THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. C. AAUW WEDNESDAY. APBII. *. I».V> B-9 Sponsors ' Fund Tea F STREET SHIRLINGTON BETHESDA SILVER SPRING CONNECTICUT AVENUE The Washington branch of the American Association of University Women will spon- sor a fellowship fund tea from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday in the Free Parking Ist hour in any All Jelleff stores Argentine Embassy; 9 Proceeds from the event will open to "l°rrow when'you ™ Tomorm! Noon to 9 P.M.—Our season’s FIRST SUIT be used to help finance SALE! one otj.lleff. eight! year of graduate study in the United States for a woman from a Latin American coun- try. exciting sale! f The Embassy is being made All-Wool >49.99 and recog- 59.99 available for the tea in Calfskin-** nition of the Argentine women who have benefited from the fellowship fund. Senora de Vicchi. wife of the Ambassa- 95 dor of Argentina, will person- ally greet the guests. Wives of Top-fashion SUITS other Embassy officials also 0 will attend as hostesses. Among the distinguished guests will be Senora Maria Concepcion de Chavez, chair- Over 300 \ man of the Inter-American ‘“S’yjiStS*" beautiful spring suits! Commission on Women: Mrs. Anna Burke, president of the Pan American Liaison Com- mittee of Women’s Organiza- tions, and officials from the AAUW national headquarters. Native Argentine food will be served at the tea, following the program when guests will hear brief talks by Dr. Albert Prando, counselor of the Em- tinll . bassy, and Dr. Maria Felix fust .... i- Gordon, who received the La- ir Tweeds! Ranelgo sheer wools! Fine gabardines! Tissue flannels! Silk and wool blends' tin-American fellowship this year and is studying medicine at the University of Pennsyl- vania. A total of 32 women have thm received the Latin-American mMiSati Jft M at $39 —all these styles to choose from!—fashion's close-curved dress- Fellowships since the program maker suits! satin-flashed and jewel-blazed suits! Tweedy checks for town and travel Slim began 1 in 1917, Miss Maurine * S ' 0rec l skirts, shawl own Hall, Fellowship Program Com- S^'r 9 collors and button-up collars; why, there's even a style with its mittee chairman, has an- nounced. One such recipient from Ar- gentina was Dr. Emilia Deseo ’ who studied educational meth- ot $39 —all these colors to choose from’—navy blue, seafoam blue, ods this in country in 1927 and pole (blue red, is credited with introducing blue is such a fashion favorite this spring'—ond grey, brown, beige, pink. progressive educational pro- cedures in the elementary schools of Argentina. Tickets for the benefit are ’ Misses’ sizes 10 to IS Junior sizes 7 to 15 available through individual members and are being sold in the clubroom of the branch, 1785 Massachusetts avenue fio*,block,novy N.W. Special for women! Sizes 14V2 to 20 V 2 Just 33—559.99 Suits of Einiger Flannel; beige or grey, the perfect three- r- a >*>. ° detoi,i " ° ° °"° ° drCSSm ker nd sh wl C r' S,im skirt D Pouch bags, satchel bags, elongated bags, slim bags, dressmak- 9 ' 4 7 ers and tailleurs, big bags and tidy smaller shapes. , . JelleM's—Suit , , . ~ Shop, Third Floor, F Street end oho ot Jelleff's Silver Spring,d Shirlmqton, Conn. Ave. ond Bethesda Je.ieff Hondbogs, Street Floor F Street ond ot Betneiao, Shirl.rtgton, Spring, in Silver Conn. Avenue _______————___________ The New TV MAGAZINE every family needs New presented every TEENS! special purchases —Toppers, Dresses, Skirts at big savings! Sunday with the big Planned for your shopping excitement this Spring vacation week. Do come in ond see the gay styles, try them on—make your own fashion show! SUNDAY STAR . • TeleVue brings you more s s J 599 J 799 program information 2s.and 29”ToppersS'|9 Teens' *l4"Dresses *g" and Skirts about all station listings *3.99 for the entire week than ever before in a Wash- Coral, navy, yellow, ice blue, blonde . we've picked your Make