g]kfndf ul/aL /x];Dd ul/aLlj?4sf] xfd|f] n8fO{ lg/Gt/ hf/L /xg]5 . Govt. Nepal Regd. No.: 102/051/52 Nepal Rastra Bank License No.: 50 Social Welfare Council Aff. No.: 3222 /fli6«o z}lIfs tyf ;fDfflhs ljsf; ;+:yf, g]i8f] g]kfn National Educational & Social Development Organization, NESDO Nepal An Organization for Propoor Social Inclusion, livelihood Improvement & Sustainable Development Branch Office: R C • Kusma, Parbat rnfgL g+M ÷)&%÷&^ ldltM @)&%÷)*÷)* Phone: 067-420229 E OMMUN • Beni, Myagdi Phone: 069-521023 SPONSnfO{M • Chipledhunga, Pokhara Phone: 061-524908 • Lekhnath, Kaski Phone: 061-561716 >L ================================== Ho", • Damauli, Tanahun Phone: 065-561771 • Putali Bazar, Syangja >4]o÷cfhLjg÷;fwf/0f ;b:o Phone: 063-420836 • Waling, Syangja Phone: 063-440593 • Bhoteodar, Lamjung ljifoM ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DjGwdf . Phone: 066-400123 IB IC • Dumre, Tanahun Phone: 065-580186 dxf]bo, • Tansen, Palpa Phone: 075-520342 • Gorkha Bazar, Gorkha LElhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no kj{tdf btf{ eO{ ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb sf7df08f}df cfj4 eO{ g]kfn /fi6« j}+sjf6 n3' A Phone: 064-421475 • Duipiple, Lamajung ljQLo sf/f]jf/ ug]{ Ohfht lnO{ g]kfnsf !@ lhNnfdf %^ j6f zfvf sfof{no dfkm{t *) xhf/ dlxnf, ljkGg T Mob.: 9846063433 • Khairenitar, Tanahun Phone: 065-570776 tyf ;fdflhs ?kdf jlGrtLdf k/]sf ju{sf] r]tgf, ;+u7g, cfocfh{gsf] dfWodjf6 hLljsf]kfh{gdf ;'wf/ Nofpg I • Baglung Bazar Phone: 068-522736 CI • Beshisahar, Lamjung ;dlk{t o; /fli6«o z}lIfs tyf ;fdflhs ljsf; ;+:yf, g]i8f] g]kfnsf] @$cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef–@)&%, ON Phone: 066-520808 • Bharatpur, Chitwan ær]tgf, ;+u7g / cfocfh{g, zxsfo{, ;befj / Pstf . Phone: 056-530893 V • Tandi, Chitwan Phone: 056-563439 3/b}nf]df u'0f:t/Lo n3' ljQLo ;]jf g]i8f] g]kfnsf] k|ltj4tf .. • Chanauli, Chitwan I Phone: 056-592147 dlxnf, ljkGg Pjd\ jlGrt ef}uf]lnstfdf ljsf;sf] jxf/ . • Rampur, Palpa L HUMAN Phone: 075-400029 cfly{s, ;fdflhs Pjd\ ef}lts ljsf;, /fli6«o ;d[4Lsf] cfwf/ ..Æ • Patichaur, Parbat Phone: 067-410085 • Naudanda, Kaski eGg] d'ngf/fsf ;fy lgDg Phone: 061-414023 SO • Kawasoti, Nawalparasi Phone: 078-541086 ldlt, ;do / :yfg • Bardaghat, Nawalparasi Phone: 078-580741 CI • Sunwal, Nawalparasi ldltM @)&% d+l;/ @( ut] zlgjf/sf lbg Phone: 078-570509 • Huwas, Parbat ljxfg l7s &=)) jh], ldltM Phone: 067-411076 • Arghali, Palpa ET Mob.: 9847647238 :yfgM xf]6n j]Gh', s'ZDff kj{tsf] ;efxndf RI • Galkot, Baglung Phone: 068-412031 cfXjfg ul/Psf] Joxf]/f ;xif{ hfgsf/L • Burtibang, Baglung Phone: 068-410093 Y • Kharbang, Baglung u/fpFb5f}+ . ;+:yfsf] pQm @$cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef df oxfFsf] clgjfo{ ;xeflutfsf] nflu xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ . GH Phone: 079-412126 • Birauta, Kaski Phone: 061-464013 FOoxfFsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu ;fwf/0f;efsf] sfo{qmd tklzn jd]flhd /x]sf] 5M • Bhandara, Chitwan Phone: 056-550595 • Belatari, Nawalparasi tklzn T Phone: 078-419089 • Mugling, Chitwan R qm=;+= sfo{qmd ;do ;fwf/0f ;efdf lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't k|:tfjx? S Phone: 056-540115 • Phalewas, Parbat != ljxfgsf] gf:tf ljxfg &M)) b]lv &M#) jh];Dd, • cf=j= @)&$÷&% sf] k|ult k|ltj]bg k|:t't÷cg'df]bg Phone: 067-430043 • Darwang, Myagdi @= ;b:ox?sf] gfd btf{ ljxfg &M#) b]lv *M)) jh];Dd, • cf=j= @)&$÷&% sf] cfly{s k|ltj]bg k|:t't÷cg'df]bg Phone: 069-420003 NA • Lunkhu, Parbat #= ;fwf/0f;ef pb\3f6g ljxfg )*M)) b]lv !!M)) jh];Dd, • c=j= @)&%÷&^ sf] jflif{s sfo{qmd k|:t't÷kfl/t & Mob.: 9817567943 $= vfgf lj>fd lbgsf] !!M)) b]lv !