RtCORD The Newspaper Hawaii Needs Vol. 2, No. 41 SINGLE COPY, 10 CENTS Thursday, May 11, 1950 Beaten, Framed, Vet Claims Three Vice Squad Farrington Gets Mau, Nielsen to $50,000Mothbalied as Kona Lead T.H. Demos Men Accused in Boost, Rices Hit After Lau Ah Chew, chairman of the Democratic Central Com­ School Buys Greenwell Water mittee from 1948-50 announced Smith St Fracas recurrent drought in this West At Aala Rally that he would not be a candidate KONA, HAWAII—A 1947 legis­ for re-election, newly elected mem­ “You think you’re smart!” lative appropriation of $50,000 for Hawaii district. “A billion dollars can do a lot bers chose a new list of party of- Those were the last words water storage tanks at Konawa­ Recently vthe people of Kona for the unemployed here,” William heard, says Andrew (Moose) Wat­ ena High School has been moth­ asked government help to get ade­ H. Crozier, Jr., told an unemployed kins, Negro veteran of more than balled in a Hilo bank-while the quate water the year round, but rally at Aala Park Sunday night four years service in World War cry for water gets louder during when $50,000 earmarked for water in referring to Delegate Joseph H, before three officers of the vice supply at the distant high school Farrington’s statement in Wash­ squad began to beat him with their can gather dust for three years, ington, asking statehood now or fists, April 29, about 8:30 p. m.. at “Moncado Drive” there is something terribly wrong. a billion dollars in tax refund to 1182 Smith St. ‘ About $1,200 for Water the people of Hawaii. “I hadn't said anything at all,” This was the opinion of some A resolution supporting Far­ says Watkins. "They just came in Is FFA Petition who know about the appropriation rington's position was submitted and grabbed me.” and who swear under their breath to the rally under the signatures “Skin-Popping” Suspected. To Mayor Wilson when the rainy season comes and of Joseph Capsin, E. A Brenner At the time, says Watkins, he hundreds of thousands of gallons and Crozier. The resolution which didn't know why the vice squad Another plan for the return to said “Taxation without represen­ Hawaii ..by_ “Five-Star General" of. water flow 'off the roofs—into men had come into the building. the ground. tation is Tyranny,” was unani­ Much later he heard they had ar­ HUario C. Moncado was divulged Interestingly, Konawaena buys mously passed by an audience of rested a man with a pistol else­ this week following a petition the about 250 who found shelter under "general's” followers sent to the about $1,200 worth of water-every where who had complained that year, from the Greenwells, big trees and adjacent buildings while ; the police should be paying more city-county government to -have landowning family engaged in rain poured during- a greater part attention to a “skin-popping party” the name of Kalaepaa Drive of the four-hour meeting. changed to “Moncado Drive.” The ranching. he said was in a room on the same- petition was accompanied by a let­ “Why isn’t the county board “Really Desperate”' floor as Watkins’' room. “Skin- ter signed by Alfonz C. Cubico, of supervisors using the money Commenting on the audience, popping” is an underworld term to build tanks? - Who is respon­ an observer said, “The unemployed for injections of heroin. •“Territorial Spiritual Director” of Watkins says Officers Paul Shai- the Filipino Federation of America sible for the stalling?” must be really desperate to stick The $50,000 'appropriation was it out under this’ weather.” fer, Alfred Souza and a third who- which was founded by Moncado. MK. MAU may have been Allan Taylor; beat “He may come back in July,” given Kona as a result of. Rep. Sponsored by E. A Taok, busi­ Earl A Nielsen’s effort In the 1947 nessman, the rally was held to him with -their ( fists: and: kicked Cubico told the RECORD, “but fleers at a meeting Tuesday night. him in the stomach until the pain you'd better call the other office legislature. ■ . (more on page 3) New chairman is Chuck Mau, law­ Need Band forced him to flee. Then they for the exact time. They never yer, at present on-the Mainland chased him Into another room, tell me these things.” Water tanks for Konawaena with the mission which pushed for would require from a half to an statehood in the recent Washing­ he says, pulled him into the hall, In the absence of B. O. JSscobido, acre of land which is not available ton hearings. beat him again until he fell to Executive Director of the FFA, an­ on the campus. Mrs. Maud Green­ Diamond Head the floor, pulled him up and other spokesman