'" ,., ·. ·.•. .. •• • . .• ··. I ..~-~~.,. ~ ,; _ ' '·.\·. ,· ~· . :t,:· .. " • c ·~.' - ot ,, ' ·, • It • •· .. .., .. __ • '1.' ':8-' -- . ' " ' ·- ·,_ ; .· ., · . r •••., .c ~-- ... ~ ~- WELC()IUE •• , .. • '• · Clarke Insurance ;A-gency To the annual Aspencade Jn IJul- . ... ' rloso on Saturday and Sunday, Oct.,~- . HUNT~RS! Tlm!l llt:";;lln to thh,tk n.bo.ut Uuntlng 13. We hope to see you duriJJg this col• 1\ct•!den~ · lnsUI".\Ilcc. (.ct us hllk over 1M all.~ wllh ;ro11 nb1.1ut U1l11 very, ceo• orful event. · 1u~mlml, but hnJIDrtnnt pro.t'!!ctlon. 7-2415 DAN D. SWEARINGIN, Billie Clarke....,. OiQl Cl Insurance - Real Esta~ - Phone CL 174255 • • ·JI, ' ·-----------------------------------------------· VOLUME 18, Nt'l'UUER 16 IUliDOSO, LINCOL~ CQ'UNT:Jr, ~XIOO . ZIP CODE: ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBE.R U, 196l$ "INVENIE1'dUS VJAl\• -'UT FACIEMUS" SubscrlpUoll!l; $3.50 per year lD Lincoln County; 14.50 OUtside eo..e, .•. ~ • CAP VOTES am1ng• utumn o1age• ONG . M S. TEM ! The Vilbge of 9aPitatJ ~ holding will be Involved, It Will> declared. n municipal election TU~Y. Oct. Any surplus" earnln~ of the :;ystem _..,,~ reets. spenca eason •• • 15, to authorize Uie OOJ!Str~tlott ot can be transferred to the VIllage's • a oa.tural gas dlstril!Utlon system Ruidoso Wl\.'l preparing for enter• wlth!n the VIllage. General Fund to be u..<ed for a-eneral talnlng hundreds ct visitors this It Is estlmat~ t.M~ Wh!m Ule sys­ purposes or . other V11lage lmprove­ week·end IQ Its 16th atul,U!'l Aspen· tem 1> In o~erat.lon a.vel"llS'e fuel menL:·, It was announced cade. , bills cnn be reduced bY apprOXtmnte­ Conneotlons to the system will be A p~de. dane:~· outdoor chU(:lc· ly 35 'lr , officials said. U approved, voluntary. Anyone not wishing to Wl.lgen m~tt aM'~jaurs on mo~ln the gn,s system will be completely ccnneo~ cannot be forced to do so, roadS to VIew lhe bl11U..m !lUtumn r.el! ·SUJ:J:o; tlng and no tax money sr:onrors said. tollage nl"C ntnong t~ attractions. --------------------- 'l'hl' Pclwdu!e or- events rot the 1963 ASJ:I'IIC~d?, prepared by tho Ruldo.ooo. Hondo Valley Chamber or Colli· • mrrC'f', lq as !ollow": Saturdlly, October 12 11 30 a.m. -A~pencado Parade ourt ouse down Suddl'rth 1:\r. The Parade will fPl\tm·c the 1063 Aspencade Queen. Ml'l.'l Llr.da Cantrt'll, daughter or Mr, and Mrl' C. G. Cantrell The pamde­ wlll be k<l by VIllage Trl15te0 DIU • Mcc.