Associated Students University of California Santa Barbara Phone 968-3626 Monday, May 4, 1964 V o l. 44 - N o. 72 SALINGER, ROUSSELOT SPEECHES HIT KEY ISSUES Candidate wants 'contest Democracy, Communism of ideas not personalities’ in WW III says Bircher by SANDRA FITZGERALD terests, and the preservation By STEPHEN RITTENBERG goals of his organization but Assistant News Editor of natural resources. Assistant News Editor also of action planned fo r the Pierre Salinger, aspirant for "If we (the candidates) could "Democracy and communism near future and of the society’s the California Democratic no­ discuss these issues it would are engaged in World War m . difficulties. mination fo r U.S .Senate, moved elevate the campaign to a con­ JOHN ROUSSELOT "The battleline is drawn from with vigor through a discussion test of ideas, not person­ which one ideology must emerge TEN POINT PLAN of what he feels are the major alities," he asserted. victorious and the other dead," Rousselot outlined a ten point issues in the campaign, before In the area of foreign policy, John Rousselot prophesied last plan by which the Birch Society a capacity Campbell Hall audi­ "T h e main problem is that Friday night in CampbeU Hall intends to destroy the “ Com ­ ence last Thursday. of theUjS.in Latin America," before a capacity crowd. munist conspiracy in the United After a well-received joke according to the political aspir­ *** He further stated, "T h e John States." session, the former President­ ant. Birch Society is determined to The society is disseminating ial press secretary got down "The prime issue of the times save for our children and our literature on the conservative to more serious issues with a is the issue of war or peace, children’s children the legacy viewpoint and sponsoring anti­ statement of his reasons for and whether or not we can sur­ bequeathed to us by our ances­ communist refugees who "say running fo r the office. "B eing vive the conflict with Commun­ to r s ." we are making the same mistake in the White House I have seen is m ," he continued. In his address, "John Birch as their country did--we are how the individual affects our In claiming that no policy is Society—Its Programs and treating the Communist party as policies. "more subject to glib slogans Principles," District Governor a party instead of a subversive " I am convinced beyond a doubt (Cont. on page 5) PIERRE SALINGER Rousselot not only spoke of the agent.” that Engle is unable to run for The Society also is en­ Senator. If he could run, I would couraging the American public not be in the campaign," Sal­ HH to read conservative magazines inger assured. and to attend conservative lec­ RHA tures. WANTS DEBATES To combat the spread of sub­ He stressed his desire for versive ideology Rousselot debates with the other candi­ Royalty said, "We are making it more dates, saying "The future of the difficult for pro-communists to Democratic party in California John Olney, left, appear without having their depends on competitionbetween and Marc Jacobs, Identity revealed." the candidates. Anything that right, were PUBLIC DISAPPROVAL stifles competition wUl kill the crowned RH A During its five years of exis­ party. King and Queen tence the John Birch Society respectively at has been faced by a hostile pu­ "T o pay a tribute to the great the RHA Formal blic. Rousselot attributes most legacy made by the late Presi­ held last Friday of this hostility to the influence dent Kennedy, who showed that night at the T im ­ of the Communist party. politicians need not be medi­ bers. He felt "they are disturbed ocre," was another of Saling­ by our growth, our ability to er's reasons for entering the stem pro-communist thrusts, race. "He restored politics to JOHN OLNEY and their inability to penetrate the front rank of professions our organization and bog it in the country," Salinger com ­ mented. down in disputes. They there­ Salinger cited as the import­ fore have nad to resort to ant problems in California those RHA to sponsor Burdick lecture/ character assassination." of unemployment, civil rights, In an exclusive Interview with water and agricultural ln- E L GAUCHO Rousselot said that a portion of the blame for the discussion of Fail Safe' planned Society’s poor image must be Peace Corps given to the press. ’Certain Eugene Burdick, author and and was also featured by the sity. At Oxford, Burdick was a newspapers such as the Wash- associate professor of political Book of the Month Club. Rhodes Scholar. (Cont. on page 5) placement test science at UC, Berkeley, w ill A long-time California