@M#) jh];Dd, c=j= @)&%÷&^ sf] k|:tfljt jh]6 k|:t't÷kfl/t Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995 • Thapathana, Parbat • Mob.: 9867706981 T %= jGb z];g lbgsf] !@M#) b]lv $M#) jh];Dd, • Madi, Chitwan • n]vf kl/If0f k|ltj]bg dfly 5nkmn tyf cg'df]bg, Phone: 056-501042 ^= ;dfkg ;df/f]x ck/fGx $M#) b]lv %M#) jh];Dd, D • Arunkhola, Nawalparasi I • cf=j= @)&%÷&^ sf] nflu n]vf kl/Ifs lgo'QmL tyf kfl/>lds lgwf{/0f Phone: 078-555110 • ;~rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{o tyf kl/dflh{t gLlt, lgodx?sf] cg'df]bg, E • Parasi Bazar, Nawalparasi ON Phone: 078-520611 • g]i8f] ;Dj[4 n3'ljQ ljQLo ;+:yf ln= df sf/f]jf/ x:tfGt/0f ;DjGwdf, • Bhimad, Tanahun V Phone: 065-572352 • cGo ;d;fdflos k|:tfj kfl/t, • Karaputaar, Lamjung Phone: 066-410158 EL • Thantipokhari, Gorkha dfly pNn]lvt k|:tfjx?sf] cnjf s'g} ljz]if k|:tfj ePdf @$ 306f cufj} ;+:yfsf] k|wfg sfof{no, s'Zdf kj{tdf Phone: 064-400085 B • Ghalchowk, Gorkha lnlvt btf{ u/fpg' xf]nf . wGojfb . Phone: 010-416080 U • Arughat, Gorkha OPM Phone: 064-410175 • Galyang, Syangja I Phone: 063-460373 • Chapakot, Syangja L Phone: 063-411125 • Parbatipur, Chitwan Mob.: 9845519156 D • Amarapuri, Nawalparasi -ljZj k|sfz k|;fO{_ E Mob.: 9867223385 I • Dedhgaun, Nawalparasi N Mob.: 9846573963 NG ;b:o ;lrj • Chhahara, Palpa Mob.: 9867838462 T • Setibeni, Parbat df]= (*%&^–#))^) Mob.: 9857068574 Our Vision We Want - Poverty Free, Inclusive & Prosperous New Nepal Head Office: Kushma Muncipality-06, Newroad, Parbat Microfinance Central Office: Pokhara Metropolitan-17, Birauta, Damsideroad, Kaski Tel.: +977-67-420229, 420060, 420803, Fax: +977-67-420803 Tel.: +977-61-460060, 463160, 460329, Fax: +977-61-460329 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.nesdonepal.org ‘‘dfgjLo ;]jfdf ;dlk{t :jo+;]jLx?sf] kxndf :yflkt ;fdflhs ljsf; ;+:yf’’ th 24 Annual Report 2017/018 I 24th Annual General Assembly 15th December 2018 (29th Mangsir 2075 ) PROGRAM SCHEDULE PROGRAM TIME A. Registration & Breakfast 7:00AM to 8:00AM B. Opening Ceremony 8:00AM to 11:00AM 1. Chairing the Chairperson 2. Chairing the Chief Guest and other Guest of Honor 3. Distributing Batch to Guest, Institutional Welcome to Guests, Honoring Institutional Anthem and National Anthem 4. One Minute Silence invocation for Martyr and for National & World Peace 5. Formal Program inaguration by lighting the perprosus lamp 6. Commitment for Fight Against Poverty by Staff and Management 7. Brief Institutional Program Presentation: 7.1. Brief Annual Progress Report of FY 2074/075 and Poliy & Program of FY 2075/076 Presentation 7.2. Brief Financial Progress of FY 2074/075 and Budget for FY 075/076 Presentation 8. Personality Recognition Award Declaration and Distribution 9. Various Caltural Show 10. Warm Greeting Speech by Guest 11. Filiciating Chief Guest along with other Guest of Honor 12. Chief Guest Speech 13. Speech and Opening Ceremony Closing Remarks by the