275 WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. <;O~ ;>NLEY. Twining Alice (Miss), ladies., schoof, Woodbouse John, tailor Green Joseph.eastratOl' Roseneath house Woolhouse Charles, boot & shoe maker Hague George, farmer 'Valker Charl~, beer Ntailer, High st & sexton Milward Bosville, farmer Watkio John, blacksmith Clifton. Peace Joseph, joiner Watts Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Lund Benjamin, Rose cottage T~son Williatu, shoe maker Wilson Robert, W{)OJ turner Graves Tltomas, farmer Wild William, farmer CONISTON COLD is a township, village and an 1 PosT 0FPICE.-Thomas Hurst, receiver. L<:!tters from ecclesiastical parish formed in 18!6 from the parishes of Lt:etls. via Bdl Busk, ddivered at8.20 a.m; sundt~y .. 8.50 Gargrave and Kirkby in Malham Dale, 1 mile south-east a.•u; di:~patched at :> p.m; on sundays i) p.m. Hell from the Bell Busk station on the Midland railway, 6 miles Busk is the nearest money order office north-west fro10 Skipton, 10 south~east from Settle, in the Northern !llvisioo of the Riding. petty sessional division of Bell Busk is a small village in this township, where Skipton, eastern dhision of Staincliffe and Rwcros~ wapen­ there is a station on the Midland railway, Here are the take, Skipton union and county court district, North Craven extensive silk mills of C. A. Rickards esq. which find em­ rural deanery, Craven archdeacoory and Ripoo diocese, ployment for nearly the whole of the population of Bell t~ituated on the river Aire. The church of St. Peter, found~d ausk and Coniston Cold. by the late James B. Garforth esq. consecrated in 1816, is a -- plain rectangular building of stone, with small spire, 1 bell PosT & Mo:s-EY ORDER 0.F.FICE & Savings Bank.­ and a clock. The register dates from 18!6. The living is a Charles Larkin; postmaster. Letters tbrou:,th Leedil vicarage, yearly value £100, with residence, in the gift of arrive at Bell Busk at 7.35 a. m.; dispatched at G p.m Mrs. Tottie, and now vacant. The charities are £26 yearly l:NsURANCE AGENT-Liverpool1 L~Jndon ~ Globe, G. A .. value. Coniston Hall, the seat of Mrs. Tottie, is a modern Rickards t.tone mansion prettily situated beside a lake 25 acres in ScuooLd :- extent. Mrs. Tottie is lady of the manor and chief land­ owner. The land is in p 1sture. The population in 1861 was National (mixed), William Davis, master 266, and the area is 1,3.'37 acres; rateable value,£1,960 3s. -id.; A Sunday school is hdd in the National school roo:n, which the area of the ecclesiastical parish is 1,960 acret; the popu­ is supporteJ by Mn. Tottie lation in 1871 was 293. Railu;ay .Station, Charle& Larkin, station master Coniston Cold. Clark Robert, joiner Altham John, farmer Tottie Mrs. Coniston hall flirst 1'homas, shoe maker Rawlinson Jobn, farmer • COMMERCIAL. Lord Charles~ farmer Rickards Charles A. sewing silk manfr Anderson John, farmt-r Wiudle Willia:o, farmer 8hackleton Henry, farm baililf to Her­ Anderson William, farmer bert Salt esq Alkinson J obn, farmer Bell Busk. Wright Roger, shopkeeper Brown Edwardjun. farmer Altham Henry, farmer <JONONLEY is a township, which together with Brad­ The area of Cooonley is 1,454. acr~; gross estimated rental ley was formed in 1871 into an ecclesiiLstical parish from £:3,906; rateable value, £:3,581 4s.; area of Bradley 1,9;)1; that of Kildwick, from which it is distant 2 miles west, 3i population of the former in 1871, 1,012; and of the latter .. l'outh-east from Skipton and 6 miles north-west from 487; rateable value, £2,6.56 6s. 4d.; the area of the ecclesi­ Keighley, in the Northern di vi~ion of the Riding, east astical parish is 3,285; population in 1871 was 1,461. oivision of Stainclitfe and Ewcross wapentake, Skipton BRADLEY township is situated in the Aire valley and union, petty sessional division and county court district, separated from Conouley by the A.ire and the Leedil and rural deanery of South Craven, archdeaconry of Craven and Liverpool canal. diocese of Ripon. The Midland railway has a station at Parish C{~Jr"-• Isaac Wrigbt. Cononley, which is situate on the river A ire. The church of St. John is a small stone building, consisting of chancel -- and nave, with a bell-cot at the west end, containin~ 1 bell, PosT & MONBY ORDER OPFICB & Savings- Bank, :and was erected in 1866. The register dates frow that year. Cononley.