2018 4 24-Apr-18 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 23 次会议 23rd Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 5 28-Apr-18 2016-2019 年度雪兰莪滨海中华总商会第 7 次董事会议 7th Council Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Coastal Selangor for the term of 2016-2019 6 2-May-18 ‘我们爱巴生‘跑筹委会第 4 次会议 4th Organizing Committee Meeting of 'We Love Klang' Run 2018 39 7 25-May-18 2018-2021 年度董事复选会议 Meeting of Second Election Board of Director for the term of 2018- 2021 8 11-Jun-18 2018-2021 年度第 1 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.1 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2018- 2021 9 19-Jun-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 10 19-Jun-18 复兴巴生市计划筹委会会议 KCR Committee Meeting 11 19-Jun-18 2018-2021 年度资讯及通讯工艺组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Information & Communication Technology Committee for the term of 2018-2021 12 26-Jun-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 13 27-Jun-18 2018-2021 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of SME & Human Resource Committee for the term of 2018-2021 14 28-Jun-18 2018-2021 年度青商团第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 15 2-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度商务暨财经研究组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2018-2021 16 2-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度治安组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Security Issues Committee for the term of 2018- 2021 17 3-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 40 18 6-Jul-18 复兴巴生市计划工作小组第 14 次会议 14th Working Committee Meeting of Klang City Rejuvenation (KCR) Project 19 10-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 20 14-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度资讯及通讯工艺组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Information & Communication Technology Committee for the term of 2018-2021 21 14-Jul-18 2016-2019 年度雪兰莪滨海中华总商会第 8 次董事会议 8th Council Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Coastal Selangor for the term of 2016-2019 22 18-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度女企业家组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Women Enterpreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 23 23-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度公共设施及执照组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Facility and License Issues Committee for the term of 2018-2021 24 24-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 5 次会议 5th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 25 24-Jul-18 2018-2021 年度青商团第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 26 7-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of SME & Human Resource Committee for the term of 2018-2021 27 8-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度物流组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Logistics Committee for the term of 2018-2021 28 9-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 6 次会议 6th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 41 29 9-Aug-18 与 Think City 和泰莱大学之谅解备忘录商讨会议 MOU Discussion Meeting with Think City & Taylors University 30 13-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度文教暨教育基金组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Culture and Education Fund Committee for the term of 2018-2021 31 14-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度国际贸易/东盟事务组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of International Trade / Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 32 17-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度会员事务暨编委会组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Member Affairs & Publication Committee for the term of 2018-2021 33 21-Aug-18 名人面对面 3.0 之第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Face to Face 3.0 with VIP 34 21-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度第 2 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.2 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2018- 2021 35 28-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度商务暨财经研究组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2018-2021 36 28-Aug-18 名人面对面 3.0 之第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Face to Face 3.0 with VIP 37 29-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度青商团第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 38 30-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度农工业组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Agriculture and Industry Committee for the term of 2018-2021 39 30-Aug-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 7 次会议 7th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 42 40 1-Sep-18 2018-2021 年度资讯及通讯工艺组第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of Information & Communication Technology Committee for the term of 2018-2021 41 4-Sep-18 现代农业讲座会筹委会第 1 次会议 1st Organizing Committee Meeting of Modern Farming Seminar 42 6-Sep-18 2018-2021 年度女企业家组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Women Enterpreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 43 14-Sep-18 名人面对面 3.0 之第 3 次会议 3rd meeting of Face to Face 3.0 with VIP 44 19-Sep-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 8 次会议 8th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 45 25-Sep-18 2018-2021 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of SME & Human Resource Committee for the term of 2018-2021 46 27-Sep-18 ‘我们爱巴生‘跑筹委会第 5 次会议 5th Organizing Committee Meeting of 'We Love Klang' Run 2018 47 27-Sep-18 名人面对面 3.0 之第 4 次会议 4th meeting of Face to Face 3.0 with VIP 48 27-Sep-18 2018-2021 年度青商团第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 49 2-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度国际贸易/东盟事务组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of International Trade / Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 50 9-Oct-18 ‘我们爱巴生’宝藏探秘寻宝活动 2.0 筹委会第 1 次会议 1st Organizing Committee Meeting of 'We Love Klang' Amazing Treasure Hunt 2.0 51 10-Oct-18 警民对话会第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of 'Dialog Kesedaran Keselamatan Antara Polis & Penghuni Kawasan Klang' 43 52 11-Oct-18 ‘我们爱巴生‘跑筹委会第 6 次会议 6th Meeting of 'We Love Klang' Run 2018 Organizing Committee 53 12-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 9 次会议 9th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 54 12-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度资讯及通讯工艺组第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of Information & Communication Technology Committee for the term of 2018-2021 55 13-Oct-18 2016-2019 年度雪兰莪滨海中华总商会第 9 次董事会议 9th Council Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Coastal Selangor for the term of 2016-2019 56 16-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度商务暨财经研究组第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2018-2021 57 17-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度女企业家组第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of Women Enterpreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 58 18-Oct-18 巴生文遗节 2.0 筹委会第 1 次会议 1st Organizing Committee Meeting of Klang Heritage Fest 2.0 59 19-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度马中经贸组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Malaysia-China Economic & Trade Committee for the term of 2018-2021 60 23-Oct-18 ‘我们爱巴生‘跑筹委会第 7 次会议 7th Organizing Committee Meeting of 'We Love Klang' Run 2018 61 24-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度第 3 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.3 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2018- 2021 62 25-Oct-18 巴生文遗节 2.0 筹委会第 2 次会议 2nd Organizing Committee Meeting of Klang Heritage Fest 2.0 63 25-Oct-18 ISO 内部审查会议 Meeting of ISO Internal Audit 44 64 29-Oct-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组开标会议 Open Tender Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 65 2-Nov-18 巴生文遗节 2.0 筹委会第 3 次会议 3rd Organizing Committee Meeting of Klang Heritage Fest 2.0 66 5-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组竞标报告第 1 次会议 1st Tender Report Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 67 5-Nov-18 现代农业讲座会筹委会第 2 次会议 2nd Organizing Committee Meeting of Modern Farming Seminar 68 8-Nov-18 ‘我们爱巴生‘跑筹委会第 8 次会议 8th Organizing Committee Meeting of 'We Love Klang' Run 2018 69 8-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 1 次面试入围竞标者 1st Tender Interview of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 70 19-Nov-18 巴生文遗节 2.0 筹委会第 4 次会议 4th Organizing Committee Meeting of Klang Heritage Fest 2.0 71 19-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组修改之竞标报告 Tender Revised Report of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 72 21-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 2 次面试入围竞标者 2nd Tender Interview of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 73 28-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度资讯及通讯工艺组第 5 次会议 5th Meeting of Information & Communication Technology Committee for the term of 2018-2021 74 29-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 10 次会议 10th Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 75 29-Nov-18 2018-2021 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of SME & Human Resource Committee for the term of 2018- 2021 45 76 3-Dec-18 2018-2021 年度新会所基建组第 1 次面试 AV 系统与 ELV 系统供应商 AV System & ELV System Supplier 1st Interview of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2018-2021 77 3-Dec-18 2018-2021 年度青商团第 1 次内部会议 1st Internal Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 78 4-Dec-18 2018-2021 年度国际贸易/东盟事务组第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of International Trade / Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2018-2021 79 4-Dec-18 2018-2021 年度商务暨财经研究组第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2018-2021 80 5-Dec-18 73 周年庆及大马中总第 73 届会员大会筹委会第 1 次会议 1st Organizing Committee Meeting of 73rd Anniversary Celebration
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