• • SEASONAL TIPS TO HELP BFAVTIFY 'YOUR HOME.' SEE JJA. •:• Greater Newarkts Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •:• 85th Year, Issue 13 c 1995 April 21 , 1995 Newark, Del. • 35~ THis WEEK Scho In Sports BLUE ROCKS ROA5T WARTHOGS IN HOME OPENER. Newark's Schooley, lB long-timer Evans automatically return By TONJA CASTANEDA JACKETS SHOOT 'NewA'fit< '?osr sTAFF 'w'fiirEi1 ' ... ................... ·. ·· • · .. •• DOWN SILVER EAGLES, Two incumbent Chri stin a School Board .n-iversity members wi ll return to th e board fo r addition­ al terms, since no one came forward to chal­ lenge them. The school board election, sc hed ul ed for spends May 13, has been ca ncelled due to lack of ~. lB challengers. Candidates wanting to run for the . chool board positions had until 5 p.m. on Apri I 13 to fi le wi th th e New Castle County ,ooa to Clerk of the Peace office. In the news No one filed to run for eJection to the board for either th e C nom inating seat in the Newark popular area or the B nominati ng seat for Wilmington. Wilmington resident George Evans, a board member since 198 1 - the Ionge t itting mem­ LioNs·coUGH UP ber - wi ll return to board seat B for a five-year in Street term. AWARD FOR Newark res iden t Terry Schooley, appointed res-idence to the board in October 1994 after a member NEwARK's 2A See ELECTION , 7A .... ToP CoP. Picketers FIREWO~AT possible NEWARKNITE at GHS SNUFFED OUT. 3A ERENELY CONFI­ ~'ed in their efforts. The in its timeless • • ~versity ~t its money where the old Evans .e.\'lf)'one's mouth had been and By TONJA CASTANEDA bouse sits on comer of ~ o~ $620,000 for the .NEwA"fit<'?osT sTAFF "wfiirEA ....... .. ...................... .. • In Lifestyle South College Avenue and Main ·tOtal b41l to· give the city of Street as has for a Newadc one more listing on the it over hun­ Local resident li vi ng near Rou te 896 south ~onal Register of Historic «ut )eatS. 'ftumkaitt b"CCO''­ of Newark, cou ld . oon be picketing in fro nt of certed will of local citizens and fhl4=es. · •:• keording the the Newark Glasgow Hi gh School to get Del DOT' and the idle adtninissratiOI'l of the · governor's attention. COUPLE 'HAUNTS' ' tJ'niversity of Dela.,vare, it could His~cal Society the house atand for a hundred Jdorc: · :c:alled ••one of the few unaltered The residents want to press DeiDOT to 'When Newarkets f"ti-st dis-· 1'-amptes of nineteenth century move th e Route 301 designation from their Victonan architecture on Main neighborhood. THEM DOWN covered plans in 1992 to tear The pi cketing plans are not ye t in moti on, down the house in ordet to Street" was built in 1863 fol­ · l~ George Gillespie Evans' but nine civic associat ions have joined state align Mairi Street. The univer­ legislators, Rep. Stephanie Ulbrich and Sen . ~tty's attitude, according to RUII'riaae to Mary Jane Black. FOR GHOSf Their daughter, Lena lived in Steve Amick, and the Chri tina School Di strict 1OA David Robertson of Concerned in opposin g 30 I being con. tru cted along. ide Citizens for Newark, was basi­ the ll•plus room residence until STORIES! 1948 When sbe and her sister, Route 896. cally .''if you want to save the The Delaware Department of building, come take it away: it's ~ Ahnie K.ollock. !IOld it to the y,ours." . lJniveralty of Delaware. Transportation (DeJDOT) has designated EvAml m11naged his father's .R oute 896. west of Interstate 95, a. the Route In Business But once the decision was · 30 I co nnector. 111~ to restore the sometime general store across the street as r.v.ell es two brickyards on tbe . Alth?ugh the group h ~s not. started making -.cr. ·~ sometime fao­ p1cket s1gn. , they are tak 1n g a number of mea­ UIJ1.!:1QIIU no expense was Elkton and Depot (now S. College Ave.) roads. Brick for sures to stop the project. which include: &Pil'ed and no sto~ . l~ft 8 Co ll ec ting more than 1.000 signatures to Will NEWARK ' See EVANS, tA. RESIDENTS See 896, 2A..,. GOBBLE GOBS OF CHICKEN ATNEW · EATERIESt 13A Index NEWS 1-14~ POLICE 2A DIVERSIONS 8A OPINION 8A LIFESTYLE 10A OBITUARIES 9, 12A ARTS 7A SPORTS 1·38 CLASSIFIEDS 4·108 II , I PAGE 2A • NEWARK POST • APRIL 21 , 1995 .' DEFENSIVE DRIVINC:: SPECIAL Police beat ·. NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC .~ .. ;~ ;;;.~ .. ~ ~~; .. ;. ~··~~,:;;;;;;~ .. ~~; ~~;·· ·· Ni~~· · ~·~~~~~~·d··;~·~·~·~~~ ........