~William Towers, postmaster. Letteril from The living is a vicarage, yearly value £125, in the gift of Leeds arrive at 6.42 a.m.; dispatched at 6.30 p.m~; on Christ Church, Oxford and held by the Rev. J ames Wynn sun days lettel"::! arrive from Leeds at 7 .~0 a. m.; dispatched <>f St. Bees. Tllere are chapels for Wesleyan Methodhns, 5·"'5 p.m Baptists, Primitive Methodi!lts, The Brethren and the Free PosT OPPICE, Bradley.-Robert Henry Currer, post- Church. There is also a Primitive Methodist chapPl at -'Jouster. Letters from Leed~, through Kildwick, arrive at Bradley. Here are lead mines belonging to and worked by 8 a.m.; dispatched at 5.30 p.m the Duke of Devonshire, the agent for Which resides at ScHooLs:- Carleton; weaving is also carried on to some extent. The National, Alfred Hoyle, masttr; Mrs. Martha Hoyl~> Duke of Devonshire is lord of the manor. James Luod mistreas; Mi~ Elgive Redcliff, mfants' mistress e5q. J .P. of Malsis Hall, is the chief landowner. The land is Wesleyan, Bradley, Thomas Smith, master chiefly pasture. The soil 4i sand; subsoil, stone and gravel. Rq,ilway Station, Thomas Fourt, station master Cononley. Briden Thomas, farmer Holt Thos. farmer, Peat Gill head Hdden Thomas, tailor & draper J ndttstrial Co-operative Society(SmJ. l'RIVATE RESIDENTs. Brown John, farmer, Weasel green Dean, manager) Aked Edward, Brooklyn house Cherry Thomas, blacksmith Jacksoo George, hay & straw dealer Dodgson William, Mill lane Clark~on Jonas, f11rmer, Woodslde Laycock James,joiner&cabinet makP·· Earnshaw James, Milton house Coates John, gTO<"er, Main etreet la) cock Joseph, farmer Green Thomas, Rock house Coates Robert, farmer, Gibb side Laycock Joseph, grocer, Main street Holloway Wm. Robert, North view ConJer David, farmer,.Gibb side Lfe Wllliam, tailor Hoyle Alfred, School house Conyer William, farmer, Moor top .Moorhouse Richard, boot maker Jackson Geor~e · Cooper John, farmer, Woodside Overend James, farmer, Club row Kay Joseph Gaulding, Woodside C.ooper John, farmer, .Skipton road Q,·erend Robert, grocer Plumber William, Royd place Cooper Samuel, farmer, Woodside Shuttleworth Lawrence, farmer Smith Joshua, St. John's cross Cooper Wilkinson, ~airier Stmpson Harrison, Bay ltor8e Smith Mrs. St. J obn's cross Davey Dennis, draper, Main street Smalley John, farmer, Uibb aide Stansfield James, Club row Dean Jonathao, furmer, T~wnhea.d Smith Heaton, New inn, bottle<l~lt:s & Tempest Mril Dean Thomas, greengrocer stout, foreign spirits &c Turner George. Milto11 house Dixon J oho, farmer, Prospect Ho. farm Smith J &cob, til.rmer, W oodside Turner John, Cononley hall D~ckworth David, b~tcher & f.trmer Smith James, boot maker Turner John,jun Duckworth King, farmer, Streethead Smith Jemi•ua (Mrs.), farmer Whittiogham J ames, Hawfidd house Earns ha wJ ohn,commssn.agt. Milton ho Smith J11shua, estate agent W )'nn ReY. J ames {vicar 1 Grandage John, income tu collector Smith Robert, beer retailer COMMERCU.L. Hardisty William, boot&. shoe maker tSpeak James, farmer, Royd house Aked Edwd.stulf maoufr. Farnhill mill llargreaves Joseph, farmet Stans:field Simeon,. farmer, Scar cl1ft Archer Jam~, farmer, W oodside Hargreaves Step ben, draper, St.J' ohn st Stan~field William, mattress maker BowcockTbomas,farm bailitftoThomas H!ll"rison Elijah, farmer, Gill head Tatham Ht'llry, clogger Heap esq. Skipton J.Hogartb Ma. f,ha (Mr:t.)-~. farmer Tempest David, farmer, Weasel green 18 ... .
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