Mother's Maiden Name (Birth) Spouse's Name Index No. Surname Forename(s) (marriage) Event Year District Location Sheet No. ……..? Elizabeth - Birth 1670 K30/8 ……..? Elizabeth John Hebden Marriage 1695 K30/8 ……..? Elizabeth Death 1754 Easingwold K30/8 ……..? Mary - Birth 1821 Easingwold F17/14 ……..? Mary Jonathan Hebdon Marriage 1841 F17/14 ……..? Mary J. James hebdon Marriage 1875 E22/35 Asquith ……….? Edgar Hebden Marriage 1942 Spen Valley D7/35 Atkinson Elizabeth Michael Hebdon Marriage 1844 Easingwold F19/14 Beck Derek Death 1997 Carmarthen C44/35 Beck Jean - Birth 1930 Durham C45/35 Beck Jean Derek Hebdon Marriage 1956 Durham NW C45/35 Booth Margaret Ellen - Birth 1855 Manchester E7/35 Booth Margaret Ellen Christopher Hebdon Marriage 1881 Easingwold E7/35 Bower Annie K. Ernest Percival Hebdon Marriage 1915 Bridlington D37/35 Brown ……….? William Henry Hebdon Marriage 1923 Romford D48/35 Brown Stanley Mary Hebdon Marriage 1938 Barnsley C13/35 Busfield Sarah Christopher Hebdon Marriage 1881 Easingwold E47/35 Calaminus Otto P. A. Algethia Wells Marriage 1913 Scarborough D99/35 Campaigne Mary Ann - Birth 1848 Bradford E4/35 Campaigne Mary Ann Jonathan Hebdon Marriage 1868 E4/35 Campey Catherine Hannah - Birth 1876 Easingwold E38/35 Campey Catherine Hannah William Hebdon Marriage 1892 E38/35 Chapman Mary Birth 1809 Thorpe Bassett F4/35 Chapman Mary Christopher Hebden Marriage 1832 Hull F4/35 Chew Kate Jane - Birth 1872 Flamborough D86/35 Chew Kate Jane John William Hebden Marriage 1893 Sculcoates D86/35 Chew Kate Jane James Whitaker Marriage 1920 Leeds D86/35 Clark Florence Louise Clara Beatrice Hebden Birth 1890 York C48/35 Crider Marian J. - Birth 1922 Clinton Iowa USA C36/35 Crider Marian J. Gilbert L. Hebdon Marriage 1940 Clinton Iowa USA C36/35 Danks Adelia E - Birth 1830 Ohio USA F10/35 Danks Adelia E James Hebden Marriage 1848 Fond Du Lac Wisconsin F10/35 Danks Adelia E Death 1907 Union Star, Missourri F10/35 Douglas Geoffrey S. Wendy D. Hebdon Marriage 1923 Bulmer C27/35 Dyson ……….? Edgar Hebden Marriage 1942 Spen Valley D7/35 Edgar Muriel George O. Edgar Marriage 1951 Durham NW C43/35 Ellis Robert - Birth 1876 York D95/35 Ellis Robert Henrietta Hebden Marriage 1900 York D95/35 Fear Volhynia Grace Brian Leslie Hebdon Marriage 1935 St Ives C53/35 Fletcher Alice - Birth 1879 Easingwold D16/35 Fletcher Alice Fawcett Hebdon Marriage 1900 Easingwold D16/35 Foster Benjamin Bentley - Birth 1800 Reighton F6/35 Foster Benjamin Bentley Mary Hebden Marriage 1827 F6/35 Fothergill Hilda James Hebdon Marriage 1906 Easingwold D24/35 Frohwein Edith Dennis W. Hebdon Marriage 1951 Middlesbrough C25/35 Garbutt Hannah Ernest Hebdon Marriage 1911 Easingwold D22/35 Gardner John S. Mary Hebdon Marriage 1933 Lanchester D77/35 Gill Ann - Birth 1787 Hutton Rudby G10/14 Gill Ann Jonathan Hepton Marriage 1805 Husthwaite G10/14 Glover? …………? Herbert Hebdon Marriage 1912 Middlesbrough D45/35 Gough Edwin Marion Hebdon Marriage 1923 Barnsley C19/35 Hall George W. Patricia M. Hebdon Marriage 1956 Upper Agbrigg C11/35 Hardman Daniel A. Mollie Hebdon Marriage 1950 Upper Agbrigg C9/35 Hebden Ada Lilly Sarah Johnson Birth 1872 Hull D88/35 Hebden Ada Lilly Death 1958 Hull D88/35 Hebden Algethia Wells Sarah Johnson Birth 1887 Hull D98/35 Hebden Algethia Wells Otto P. A. Calaminus Marriage 1913 Scarborough D98/35 Hebden Almira Tyndal Adelia E. Danks Birth 1853 Wisconsin USA E56/35 Hebden Almira Tyndal Death 1939 