at the “other” Other officers are: Vice chair­ dragged him to the stairs before well owns the property adjoining man, Earl A Nielsen, Kona, Ha­ office, in the Watamull Bldg., said: the school-campus and there are they arrested him.: “He may not come back in July, waii; secretary, David Benz, Ho­ The raiding party consistedof reports that the county dickered Crater Scene of nolulu; treasurer, Gorman Noland, though. It isn’t official yet. You with her for a piece- of land. It seven, Watkins says,' and the re­ can write whatever you want to, is also reported that the Green­ Honolulu. • maining four stood and watched but it’s unofficial.” wells favored a land trade. Payoff Grilling The national committeeman, while he was beaten. - Cubico’s letter says that, since “Why doesn’t the county con- chosen to fill the vacancy de- “They searched me after they By STAFF WRITER (more on page 7). (more on page 3) (more on page 6) (more on page 7) The crater at Diamond Head, ac­ cording to report, has figured as a locale for questioning by police of persons they believe may be im­ 1,000-Acre Argument Enters plicated in the alleged 15 per cent Filipino Boy in Cal. Weeps payoffs to some police officers, told first in the RECORD of April 20. Three men, it is believed, were Fight on Hawaii Homes Com. picked up separately on the night At Inability to Return Here of May 1 and taken to the crater Why is there so little mention give the Hawaiian “common peo­ where they were questioned exten­ A hint that Filipino labor re- farms of California was given this of the 1,000-acre. clause, even by ple” land they were promised as sively and subjected to mild forms ■cruited here may be used as strike­ week by Catalino Cuizon, who re­ those who wish to abolish the Ha­ far back as the “Great Maheie,” of violence. breakers or scabs on the vegetable turned a little more than two weeks waii Homes Commiaeinn? or divisionof land, under the Ha­ The questions asked are believed ago after: quitting his job on an Because, say proponents of the waiian monarchy in 1847. to have followed closely the evi­ asparagus farm near Stockton. HuC, the last thing the big land­ The last strong opponent of dence mentioned in the RECORD Jury's Hope False :“I heard of big trouble and leasers want is to revert to the the establishment of the com­ as having been given after a faH- ’ fighting,” he told the RECORD. terms of the Organic Act, which mission in 1921 was the Parker . ing-out among fleecers following a Cuizon thinks it quite • probable forbade anyone a lease of more Ranch. Attorney George Mc­ Kauai operation. Further indica­ In Kageyama Case? that “contractors” who are pres­ than 1,000 acres. Clellan, representing the ranch, tions were that the information, While the grand jury deliberates ently recruiting Filipino labor in “Yon can imagine,” says one argued that' the Hawalians are a described in the RECORD’S April the plausibility of pursuing a pos­ Hawaii intend to hire them out to proponent, “what that would do “dying race" and that there was 20 story as having been given by a sible indictment of Supervisor farming combines who wish to use to the big companies. They (more on page 6) boy who had been arrested, was Richard Kageyama, further, nimor them as. a forcc_tP-lower the wages would, have to set-up - dummy actually known to ’the police ear­ has' i£ that questioning of 13 wit­ of Tegular workers. corporations, one for every 1,000 lier, and that the questions asked nesses who were "unfriendly" in Many Wish To Return acres, and each corporation the boy were largely for the pin- their appearances before the un- The recent returnee said he would have to pay the Territorial Consul Quitoriano pose of eliciting confirmations. American Activities Committee has worked long enough on the as­ 2 • per cent tax. It would really Because the Diamond Head brought results somewhat differ­ paragus farm to get dissatisfied run them ragged.” Reassigned to Calif. crater questionings are alleged ent from what the grand jury ex­ with the work, the prices he had Passage of a law which removed to have been conducted by de­ pected. to pay for: food arid: commodities, the 1,000-acre limit was made con­ Consul Aurelio Quitoriano of the tectives, those who know of them Philippines Consulate General in It is ■ believed that the grand and the wages he received. Since ditional “Upon passage of the law say they are quite likely to be jury hoped that the ““unfriendly” he had enough money to buy- pas­ creating (ho nnC, tbp commis-.
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