resl- discuss his book "Fail Safe" W AR YEARS will be given at a lecture Wenesday at 4 p.m. Burdick served for five years RHA members in Campbell HaU. Tickets may in the Navy during World War The Peace Corps Placement be obtained from the AS cashier, n, spending most of his war Test wUl be given Saturday at i g p B 50$ fo r adults and 25$ fo r stu­ years in the Pacific aboard am­ choose officers the Santa Barbara Main Post dents. phibious vessels and destroy­ Office on Anacapa and Canon The Residence Hall Associa­ ers. He was decorated for Perdido Streets, in Room 37. on short ballot tion is sponsoring his lecture courageous action during a Ja­ Requirements for volunteers m conjunction with its choice panese torpedo-plane attack. Election of RHA officers for are that they be Am erican citi­ X of "Fall Safe" as RHA Book of X: During the Korean conflict, next year w ill be conducted to­ zens at least 18 years old, have the Year. Burdick was assigned to Naval day and tomorrow. the equivalent erf a high school The book discusses the pos­ War College, Newport, Rhode Only one candidate, Anne education, and have no depen­ sibility of an accidental war Island, as Academic Consultant. Huxtable, is running fo r RHA dents under 18. Both members caused by technical failure. The President. of a m arried couple must qua­ book also explores the psycho­ In addition to writing his third Still in the vice-presidential lify. logical state of the men in­ novel, which is slated fo r pu­ race are Linda Relsser, For­ The test merely helps the volved. blication next year, Burdick re­ rest Stamper, and Curt WeUs. Peace Corps in determining the i cently served as co-editor of Larry Estrada has withdrawn best overseas assignment for BOOK OF THE MONTH "The American Voter," which from the contest. each applicant; there is no Burdick’s first novel, "The reviews and amplifies recent Lauren Fisher is the sole passing score. Ninth W a ve," published in 1956, studies in voting behavior. aspirant for RHA Secretary. For qualification, a Peace was a Book of the Month Club Running fo r treasurer are Julie Corps Questionnaire must be selection and remained on the CONSULTANT C raig and Bob Marshburn. fUled out and sent either to the best seller list for a number Burdick also serves as a Con­ EUGENE BURDICK Polls in De la Guerra and Peace Corps or brought to the of months. sultant on Basic Issues for the Ortega Commons will be open testing center. Questionnaires His more recent novel, "The dent, Burdick obtained a Ph.D Fund fo r the RepubUc. Under the from 7:30-8:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m. may be obtained at any Post Of­ Ugly American,"writtenincol­ from Oxford University in poli­ auspices of this Foundation, he 12:45 p.m., and 5-6 p.m. Stu­ fice or from the Peace Corps, laboration with William J. Le- tical theory foUowlng his gra­ has just completed an intensive dents must show their meal tic ­ Washington, D. C. 20525. derer, was published in 1958 duation from Stanford Univer­ study of California politics. kets when voting. Page 2 - EL G A U CH O - Monday, May 4, 1964 Editor’s Mail Box £ 1 fa u c h a it takes a knowledge of drama er Day put on by the senior Content is issue to write an intelligent review class April 18. It is my feeling of a play. that too much emphasis is put DOUGLAS GOMKE on this event as one for seniors. Editor: GARY MILLER If a senior has not investigated At the Legislative Council NANCY NOREN OPINION meeting of April 28, a motion career opportunities by January to allow the “Mohammed of his senior year, he is not Speaks,” theofficial newspaper very likely to find a position upon graduation. EDITORIAL of the Black Muslims, to be Spring Sing hop sold in a newstand in the Stu­ Most job interviews have dent Union was tabled so that been completed by the time the SU committee could consult April arrives. Career Day Aprés moi le deluge? Editor: would be much more beneficial past policy. The attempt of Spring Sing’s Opinions were voiced in the to the other classes, especially The Student Union Policy Committee and Leg­ master of ceremonies (whoever the juniors, and, therefore, the council meeting :hat the stu­ he was) to turn the event into islative Council will decide tomorrow whether to dents at UCSB should be spared fact that this is an event for A LL a B ill Balance Record Hop was students should be stressed in allow the on-campus sale of "Mohammed Speaks," newspapers like “ Mohammed nearly successful. It was Speaks” since they have such a the publicity for it.
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