![August, 1920 Bi Blioqraphy](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
470 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. AUGUST,1920 contends that in this manner eentr<fupZ earthquakes . those of submarine origin, essentially wntri etal, and will cause the nlar axis to incline toward the read- those of coiitinantnl origin? essentially centri.P ugd-and justed arch and? increase the latitude of t,he disturlled their different met,liods of action explain why the quakes mea; while ccntriprtd quakes will cause the op losite. occur either at, maximum or minimum variation of Antagonistie uakes will have: little or no effect. it has lat,itucie.-E. 117. 117. been shown t?i tit the Japanese quakes are of t.wo types- BI BLIOQRAPHY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. Dobson, G. B. M. Errors of the reading of altiinekrs and &speed indicators due to C. FITZHUGHTALMAN, Profemor in Charge of Library. variation of temptmture of the air. London. 1919. 6 p. 24 cm. (Great Britain. -4dvisory commhee for aeronautica. Reports and memoranda, no. 610. Mav. 1919.) books have been selected from aiiiong Observations of wind st,ructure made at' Upavon in 1914. Lon- recently received as representing those dnn. [1919] 42 p. 2.4 cni. (Great Britain. Advisory com- most likely to be useful to Weather Bureau ofic1als in mittee for aeronnnutics. Reports ancl memoranda, no. 325. their meteorological work nncl studies: ~.'..Awil.~, 1917.1 Elgie, Joseph H. Alt, Eugen. Elgie's wcather book. London. 1920. 251 p.. 16 cm. [Re- Klimstologie von Siiddeutschlancl. IV. Teil. Luftdruckvcrtei- viewed in Ar(ilitrc, Aiig. 12, 1920, >. 739. lung iiber Europa, dargestellt nach Peutadenniitteln. (Periode Great Britain. Advisorv committee lor aeronautics. lS60 bis 1909.) Munich. 1919. 12 p. 16 plates. 33 cni. Meteornlc~gy. Londoi;. [n. d.] 21 p. 24 cni. (Reports and (Sonderabdruck aus dem Deutschen nieteorologischen Jahrbuch menioranda, no. 296. Aug., 191G.) fur Bayern 1919.) Great Britain. Naval meteorological service. Angenheister, 0. Variation of wind speed near the ground. London. 1919. 8 p. Sonn-ntltigkeiit, Sonnenstrahlong, Lufttemperntnr uiid erdmng- 24 cm. [Cirmt Britain. Advisory committee for aeronautics. netbche Aktivitiit im Verlauf einer Sonnenrotation. Grittingm. Rr.port,s and mrnioriEnda, no. 531. March, 1916.) 1920. 7 p. 33 cm. (Aus den Nachrichten von der K. Gvsell- Great Britain. Royal aircraft factory. schaft der Wissenschaften zu Gijttingen.) Eff cct of abnormal weather on aeroplane performance. London. Angstrtfm, Anders. 1919. 4.p. 24 cm. (Great Britdn. Advieory committee for Den fuktsde termometern i frostvarningarnas tjimst. Stockholm. aoronrtotics. Reports and memoranda, no. 281. July, 1916.) 1920. 1 sheet. 30 cm. (Rlrtryk iir Lnndmannen, Tidakrift Great Britain. Royal flying corps. for landman, nr. 22 1920.) Note on the tail niethod of obwrving pilot balloons. London. Viiderlekstjlnsten till jordbrukrts fromnia. Stockholm. 1930. [I9191 6. p. 24 cni. (Great Britain. Advisory cpmmittee for 8 p. 234 cm. (S5rtryck iir jordbrukstidakiften Svenskt Land aeronaiitirs. Reports and menioranda. (New senes) no. 309. 1920.) Jan.. 1917.) H aeu ser, Josef. Atkins, W. R. G. Kiirze starke R~genfillein Bayem, ihre Ergiebi keit, Dauer, Variation of tem erature and humidity with altitude; nntw on Intomitiit, Hiufigkeit und Ausdcahnung. Nach sea Beobach- the wind and otxer meteorological obscrvabions made at Aboukir. tungen dw Jahrr lS99-1915 unler besondwer Berucksirhti ung London. [1919] 10 p. 24 cm. (Great Britain. Advisory ihrer Bedeutung iind Verwrnd1,arkeit fur die Wasserwirtsckaft. committee for aeronautics. Rvports ant1 memor:inds, no. 431;. Munich. 