E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 No. 108 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was business. Following that period, we Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I very called to order by the President pro will return to the Defense appropria- much appreciate the comments of the tempore (Mr. STEVENS). tions bill. We have three amendments Democratic leader. This is a bill we pending on the bill at this time. We started before our recess. We agreed we PRAYER hope to lock in a vote in relation to the would finish today, although because of The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Feinstein amendment regarding clus- extenuating circumstances we will go fered the following prayer: ter munitions. I understand that 12 to tomorrow. It is a very important Let us pray. noon is the best time for that vote. bill. It is important in support of our Infinite Spirit, draw near to us Therefore, Senators can expect a vote troops, in support of our efforts on the today. Forgive us if we have been blind prior to the policy luncheons. We will war on terror. It is a bill we will finish to needs of our world. Take us down recess for the policy meetings today tomorrow. the road of humility so that we will be from 12:30 to 2:15. ORDER OF PROCEDURE patient with those who don’t agree I remind everyone we will finish the I ask unanimous consent the Senate with us. bill this evening or Thursday, if nec- proceed to a vote in relation to the Guide Your Senators with Your wis- essary. If Senators have amendments, Feinstein amendment No. 4882 at 12 dom. Let Your purposes shape their they should have already contacted the noon today with no second-degree minds and Your holiness direct their managers. In order to finish at the ear- amendments in order prior to the vote; decisions. Remind them often that liest time, we will be voting through- further, that the time from 11:15 to they serve You and that Your standard out the day and as late as necessary to noon be equally divided in the usual for success is faithfulness. ensure completion of that bill. form. Help them pursue mercy as well as f The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- justice as You provide them with RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY out objection, it is so ordered. greater insight into Your will. Show LEADER Mr. FRIST. I suggest the absence of a them what is right and then give them quorum. the courage to do it. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The We pray in Your powerful Name. Democratic leader is recognized. clerk will call the roll. Amen. f The legislative clerk called the roll. f SCHEDULE Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I ask unani- mous consent that the order for the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. REID. While the distinguished quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the majority leader is on the floor, I just The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. finished our leadership meeting. As I Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: VITTER). Without objection, it is so or- indicated to the leader last night some- dered. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the what late, we will be in a position right United States of America, and to the Repub- f lic for which it stands, one nation under God, after the caucus to indicate to floor indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. staff what amendments will be offered MORNING BUSINESS on this bill so we can finish it tomor- f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under row. I indicated to the majority leader the previous order, there will be a pe- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME what we intend to do after the caucus riod for the transaction of morning The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under today is completed, and I have floor business for up to 30 minutes, with the the previous order, the leadership time staff lining up how much time will be first half under the time of the control is reserved. taken on that amendment so we can of the majority leader or his designee f finish that this afternoon or this and the second half under the control evening, certainly. We are going to fin- of the minority leader or his designee. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ish this bill. We have had to eliminate Mr. KYL. I ask unanimous consent to LEADER a number of amendments. We have speak for 15 minutes. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The squeezed those so we have a reasonable The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without majority leader is recognized. number. They are not completely objection, it is so ordered. f squeezed out yet. They will be. f As I told the distinguished Presiding SCHEDULE Officer yesterday, and the majority STATEMENT OF PRESIDENT BUSH Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- leader, we will finish the bill tomor- Mr. KYL. Mr. President, the remarks ing we will have 30 minutes of morning row. President Bush delivered yesterday ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8985 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:13 Sep 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06SE6.000 S06SEPT1 jcorcoran on PRODPC62 with SENATE S8986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 6, 2006 about the war against the radical is to leave in the middle of a battle, for The President said: Islamist terrorists was a historic example, in Iraq. It would be difficult, The goal of these Sunni extremists is to re- speech, the clearest statement to date if not impossible, to win the war if we make the entire Muslim world in their rad- of the nature of the struggle we face. abdicate the battle. What ally in the ical image. In pursuit of their imperial aims, Probably there were two factors that war will stand with us if we decide that these extremists say there can be no com- entered the President’s decision to give the fight is too tough? How would that promise or dialogue with those they call ‘‘infidels’’. ... the remarks today: First, the fact that help us influence the mullahs who rule These radicals have declared their uncom- we will soon, next Monday, have the in Iran? promising hostility to freedom. fifth anniversary of the heinous attack I will read from parts of the Presi- And the President said: of September 11 on the United States of dent’s speech to illustrate the clarity It is foolish to think that you can nego- America; second, because of the in- with which he described the nature of tiate with them. creasing calls by partisans to abandon our enemy, the nature of this conflict, The President also quoted from some part of the conflict—namely, the Iraq and the absolute necessity that we con- of the al-Qaida documents that illus- front—in this war. front it strongly now in order to save trate the precise nature of this threat. It was important for the President to future generations from the scourge of One is the al-Qaida charter that was se- define who the enemy is and to make it this continuing conflict. cured by coalition forces searching a clear that the enemy is not terrorism. The President said: terrorist safe house. The charter People in the media have called this Five years after our nation was attacked, states: the war on terrorism. We could have the terrorist danger remains. We’re a nation just as easily called the war in the Pa- at war. There will be continuing enmity until ev- eryone believes in Allah. We will not meet cific and World War II the war on ka- And he said: the enemy halfway. There will be no room mikaze terrorism, as kamikaze is a sui- ... we’ve also learned a great deal about for dialogue with them. cide tactic by evil people. The war, the enemy we face . The President also noted that the then, was against Nazism, Fascism, the We know what the terrorists intend goal of al-Qaida is to cause Americans imperial Japanese, and later com- to do because they’ve told us—and we to tire of the conflict, ‘‘hoping that the munism. It was not against a tactic. need to take their words seriously. American people will grow tired of cas- The same thing is true today. It was And he proceeded to describe, in the ualties and give up the fight.’’ important for the President to define terrorists’ own words, what they be- The President said: the nature of the enemy we face in lieve, what they hope to accomplish, And they are targeting America’s financial order to be able to adequately confront and how they intend to accomplish it. centers and economic infrastructure at that enemy. The President made a Listen to these words of the Presi- home, hoping to terrorize us and cause our comparison with a couple of the en- dent: economy to collapse. emies in World War II. He talked about The terrorists who attacked us on Sep- He quoted the words of Osama bin Adolph Hitler and the fact he was not tember 11, 2001, are men without con- Laden, who calls this his ‘‘bleed-until- taken seriously at first. At first, Ad- science—but they’re not madmen.
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