ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS Volume LIX 33 Number 1, 2011 FORESTRY ADAPTATION MEASURES AT THE DECLINE OF NORWAY SPRUCE (PICEA ABIES KARST.) STANDS AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE SILESIAN BESKIDS, CR P. Čermák, O. Holuša Received: May 18, 2010 Abstract ČERMÁK, P., HOLUŠA, O.: Adaptation measures at the decline of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) stands as exemplifi ed by the Silesian Beskids, Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 1, pp. 293–302 At the beginning of this century, particularly a er 2003, decline of Picea abies occurred at Forest Dis- trict Jablunkov in the Silesian Beskids. This decline is of the complex character disease caused by the synergetic eff ects of abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors. Under conditions of climatic changes, it is possible to expect that similar episodes will repeat and appear also in other regions. Forestry will have to respond to them by changes in forest management. Measures proposed and discussed in this paper can be a starting point in their basic principles for other similar regions. Fundamental spheres of possible measures are as follows: chemical adaptations of the soil environment, i.e. liming or fertil- ization (if to realise them or not), changes in the species composition (particularly the rate of the de- crease of Picea abies, participation of Fagus sylvatica and increasing the diversity of tree species), modifi - cation of the rotation (decrease) and regeneration period (increase). decline disease, Silesian Beskids, Picea abies, liming, tree species composition, rotation period Since the 90s of the 20th century, the area decline ing and defoliation, decreasing the radial increment of Picea abies occurs in European regions, which has and the dieback of particular trees and groups of not been brought about by one evident reason but is trees in stands of various ages, in some cases with of the character of a complex disease caused by syn- the eff ect of fi nal biotic mortality factors (Armillaria ergetic eff ects of abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic spp., Ips typographus, Ips duplicatus, Pityogenes chalcogra- factors. The complex of factors changes also in the phus etc.), in other cases without an identifi able mor- course of time, however, symptoms and impacts of tality factor). these decline disease episodes are very similar. Cli- Present fi ndings on the course and reasons of the mate or its changes and sudden variations can be decline can be briefl y resumed. In the second half considered to be one of main stressors. In the Czech of the 1990’s and at the beginning of the 21st cen- Republic, decline of this type was noted particularly tury, gradual increasing the radial increment oc- in the Orlické hory Mts. (ČERMÁK et al., 2005; ŽID, curred in the Jablunkov Forest District. It was in- ČERMÁK, 2007) and the Silesian Beskids. terrupted in 2000. This increase was made possible In the Polish side of the Silesian Beskids, the de- by mild winters without marked temperature ex- cline of spruce stands occurred already at the begin- tremes, high temperatures in the growing season, ning of the 1990’s. At the beginning of this century, more or less normal precipitation and the decline its symptoms began to appear also in the Jablunkov of air pollution. In 2003, the radial increment mark- Forest District, which is directly connected with this edly decreased (another fall in 2006) remaining at Polish area. Basic symptoms are as follows: yellow- the substandard level (ČERMÁK et al., 2010). Within 293 294 P. Čermák, O. Holuša the same period, more marked symptoms of decline and safe production of forests as well as to ensure started to appear. Damage to spruce determined by the fulfi lment of non-wood producing functions it monitoring as yet diff ers only insignifi cantly in var- will be necessary to defi ne and implement a number ious age classes. Naturally, in average values, the of adaptation measures. health condition of stands gets worse with increas- General measures proposed (see Tab. I) and dis- ing age. The intensity of damage to stands is not cussed in this paper can be a starting point for other primarily dependent on site conditions, i.e. forest regions in their fundamental theses. type group, altitude or slope orientation. No situa- tion illustrating a biotic agent acting simultaneously Area adaptations of the soil environment the role of a predisposition, initiation and mortal- The supply of nutrients in soil throughout the ity stress factor was identifi ed. The rate of using bi- Beskids is low in the long term, the lack of nutrients otic mortality factors mentioned above markedly is documented at least since the 1980’s of the last changes in particular stands or parts of the region. century (e.g. KLIMO, VAVŘÍČEK, 1991) and later On the basis of the comparison