4016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 4 EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED CONFIRMATIONS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate mes­ Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate April 4 <legis· sages from the President of the United states submitting lative day of March 4), 1940 sundry nominations, which were referred to the appropriate DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES committees. <For nominations this day received, see the end of Senate APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS proceedings.) To be Foreign Service officers of class 3 EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Raymond H. Geist Lester L. Schnare Mr. HARRISON, from the Committee on Finance, reported Loy W. Henderson Samuel H. Wiley favorably the nomination of Martin 0. Bement, of Buffalo, Laurence E. Salisbury N. Y., to be· collector of customs for customs collection To be Foreign Service officers of class 4 district No.9, with headquarters at Buffalo, N.Y. <reappoint­ Charles A. Bay Samuel Reber ment). Selden Chapin Robert Lacy Smyth Mr. WALSH, from the Committee ori Naval Affairs, reported George F. Kennan Angus I. Ward favorably the nominations of sundry officers for promotion To be Foreign Service officers of class 5 in the Marine Corps. William W. Butterworth, Jr. Gerald Keith Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on Post Offices and Paul C. Daniels George H. Winters Post Roads, reported favorably the nominations of several Cecil Wayne Gray postmasters. Mr. BAILEY, from the Committee on Commerce, reported To be Foreign Service officers of class 6 favorably the nomination of Walter George Will, superin­ Sidney A. Belovsky George M. Graves tendent of lighthouses, to be a commander in the Coast Burton Y. Berry James B. Pilcher Guard, to rank as such from December 1, 1939. To be Foreign Service officers of class 7 He also, from the same committee, reported favorably the Montgomery H. Colladay William E. Scotten nominations of sundry officers in the Coast Guard. Williams. Farrell James H. Wright The PRESIDENT pro tempore. If there be no further re­ ports of committees, the clerk will state the nominations on To be Foreign Service officers of class 8 the Executive Calendar. Reginald Bragonier, Jr. Walter J. Linthicum FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES Carl Breuer Aubrey E. Lippincott Mulford A. Colebrook Robert Mills McClintock The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations Overton G. Ellis, Jr. Harold E. Montamat in the Foreign Service of the United States. Howard Elting, Jr. Walter W. Orebaugh Mr. BARKLEY. On behalf of the chairman of the For­ Frederick E. Farnsworth W. Leonard Parker eign Relations Committee, who is now in the chair, I ask T. Muldrup Forsyth Wales W. Signor unanimous consent that the nominations in the Foreign L. Randolph Higgs Orray Taft, Jr. Service be confirmed en bloc. Walter W. Hoffmann Robert M. Taylor The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Foreign Service officers, unclassified, vice consuls of career, and secretaries in the Diplomatic Service POSTMASTERS The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations Donald B. Calder Alfred H. Lovell, Jr. of postmasters which had been favorably reported. Lewis E. Gleeck, Jr. Lee D. Randall Mr. McKELLAR. I ask that the nominations of postmas­ Clark E. Husted, Jr. Byron B. Snyder Richard A. Johnson Wallace W. Stuart ters which have been favorably reported be. confirmed en bloc. Richard E. Keresey, Jr. Joseph .J. Wagner The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is M. Gordon Knox so ordered. That completes the Calendar. POSTMASTERS NEVADA . RECESS Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative session, I move that the ~argaret E. Bauer, Panaca. Senate take a recess until 11 a. m. tomorrow. OHIO The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 7 min­ Paul B. Parkin, Tiffin. utes p. m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Friday, OKLAHOMA April 5, 1940, at 11 o'clock a. m. Murliri V. Braly, Buffalo. Hugh M. Foreman, Duke. NOMINATIONS Melvin L. Clow, Holdenville. Executive nominations received by the Senate April 4 (legis­ Vera L. Moreland, Hominy. lative day of March 4), 1940 Jewell E. Wilson, Hulbert. UNITED STATES HOUSING AUTHORITY Earl M. Light, Pondcreek. Leon H. Keyserling, of New York, as Deputy Administra­ PENNSYLVANIA tor of the United States Housing Authority. Dennis J. Murphy, Barnesboro. WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION GuyS. Behler, Slatington. Mark Muth, of Wisconsin, to be Work Projects Adminis­ trator for Wisconsin, to be effective April 16, 1940. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Hon. Guy K. Bard, of Pennsylvania, to be United States THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940 district judge for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. Judge The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. Bard was given a recess appointment to this post as of The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered December 20, 1939. the following prayer: PuBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Most merciful Father, who causeth the light to shine out of Dental Surgeon Frank C. Cady to be senior dental sur­ darkness and maketh the day to follow the night, we give Thee gean in the United States Public Health Service, to rank as thanks and praise for Thy loving care which has brought us such from May 13, 1940. to the light of a new day. Grant that the light of faith, hope, 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4017 and love shining within us may dispel all darkness. 0 Master The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the of the hillside, stand in the midst of the throngs that crowd request of the gentleman from Ohio? our city's streets that they may learn patience, contentment, There was no objection. and be led to follow where Thy feet have trod. Purify all EXTENSION OF REMARKS hearts with noble passions and invigorate all wills with divine Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent thoughts and aspirations. How prone we are, dear Lord, to to extend my remarks in the RECORD and include therein cer­ shrink from difficulties and tremble at the dangers in our way. tain excerpts from editorials, one or two brief editorials, and Deliver us from faint-heartedness and enable us to stand in other excerpts taken from Government records, in connec­ the glorious liberty of those who fear nothing but to offend tion with the establishment of the Inter-American Bank. Thee. 0 blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose heart there is no guile. In our Re­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the re­ quest of the gentleman from Michigan? d~emer's name. Amen. There was no objection. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. · MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT APPROPRIATION BILL, 1941 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Mr. SNYDER. Mr. Speaker, may I ask the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. PowERS] about how much time he be­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative lieves will be required for general debate today on the Mili­ clerk, announced that the Senate agrees to the report of the tary Establishment appropriation bill, whether an hour or committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two 2 hours? Houses on the amendments of th'e Senate to the bill <H. R. Mr. POWERS. Mr. Speaker, I have requests for almost 8641) ''An entitled act making appropriations to supply defi­ 2 hours. May I ask how many requests the gentleman from ciencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending Pennsylvania has? June 30, 1940, to provide supplemental appropriations for such Mr. SNYDER. I have requests for approximately 45 . min­ fiscal year, and for other purposes"; and that it agrees to the utes at the present time. amendment of the House to the amendment of the Senate Mr. POWERS. May I suggest to the gentleman from No. 9 to said bill. Pennsylvania that we close general debate at 2:30 and that EXTENSION OF REMARKS the gentleman allow me 2 hours out of that time. This will Mr. LUDLOW. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that give the gentleman the entire 45 minutes which he has in the remarks I expect to make later in the day in the Com­ allotted. Is that satisfactory to the gentleman? mittee of the Whole I may be permitted to include a statement Mr. SNYDER. Suppose we make it not later than 3 o'clock. by Edgar G. Brown, president of United Government Em­ Mr. POWERS. Not later than 3 o'clock is very satisfactory. ployees, Inc. Mr. SNYDER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. RAYBURN). Is there ob­ general debate today on the Military Establishment appro­ jection to the request of the gentleman from Indiana? priation bill close at 3 o'clock this afternoon, at least 2 hours There was no objection. of that time to be controlled by the gentleman from New Mr. AUSTIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Jersey [Mr. PoWERS] and the remainder to be controlled extend my own remarks in the RECORD, and include therein an by me. · address by Han. JosEPH W. MARTIN, of Massachusetts, on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the occasion of the thirty-second annual banquet of the McKinley request of the gentleman from Pennsylvania? Association of Connecticut, at Hartford, Conn., on March 30, There was no objection. 1940. Mr. SNYDER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state request of the gentleman from Connecticut? of the Union for the further consideration of the bill <H. R. There was no objection. 9209) making appropriations for the Military Establishment Mr.
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