MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ABOVE THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 8th MARCH 2021, STARTING AT 7.30PM 27/21 To record those present and accept any apologies. Councillors; S Wilson – chairman, D. Poppe, N Fish, M Deschamps and M Eddy. Also present were around 8 members of the public, District Councillors O Richardson, S Manion and the Locum Clerk. Apologies None were reported. 28/21 To Note any Declarations Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other significant Interests (OSI) or any voluntary Interests. S Wilson declared an OSI on agenda item 35/21 as she has been in correspondence with the owners of Popples Farm. 29/21 To Note and agree the Minutes of the 8th February 2021 Having been previously circulated the Minutes were noted and agreed and will be signed at a later date when face to face meetings are allowed. 30/21 Open session for members of the public to ask questions on items on the agenda. Members of the public having been given the chance to speak highlighted the following: • Could the Parish Council (PC) or highways department adopted Kingsdown hill road? • Is it privately owned and if so as a lot of public services use this road who is responsible for any insurance cover? • There were duplicate comments about the difficulty of using the Dover District Council (DDC) website to submit comments on the Local Plan (LP) • There were several comments on there not being financial information on the PC website. • The links on the Finance appear not to work. • The website is showing Finance and Administration rules, why are the PC not adhering to their own rules. • With regards to item 34/21 what would the PC do with the area of land and who would be responsible for the upkeep and at what costs to the residents. • Land at The Butts was not being looked after properly. 10 • Rent is not being changed on an area of land being rented by a member of the public. Page Minutes 2021.03.08. V1 • How can the PC allow vehicles over a bridle path? • Show solidarity to the PC thank all those that have put the notice up will have enough opinions. • Who is the good people mobilising us, can we form an action group to protest and object to the Local Plan 31/21 Verbal Reports from District & County Councillors a) Cllr O Richardson gave a verbal update on • Covid update – new rules were changed, spend time outside in public spaces with other person, all schools are returning to full time and back to normal. • Holidays cannot take place. • LP consultation ends on the 20 March section 19 will allow further comments in September. • DC has • agreed their budget; • agreed a Climate Emergency by zero co2 by 2030. • A new waste collection company has been selected. • Internal border facility – is progressing. Update from latest site layout has an extended buffer zone, this will higher with screening to prevent light pollution. Cllr S Manion stated • That it is now possible to book weekly visits to waste sites, but still need to book. • KCC had announced that they wish to achieve Zero deaths in Kent by 2030. • Census day is 21 march, – this helps Local Authority plan for local services. • There is – action on empty homes. • KCC have a Crowd funding page, this will help with groups in the county. • The budget for KCC has been increased by 2% for normal costs and 3% which is ringfenced for adult social care. • The Fire authority has increased it precept by 1.99% - helped education for children. 32/21 Planning a) To note decisions made by the District Council There were no decisions to report. b) To note the applications as listed, consider, and agree any comments to be sent to the District Council. Application Address Type of work applied for number Land Opposite 423 To Reserved Matters application pursuant to 459 Dover Road Outline permission DOV/17/00487 for the Walmer LUR details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 83 dwellings Will put a lot of pressure of the road. More executive style housing. In an area where they have been several accidents 11 Will be close to the pedestrian access Page Minutes 2021.03.08. V1 Object will not helpful for the traffic flow not type of houses needed Strain on gas, water and pushing conurbation of Walmer 21/00259 Victory Cottage 144 Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) to Wellington Parade allow dimensional changes to masonry setting Kingsdown out to front elevation of planning permission DOV/21/00259 (application under section 73) Minor variation only, no comments Coach house demolition In keeping but no objection of conservatory 21/00249 Hillside the rise Single story infill, 2 protruding porches garage door in line with porches and remodelling, does not detract from the property. It was agreed not to object to the application. c) To consider the response to Dover District Council on the Local Plan. A vote of thanks was agreed for the hard work of Cllr Poppe for bringing this together, however there were a couple of extra comments that it was agreed to add: • DM Policy 13 Rural Local Needs Housing - Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council welcomes the proposed involvement of single parish councils or parish councils working jointly in the production of Local Needs Housing Surveys provided that the parish councils are supplied with the necessary data held by other authorities to produce such Surveys. It is unclear from the draft Local Plan how this would be achieved. • DM Policy 16 Residential Extensions and Annexes - Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council suggests that Clause d) be edited to read: "They would not cause harm to the setting of a heritage or natural asset; and would preserve or enhance the special architectural or historic character and appearance of a conservation area and its setting." The full set of comments will be added to the Website. 33/21 Finance a) To note the items for payment and agree. Name Reason Gross Various Staff Pay and costs £ 1,485.80 Reimbursement Post Redirection Royal Mail £321.00 L Hedley Croner HR Support £172.84 The following income was noted: Field rent £58.00 Allotment income £322.50 12 Page Minutes 2021.03.08. V1 b) To consider having an extra person on admin of the website, this will incur extra cost. As there is a lot of work to carry out on bringing the new website up to date, it was conserved that another person should have admin access to update this. The cost will be around £85 for two extra sign ins. This was agreed and Cllr Fish and M Deschamps will be added. b) To agree a budget for office equipment As the purchase of a fireproof cabinet is not cheap at around £800.00 and there is a need to have in proper storage plus some other equipment, after a detailed debate it was agreed that the sum of around £1,500.should be set aside for this. It was also noted that due the village hall not having a post code there is difficulty in getting a phone line in for internet use. The suggestion of getting a dongle & a mobile phone was made but this could work out expensive. (post meeting comment: The V/hall has now made arranged to obtain a post code) 34/21 To consider whether to purchase land being sold by the MOD. The following comments were made: • Need more information offered to PC around 10 years refused on the basis of the liabilities. • Problematic to own property • Idea of the owning it is a good idea, but the costs of maintenance. • Mike agrees with Nick should not rush in even if cheap It was agreed that the Clerk will ask for a buyer’s perspective 35/21 To consider the request for vehicular access over the bridleway and PROW towards Popples Farm The Chairman did not comment or vote on this item: After a discussion it was agreed that only light agricultural machinery should be allowed on the easement. It was noted that the letter sent to the PC regarding a previous easement could not be confirmed as there is no record of it having been agreed on any previous Minutes. 36/21 Correspondence The Locum Clerk sent out a list of items received by email and sent to councillors for information, and this was noted. 37/21 Items of General Interest The Locum Clerk was asked about the current situation with regards to previous End of year accounts. (AGARS) Her reply was that she had now been able to reconstruct the accounts for the relevant years and was now looking at getting an independent auditor to look at them. The Locum Clerk also highlighted that if central government do not extend the Emergency Regulations (Covid-19) 2020 then all meetings after April will have to be held face to face with social distancing. 39/21 Date of next meeting and close The next meeting will be on 12th April 7.30, there being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm 13 Page Minutes 2021.03.08. V1 .
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