of dendrochrono- papers prove the defi ciency of Ca, Mg or P (KUL- logical dates of limed and unlimed stands (ŠRÁMEK HAVÝ, KLIMO (1998); BARSZCZ, MAŁEK (2008); et al., 2008), notable diff erences did not result in the NOVOTNÝ et al. (2008)). Higher contents of sulphur tree increment between limed and unlimed areas ef- in soil were also demonstrated (BARSZCZ, 1990; fects of the site classes being evidently marked. At BARSZCZ, MAŁEK, 2008). The soil environment the damaged stand, an increment did not follow af- of the Beskids is markedly heterogeneous. Even on ter the increment fall as in comparable undamaged small areas, diff erent soil types with markedly diff er- stands. Naturally, this fact can be interpreted as the entiated trophic conditions can change. It is docu- logical result of defoliation and generally lower con- mented both by surveys carried out in the Silesian dition. Determined depositions of acidifying and Beskids (MLČOUŠEK et al. 2008; TUREK et al., 2009) eutrophying basic cations, fl uorides and chlorides and surveys coming from other parts of the Beskids (ŠRÁMEK et al., 2008) do not reach critical values be- (VAVŘÍČEK, BETUŠOVÁ 1996; VAVŘÍČEK, 2001). ing comparable with other mountain localities in This diff erentiation can become evident more mark- the CR. On the other hand, they are not by far unim- edly in the general characteristics of soil profi les portant co-creating the total load. than in factors resulting from the various species Climatic factors, particularly shorter and longer composition. Results of surveys within the Czech spells of drought and temperatures in the growing Terra project (MLČOUŠEK et al, 2008; TUREK et al., season and in autumn, signifi cantly aff ected the ra- 2009) show that reserves of nutrients are generally dial increment (ČERMÁK et al., 2010). Dry and warm higher in forest fl oor than in underlying horizons. weather in 2003 has to be considered an initiation The highest values of bivalent exchangeable bases stressor acting a fundamental and perhaps a key role were detected in humus of beech stands although in the present health condition of forest stands. total reserves of bases in mineral soil horizons were Under conditions of climatic changes, it is pos- relatively balanced regardless of the stand species sible to expect that similar episodes of the Picea ab- composition. ŠRÁMEK et al. (2008) note that in soils ies decline will repeat in other European mountain with the generally higher content of nutrients there ranges. Thus, forest management will have to re- is marked depletion of nutrients from upper soil spond to them urgently. To ensure the sustainable layers in spruce stands. In beech stands, however, I: Fundamental principles of adaptation measures proposed for the Beskids within the Czech Terra project and their comparison with the pres- ent measures – Regional Plans of Forest Development of Moravian-Silesian Beskids Natural Forest Region (HOLUŠA et al., 2000) Type of measures Present measures Proposed measures At present not realized; carried out in Not to realize – potential risks are Liming and fertilization the past higher than benefi ts Proportion of Picea abies in the In the 4th FVZ up In the 4th FVZ up to 10%, target species composition to 50%, in the 5th FVZ up to 70% in the 5th FVZ 10–20% To increase slightly compared to the present condition: in the 4th FVZ 20– Proportion of Fagus sylvatica in the Markedly lower than in the natural 50% (at exposed sites even up to 60%), target species composition species composition in the 5th FVZ 10–40% and in the 6th FVZ 10–30% Proportion of other species Very low To increase According to sites 70 to 120 years with According to sites 90 to 160 years a possibility to decrease operatively Spruce rotation period (extremely unfavourable sites of down to about 60 years according to the 6th and the 7th FVZ the condition of stands Regeneration period in spruce According to sites 30 to 40 years with According to sites 20 to 40 years stands a possibility to extend operatively Note: FVZ – forest vegetation zone Forestry adaptation measures at the decline of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) stands as exemplifi ed 295 there is higher uptake of nutrients from deeper ho- tent of magnesium in soil, values of soil reaction and rizons. In stands with the most intense symptoms of thus the content of calcium or even the amount of decline, minimum contents of nutrients were found applied limestone did not demonstrate signifi cant both in spruce and beech stands, namely within the eff ects on the growth, development and health con- whole soil profi le depth. Thus, it is possible to say ditions of spruce stands. Diff erent characteristics of that diff erences between spruce and beech stands site defi ned by the group of forest types and soil type were much smaller than it was supposed.
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