plans for the sunshine—shop for cotton prints, calicos, Here's navy, block, beige, toast, turquoise, teal, grey. Pleated ington newspaper. Also favorite spring shades! Pure wools more news and feature ond wool and cashmere silks, linens, rayon and acetate blends. Everything from walking skirts in washable linens, sixteen gore cotton skirts in stories about TV programs blends in three smart styles: club collar toppers, tuxedo top- splashv prints to tiny flower patterns, from whirling skirts to fine combed broadcloth, gov cotton print skirts in floral de- and personalities. Handv pers, shawl collar toppers. Many edged with hand-picking. sheaths, from magazine size with full shirt-tailored styles to air-cooled necklines. signs ond signature patterns. And all before summer skirt color glossy cover. Sizes 7tol 5. Turquoise, chamois, natural, black in the group. Sizes 7to 15. weother even starts' Sizes 7to 15. Arts Club Jelleff's Teen Shop will be one of the busiest spots in town tomorrow—-Fourth Floor Jelleff's F Street ond ot Bethesda, Shirlington, Silver Spring. Conn Avenue Show Set Outstanding craftsmen will demonstrate their skills at the Arts Club's “Come-See-For- Now-we Show" Friday dress for Yourself and sunshine Saturday at the historic Mon- Coat color: uninhibited! roe House, 2017 Eye street N.W. * Silks, cottons , , prints! $10*99 , i The show is sponsored by linens 1 the Industrial Arts Member- 7 Go/</. pink... red ship, with Mrs. Annette Met- I vUAJ calfe of Chevy Chase as chairman. 1A new point of view about Demonstrating their respec- tive crafts will be: Lyn Eg- bert. co-author of "Free Brush Design," just off the press, who will illustrate silk screen processing: and Mrs. Mabel Dußois, believed to be Wash- ington’s only woman silver- smith, who will turn out silver Jewelry both In classic and modern designs. At the potter's wheel will be Mrs. Volly Possony and across the room Miss Katha- rine Hobbs will model in clay. Miss Edith Nighman will make lace at her loom and Miss Betty Campbell will facet gems. Other talented craftsmen will include Mr. Isaac J. Sanger, block-printing: Mr. George Scheirer, book binding and Mrs. Annette Metcalfe, gold-tooling. John Greer will show how a room may be designed around a work of art, demonstrating with Jean Lurcate's tapestry, "Le Coq Fou,” shown in this area for the first time. On Friday the craftsmen will perform from 8 to 10 p.m., and on Saturday from 2 to 10 pm. New Hampshire Princess Feted The New Hampshire State Society crowned its cherry blossom princess, Miss Mae Allen, at a 6 to 8 p.m. recep- tion yesterday. New Hampshirites in Wash- ington, the Assistant to the Mrs, N)' President and Sherman Adams, Women's silk shantung sheath in a shy hero ond there print ol tiny flowers blooming //m| oko in sky blue Proper! Senator and Mrs. ~ Styles Bridges and Represent- on navy or black. The crescent of neckline caught with little bows. Sizes 14’/2 to 20 Vi. / 7/ /—I .. , . *. <; , If I 1 M tionea sizes IU to , AM o 10. ative and Mrs. Norris Cotton Second Floor, F Street ond ot Spring and Avenue I \ Silver Conn. $ 1 7.7 V ilf'tf were honor guests at the event. Jelleff s Coots, Third Floor F Street Nearly 60 persons Misses show off a pretty figure in a whirled torso curved blend of Orion and cotton attended ~ the party In the Gold Room with a great white wave of collar. By R and Kin block, brown or green. $19.99 ll ijX " of the Woodner Hotel. If H Mr. Juniors stripe , Philip Cohen, president of the like shirt simplicity, designed here by Madeleine Fauth in woven society presented the to cotton chambroy with shaped contour belt. Pink or beige with white; sizes 7 to 15. 1 tnnu (J crown ' Ohnu till / fnm/ifivi-*rt: Miss Allen who is from Ep- Fourth Floor, F Street and ot Conn. Avenue $19.99 upon noon nu wnionozv plng, If N. H. Second Floor, F Street ond ot oil branch store* I.
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