1919. 242 p. 252 Abbildiing. 32 cm. (Abh. der April, 1916.) Bay. Imidesstelliz f. GeiGeserkunde. ) Cave, C. J. P. Hildcbrandsson, H. H. Thunderstorms in the British Islands during Janiiary. Februnr,v, Etude prdiininsire sur les vitesses du rent et lea tcmp6ratures and March. 1917. Londoq. 1919. G p. 24 cni. ((+reatBrit- clans 1'Jr libre a t:lw hauteurs diffCrentm. Upsala. 1920. ain. Advisory committee for aeronniitics. Repnrb siid niem- p. 97-11s. 24%cni. (,CieogRifiskn nnnaler 1930, H. 2.) oranda, no. 507. June, 1917.) Idrac. P. Clayton, Brian C.. & Shaw, Sir Napier. 8n.wiiig flight in (hiinpa. (Translated from the French by D. L. Records of temperature ancl altitude. Lnnllon. 1919. 10 p. Bacon.) [Ifanifolded]. [Washington. lV20.1 5 p.. 28 cm. 2l cm. (Great Britain. Advisory committee for aeromutics. (IT. 8. Nadond advisory coniniit,tee for aeronautics. Tech- Reports and memoranda, no. 501. May, 1917.1 IiiCd notes. No. 13.') [dbst,ract in later REVIEW.] Chile. lnstituto meteoroldgico y geofisico. Kienlr, Hans. Instrucciones meteorolbgicas. Santiago. 1919. 135 p. 36 cm. Tcnipcrat,urvcrt,c.il~in~in Innrrn und in der niichsten Umgebung Chistoni. Ciro. rines freieni Durchznp gciiffnetm Ciehiiudes. Munich. 1919. 3 1. 33 em. jSonilera1,druck aiis deni Deutsches mateorol. Contributo allo studio dell'altezza specifics e dells dmsiti delle ~skrbiiclifur nayern 1919.) neve. Naples. 1919. 7 p. 24 cm. (Estr. dal Rend. rlrlls McEwen, George F. R. Accsd. delle ecienze fisiche e mateniatiche cli Napoli. Sene Orenn temperatures, their rrlafion to solar radiation and oceanic 3a, vol. 25. 1919.) circulation. Qua.ntitnt,ive coniparisons of certain empirical Eliofanometro, eliofanownfo ed eliofnnia. Naples. 1920. p. 3-S. reRu1t.s with those dcduccd by principles and methods of mathe- 34 cm. IEstr. dal Borlettino dells 8oc. dei naturalieti in Nnnoli. iiiat.iva1 physirs. Berkeley. 1919. p. 327421. 27 cm. (Re- Vol. 23, i920.) print. from a voliime of hliscellnneous studies in 2ylture a.nd ' Notizie siilla pi a torrenziale e sulla grnndine del giorno 6 di biology in the Semicentennial publications of t e University . %pies. 191s. G p. 24 cm. (Estr. dnl Rmd. of California, 1S69-1918. j $%?R%cad. delle scienze fisiche e mntematiche di Napoli. McLaughlin, Walter W. Serie 3a, vol. 24, 1915.) Cqdlary ninvenimt of soil moisture. Washington. 1920. 70 p. Dietzius, Robert. 23 em. (LT. P. Dept.. of np. Bull. 535.) [Effect of temperature Zur Fiilschung der Bahnen von Pilotballonen durch vertiksle on soil nioisture cowlitions. p. 56.1 LuftatrijmuGen. Leipzig. [1914]. p. 57-72. 26# rm. (Son- Milligan. L. H., Crites, D. O., CE. Wilson, W. S, derabdruck. Beitriige zur Physik der freien Atmosphiire. Bd. Indicators for cnrbon dioxide and oxygen in nir and flue gas. 6; H 2.) [Cites case of evident vertical motion. and attempts to Washington. 18'20. 23 p. 23 cm. (U. 5. Bureau of mines. compute the speed of the vertical currents from the erratic Techni&~lpnpw 238.) - character of the horizontal projection based on observations dth Naples. R. Universitzi. lstituto fisica terrestre. one theodolite.] Valori orarii diurni drlle nrecinitazioni registrate all'Istituto. Dines, W. H. (1909-1916 inclusivi.) NGdes.' 1917. 