Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 146.185 of the food, without intervening writ- weight of the preservative used. If the ten, printed, or graphic matter. food is packed in container sizes that are less than 19 liters (5 gallons), the [42 FR 14414, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 44 FR 36378, June 22, 1979; 58 FR 2881, Jan. 6, label shall bear a statement indicating 1993] that the food is for further manufac- turing use only. § 146.153 Concentrated orange juice (e) Wherever the name of the food ap- for manufacturing. pears on the label so conspicuously as (a) Concentrated orange juice for to be easily seen under customary con- manufacturing is the food that com- ditions of purchase, the statement plies with the requirements of com- specified in paragraph (d) of this sec- position and label declaration of ingre- tion for naming the preservative ingre- dients prescribed for frozen con- dient used shall immediately and con- centrated orange juice by § 146.146, ex- spicuously precede or follow the name cept that it is either not frozen or is of the food, without intervening writ- less concentrated, or both, and the or- ten, printed, or graphic matter. anges from which the juice is obtained [42 FR 14414, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 44 may deviate from the standards for FR 36378, June 22, 1979; 58 FR 2882, Jan. 6, maturity in that they are below the 1993] minimum Brix and Brix-acid ratio for such oranges: Provided, however, that § 146.185 Pineapple juice. the concentration of orange juice solu- (a) Identity. (1) Pineapple juice is the ble solids is not less than 20° Brix. juice, intended for direct consumption, (b) The name of the food is ``Con- obtained by mechanical process from centrated orange juice for manufactur- the flesh or parts thereof, with or with- ing, ÐÐÐÐ'' or ``ÐÐÐÐ orange juice out core material, of sound, ripe pine- concentrate for manufacturing'', the apple (Ananas comosus L. Merrill). The blank being filled in with the figure juice may have been concentrated and showing the concentration of orange later reconstituted with water suitable juice soluble solids in degrees Brix. for the purpose of maintaining essen- [42 FR 14433, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 58 tial composition and quality factors of FR 2881, Jan. 6, 1993] the juice. Pineapple juice may contain finely divided insoluble solids, but it § 146.154 Concentrated orange juice does not contain pieces of shell, seeds, with preservative. or other coarse or hard substances or (a) Concentrated orange juice with excess pulp. It may be sweetened with preservative complies with the require- any safe and suitable dry nutritive car- ments for composition and labeling of bohydrate sweetener. However, if the optional ingredients prescribed for con- pineapple juice is prepared from con- centrated orange juice for manufactur- centrate, such sweeteners, in liquid ing by § 146.153, except that a preserva- form, also may be used. It may contain tive is added to inhibit spoilage. added vitamin C in a quantity such (b) The preservatives referred to in that the total vitamin C in each 4 fluid paragraph (a) of this section are any ounces of the finished food amounts to safe and suitable preservatives or com- not less than 30 milligrams and not binations thereof. more than 60 milligrams. In the proc- (c) The name of the food is ``Con- essing of pineapple juice, centrated orange juice with preserva- dimethylpolysiloxane complying with tive, ÐÐÐÐÐÐ'', the blank being the requirements of § 173.340 of this filled in with the figure showing the chapter may be employed as a concentration of orange juice soluble defoaming agent in an amount not solids in degrees Brix. greater than 10 parts per million by (d) Label declaration. Each of the in- weight of the finished food. Such food gredients used in the food shall be de- is prepared by heat sterilization, refrig- clared on the label as required by the eration, or freezing. When sealed in a applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 container to be held at ambient tem- of this chapter. In addition, the name peratures, it is so processed by heat, of each preservative shall be preceded before or after sealing, as to prevent by a statement of the percent by spoilage. 