>I N T E F^SCH PLASTIC LEAGUED t'WPUt» ifctlfct.* A ' Vol. XXIX AUSTIN, TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1946 No. 6 Forty Years Research Make Algebra Talk Council Members Hope to Delivers Vitamin H Basketball Set Take High Scholastic Honors IV. When Is a Number Be True Representatives N THESE DAYS of re­ And Ready To Go Not a Number? I stricted diet vitamins have (By J. W. Calhoun) become of first-rate impor­ District and Regional Tour­ UR Crowds were good and in­ tance on the food-front. Ex­ WTE SAW in the second O terest excellent. The boys tensive publicity has made us neys and Respective installment of these seem to get as much enjoyment out familiar with vitamins A, B, Chairmen Given articles that Algebra used two of six-man football as they could C, and D. Science now pre­ kinds of numbers, positive out of eleven-man. We are look­ > ing forward to a better season sents another vitamin—Vita­ T"'HE closing date for de- numbers and negative num­ next year.—Urban Brown, Coach, min H. Like vitamins already •*• termining the District bers. -It also used zero that Groom, Texas. known, it is remarkable in be­ Championships in all Confer­ is neither positive nor neg­ ing required only in minute ences will be February 23. As ative but separates the two quantities. soon as a District Champion­ kinds of numbers from each Less than one-hundredth part of ship is determined, the Dis­ other. Trophy Offered for an ounce is sufficient for a man's trict Chairman should certify Real Numbers whole lifetime. Yet the symptoms Positive numbers, negative num­ of deficiency are alarming. In the name of the school to the bers and zero are also called real rats, prolonged lack of the vitamin State Office. Chess in Houston numbers in contrast to some num­ results in emaciation and finally, Conference B bers that we have not yet heard of death. In man, deficiency is char­ The District Champions in Con­ Jean Haynie, Randall Clay, called imaginary numbers. Of School-sponsors May Also acterized by baldness, dermatitis, ference B compete for Regional Bastrop High School Pampa High School these more later. Real numbers in­ ashy pallor, lassitude and muscular honors at their respective Regional Get Free Instruction County Superintendent W. C. Supt. D. T. Loyd, East Mountain clude all positive integers, negative pain. All these symptoms disap­ centers on March 2. Cummings, Bonham School (Gilmer) N OUTSTANDING and tal­ ANDALL CLAY of Pampa integers, positive fractions, nega­ In the Game pear with spectacular speed on ad­ Region I: Basketball Districts A ented student is Jean Haynie R hurled the discus a distance tive fractions and zero. Real num­ ministration of the vitamin. 1 to 11 inclusive will go to Texas of Bastrop who won an all-star of 136 feet, 3 inches, to take first bers also include such numbers as TN OFFERING suitable in- The story of the recognition and Technological Institute, Lubbock, east acting award in the last place honors in Discus Throw at ^/2, y/3, ^s/5, y"7, * and all such -*- dividual prizes and a trophy isolation of the vitamin provides a Texas, for the Basketball Regional State Play Contest. She gave a the 1945 State Track and Field numbers as cannot be exactly ex­ striking illustration of the way in Tournament. The tournament was vivacious performance as Jane in Meet. This year he was chosen as well in the Houston high pressed either as fractions or whole which academic research may lead transferred from Canyon to Lub­ "Sugar and Spice," and had pre­ captain of both the football and numbers, but can be approximately schools and for a city-wide to results of far-reaching practical bock because of the lack of hotel viously been selected on the all-basketball teams, and is a member expressed as whole numbers or tourney in Chess, Mr. Mevis importance. It begins some forty accommodations at Canyon. Mor- star cast in the Regional contest of the all-district football team fractions. If we attempt to find R. Smith, addressing a letter years ago with the observation that ley Jennings, Texas Tech, Regional at San Marcos. At fourteen years after scoring 125 points for the the square root of 2 by the regular to the Superintendent of the for healthy growth certain micro­ Athletic Director. of age, she is a sophomore in high season. He is a three-year letter- arithmetic method we get 1.4141 organisms such as yeast require a Region II: Districts 12 to 24 school with an A plus average. man in both these sports and hopes and find that however many figures Houston schools, says, in substance akin to what is nowinclusive , Abilene. Mr. Guy She is an accomplished musician to finish with three years in track, we may find there