OnElctio D yWFTEDiG t.miiso Un A massive turnout of union voters on back, to life the AFL-CIO reports. Huffington has spent produce evidence of their legal rsdny Tuesdayca swing the election for Kathleen Her campaign has steadily picked up mo- in* excess of $24.5 million of.his personal Brown,. Dianne Feinstein and other COPE- mentum as the November 8. election date fortune from his father's oil and gas business Proponents of the measure- took on an in- endorsed candidates and ballot measures. grows closer. -A final surge of labor support in his effort to. buy the Senate seat. Huff- creasingly. defensive pose as. educators, Late polls. showed a close race for Governor can spell the difference that's needed to create ington's campaign continued. to take on water health care providers, clergy and conserva- between Brown and Republican Pete Wilson.) the new partnership with government and- la- from the revelation* that he employed an ille- tive Presidential hopefuls Jack Kemp and while-Feinstein has opened a small lead over bor she's promised when elected Governor. gal. immigrant for five years and transported William Bennett came. out against the mea- her Republican challenger Michael Brown has out in defense her across state lines, which would have vio- sure. The independent Legislative Analyst's consistently spoken Office the measure Huffington. of California's workers, calling for a return to lated. legislation, he authored. Huffington, estimates Jeopardizes $15 "The votes of our members and their. fami- economic competiveness through'sound in- who has jumped on the Proposition 187 im- billion in federal funding to California be-. lies can provide the crucial margin of vic- dustrial policies that will create well paid, migrant-bashing bandwagon, tried to blame cause. the- measure is in violation of federal tory" said Jack Henning, executive secretary- highly-skilled jobs. the hiring on his wife,*author and social but-. privacy law The Department of Education treasurer of the California AFL-CIO. "We In the. critical *Senate race, Senator Dianne terfly Ariana, shedding more light on allega- has issued an opinion -that teachers would be need all unions to it on and turn out our committing a crime if* they failed to report pour undocumented 187. members at the polls". students- under.-Prop. The stakes are high. In the. Governor's. Union votes tan provide race, union members have an opportunity to ofvictr Henning called on union members -to vol-- end twelve years of reactionary Republican margin unteer at get-out-the-vote phone banks and rule, including four under Pete Wilson which precinct -walking operations coordinated Feinstein -has compiled A 100 per cent right tions that she was the 'controlling force be- through the central labor councils in all parts witnessed over 600,000 jobs' lea6 the state. his for Wilson has, vetoed virtually all labor-spon- voting record on labor issues in her. first two hind quedst higher office, of the state. Other* measures vital to union sored legislation to reach his desk this year years in office. She has made opposition to members include: measures to CAL- the racist and xenophobic anti-immigrant PROP 187 RACE CLOSE including strengthen 187 -a issue in her * Yes on 186, the OSHA, underground e&onomy clean-UP bills, Proposition- major Proposition 187 continfues -to encounter in- Proposition Single Payer and increases in the state's unemployment in- campaign.. creased resistance, including student protests Health Care Initiative surance and disability insurance benefits. Texas oil millionaire Michael Huffington in Los Angeles and elsewbQ!re. The measure * Retaining. pro-labor Democratic major- Brown has pledged to work closely with or- voted wrong 83 per cent of the time on key would deny social- services including educa- ities in the State Senate and Assembly, and in ganized labor to bring the state's economy labor issues in his fr-eshman year in Congress, tion and health care to anyone who could not California's Congressional delegation. Vol. 37-No. 43 November 4, 1994 Stik Hts S. ew ~rs Two days into a strike that shut ment representatives balked at down the San Francisco Chronicle union proposals. designed to protect the jobs of Teamster drivers. Ak -....... k-i Mayor Frank Jordan has asked both Talks bogged down over the pa- union leaders and management rep- pers' refusal to clarify how many resentatives to return to the bargain- delivery drivers would lose their ing -table. jobs in a reorganization of the news- Negotiations were slated to begin papers'. distribution system. at 7 a.m. Friday morning in the "We stopped the clock for 22 Mayor's Office at City.HalL. Federal hours," Cuthbertson said. "They Mediator Ruth Carpenter is alsoex- simply failed to respond to our last pected to. participate in the meeting. proposal." Union leaders said they -were The walkout disrupted'the print- gratified that the mayor had taken ing* and distribution of the two dai- steps to end the strike..