www.stdavidsdiocese.org.uk Tachwedd / November 2010 ‘Something Must be Done!’ ORD Rowe-Beddoe, the At the September meeting of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales, members ute to the growth of the churches.” LChairman of the Representa- were given a succinct and honest account of the state of the Church’s finances and It is interesting that the two tive Body (RB), the organisation future predictions. Paul Mackness reports people presenting that report were that administers the Church in both lay people, Richard Jones, Wales’ finances, summed up the punch: “ . your fund is in pretty the Parish Resources Adviser for current problems, “The financial good shape – but we do not see a It is inevitable Llandaff Diocese, and Tracey situation of the Church in Wales substantial uplift in the medium that clergy feel White, Funding and Parish Support is unlikely to improve over the term. Meanwhile the costs of the de-motivated when officer for St Asaph Diocese. next five years and will be unable Church rise inexorably. Something The questions posed dominated to continue operating in the way has to be done!” they service numerous the rest of the the meeting. it is doing at the moment. Never- The Church, like the secular congregations without Is it now time for change? Has theless the objectives of the RB world, is going to have to tighten the parish system run its course? remain – to relieve financial pres- its belt if we are to survive. For the opportunity to What needs to change in order for sure on parishes and support the past three years Bishop Wyn develop a strategy us to go for growth? Do we have mission and ministry.” too many buildings and too few In reality it came as no Clearly the current for growth clergy? What about lay ministry? Is surprise to anyone attending, that system is not our ministry effective? The reality the Church’s costs are increas- There needs to be a change of atti- seems to be that if we want things delivering now nor ing and its income is decreasing, Lord Rowe-Beddoe tude, policy, practice, priorities, to improve, and the church to grow even though the average giving is it sustainable culture – a whole new approach. and prosper in its mission and is going up across the Province. Finances report. In perhaps what “We have deliberately cut ministry in the 21st century, we are We, like everyone else, are being in the future was one of the most challenging clergy numbers to save money, going to have to answer these and affected by the worldwide finan- reports we have heard for a long while at the same time retaining other questions, and have the desire cial crisis and falling interest rates has asked that the budget for the time GB members were told, “How the same structures and the same to change. Then, of course, there is which have combined to impact on Diocese be a standstill budget, in do we organise ourselves for effec- number of buildings. It is inevitable the question when? The Church is investment income. an effort to help parishes. It is no tive mission? Clearly the current that clergy feel de-motivated when notoriously slow in these matters. The Representative Body secret that many parishes are feel- system is not delivering now nor they service numerous congre- However we cannot wait ten years report is not usually a major talking ing the financial pinch this year and is it sustainable in the future. We gations without the opportunity for a committee or commission to point among most Governing Body are facing difficulties, with many need a root and branch review of to develop a strategy for growth. report, there is an urgency about (GB) members but the comments now dipping into reserves. How the way we do things, avoiding the There is a perception of poor value the state of the Church. As the RB that came from the Chairman of long can this continue? duplication of tasks, making the for money. Fewer clergy spread report stated “Something must be the Investment Committee, Mr This was part of the theme that best use of resources, sharing skills more thinly are likely to be less done!” John Roberts definitely packed a emerged from the Membership and and changing what does not work. effective and less likely to contrib- Between History & Hope: Where will “Come ye thankful people come, the Church be in 2020? raise the song of harvest home . .” OOD question. And it was the next hundred years will depend on of our mission and ministry.” Gquestion that Bishop Wyn put what answers we come up with. Not least among these are our to delegates at the annual diocesan His preferred starting point is the buildings. “Many congregations conference, and indeed to the whole five marks of mission adopted at may come to the awareness that of the St Davids diocese. And he the 1990 Anglican Consultative they need to change and adapt wants answers. Our answers. Council (ACC) meeting, held in their buildings in outreach, to share “I want to hear your stories Wales, which were: (1) to proclaim them with other Christian bodies, about what you think the Church is the good news of the Kingdom, (2) to use them in different ways or for, what God is doing in your part to teach, baptise and nurture new even take leave of them as we of the vineyard and how you are members, (3) to respond to human move forward in our Venture in using history to draw out new hope need with loving service, (4) to Mission into the future”, Bishop for tomorrow,” he said. And during seek to transform the unjust struc- Wyn said. “Our [Victorian] prede- Lent next Spring, he plans to tour tures of society and (5) to safeguard cessors responded to the challenge Not all farmers attend church; not all churchgoers go to market. the diocese and listen to what we the integrity of creation and sustain of expansion by building or restor- So this year’s diocesan harvest festival was probably a bit of an come up with. and renew the life of the earth. ing churches. We need to respond eye-opener for many of the 200 who gathered in the auction ring 2020 is significant because it “I am asking all clergy and to the challenge of focus, consoli- at Carmarthen mart for the service. Leaders of both communities marks the centenary of disestab- congregations to hold their mission dation and concentration.” joined together to celebrate the richness of our local produce, lishment of the Church In Wales. and ministry up to the mirror of the which was then sampled and enjoyed at the harvest supper. And the Bishop left conference in five marks,” he said, “and to ques- continued on page 4 A collection raised £575 for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent no doubt that what happens in the tion our approach to every aspect Institution Walk St David Feature – Pages 8 and 9 Am ddim Free 2 Pobl Dewi, November 2010 A fond farewell Scholar, Theologian, Educator As Ven Dr John Holdsworth prepares to leave St Davids for Cyprus and the Gulf, Nigel Ford pays a personal tribute to the Archdeacon’s hard work, commitment and encouragement and Communicator during his time as Vicar of Steynton Revd Canon Professor Leslie Francis, from Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, looks forward to hearing how Ven Dr John Holdsworth’s intellectual energy will continue to resource the international Church from Cyprus OHN HOLDSWORTH is a Jbiblical scholar, practical theo- logian, theological educator, and religious communicator whose reputation stands high well beyond the Diocese of St Davids. It is a significant testimony to the Church in Wales that it is now able to give such a resource to the Anglican Church in Cyprus. As theological educator, John served as Warden of St Michael’s College, Llandaff, for those crucial years between 1997 and 2003 during which he transformed that institution to serve a wide spectrum OHN HOLDSWORTH is service refreshment) has seen an of the theologically diverse Angli- Jknown to all the Diocese as increase in the number of young can Church in Wales, and beyond. Archdeacon of St Davids, but his people who now regularly attend, As biblical scholar, John has “other job” has been the Vicar of and has met with a warm welcome done much to make contempo- Steynton and it is this role – “John from non-regular churchgoers who rary scholarship accessible to a the Man” – as seen from a parish enjoy following the service without new generation of students and to and personal perspective that I the need for a handful of books. apply biblical insights both to the offer here. Another aspect of his minis- contemporary life of the Church (2005); Faith under Fire: exploring currently shaping the first volume When he joined the parish John try in Steynton has been his and to current political concerns 1 Peter and Revelation (2006); The in the series. was well aware that he was “a commitment to active fellowship of the world. In this area his books Same but Different: The synoptic John’s skills as a communicator change”. He managed the change exemplified by his pilgrimages include Dwelling in a Strange gospels (2006); Here in the News: are not restricted to the medium of well by introducing new elements to Northern England (well the Land (2003), SCM Studyguide to exploring how the Bible gets its print, as his long associations with into worship and parish life that man must have some faults!), the the Old Testament (2005), Getting message across (2006) and Yours radio and television testify.
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