-:- -'-^VV ■ ^ -f -/ I ’- - ' r . ■ ^ .. ( - ■[: - \' ■■'. ■-■■ / -j t v .... ^ 1 / ' ( ' r . PAiGE EIGHTEEN 'r ■. P R I D A ^ k NOVEMBER 19i 1964 I I illanrlri^Bt^r lEurains 'V '* The members of King David Average Daily Net Press Ron L od ^ No. SI, lOOF, will meet a t Far the Week Esded ThaWcatbar A b o u t T ow n the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Nov. is. 1M4 rroNOMt Of D. & Waa« Main St., twiight at 7:30 to pay last respects to William Schieldge, / M«mban of MancheaUr t>od|:« who a-as a member of the lodge tor 11,523 Toaigfet rato, tog, mild. Laer la KUu a n requested to meet to­ ^J L d f L Member of the Audit r't'\ "towor. SFa. Rvndny rato, fog, aat night at T:30 at the Holmes 45 years. runeral Home, 400 Main St., to Bareau of CinmUtion miM. High to opprr ge's. pay respects to Wiliam S u li i e t Circle, Past Nobis UtanchesUr^A City of Village Charm SOhieldfe, deceased member of the Grands, will postpone its regular lodge. monthly meeting, to Monday, Nov. 20. At that time' Mrs. Mary Fish VOL. LXXIV, NO. 44 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1954 (Claaalfled Adverltotag on Png» A daughter was bom yesterday will be the hostess. 7 PRICE nV E CENT8 to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollica of z . Craiiston, R. I. Mrs. Mollica is the . James T. Cunningham, aviation z former Betty Austin, daughter of electronics technician a ir m a n , Mr. and Mrs. Hulburd Austin of USN, son of Mrs. Alice V. Cun­ 2,000 U . S. Hermann Field Arrives Sw iss H elp K. Middle Turnpike. ningham, 78 Ridge St., with Fight­ er Squadron 92. was scheduled to Members of the Regina, d'ltalia return to San Diego. Calif., today Society will meet tonight at aboard the attack aircraft carrier o r k e r s i n F ield H ide o'clock in front of the W. P. Quish USS Philippine Sea from an eight Mendes, Dulles Study f^uleral Home, 22S Main St., to month cruise in the Far East. * • ' pay last respects to Barachia <Pa- A - t e s t F r o m P r e s s gani, whose iidfe is a member of Charles F. Shaver, Jr., son of the society. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Shaver, Sunny View Drive, Vernon, saluta- Washinjfton^^ov. 20 (A*)— Zurichr Switzerland, Nov. The Rev. Oeorge Hughes of St. torian of the class of 1953 at Man­ 'Nearly 2,000 key\federal em­ James' Oiurch will speak at the chester High School, la a newly 20 (/P)—A Foreign 'Office meeting o f the Kiwanis Club Mon­ elected member of Phi Kappa Psi ployes, in mock fl^ht from spokesman said today au­ day neon at 12:19 at the Manches­ fraternity at Dartmouth College, an atomic raid on the\^pital, thorities are keeping the ter Country Club. As this is Hsinover, N. H. '^ a y “operated” the glwern- •'Bring Your Pastor Week.” each whereabouts of Hermann member la expected to bring his Bient from 30 emergbijcy Field a secret at the personal ___ • . •/ •____________________ crwn pastor to the meeting. headquarters sites within request of his. sister. Dr. Holy Hour Event ^ BOO mile radius of Washin Elsie Field. R eds P lan 1 Giant Carrier Nears Launching Date ton. Field, a Cleveland architect re­ ]; N orth A rm y Plans Complete ' Preeldent Elsenhower atayed on cently released from prison in the job at the White Hou^, bur (tommunist Poland, arrived here arranged to take part liythe drill yesterday by air from Warsaw and FOOD The spesker;for the Holy Hour G o t s T h r e e by communicating wit some of promptly vanished. There was to be held at ilM Church of ths Aa- the emergency ofhcM from an Hermam Field (left), the Cleveland, O., nrehitect retedaed from speculation that he would toon be SALE sumption on Nov. M from 8 to 9 ' underground jtomb Reiter. "unjust ImpMaoiinent” In CoimnnnUt Poland, arrives at Kloten be joined'' in Switaerland by hia A rn js S etup p.m. will ba Father Oormac Xin- , ;'*AI1 10 cabinet ^partmenta and Airfield in Zurich. Switserinnd. At right I* an unidenrifled official brother, Noel. Sot., N«v. 20, f :30 a.m. • a score of other agencies were of the |T.S. Legation who was on hand to meet Field. (NBA Radio Judicial Error ksad from the Holy Family Mon- jmtting in a s^hour day at secret Telephoto). / By EDDY OILMORE a tlfee A 'one-Ume employe of the U.S. Saigon, Viet Nam. NoY; $9 aatary in Farmington. ShjifL tU. diais^ JomDhJww J dJl .rendeavous pdlnts In at least four Slate Dept., Noei and his wife, : London, Nov. 20 (A*)—The x W . T. G RANT C O . The program will be eondiKtcd