USA E56/35 Hebden Alvira Tyndal Adelia E. Danks Birth 1853 Wisconsin USA E56/35 Hebden Alvira Tyndal Death 1939 USA E56/35 Hebden Andrew Percy J Sarah Johnson Birth 1882 Hull D97/35 Hebden Anne mentioned in Robert's Will Birth 1641 Easingwold L1/35 V3.0 18th November 2011 1 Sheet 35, Husthwaite, Westow and Easingwold Mother's Maiden Name (Birth) Spouse's Name Index No. Surname Forename(s) (marriage) Event Year District Location Sheet No. Hebden Anne Edward Wood Marriage 1661 L1/35 Hebden Christopher Frances Tindale Baptism 1806 Settrington F3/35 Hebden Christopher Mary Chapman Marriage 1832 Hull F3/35 Hebden Clara Beatrice Sarah Johnson Birth 1876 Hull D92/35 Hebden Clara Beatrice Frederic Masterman Clarke Marriage 1899 York D92/35 Hebden Douglas Elizabeth J. Keys Marriage 1953 Leeds C20/35 Hebden Edgar Margaret Ellen Booth Birth 1881 Bradford D6/35 Hebden Edgar ………..? Dyson Marriage 1942 Shipley D6/35 Hebden Edgar ………..? Asquith Marriage 1942 Spen Valley D6/35 Hebden Edgar Death 1945 Spen Valley D6/35 Hebden Elizabeth Edward Mortimer Marriage 1729 Barton-le-Street J15/8 Hebden Elizabeth Mary Chapman Baptism 1833 Settrington E49/35 Hebden Emma Mary Chapman Birth 1854 Westow E54/35 Hebden Esther Frances Tindale Birth 1818 Settrington F11/35 Hebden Fawcett Alice Fletcher Birth 1906 Easingwold C2/35 Hebden Frances A Adelia E. Danks Birth 1850 Wisconsin USA E55/35 Hebden Frances A Death 1920 USA E55/35 Hebden Hannah Frances Tindale Birth 1809 Settrington F7/35 Hebden Hannah Mary Chapman Baptism 1842 Westow E53/35 Hebden Hannah Sarah Johnson Birth 1867 Scarborough D84/35 Hebden Henrietta Sarah Johnson Birth 1879 Hull D94/35 Hebden Henrietta Robert Ellis Marriage 1900 York D94/35 Hebden James Frances Tindale Birth 1814 Settrington F9/35 Hebden James Adelia E. Danks Marriage 1848 Fond Du Lac Wisconsin F9/35 Hebden James Death 1893 Union Star, Missourri F9/35 Hebden Jane Frances Tindale Baptism 1802 Settrington F2/35 Hebden John - Birth 1675 Barton-le-Street K29/8 Hebden John Elizabeth ………? Marriage 1695 K29/8 Hebden John Death 1728 Easingwold K29/8 Hebden John Frances Tindale Birth 1812 Settrington F8/35 Hebden John Mary Chapman Baptism 1838 Settrington E50/35 Hebden John Sarah Johnson Marriage 1864 York E50/35 Hebden John William Sarah Johnson Birth 1869 Scarborough D85/35 Hebden John William Kate Jane Chew Marriage 1893 Sculcoates D85/35 Hebden John William Death 1901 Hull D85/35 Hebden Kate Jane James Whitaker Marriage 1920 Leeds D86/35 Hebden Lionel Harcourt Sarah Johnson Birth 1874 Hull D90/35 Hebden Lionel Harcourt Helen Elizabeth Prestidge Marriage 1897 York D90/35 Hebden Lionel Harcourt Death 1920 Leeds D90/35 Hebden Louise Lavinia Sarah Johnson Birth 1873 Hull D89/35 Hebden Louise Lavinia Death 1951 Ewecross D89/35 Hebden Mary Frances Tindale Baptism 1799 Settrington F1/35 Hebden Mary Frances Tindale Birth 1807 Settrington F5/35 Hebden Mary Benjamin Bentley Foster Marriage 1827 F5/35 Hebden Mary Margaret Ellen Booth Birth 1883 Spen Valley D8/35 Hebden Mary Emma Sarah Johnson Birth 1865 York D82/35 Hebden Mary Emma William Henry Huggan Marriage 1900 York D82/35 Hebden Robert Yeoman of Knaresborough Death 1673 Easingwold M1/35 Hebden Robert Frances Ridsdale Birth 1794 Husthwaite G16/14 Hebden Robert Death 1800 Husthwaite G16/14 Hebden Sarah Elizabeth Sarah Johnson Birth 1880 Hull D96/35 Hebden Sarah Elizabeth Death 1947 Bridgwater D96/35 Hebden William Frances Ridsdale Birth 1775 