Chairperson Lunch Break 11:00AM to 12:30PM Inhouse Session: 12:30PM to 4:30 PM 1. Chairing the Chairperson & BoD 2. Assined Responsibility Such as (Time keeper, Reporter & Surzent at Arm) 3. AGM Agenda Presentation and its approval from General Assembly Main Agendas: 4. Annual Progress of FY2074/075 & Annual Program of FY 2075/076, Presentation, Discussion & Approval 5. Annual Financial Report of FY 2074/05 and Annual Budget for FY 2075/076, Presentation, Discussion and Approval 6. Audit Report of FY 2074/075 Presentation, Discussion, Approval, Appoinment of Auditor for FY 2075/76 & fixing the audit fee 8. Approval of Amended Constitution, Policy, Rule, Regulation & Board Decision 9. Decesion for Hand Over all the finicial transaction of NESDO, Nepal to NESDO Sambridha Laghu Bittiya Santha Ltd 10. Fixing the Salary and other Benefit of CEO and special authority to Board & CEO for Employees Salary & Others Closing of AGM 4:30PM to 5:30PM cf}+ II @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&% TABLE OF CONTENTS S.No. Particulars Page No. 1 Message from the Chair 1 2 From the Desk of the Executive Chief 2-3 3 Introducing NESDO Nepal/Governance 4 4 Governing Board: 5 5 Vision/Mission/Goal 6 6 Managements 7-8 7 Management Team 9 8 Working Area of NESDO Nepal 10 9 Area of Expertise 11 10 Major Input & Output 12 11 Milestones 13 12 The Unique Features 14 13 Microfinance 15-22 14 Welfare Scheme & Remittance 23-25 15 Human Resources 26-28 16 Financial Information 29 Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995 17 Stories to Smile 30-31 18 Community Development Program 32-35 19 Annual Program & Approve Budget 36-37 20 From Suffering to Smile 38-39 21 Nesdo Nepal in Print Media 40 22 Audited Financial Statements 41-51 23 Events 2074/075 52-53 24 NESDO, Nepal at a Glance 54 25 NESDO Nepal Branch Offices 55-68 26 NESDO's Institutional Members List: 69-70 27 Legal Documents 71 th 24 Annual Report 2017/018 III cf}+ IV @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&% Message from the Chair The year 2074/075 (2017/018) has been yet another successful year for NESDO Nepal. I take the pride in all the progess and achievements that have been made by all the branch offices of NESDO Nepal. It has completed two decades of its operation of the various activities in 12districts of Nepal. Its Program activities cover a wide range of areas with particular focus and efforts on Microfinance, Micro insurance, Agriculture, Health, Drinking Water & Sanitation, Gender Promotion, Environment protection and so on. With these programs NESDO Nepal, till the end of the reporting period had been serving more than 77 thousands ultra-poor families within the working area. NESDO Nepal is thoroughly committed to its mission that it works in such way that the beneficiaries can feel that the outcome at the end of the day is a collective achievement. The Financial year 2074/075 (2017/018) demonstrated a higher progress and improvements of work in all these programs under taken by NESDO Nepal. This was possible due to definitive policies adopted and practiced, arduous work done by all the staff members of the organization support provided by development partners, stake holders and well wishers.
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