439 VerDate 28<JUN>96 10:24 Jul 10, 1996 Jkt 167066 PO 00000 Frm 00435 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 C:\CFR\21V2C1SB.TXT pfrm13 § 146.185 21 CFR Ch. I (4±1±96 Edition) (2) The name of the food is ``Pine- lytical Chemists,'' 13th Ed. (1980), sec- apple juice'' if the juice from which it tion 31.009, ``Solids by Means of Spin- is prepared has not been concentrated dleÐOfficial Final Action,'' which is and/or diluted with water. The name of incorporated by reference. Copies may the food is ``Pineapple juice from con- be obtained from the Association of Of- centrate'' if the finished juice has been ficial Analytical Chemists, 2200 Wilson made from pineapple juice concentrate Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201± as specified in paragraph (a) of this sec- 3301, or may be examined at the Office tion. If a nutritive sweetener is added, of the Federal Register, 800 North Cap- the label shall bear the statement itol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, ``Sweetener added.'' If no sweetener is DC. added, the word ``Unsweetened'' may (ii) Determine the total acidity of immediately precede or follow the the pineapple juice by titration by the words ``Pineapple juice'' or ``Pineapple method prescribed in § 145.180(b)(2)(ix) juice from concentrate.'' of this chapter. (3) Label declaration. Each of the in- (iii) Divide the degrees Brix deter- gredients used in the food shall be de- mined as prescribed in paragraph clared on the label as required by the (b)(2)(i) of this section by the grams of applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 anhydrous citric acid per 100 milliliters of this chapter. of juice, determined as prescribed in (b) Quality. (1) The standard of qual- paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, and ity for pineapple juice is as follows: report the results as ratio of degrees (i) The soluble solids content of pine- Brix to total acidity. apple juice (exclusive of added sugars) (iv) Determine the quantity of ``in- without added water shall not be less soluble solids'' in pineapple juice as than 10.5° Brix as determined by refrac- follows: Measure 50 milliliters of thor- tometer at 20° C uncorrected for acid- oughly stirred pineapple juice into a ity and read as degrees Brix on Inter- cone-shaped graduated tube of the national Sucrose Scales. Where the long-cone type, measuring approxi- juice has been obtained using con- mately 43¤16 inches from tip to top cali- centrated juice with addition of water, bration and having a capacity of 50 the soluble pineapple juice solids con- milliliters. Place the tube in a suitable tent (exclusive of added sugars) shall centrifuge the approximate speed of be not less than 12.8° Brix, uncorrected which is related to diameter of swing for acidity and read as degrees Brix on in accordance with the table imme- the International Sucrose Scales. diately below. The word ``diameter'' (ii) The acidity, as determined by the means the over-all distance between method prescribed in paragraph the tips of opposing centrifuge tubes in (b)(2)(ii) of this section, is not more operating position. than 1.35 grams of anhydrous citric Approxi- acid per 100 milliliters of the juice. mate revo- (iii) The ratio of the degrees Brix to Diameter (inches) lutions per total acidity, as determined by the minute method prescribed in paragraph 10 ......................................................................... 1,609 (b)(2)(iii) of this section, is not less 101¤2 ..................................................................... 1,570 than 12. 11 ......................................................................... 1,534 111¤2 ..................................................................... 1,500 (iv) The quantity of finely divided 12 ......................................................................... 1,468 ``insoluble solids'', as determined by 121¤2 ..................................................................... 1,438 the method prescribed in paragraph 13 ......................................................................... 1,410 (b)(2)(iv) of this section, is not less 131¤2 ..................................................................... 1,384 14 ......................................................................... 1,359 than 5 percent nor more than 30 per- 141¤2 ..................................................................... 1,336 cent. 15 ......................................................................... 1,313 (2) The methods referred to in para- 151¤2 ..................................................................... 1,292 graph (b)(1) of this section are as fol- 16 ......................................................................... 1,271 161¤2 ..................................................................... 1,252 lows: 17 ......................................................................... 1,234 (i) Determine the degrees Brix of the 171¤2 ..................................................................... 1,216 pineapple juice by the method pre- 18 ......................................................................... 1,199 181¤2 ..................................................................... 1,182 scribed in ``Official Methods of Analy- 19 ......................................................................... 1,167 sis of the Association of Official Ana- 191¤2 ....................................................................
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