1987 Girl Scout Wall Calendar & Pocket Planner "Tradition with a Future," Girl Scouting's 75th anniversary theme featured in 32 pages, from cover to cover! • front cover features 75th anniversary symbol in brilliant colors • opening pages feature historical photographs of Girl Scouts • monthly photographs feature Girt Scouting today • monthly calendar text features highlights in Girl Scout history • back cover photograph features Juliette Gordon Low with early Girl Scout troop Plus ... • a full page of 1987 key holidays • an area code and time zone map • m1ni calendar versions of the years 1987 and 1988 Companion pocket planner- handy for pocket or purse with ... • a full page of 1987 key holidays • mini calendar versions of the years 1987 and 1988 • 2 full pages for names, addresses and phone numbers • an area code and time zone map QUANTITIES AND PRICES WALL CALENDAR -100 PER CARTON. WALL CALENDAR & Council Junsd•ct•on Nt,;:!>Def --------­ 100 to 1 400 cop1es 42¢ each Cocncd 1.500to2.500coples ......... 41eeach POCKET PLANNER G li c~arge • ------ 2,600 to 5.000 cop1es ...........39¢ each Allow 4 weeks for delivery 5,100 to 15.000 copies . .......37¢ each Order li --------------- 15,100 to 30,000 copies . .. .. .. .... 36¢ each Seno Orders To G r Scouts of !he u S A 30,100 to 75,000 cop1es. 34¢ each Nauonal EQuipment Serv ce Customer Order II ------------ 75,100 to 150,000 cop1es....... .32¢ each 830 Th•rd Avenue New York NY 10022 (DO NOT WAllE ~ TH S SPACE) l87 150.100 cop1es and over .. .. .. 31 e each Outside the continental U.S.A. mcluding Alaska, P•ease sh•P---cop,es of the 1987 Glfl Scout Wal Ca•enoa· _______ each Hawaii and APO and FPO addresses .43¢ each to arnve by (Clatel------------- International addresses. 46¢ each Pease Sh•P cop1es of the 198 7 G•rl Scout Pocket P a""'e' each POCKET PLANNER-200 PER CARTON ~ to arr•ve by !datel------------- 200 to 1 400 cop1es. 34¢ each ~ t nave perm•ss•on 'rom my council to hOld a 1987 Ca endar Sa e 1 600 to 5.000 cop1es . 32¢ each j (Council namel-----------------------­ 5.200 to 15 000 cop1es . 30¢ each <J :: I nave perrr•ss10n '•om my one ·rooo comm•!lee 10 hOIO a 198-Ca er.-ca.- Sa e 15.200 to 30.000 cop1es. 27¢ each (Name of ore troopcomrnottee cha•rman>---------------- 30.200 cop1es and over . 26¢ each Outs1de the continental U.S.A 1nclud1ng Alaska, ! _j FULL PAYMENT IS ENCLOSED $ MaKe c~,e,;: · -·-.one oroer payab e to Hawaii, and APO and FPO addresses.. 35¢ each 0 G•r Scouts of rhe U S A Do not se'ld part•a payment Do no: se"a :as International addresses . 37¢ each 1 :::J 81 1me Our sale w111 ef'd on (date) 1w11 rem1t the ORDERING INFORMATION ~ full amount 30 days later Ail orders •n excess of $250 00 musr be s... :::.'n.~ec ·~rough !he Counc11 (J OffiCe Check w1th your council. If your council is hav1ng a calendar sale. orders must be placed with your Approved oy council off•ce. Orders for this ad will be accepted Name Council only from lone troop leaders and leaders'" counc1ls Bill to: which are not hav1ng a calendar sale please f!ll1n Nametpr•ntl------------S•gnarure ___________ council name USA G•rl Scouts Overseas, APO. FPO No & Street ____________ C•tv------------- and 1nternat,onal addresses must 1nclude full remit­ Stale ___________ Countv----------: ;} ____ tance w1th th1s order Draw checks on U.S. banks only Calendars w1!' be ready to ship June 16th Ship to: Order now' We will sh1p any lime you spec1fy after Name (Please orontJ-----------------------­ June 16th We w11f fill orders as long as the supply of Street (No box# please)•----------------------- calendars lasts. Sh1pP1ng charges prepaid on all C•ty _____________ county _____________ calendar orders. Wall Calendars are packed 100 per carton. Minimum order 1 carton. Order 1n car­ (do not abbrev•ale) State _______________________ ,: ____ ton lots only. Pocket Planners are packed 200 per 0 carton. Minimum order 1 carton. Order in carton Date ____..:,_ ______ Oaytime Phone Number ___________ lots only Unsold calendars may not be returned. Residents of Ca. Md and Ga add the appropriate GSUSNNES 4t86 sales tax For PAL add $1 00 per carton. CIMr all money.... rnlng plana with your Counc:ll Finance CommlttM or Lone ll'oop CommlttM Girl Scout SUMMER 1986 FEATURES ~ GIRL SCOUTS President Betty F. Pilsbury National Executive Director Frances Hesselbein Director, Communications Rhoda Pauley 7 Managing Editor Girl Scouts on the Go Carolyn Caggine Graphics and Design Director Michael Chanwick Contributing Editor Patricia Stoddard 25 Associate Editor GSUSA's Annual Report Marianne flaw Assistant Editor Deborah Craven 27 Assistant Editor Friends Around the World Janet Lombardi Editorial Assistant Colleen Floyd 29 Circulation Assistant Women In History: Alice Conway Millie freeman 9 carney Spreads the Word They Meet the Challenge --- Girt Scou t Lead er !ISSN 0017-05771 I~ publl~hcd quarterly by Olrl Scouts of the U.S.A .. 