bearby states In a teat of the Herts, were freed in Hungary earl* Soviet Union has given strong (/P)—'The Intcrnationaf 1 by the Passicmist Fathers firom "continuity of government” under ier this week after Red authoritiea mistice Commission arM S15 BIAIN ST. enemy pftack. indications recently she is the monastery and will open with found their imprisonment was due day it has received no eon to ‘judicial error.” They are be­ Spoosored by a hymn followed by group prayer. Yital Records Hidden Censure Vote Held planning to set up an East An but one of the agencles--- lieved at present in a Budapest Eurqpean security system in plaints that either the Viet- Maachester Assembly No. U Hymns will aleo be sung before sanitorlum. minh or the French are in­ Order o f Kalabow for Girls end after Father Kinke^'s ad- theyt exception was not ..named— answer to the West’s North Java picked out emergency sites Hermann looked pale and drawn ' - , -vv ** IV'*' creasing their trmed forces drees and the hour will conclude /ftVM on hla arrival. He was met In a Atlantic Treaty Organization with the benediction. from which they will operate If Demand of Public in -violation of the Geneva and when orders arrive to evac­ private airport office by .'tia sister (NATO). Judging by the re^wnse from uate Washington. All but one have and his wife, Kate. Newsmen were agreements. X - ______ It is believed that Marshals among members of the organisa­ dached away important records, kept at a distance. The family was Georgi Zhukov. Vasily Sokolovsky There have been no ship­ tions sponsoring the Hour, and at or near the rendeavous site, in Washington, Nov. 20 (/P)— >a vote within a week or 10 days spirited away from the airport by and Kon.stantin Rokossovsky-'IJil ments of/arm's either to the among laymen, a large attendance a repository unlikely to be a tar­ after the Senate reconvenes a a U.S. consulate employe who Soviet World War II heroes—are le expected for the event. Sen. Morse (Ind-Ore) said to­ north^ the south since the get for enemy bombers. week from Monday. maneuvered hla car to elude news­ now ymrking out details of the • Y' »■ , I . t The departments have been giv­ day that a resolution to cen­ "I'd think from McCarthy's view­ men. July 21 nine-power Geneva Police refused any Information new alliance. They also are e.x- en to understand that the refoca- sure Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) point he would be glad to get it pected to play leading roles In con^rence ended - tliv Indo- tlon, If once ordered, , Is for the would be reoffered in the washed out," Mundt said. "If it on their whereabouts and a'check of the city's 22 leading hotels failed the military organisation. .^ a war, the eomminrion X. duration of an emergency. next (Congress if necessary- Isn’t, It Will just be reactivated at The Soviet Union and its satel­ The Bitea are resort towns, col­ the next session." to produce any. hint of their • s Ided. rilifiriE?EiuoSn hut that “ the American peo­ refuge. • lites have, signed mutual assist­ leges, and Communities which \ At LOW PRICES 4 Sen. Watkins (R-Utah), chair­ ance treaties and trade accords. WMKINS b have unoccupied federal buildings Unprecedented Move By ED.MOND LEBRRTOH ple are going'to demand a man of the special 6-member com­ But as far a.s is known, Red En.st ■ROTHBIU, INC in Maryland. Virginia, West Vir­ vote” by the present Senate. mittee which 'recommended -cen­ Officials yesterday said the un­ Washington, Nov. 20 (JP)— ginia, and North Carolina and pos­ precedented police protection 'a f­ Europe has no formal interlock­ I Arthur Orui Stem i "This issue, in a sense. Is out sure, *,-<ld he "wouldn’t speculate” ing military alliance placing war Reports that the Coinmu* FUNERAL sibly elsewhere. on whether the censure resolution forded the Fields was requested to n of the hands of the Senate, Morae by (he U.S. embaasv through the resources under a single com­ nists have assembled three SERVICE All are within 80 miles to the said in an Interview. "The people would be reintroduced In the next Swiss Foreign Office. ■ The U.S. Congress If the Senate failed to mand. new divisions in North Viet west and north of Washington and are demanding that the members, State Dept. In Washington later Conference Nov. 39 O n M B d X M b t 3o0 miles to the south. of the Senate stand up and be act bn it before adjournment.
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