~~~~·~~~;~ ~· ~~~·:·~;;~~·~~;~·~ ·~i· ~~ .. ··P~~~i'·i~~~·~~·~d~ii~~·d · IN NEW CASTLE COUNTY week from the files of the Newark orderly April 14 on Prospect One Night - 3 '/2 Hour Course Police Department by staff writer A 23-year-old Newark man was Avenue. When police arrived they Three United States Postal , Same Benefits As Two Night - 6 Hour Course Tonia Castaneda . d A .1 14 .. kl b found a box spring smoldering in Trucks were struck with orange • ' arreste pn .or rcc ess urn- the middle of the street , but no sus­ paint gun balls April 10 while ; ...6... 10-15% RIEPUCTION . .. ......... ing and resisting arrest, police T AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE T repon. Police arrested Joseph Paul pects. parked at the Newark Post Office on Employee assaulted Ogletown Road, police report. Call For Next Scheduled Class ... 366·0716 Leatry, 23, of Newark after police Cheeseburgers stolen A 23-year-old Newark man, an responded •o a complaint of a fire Poll'ce car dented CORPORATE RATES AVAILABLE off-duty Deer Park employee, was burning in the street near Prospect DELAWARE DEFENSIVE DRIVING, INC. punched in the face April 12 at the Avenue and Wilbur Street. Police A group of men reportedly st.ole a Deer Park Tavern at I 08 Main report when they arrived at the bag of six cheeseburgers Apnl IS According to police reports a Street. The man suffered bruises and scene, Leatry and another man were from behind the counter of Buck's Newark police car was dented April his glasses were broken during the allegedly burning an object in the Burgers Restaurant on Elkton Road, IS when a police officer responded ~ assault, but he refused medical treat­ street. The men fled. Leatry was police report. Police describe the to a loud party complaint on South ment. Police arrested Robert caught, but the other man got away. suspects as four, white men who fled College Avenue. Police said the O'Neill, 23, of Bear on assault and To report information to Newark in a blue station wagon. front fender of the car was dented criminal mischief charges. police, call 366-7111. and will cost about $200 to fi x. Community garden Gas station burglarized Tire, rims stolen Parking sign damaged ComE- join u.1. {o'C. shed burglarized Four tires and rims and two air Boozer's Service Station in the Police said four fence stakes bags were reponed stolen April 1.2 Police are investigating a witness SOO block of Capitol Trail was were reported stolen April II from from a 1994 Honda Accord parked report of a man, who after reali zing , OU.'C. c:Ep'tin9 c:Epgcziaf! reportedly burglarized April J ~· the Newark Community Garden on Otts Chapel Road, police said. his car was towed, became angry PoHce repon an undisclosed amount Shed on Margaret Street. The police and broke a parking sign April 14 in · of cash and checks were stolen in report also a lawn mower cable was a parking Jot on Haines Street. Buy 1 Entree, the theft. The office, police said, was Bonfire in street damaged, while in the shed. 1 entered through an unsecured door. get 2nd Entree /2 price! Police responded to a report of Nightly Dinner Specials Three men attacked on the Sassafras River Georgetown, MD 2 miles South of Cecilton off Rt. 213 on West Main Street Newark police are searching for account. "The two suspects .. ~ 1·800·926·5802 • iii the two men who used 'a metal pole approached the car on each side and in an unprovoked attack on three pulled out some kind of billy clubs people in a car in Newark. or big sticks," the witness said. Police said the three people The witness said the two men assaulted were driving behind the began beating on the car and inside suspects April 14, when two men the car, hitting the three men. exited their Jeep at the stop light at One of the men managed to West Cleveland Avenue and West escape the car, the witness said, and Main Street and began beating ran calling for help. them. Police said the two suspects then Police report a 20-year-old fled in a black Jeep. Police describe Pennsylvania man was seriously the suspects as while men. One of injured, when he was hit in the face the men has long, blond hair and a with the metal "wretch-like" mustache. Newark Pollee officer Philip Magorry has been named Newark Lion ':; weapon. The witness said the 20-year-old Pollee OHicer of the Year for 1995. Pictured (left to right) are Lion's sec· Also a 19-year-old was hit in the man was bleeding profusely. He ha~ retary Marvin Quinn, Newark City Manager Carl LuH, Newark Pollee Chief .• ear and a third passenger of the car, been hit across the nose and on the an 18-year-old man, W\IS struck on side of his head. William Hogan, Magorry, Magorry's wife Christine Magorry, Newark I his shoulder.
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