6:30 Third Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10022. r 1986 by Girl Scouts or the 30 United States or America. All right. rc>erved fhl$ pub­ Index to 1985 Issues llcaUon m"y not be reproduced stored in a retrle,al 12 S)Stem. or transmitted 1n "'hole or In parl In ~n) form. or by any means. electronk. me<:hdnicat photocop)• When Outreach Is Mutual ing recording. or otherwise without the prior "TIIIen permission of Olrl Scouts of the Lnited Stat~ of Amer­ Ica Send ~tamped. self-a<ldresse<l emelope "ith un­ SOliCited ~nuscri{'IS. photos. or art Girt Scout leader cannot be responsible for sudl material in Its offices or In tr.lnslt. Thlrd·dass postage paid at~ .... York Cit) and 15 DEPARTMENTS addiUonal mailing offices. Summer Fun (centerfold) SubKrtpllon.s. S4 yearly 14 issues I; $6.!>0 for all de.s· 4 Unatlon~ outside U.S.A. and possessions; $1 !>enlor Olrl xouts Change of address; Write Girl Scout Leader, SJO President's Message Third Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10022. Include Old and new dddr~ as well as council troop. and ldentiOca· lion number. Allow 6 weeks for change. Vol. 6~. No. 2, 19 Summer 1966. Careers In Sports 6 Cover: Girl Scouts study communi­ In the News cating techniques for the hearing-im­ paired during a wider opportunity 21 sponsored by Nishnabotna Girl Scout 24 The New Handbooks Council (Council Bluffs, Iowa). Here, Near and Far a leader demonstrates signing as the girls work with the Video Voice speech analyzer. Photographed for GSUSA on 22 28 location at the Iowa School for the Managing Stress in Your Life Ke: Sources Deaf by May Creative Services. Presidenfs Message dren. To date, approximately .35 the summer councils have attended workshops on 1985 issue of Girl Scout Leader, Betty this new project. and hundreds of Pilsbury talked about some of the copies of GSUSA's book. Project SAFt: priorities she hoped to see GSUSA ad­ TIME, have been dlstributed to coun­ vance during her term of office. At that cils. time. she promised another question­ I'm also equally pleased that we're and-answer session on how her "view continuing to further Girl Scouting's from the top" looks one year later. traditional leadership in areas such as outdoor education. We are looking Question: Mrs. Pilsbury, you spoke a forward to the opening of GSUSA's year ago of your dream of helping Camp of Tomorrow, which promises GSUSA to realize its unique potential to be one of the country's most excit­ to bring together girls and adults of all ing. innovative advances in this field. racial and ethnic backgrounds. Can you tell us what progress we've made In Question: What have been some of the past year? the most memorable moments of your tenure as ational President thus far? Mrs. Pilsbury: A new manual. Plan­ ning for A{firmatiue Action in 0ir_l Scout Mrs. Pilsbury: Visits to councils are Councils, was published early thiS year. the best part of my job by far. It's such a joy to see the enthusiasm of the girls Eighty-six councils rece~ved cons~lt~­ tion on increasing pluralism and elimi­ and the adults who really make Girl nating institutional racism in 1985, and Scouting happen! If I had to choose by this fall. all councils will have re­ one highlight it was 1985's Girl Scout ceived similar consultation in their Leaders' ~lonth at lacy, because it gave membership conferences. Also, in No­ me an opportunity to pay tribute to Girl vember 1985, over 300 volunteers and Scout leaders from across the U.S. staff from 60 councils traveled to Ha­ waii to participate in an exciting con­ Question: How has your job as ference, "Pride. Prejudice, and Plu­ GSLSA's "ialional President affected ralism," sponsored by the Girl Scout your personal life? Council of the Pacific, working closely ages of 6 and 11. This study's focus Mrs. Pilsbury: Girl Scouting enters into with GSUSA. The conference discus­ on Brownie and Junior program ma­ e\ ery facet of the Pilsburys' lives these sions. workshops, and knowledgeable terials was influential in the develop­ days, and I love it! Even vacations turn presenters were enthusiastically re­ ment of GSUSA's new Brownie and into Girl Scout events, as I discovered ceived. Best of all, the attendees left Junior handbooks, with their accom­ on the island of Maui, in Hawaii, last the meeting strongly committed to panying leaders' guides and council Thanksgi\ ing. following the Honolulu bringing the conference's messages guide.
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