Husthwaite G2/14 Hebden William Mary Chapman Birth 1839 Westow E52/35 Hebden William Jonathan Margaret Ellen Booth Birth 1887 Shipley D9/35 Hebdon Ada Annie Elizabeth Pallister Birth 1896 Easingwold D54/35 Hebdon Ada Sam Swallow Marriage 1921 Easingwold D54/35 Hebdon Ann Ann Gill Birth 1821 Husthwaite F22/14 Hebdon Ann Ann Robinson (Wid) Birth 1826 Raskelf F36/14 Hebdon Ann Benjamin Ackroyd Marriage 1843 Easingwold F22/14 Hebdon Ann Thomas Lawson Marriage 1853 Easingwold F36/14 Hebdon Ann Death 1880 Easingwold G10/14 Hebdon Annie Eliza Johnson Birth 1877 Easingwold E39/35 V3.0 18th November 2011 2 Sheet 35, Husthwaite, Westow and Easingwold Mother's Maiden Name (Birth) Spouse's Name Index No. Surname Forename(s) (marriage) Event Year District Location Sheet No. Hebdon Barbara Ann Gill Birth 1831 F28/14 Hebdon Barbara Death 1836 F28/14 Hebdon Barbara Elizabeth Atkinson Birth 1850 Clifton E17/35 Hebdon Barbara Elizabeth Johnson Birth 1860 Easingwold E48/35 Hebdon Belinda Josephine Lemm Birth 1922 Lanchester C63/35 Hebdon Belinda Death 1924 Lanchester C63/35 Hebdon Benjamin Ann Hebdon Marriage 1843 Husthwaite F23/14 Hebdon Brian Leslie Hilda Fothergill Birth 1911 Easingwold C52/35 Hebdon Brian Leslie Volhynia Grace Fear Marriage 1935 St Ives C52/35 Hebdon Brian Leslie Death 1961 Bridport C52/35 Hebdon Charles Elizabeth Atkinson Birth 1860 Easingwold E26/35 Hebdon Charles Annie Elizabeth T. Oldham Marriage 1887 Barnsley E26/35 Hebdon Charles Mary Kirk Birth 1895 Bishop Auckland D71/35 Hebdon Christopher not known Birth 1750 Naburn H1/14 Hebdon Christopher Frances Ridsdale Marriage 1771 Raskelf H1/14 Hebdon Christopher Frances Ridsdale Baptised 1780 Husthwaite G6/14 Hebdon Christopher Burial 1806 Husthwaite H1/14 Hebdon Christopher Ann Melton Marriage 1813 Kilham G6/14 Hebdon Christopher Ann Robinson (Wid) Birth 1821 Husthwaite F31/14 Hebdon Christopher Ann Gill Birth 1824 Husthwaite F25/14 Hebdon Christopher Eliza Johnson Marriage 1851 F25/14 Hebdon Christopher Elizabeth Johnson Marriage 1851 Easingwold F31/14 Hebdon Christopher Mary …..? Birth 1856 Bradford E6/35 Hebdon Christopher Eliza Johnson Birth 1858 Easingwold E28/35 Hebdon Christopher Elizabeth Johnson Birth 1858 Easingwold E46/35 Hebdon Christopher Margaret Ellen Booth Marriage 1881 Easingwold E6/35 Hebdon Christopher Sarah Busfield Marriage 1881 Easingwold E46/35 Hebdon Christopher Death 1887 Easingwold E46/35 Hebdon Christopher Death 1902 Easingwold F25/14 Hebdon Christopher J. Annie Elizabeth Pallister Birth 1889 Easingwold D50/35 Hebdon Christopher J. Annie Jopling Marriage 1924 Easingwold D50/35 Hebdon David E. Anna Turpin Birth 1925 Clinton Iowa USA C38/35 Hebdon David E. Death 2002 Clinton Iowa USA C38/35 Hebdon Dennis Anna Turpin Birth 1922 Clinton Iowa USA C37/35 Hebdon Dennis Death 1997 Clinton Iowa USA C37/35 Hebdon Dennis W. Emily A. Manikin Birth 1929 Wetherby C24/35 Hebdon Dennis W. Emily A. Mannikin Birth 1929 Easingwold C24/35 Hebdon Dennis W. Edith Frohwein Marriage 1951 Easingwold C24/35 Hebdon Derek Ellen Raper Oldfield Birth 1933 Lanchester RD C44/35 Hebdon Derek Jean Beck Marriage 1956 Durham NW C44/35 Hebdon Donovan Kate Jane Chew Birth 1893 Hull C46/35 Hebdon Donovan Stather, Phyllis Ruth Marriage 1919 Beverley C46/35 Hebdon Donovan Death 1939 Leigh on Sea C46/35 Hebdon Douglas Annie Jopling Birth 1924 Barnsley C20/35 Hebdon Douglas Elizabeth J.
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