NWNC NL Summer 2014 444419_Layout 1 8/7/2014 5:20 PM Page 1 W O M E N ’ S O R D I N A T I O N C O N F E R E N C E Vol. 37, No. 1 $2.00 Spring/Summer 2 0 1 4 A Vo i c e f o r W o m e n i n t h e C a t h o l i c C h u r c h On the Excommunication of Kate Kelly t 6:30 pm on June 22, I joined over and decided to excommunicate her, which, and the doctrine of the priesthood. 100 Mormons, mostly women, on like for Catholics, is considered the most se- You must be truthful in your com- the lawn of the Church of Latter- rious punishment levied by the institu- munications with others regarding A tional hierarchy of the church. matters that involve your priest- Day Saints (LDS) in Oakton, hood leaders, including the admin- Virginia. Inside Kate followed her conscience istration of Church discipline, and the church were you must stop trying to gain a fol- three men and heart when she started lowing for yourself or your cause deciding the fate and taking actions that could lead of Kate Kelly, Ordain Women, building a others away from the Church. founder of the groundswell of feminist voices Kelly responded to the news, “the decision organization, within the Mormon Church. to force me outside my congregation and Ordain Women, Erin Saiz Hanna and Kate launched in 2013, Kelly in Washington, D.C. continued on page 5 working for August 2013 The letter to Kate stated: equality for women Our determination is that you be ex- in the LDS church. communicated for conduct contrary INSIDE For three hours, we sat vigil as we waited to to the laws and order of the Church. hear if Kate would be excommunicated for This means that you may not wear From the Executive Director . Page 2 her advocacy so similar to our work at temple garments or contribute tithes WOC. We prayed. We sang. We gave testi- and offerings. You may not take the News & Notes. Page 3 monies. And we waited some more only to sacrament, hold a Church calling, learn that the outcome would not be an- give a talk in Church, offer a public Ministry of Prophetic Obedience . Page 6 nounced until the following day. On Mon- prayer in behalf of the class or con- Our Bodies, Our Blood . Page 7 day, Kate’s former ecclesiastical leader in gregation in a Church meeting, or Virginia, Bishop Mark Harrison, contacted vote in the sustaining of Church of- Reflections on Pope Francis’ her by email to inform her that the all-male ficers. These conditions almost al- First Year. Page 8 panel of judges who tried her in absentia ways last at least one year. If you convicted her on the charge of apostasy show true repentance and satisfy What Do We Do With a the conditions imposed Closed Door?. Page 10 below while you are no longer a member, you Upcoming Events . Page 13 may be readmitted by Book and Film Reviews . Pages 11-12 baptism and confirma- tion. In order to be considered for read- Save the Date mission to the Church, you will need to Gender, Gospel & demonstrate over a pe- Global Justice riod of time that you have stopped teach- Philadelphia ings and actions that Sept. 18-20, 2015 undermine the Church, its leaders, Vigil for Kate Kelly in Oakton, VA, June 2014: (L-R) Ciara Chivers, Cathy Jaskey, Kate McElwee, Erin Saiz Hanna, Jeannette Mulherin, Katie Breslin NWNC NL Summer 2014 444419_Layout 1 8/7/2014 5:20 PM Page 2 From the Executive Director This newsletter is filled with one amazing NewWomen, NewChurch is published story after the next. I hope that you find it three times a year by the Women’s Ordination both informative and inspiring. Our cover Conference (WOC). WOC works for the story tells a story close to my heart. Kate ordination of women as deacons, priests, and Kelly, my friend and amazing feminist ac- bishops into an inclusive and accountable Roman tivist, was recently excommunicated from Catholic Church. the Mormon Church for advocating for Editors women’s ordination in her faith tradition. Kate McElwee Her story is continued with a powerful theo- Erin Saiz Hanna logical perspective told by Rev. Jane Via on Diana Wear page 7. Send address corrections and all correspondence to: Kate Kelly is just one of many women of in- Erin Saiz Hanna spiration highlighted in this edition of New- WOC National Office Women, NewChurch. One page 2 you will P.O. Box 15057 meet Sister Vivian Ivantic who, on her 100th Washington, DC 20003 Dear WOC membership, 202.675.1006 birthday, made a special wish for women’s [email protected] Hope this letter finds you enjoying your ordination. On page 6, you will read about summer. Nancy Meyer’s call of prophetic obedience. I have some new, exciting, and important Then on page 10, Tracy Garrison-Feinburg