-u·ty and llnrlan McOmw wttb ass ' Cl•hy l.e!twlch. Queen of American I Lincoln County voters approved A"~rctallon c! Shc'lifr P~es and I ---~--• ... , a pro1=o~~;t -$525,000 cout1 house bond Rtdtmr Clu~ _________ _ lssu!! by about two-to-one In an elec­ Following will be 10 floats, U10 , SPORTS CAR RALLY -About 25 sports cars, participating In a SCHOOL tion Tltt>sday. Of the Cltimated 4,900 Ruidoso St'horrl Band and U~e Coch· ' crou country tour, stopped at Whispering Pine dining room vctefll ollglblo, only-1·,000 went to rnn c..ounty Sheriff's Po<lsc. the polls to vote, occordlns to un• 3:00 to 4 30 p m -Crt acquaint· .L-- h~re for a .coffee br~ak Saturday, with a can:ttrlving a net do­ CARNIVAL offlcllll returm from the county eel r.nrty ror v: lt(lN rtnd loCtll folk parting every two minutes. One Is shown parked near restou· clerk 'a otrlce at Cnrrlzozo. at Cr<>t' l\lead1lW!I Country Club. rant sign above. Tile bond Will glve Ule county !l OtJ p m ~ AJ>-pencndt" Dance. DATE SET commls~1oners the runds needed to CrOWlllllJ! ef Ull' A!!pt'nCude Q~n •••••••••••••••••••••••• * llln. R:l)'mond Clal'k, publlc.lly build n new cour: house nn4 to re­ and Te1'n Dam't•. Currtzo Lodge, rbnlrrnnn for the RuldOS6 Par· model nn t>xl!..1tna annex tn Carr!· mU.•IIe by Jllkt' box. admission, 50c l'III·TI'llfher Auodallon,11arrnoun­ ZO'.W. Land cnplns, paved parking per Pl•r<'lll Around Town 25 Sports Cars crd thb wcrk that the annwal aroa5 and rumtshlngs IUld fixture:; Acltllt dancr at Navajo Lodge, mU· -By Nosey Waters- lfallo\\'C't>n 8 o h o o I CIU'Zl!val wlll be provlllcd !rom tho flUids np. '!!IC by "MI"Atlla Valley BoYtl••, Bd· would be held S.turday nl.Jbt, proved. ml';~ton Sl &o per person. •••••••••••••••••••••••• In Rally Here Nov. 2. ltfrJ. Clark 1lalecl that Polllnl'l' Thrr't' wtll bt> dance · contczto ror ~> t•hlcc O~ENS NEXT WEEK .... first patronage is ex· ral stores in the center will open next week. Dr. R. J. Noren o! Park Foothill~; About 25 sporl.!! caro Joined In tho l\11'11. Op:ll IJick.am bad been for Aplmt bu!h ndults nnrl tt.>en·agors. Lincoln 1 · 'l ,Ho:;plllll, El :e~o. bas ~en !Jiclud· Pan Aml'rlcau Rl't&fOn Sports Car named clualrman of the IJallo­ pcctcd next week for somo of the stores In the A formal opening will be staged at o later Sundll)', Ot'tobt>r 13 31 cd tn U1e lllt~"t publlcnUon of "Who'5 Cllub or Alnf'rlea "Rolling IUgh Ral· "e'en Carnival Oommlltee and Hondo 1f new shopping center opposite the Ruidoso date for all of tho conler, it was reported. A 'l 30 n rn - Trail ride to the Ski Ruldo~o Picacho 1t 6 Who of · American Women.·· Dr ly" whleh toured tl111 area Uut u detallrd announcement on Newa oHlco and built by Mr. and Mrs W. R. nome for the cenler was announced this week Art'n 11u:• ride will orlg1tlate •t Nore:1 ha'l n cabin In Coun!ry Club lnnt Saturday and sunday. Bob Wal· aUractlom and tbe annual quem Capltnn· 41 61 sa:let• lltdlr.tz StnbiC3 1 ncrom the Orcen Tree 19 4.9 Long thlsllum.mer. When this aorial view wos as the Plaza Dec. Besides H. & J. food Basket ~stntC3 In Rut:lU".