SCENES FROM THE FUNERAL RITES OF LATE DR. JOSEPH E. WALKER Dr. Wolker's widow, a nurse and other members of the family Dr. J. E. Walker's Remains Dr. and Mrs. Julian Kelso Mr. and Mrs. A. Maceo Walker and their son, Maceo/Jr. I. READ THE Dr. Walker Paid NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS . FIRST Glowing Tribute IN YOUR ! A Mg I Ç A*S ¿~T~ANDATO MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Leaders from Johnetta W. Kelso, a son, A. Maceo MEMPHIS WORLD-. -r a score of states came here Friday Walker Sr.. 2 granddaughters, a and paid tribute to the late Dr. ■ grandson,’ nieces, nephews' and—J Joseph E. Walker at Mississippi cousins. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 13 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS Boulevard Christian Church. ______¡>_... ______ :... Both the main auditorium of the Representatives From church, and the adjoining education building were filled to capaci^ JjBLCit i es Attend MAN DOES NOT when final rites began at.l p.m. Candidates Make Last Bid To Among those present, were Charles Dr. Walket'? Funeral REPRESENT Green, of the Atlanta Life Insurance Among the out-of-town persons Company, and A. G. Gaston,- Bir­ MEMPHIS WORLD ana organizations representatives Muster Votes In Election mingham, Ala., business man. attending Dr. J. E. Walkers fun­ An unidentified man is soliciting Included in s’atements on behalf eral last Friday weie: dona 'Ims in the name of (he ; Candidates for the senatorial, lor and Clifford Allen was “a of Dr. Walker were three resolutions From Atlanta, Ga.: Charles E. .Memphis World, according to a i gubernatorial and other nato.rial wasted vote” in that “neither of drawn by firms and religious orders Greene, public relations director report to this paper by president | races ' will be making their last the two van win.” On the segre­ They were: of Atlanta Life Insurance Co. of the Hollywood-Chelsea Business ■ bids to muster votes from Tennes- gation isue. Orgill has said that ■1. A resolution cn behalf of the Durham. N. C : Asa T. Spauld­ association this week. s-.aiis this week with just two lie is personally for segregation, National Christian Missionary Con­ ing, vice president of the North President Frank Haleman des­ more days until the primaries on but that he will leave It up to vention, read bv Emmett Dickerson Carolina Mutual Life Insurance cribed the man as -a dark-brown Aug. 7.- lu.cal boards to handle their own 2. A resolution on behalf of the Co. Negro about six feet, one inch tall. •As the primary showdown nears, problems and will abide by-the Tri-State Bank, read by Mrs Fran­ Chicago. Ill.: Claude Barnett, about 60 years of age with a heavy, campaign managers and their can­ law of .the land.” . a cis Elassell, executive director of the Associat­ votee. “He appeared untidy”. didates were .busily predicting vic­ Tip” Taylor has r said that he 3. A resolution on behalf of the ed Negro Press; Atty. Jesse B. The president said the man told tory for their camp while others “will close” the schools if. integra­ Universal Life Insurance Company, Mann: Murray J. Marvin, execu­ him he was “employed by the Mem­ are asking, "those who can’t possi­ tion should come. He and his cam­ read by Mrs. Ola B. Mairely. tive director of the National In­ phis World”. And that “he was bly win” to withdraw in favor of paign managers are now making These resolutions followed an elo­ surance Association; Truman Gib­ soliciting Tor a charitable cause 1 the so-called "people’s choice.” more vicious attacks on Orgill and quent tribute by Elder Blair T. son. Sr., board chairman of Su­ promoted by the newspaper. He A poll made last week by the Ellington, while staying--- their Hunt, who also offfcia'ed at the preme Liberty Life; Mrs. Mary said that all of the merchants who Chattanooga News Free Press re­ ground from Allen whom they burial in Elmwood Ceme’erv Coles, wife of the late R D. Coles, did not donate "To the cause would vealed that Edmund Orgill of don’t consider a contender. Their Reflecting sadness in his person­ executive of Metropolitan Burial be boycotted by the colored people Memphis was. leading in the gu- | main attacks are aimed at//the al knowledge of the slain business, Association ; Dewey Grantham, in the Hollywood - Chelsea area". ternatorial race and that Senatoi Memphis mayor as they are ^try- church and civic leader, Elder vice president of the Metronolitan Halemen said some of the bus­ Albert Gore was ahead of his op-J ing to connect him with— the Hunt declared: . Burial Associât ion : Leon Piernas inessmen belonging to the associat­ nonent in the race for a second NAACP and the ADÀ, “A