47 fi. 33 cm. Table of tem erature, pressure and density at different levels up Norinder, Harald. to 20 kiErneters. London. 1919. 1 n. 24 cm. (Great Recherches sur le radient du potentlsl Clectrique de l'atmoa here Britain. Advisory committee for aeronaiutics. Repor& and a Upsala. Stocfholm. 1917. 57 p. 30 cm. (Kiingl. Even- memoranda, no. 509. July, 1917.) ska vetenakapaakademiens handlingar. Bd. 58. N:r 4.) Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/29/21 09:21 AM UTC Auaus~,192( ). MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 47 1 Pick, W. H. France. Acad;n& des nciences. Cmptes reiidirs. Tninp lY1. S aobt, Notes on ground day visibility at Craiiwell, Lincolnshire, during 1910. the period Feb. 1 to A r. 8 (inclusive), 1920. London. 1920. Zeil, Q. Les trenibleinents de term techniques et les variations 9 p. 24 cm. (Great $Main. Meteorological office. Profes- de lalatitude. p. 311-313. [Abstractin this REVIEW,p. 469470.1 sional notes no. 11.) Great Britain. Jfeteoroloyical ojh. .lfnnthly ineteorological chart8 East Rouch, Jules. Idanseas. Preparation mCthrologique des voyager afriena. Paris. 1920. Harries, Hy. Gales and cyclones of the Indian monsoons. De- velopment of the monsoon conditions. May, 1920. Rudge!57&- .A. 24cm- Douglas. Harries, Hy. Some local winds of the East Indian Rem. June, Daily range of the atmospheric potential gradient at IHoenifontein. 1920. and the influence of dust storms. Cape Town. 1914. p. 75-47. Great Britain. Ifeteoroloy icnl qlice. Monthly ineteorolnyical charta North 353 cm. [Excerpted from Transactions of the Royal society of Atlantic owan. South Afnca. vol. 4, pt. 1.1 Howard, A. G. W. Ice in thr Atlantic: its origin and drift. Shaw, Sir Napier. Feb., 1930. Report on high angle practice, to determine the wind at various Howard, A. G. W. Marine meteorology. History and methods. heights for comparison with simultaneous determinations by Apr., 1920. gilot balloon ascents: carried out at firing ground of H. M. S. Smith, L. A. Brooke-. WireleRs telegraphy___ and weather at sea. Excellent,” 25th and 26th of April, 1917. London. 1919. May, 1920. 4 p. 1 folded chart. 24 cm. (Great Britain. Advisory com- Smith, L. A. Brooke-. Wireless telegraphy and weather at sea. mittee for aeronautics. Reports and memoranda. no. 499. Weather charta and how they may be constructed by navigators May, 1917.) and used for forecsting. Bept., 1920. Strakosch-Grassmann, Qustav. Haward college. dstronnniicnl nbscri*afnry. -1 )iIld8. f‘anihridye, ,VnSrr. Ernteaudchten von 1919 bis 1923 und die Bedeutung klimatisrlier 11. 83, pi. 4. 1919. Perioden fur Geschichte iind Lan+xirtscliaft. Wien. 191% McAdie, Alexander. Quick method of measuring cloud heighh 166p. 23 cm. and velocities. p. 162-168. [By means of an original dew-point Sutton, J. R. formula with a variable constant, and nephmcope.] Barometric variability at Kimberly and elsewhere. Cape Town. McAdie, Alexander. Uniformity in aerographic notation. p. 1914. p. 105-121. 35f cm. [Excerpted from Transacticinrc of 169-177. the Ro a1 society of South Afnca. vol. 4, pt. 3.1 Internatinual institute qf ayriculticre. Interiiational revim of the science Taylor, Qrifhh. and practice ?f agriculture. Ronie. I‘pnr 10. Mar., 1919. Australian meteorology. A text-book including eections on avia- Catran, F. Agricultural weather conditione on the south coast tion and climatology. Oxford. 1930. 313 p. 23 cm.
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