- lies, and press runs* for* the Exam- "Any effort to bring the two sides iner and. Chronicle were slashed. together' is encouraging," said Few papers were delivered during. Doug Cuthbertson, chief negotiator the first days of the strike. for the Newspaper Guild and chair- Striking workers scrambled'to man of 'the Conference of News- put out the 'first issue of the San. paper Unions, a coalition of labor Francisco Free Press, a strike news- organizations that represent most of paper designed to substitute for the the employees at the* two dailies. Chronicle and Examiner. "Wre glad the mayor has made BROWN SUPPORT this offer and. the other side has re- Gubernatorial candidate Ka- sponded positively. "I'm looking thleen Brown took time from a hec- forward to resuming the talks." tic 29-hour sweep Thurs- at the campaign Nearly 2,600 workers S.F day to shake hands with workers* on Chronicle, Examiner and News- the picket line at the papers' edi- Pickets. at* Examiner delivery gate lept a scab know how they feel. paper Agency took to the streets at torial offices at Fifth and Mission 10 p.m. November 1 after manage- streets in San Francisco. percent raises, retroactive to the ex- critical job security issues. Teamster Newspaper Delivery- At issue are contracts for ten piration 'date. When discussions bogged down, Drivers Local 921 how-many jobs unions that represent workers who Earlier, a strike. deadline* had a new deadline was set-for 10 p.m. would be. lost as the result of a pro- write, edit, print and distribute the been set for midnight, October-31. Tuesday. The unions vowed that if posed company reorganization of San dailies. The That deadline Was pushed-back in- they did not have a contract by that the distribution system for the two two Francisco San Francisco dailies. unions involved are Newspaper-Ty- definitely, however, when it ap- time, they would take job action. Union Local 21, Web peared that -the unions and manage- Cuthbertson said company nego- "You can't ask people to.Aigree to pographical on that the loss mE* a, Pressmen Local 4-, Paper Handlers ment would reach an agreement tiators refused. to tell -officers of something could-mean Local 24, Vendors Local 468, Ma- of hundreds.of jobs without telling r chinists Lodge 115, Service Em- them what the impact is going to. ployees Locals 87 find 1877. This Far -and No Further be," he .said. at C - Contracts ofeight of those unions Picket lines were* established 'We like to- feel that people of good will can sit down, two editorial offices in downtown expired a year ago and another ran in this most civilized of-cities, and work things 'out, I especially San Francisco. and at the three print- U.- out. in September.. but sometimes that ideal situation is not to -be found., C.rt ing plants where the papers are pub- When the strike, began, the Then,.once again, in the.-spirit of those who- founded the unions and management remained lished. Strikers had several clashes labor movement and lifted. millions of Americans to- new levels with riot-equipped private security * n apart on wages and benefits,, both of of the good life, it is time to form the picket_ lines. and vow* which are of crucial importance. to guards during the early hours. of the that we will not retreat. another inch. and two union members workers who have been subjected to has been over the to win the strike., That much sacrificed -years were hospitalized as the result of C a freeze since March 1993. pay victories of which We are proud, and to retreat would be to injuries.thdy received during the EMLYRiFE renounce..a sacred trust. incidents. 19mntRAyfreeze f%Ollwdb This far and no frhr Meanwhile, the newspapers, 'N Striking San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen, which had vowed to continue- pub- y San Francisco Free Press, a strike, found them- October 28, 1994.. lishing during (Continued on Page 2) Until last weekend,4 Delaine.Easttns*opponont- * finally for--the non-partisan office of* tkes offher Aandreelsher tu Superintendent Rexpublicani identity." tprsnheel of* Public. Instruction was passing herself Off EastinUnmoe sked S e"s DiMarco hadIbeen,tyingtopwth as a Democrat while serving as an apologist. asanindependent-.jmind$.Democratdepit for her boss, Republican Governor Pete of Wilson, and his dismal record on herpoitonasWilONsSecretar Edua education.* RealReptioniafand ChildDevelpoment and her appoit But that. allI. changed when abruptly surance commissioner. "Maureen -DiMarco ment by- the governor to the state Board of Maureen. DiMarco, the -other candidate., re- is-'a Republican in .Where she with Vealed -herself The ads were financed with GOP funds a Democrat's clothing" declared Cliff Staton, Educationi sided board mem-' to millions of television' part of Wilson's effort to elect statewide hers.from the extreme right,, most recently in viewers as an ally two Republican office EastinWs campaign consultiant.
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