are always more. part: called a vitamin. This unidentified Scruggs, Station A, Abilene Chris­ on piano and organ, and is a mem­ In spite of his many activities, his * which is the length of the circum­ substance was then provisionally Prizes Offered tian College, Regional Athletic ber of the high-school sextette. scholastic average is 91.2, entitling ference of a circle whose diameter named biotin (Greek bios—Life). "I am very hopeful that a pro­ Director. This year she is attending Austin him to membership in the National is 1 is written 3 1/7, 3.14, 3.1416, Recently Dr. P. M. West, of the gram can be worked out which Region III: Districts 25 to 38 High School, where she has ap­Honor Society. He also serves as 3.14159 depending on what degree Canadian Department of Agricul­ will, each year, cause more high- inclusive, Dallas. Dr. C. L. Wisse- peared in several major dramatic a Student Council member. His of accuracy is required. ture, has made the important dis­ school students to become ac­ man, S.M.U., Dallas, Regional Di­ productions. Parents are Mr. and father is Jess Clay, 517 N. West covery that biotin is excreted by quainted with the little known field rector-General. Mrs. T. P. Haynie, Jr., Bastrop. St., Pampa. the roots of certain plants, its pres­ (Continued on p. 3, col. 5) of great pleasure and mental stim­ Region IV: Districts 39 to 50, ence materially affecting the Ruinous Folly ulation which is the game of chess; inclusive, Kilgore. Mr. James Mon­ growth of micro-organisms in the The ruinous folly is the worship and I intend and expect to offer roe Parks, Kilgore College, Re­ soil. In 1922 Dr. M. A. Boas, of of the Nation-State. We are all TT IS QUITE DESIRABLE for sponsors of contests, the same or similar prizes each gional Athletic Director. the Lister Institute, showed that members of several societies each year hereafter. However it would Supt. E. M. Connell, Anson Supt. S. V. Neely, San Benito Region V: Districts 51 to 59 in­ and especially all coaches to read over the notices in rats fed on a diet rich in egg-white with a limited claim upon us. be undesirable to make a definite clusive, Houston. Mr. J. O. Webb, the "Official Notice" column of the LEAGUER. They are developed severe skin" disease and There is not the smallest reason long-term commitment; therefore Assistant Supt. of Schools, Hous­ published in the hope that they will be read. Often we baldness. This was then attributed why devotion to our own nation this offer is limited to the current ton, Regional Director-General. to toxicity of the egg-white. Later should swallow up all other loyal­ are surprised to find that some quite responsible coach school year and sufficient time Current Bibliography Region VI: Districts 60 to 68 work showed that the egg-white- ties and excuse every extremity of or principal or superintendent has not read the first and thereafter to play off a city high- Schools Urged to inclusive, San Marcos. Mr. O. W. On Military Training injury could be avoided by adding injustice and cruelty. This kind school tourney if one can be ar­ Strahan, Southwest Texas State longest notice appearing in the "Official Notice" column a certain substance—provisionally of romantic fanaticism is really ranged. Of eretrse I would award Teachers College, San Marcos, Re­ this year, viz., the notice of a referendum ballot on the "Conscription Fight to Shift to termed vitamin H—to the rats' insane. the YMCA or other memberships resent Problems gional Athletic Director. age rule, and of the fact that any contestant who reaches Legion Plan." Christian diet. After prolonged investigation It may well be that we have immediately upon final determina­ Region VII: Districts 69 to 75 Century; 62: 1374. Decem­ the surprising fact was discovered come to the parting of the ways. his eighteenth birthday after May 1, 1945, will not be tion of the personnel of any given inclusive, Kingsville. Dr. E. N. ber 12, 1945. that biotin, the yeast-growth pro­ The spectacle of a possible suicide eligible in the 19^6 State Meet, which begins May 2. Now high school team." Council so far Has Score Jones, College of Arts and Indus­ Gibson, H. E. "Case Against moter, and vitamin H, are iden­ of civilization, to be followed by a that's quite important, although it affects only a small tries, Kingsville, Regional Director- Not only does Mr. Smith offer Peacetime Military Train­ 95% Attendance; No tical,, The apparent toxicity of long Dark Age, is now before our General. number of contestants. This notice has appeared in prizes for distinction in chess, but ing." School Activities; egg-white is due to Vitamin H eyes.
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