voté-for "Man is at his best when he is of Remington Rand Co.; Dr. J ion have seen the same man term in the U. S. Smutto. The Orgill is a vote for, the NAACP,” on his knees waving to God. Dr. B. Marvin, a public office holder; “soliciting for other causes before,- survey showed that Orgill was Taylor is saying now in hls cazn Walker was indeed a praying man. Rev. R. L. Gordon. about four months jUgo" - first, with 1147 votes;^fjom the paten.. There,. is $,,neW; slogan iii America knows of him as a busi­ Wheaton. Ill Mr. and Mrs. Thet majiàglng editor of/ thé ♦no' t reliable Andrew the TaÿiW c&inp-; ?vl€^gxll. for Ke- ness, genius, political leader and a ■ Roblp^n. Memphis World, told the presi­ "Til)" Taylor was second with 1137 fa,uver,- rEllingtoni for Clelhênr; ’ ihd ' phiiuntjhrqpist, bjit: l wa'nt to speak dent of the association "we do not and lluil Ellington had 1062. Swn-' Taylor for. governor!” X of liim as a praying man.” Nashville: d. A. have a man Titting this description alnr Clifford Allen was last with Ellington, backed by Citizéttsfôfr Elder Hunt’s prepared remarks ulive of- McKissic in our employment. We don’t have 250 Progress, Memphis political group continued: Construction Co.; a man as old ns 60 employed We GOKE IN FRONT designed to “Keep Memphis In “All great subjects have sharp Epps; Dr;-a nd Mr have never sent any employee out The Press also revealed In il.s Shelby County Down in Dixie!,” outlines, easier to discern and all of Tennessee in the named of the Memphis Statewide poll that incumbent claims to have been, endorsed - by - readily lent to description. It has and Mrs. Iv^nettn Davis, wife of World solicting donations”. Senator Albert Gore led ex-Gov- more newspapers than all the oth­ been my pleasure to serve as Dr. the university’s pn?sident; Dr. «unnr Prentice Cooper 1?45 to er candidates combined, and has Walker’s pastor for the last 36 Matthew Walker of Meharry Med­ 1755 ___ ■ ’ • Dredicted an “easy victory” - for yeai-s. He has never missed a iical College: S. G. “Hemphill of Attyr Cecil A. Partee It was the usual .activities for himself and the CP-Clement ,mÿ* church service during that time thei Hemphill Printing Co.; Elder INSURANCE EXECUTIVES WHO ATTENDED THE I J. Marvin of Chicago; J. A. Batts of Jackson, the candidates as the election chine on Aug. 7. “I’m a strong except for the times he was ill or iand Mrs. H. C. Poston. FUNERAL FOR DR. J. E. WALKER—Asa T. Spauld- Fla.; Charles E. Greene- of^ Atlanta,• « Ga.,- and Commencement Speaker came closer. Onrill contained to segregationist,” he has said. CP New Orleans, La.: Atty. B. T. absint from the city.” ing of Durham, N. C.; George W. Lee of Mem­ Atty. B. J. Johnson of New Orleans. At Tenn. University " ” “Fiirif' Timt“• he was -the fluty " Dr. Walker was described during ,Johnson, secretary of Peoples Life (Staff Photo) candidate that had the, possi­ the neop’.e’s choice, Orgill, with his pre-medical school days as a Insurance Co»: and Mr. A. Chris­ phis Branch of Atlanta Life Insurance; Murray 11 MEMPHIANS TO bility <»l‘ hrea’i’n? the “state­ the NAACP. dark brown young man with a ‘‘de­ tophe, president of the Peoples RECÉICE DEGREES wide (Tcment-Kuford Ellinerton- ALLEN STANDS FIRM termined jaw and sturdy eyes." Life Co.; Mrs. Pearl Dejoie. board Estimated 2,000 NASHVILLE —Tennessee State Citiz^ns for Progress machine." Clifford Allen, who has been Elder Hunt told how Walker’s mo­ member of the Louisiana Life In- University alumnus and Chicago 2,<c said that a vote for Tip Tay- (Continued on Page Six) ther and grandmother had surahea Co.* D. A. Monroe, Ber­ Eulogy For Dr. Walker Attorney Cecil A. Partee is sche­ "wrapped their hearts around him nie Jacobs, president of the Attend Funeral Of duled to deliver, the báccalaureate- and reared him as the symbol of Lighthouse“ Insurance Co.; Dublin, ctominencement address at the Uni­ their hopes." . Rhoades, ;a. mortician; P. P. Creu- Dr- J.JE.i Walker versity’s 46th summer exercise in zot. JÍ. Delivered By Rev. Hunt An estimated 2,000 men and wo­ H. A. Kean hall at 11 a. in.. August AMBITIOUS YOUTH Baton Rouge. La.: A group of men from all walks of life braved 10. “At the turn of the century," the representatives from various areas. While delivering a eulogy nt Dr. “lie Was A .Praying' Man.” an unrelenting torrid afternoon ■ T . -X “Dr. Walker’s body will Other graduation exercises lor eulogy continued, “it was under­ Jackson, Miss.: W. J. Thomas, J. E. Walker's funeral Friday af­ sun, Friday to crowd into Missis­ the 234 candidates will start Aug.' standable to find an intelligent, ternoon, Elder Blair T.
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