changes to report. Earlier this month, shares with us her story, aptly referred to as National Board of Directors WOC’s physical office moved a few blocks “what to do with closed doors.” Jeannette Mulherin Marilu Agular away to a space within Dignity Washing- President On page 7, Kate McElwee recalls our recent Marion Flynn ton’s office building. Dignity is a commu- Tracy Garrison-Feinburg events in Rome during the anniversary of Carol O’Rourke nity of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. Thank you to the hun- Vice President Transgender Catholics who also work for Sheila Peiffer dreds of WOC members who sent their let- Alan Klonowski justice and peace in our church and we are ters. Your letters were received by a Treasurer Merylee Shelton delighted to share space with them. Our representative of the Vatican’s CDF (the Jane Via, RCWP postal address will still be PO Box 15057, Margaret Johnson Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith), and Secretary Washington, DC 20003. Erin Saiz Hanna you helped make this action a success by ac- Executive Director In addition to this physical move, I am tively participating—sharing your stories, pleased to announce that Dorothea Schurr and voicing your opinions on this topic so has joined the WOC staff as our new, part- near and dear to our hearts. National Advisers time administrative assistant. Dorothea is a While in Rome we also filmed our upcoming part-time graduate student at George video project, “Vatican: It’s a Man’s World.” Roy Bourgeois Andrea Johnson Mason University’s School of Conflict Thank you to all who donated to this Elisabeth Schüssler Theresa Kane, RSM Analysis and Resolution. In her free time feminist, educational project. We are in the Fiorenza she fences, travels, and tries to keep up her Anthony Padovano final stages and look forward to sharing it Jeannine Gramick, SL Chinese language skills. Dorothea brings a with you. Donna Quinn, OP Celine Goessl, SCSC great deal of expertise and joy, and we are Rosemary Radford happy that she will be able to assist WOC In closing, thank you your prayers, activism, Harry R. Halloran, Jr. Ruether and contributions to WOC Your feedback is in our mission. Welcome, Dorothea! Feel Mary E. Hunt free to reach out and say hello to her at critical in making NewWomen, NewChurch a [email protected]. forum for public discussion about the women’s ordination movement and the As Dorothea joins us in DC, we also say ar- church and world we envision. Send your In principle and practice WOC values and seeks rivederci to Kate McElwee (Conmy). Kate a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers thoughts and suggestions to me at to full participation in this organization on the will be working for WOC full-time from [email protected] Rome. As you may recall, Kate spent sev- basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orienta- tion, national origin, or disability. eral months in Italy last winter organizing, blogging, and networking for us. Kate will Blessings, A subscription to NewWomen, NewChurch is in- continue to serve as our Associate Director, cluded in the WOC membership fee of $45. WOC strengthening and growing our campaigns is incorporated under 501(c)(3) as a nonprofit or- ganization. Contributions are tax deductible ac- on both national and international levels. cordingly. Make sure to follow Kate’s adventures on the WOC blog, The Table. WOC archives, including microfilms of Erin NewWomen, NewChurch, are held at Marquette Kate also got married this summer and will University. For more information, contact Philip be using her new name, Kate McElwee, Runkel at the Department of Special Collections [email protected]. P.S. Save-the-date for Gender, Gospel & & University Archives, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3141, 414.288.5903, or Global Justice in September 2015. You won’t [email protected]. want to miss this fantastic conference and WOC’s 40th anniversary celebration (see Copyright 2014-2015 page 3 for more details). Women’s Ordination Conference All rights reserved 2 New Women, New Church • Spring/Summer 2014 NWNC NL Summer 2014 444419_Layout 1 8/7/2014 5:20 PM Page 3 News & Notes Centenarian Benedictine Woman Religious is Honored at Her Jubilee Benedictines are known for valuing humility. permitted to preach like Mary Magdalen did and After spending eight decades in the monastery, as priests are permitted to do so now. Sister Vivian Ivantic has perfected the art of hu- “I feel strongly that Pope Francis will start the di- mility.
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