{) • • . A lli-mlle· ker. rnnnngt>r or U1c Ruldo::o-Itondo coulcst would be m&dc IOQ!I. nlr!"l'! !rom Chamber of Comtnerca r) Valley Chamber or Commerce !inld. Nogal :W 3 modo Monday from Brown Air Service plane, offtct> • · an·lumr ~'Pl'ed zunc ba!l b~en rft up -··------ ond Family &lnlor, others. to occupy stores for nn area of cbuu! flVI' block9 tn Tile ~J!ltn·r Hll.lil HaU)' drew Bcnlto 'I 13 work was beginning on tho hugo asphalt pa­ will include Whitlock's Jowolery and Olma's a oo 11 rn Jt'Cp Tours. 'l'he' tciurs Pnlmcr On!cwny on Sudderth dur­ earn from Dnllao. Portlcmd, Ore .• Couniy Agents Due Corona m 21 It Will crtgumtc n\ tho Ruidooo Fo~ Cnrrtmr.o 346 7 ved parking lot. Is expected to be com· Style Shop, each with oil now storo fixtures. Sf'rm•e Hnr.ger Stnuon <Highway lni thl' clltl!)l tcrm. Slqn? co warn· Santn Fe. Roo well. Albuquerque. For Conference Here pleted thla wcek·cnd and samo of the seve- !ng IU'C r,el up Ul the mornlng Whl'n Alamogordo. El Pa~o. and Auntln, Ancho 2G 0 37 • Anront> with a 4-whool dri\'C The Couu:;v Alfl'Jit!l from the oouth· school Clll",scs tU'e cpcnln;:. anti dur· Tex. ond numerou!l other polnl'l ln Ruldo:;o 43 149 . "'-"""-'"W<> =--;..;:· ---------------------- Vt>hlch.• b Invited to Join the tout. em ccun!lc:~ cf New Mexico hlwe lr.3 U1e ortt'rnuun Wht'D ~;Ch!)!)l 1!1 dl!l· the rer.ton. Wa lkt•r eald. san Patrteto 2:1 10 EJ D pl o!her" moy ride 1\!J long M l;el\fa- ~e ml9n-d .. Saturday morntn:r th,. llJlOrl.!! cnrn !ICheduled n con!ercnco a\ the Holl· uv.nllnble. · \!lurcrt tl!c S!t.'fl'll. Wtmc.'\ Sk~ tlff',3 doy Uo~"q Ill ~W~..O fot'>;. Oct. J'l TOTAI_!..--~-G:U- m .... • . .li"raSQ . fanes 600 APACHES INSPECT 12 00 'Noon= CllOCK WAOON ..;.;.. +. ""'.~ 0 nnd the Mo!':cnlcra .Ap:lC'llt> Rf'sl'r· tll'id HI, Jim WlthCf4,N.WQUitccd 'UI~ DINNER. Ccoked by RuldOtO J,lonls · Gelling nil cxei!Cd nbuu~ th!'lr vallon. The drtvl'rs vtoppcd for a Wt'Ck. To Use Radar : T Fly Jn Wub. st>rvoo bY Rotary Club and rorthcomu:;g 4·tn::m!h vtslt to south 30 mtnut<' co!fet• brenk nt !he Wbls­ Ralph Dunlop. Lincoln County In Speed Zones: 0 SIERRA BLANCA AREA Ro!nr y Anr~•• Uckel.9 by Ja~~ IWd AmerJcn arc Mr. und Mrs Ed L::mr prrlng Plnf'5 JW:.taurnnt, Joe Tru· A~cr;t 1!1 ~dlnaUrtg UIC l\110 dAy 'Mtr molll·ntllllnn dollar SJ1•rra ·nil drlnlo sold by Wnrrtor BatldG­ here . A fGrmnl CJ!t>lling l, !)latt>d rtt rcportl'd and mo!lt or the ~;ports Ct;t!ll'l'l'tlt't', Wllhct's Mfd. llhd nbOUt Police School Set lll:uwa Ski Jtn.ort JrroJwriY mr-n for the lnttf'r r:art c! thl!l mon!h by C'llr club 1:jJ('nt tht' ntyht at U1e Vll· 50 n,::t'n:S nre expected. For Aspencade I 00 p rn Pl'e!:<'.tlUltlon of Awarcb. Vtlloge Marshall T. J. Sandcrn \Vhlrh \I'll" lakCJl 0\'l'f Od. 1 b)' Tho Lyor.!l anti Wlmberlys' Slenn In Inn. .-.. ....... Ute Ml'llt'nlrro 1\Jlilt'hl' Tribe \~ll!l Urard Clll !f'St Bll\nca Ski Ghop In Ruldo':O on thl' .Mr.
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