EMPOWER THE PEOPLE OVERTHROW THE CONSPIRACY THAT IS STEALING YOUR MONEY AND FREEDOM TONY BROWN To my bloodline; my daughter, Taylor; my son, Byron; my grandsons, Remy and Tony, and their unborn. Your legacy. CONTENTS Acknowledgments v Introduction ix Part One: Conspiracy 1 1: The Lost Spirit of Americanism 3 2: The Ruling Class 27 3: The Illuminati Ruling Class Conspiracy 75 4: The Threat of Secret Societies and Paganism at Work 94 5: Karl Marx's Trojan Horse: The Fed 124 6: Statism: The Religion of Oppression and the Science of Control 143 7: The Illuminati-Sponsored American Race War 158 8: The Drug War Against U.S. 199 Part Two: Self-Empowerment 227 9: The Choice: Good Versus Evil 229 10: The Coming Crash: Chaos and Opportunity 240 11: The Seven Steps to Empowerment 266 Coda: Empowering the Soul 323 Notes 329 Bibliography 355 Index 363 About the Author Cover Copyright About the Publisher ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hitler burned books to destroy the ideas he feared. In our modern American ªdemocracy,º the ruling class uses oppor- tunistic professionals, agents, to destroy those who expose America's and the world's rulers and their ruthless commit- ment to evil. Therefore, I am indebted to anyone, past or present, rich or poor, who has fought or fights the conspirat- orial force of darkness. Most major publishing houses adhere to a status quo policy of serving the ruling class at the expense of the people. To my knowledge, no other major publisher has ever commissioned a book by a Black male dealing with the Conspiracy. In a world in which our major institutions have failed us, it should not pass without notice that William Morrow and Company al- lowed meÐa Black man who believes in God and AmericaÐto say so in public. v Tony Brown Black men with proud and strong opinions comprise the lowest rung on the ladder of America's caste system. Con- sequently they are seldom published. Another caste in the American outcast genre are those who believe in GodÐbecause they are the natural enemies of the Conspiracy and its powerful sycophants. They are routinely categorized as fanatical. Anoth- er persecuted class is Black people with high self-esteem who reject Anglo-Saxon cultural assimilation, but who understand that they will never enjoy liberty until all White people, as well as other non-Whites, also have it in abundance. These are the very formidable obstacles that I had to over- come to make this moment a reality. Only God could have given my editor, Paul Bresnick, the intellect to recognize legit- imate ideas whose inherent pursuit of the truth makes them commercially viable. Also my greatest appreciation to my agent, Barbara Lowenstein. In my opinion, this book represents a new literary genre that will make money because it tells the truth, despite the predict- able opposition and omission of the Establishment-controlled media and its covert agents. This is a part of the evil I am committed to expose. The people who stand by me demonstrate why, as the Holy Bible teaches, the days of evil are numbered. Carla Fine, author of No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One and a freelance editor, helped me organize my ideas. She was supportive and very professional. My friend and business as- sociate Curtis Green also provided an ongoing source of feed- back. Dr. Ronald Fountain, who successfully escaped the aca- demic world with common sense, helped me define the formula for empowerment: E=CLP+FSI. But two Black women, a recurring theme in my life because I was saved at birth by two Black women, contributed the most to make this book possible. Karen Smith, my administrative assistant, literally wrote it (as well as my first one, Black Lies, White Lies: The Truth According to Tony Brown) because she typed every wordÐincluding twice as much material as made the final cut. Karen vi Empower the People served as my biblical consultant as well. Sheryl Cannady, who is the producer, along with her husband, Jim Cannady (who is also the systems operator of Tony Brown Online), of Tony Brown's Journal on PBS, performed the task of in-house editor. My words are unable to convey the intensity, commitment, and friendship that Karen and Sheryl demonstrated in bringing this book to the public. Only God can bring friends like these into your life. It is only fair to admit that this book wrote itself. An out-of- the-box thinker, I never suffered from so-called writer's block or lacked ideas or insight into my subject, that is, the world around me. I went directly to the source of all knowledge. I prayed May God grant me the words to speak His thoughts. I asked and I received. May the Creator also bless you as you seek your empowerment between these covers. vii INTRODUCTION Most Americans sense a dangerÐa loss of control, an erosion of their standard of living, a social drift. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, special interest groups are at each other's throats for ever more scarce resources, and power continues to be consolidated in the hands of a small ruling class. Things have gotten so bad, in fact, that a majority of AmericansÐ74 percent, according to a poll conducted by George magazineÐbelieves that the government is involved in a large-scale conspiracy.1 And, according to Senator Daniel Moynihan of New York, opinion polls show that 80 percent of Americans believe Pres- ident John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a United States government conspiracy and that 50 percent of that 80 percent majority believe the CIA was involved or was the mastermind.2 ix Tony Brown In 1996, the Clinton White House leaked to journalists a massive document alleging a right-wing conspiracy among conservative media organizations. In 1998, Hillary Clinton advocated the existence of a ªvast conservative conspiracyº that she and President Clinton blame ªfor rumors about ex- tramarital affairs and for gossip about Clinton's business dealsº and grotesque slanders accusing the Clintons of having the former White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster and Com- merce Secretary Ron Brown murdered.3 Notwithstanding the fact that a faction of right-wing conservatives were delighted that another sex scandal struck Clinton and would form a cabal to steal the White House in a New York minute, there are a few facts that cast doubt on the existence of this conspiracy in the case of a twenty-one-year-old White House intern named Monica Lewinsky, who reportedly accused the president of tawdry behavior. Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey told the Associated Press4 that a conspiracy theory to whitewash the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal ªdoesn't wash.º He said, ªYou can't call The Washington Post a right-wing organization. It doesn't work.º5 Newsweek broke the story of the reported Lewinsky audiotapes purporting a tryst with Clinton and accusing him of suborning perjury. Attorney General Janet Reno, a Clinton appointee, agreed to expand the inquiry and the president's own FBI su- pervised the taping of the audiotapes. Furthermore, it was not a right-winger, but Dick Morris, a former Clinton presidential guru with a foot fetish, who spec- ulated on radio that if President Clinton is cheating on his wife, the reason could be that she is a lesbian (later he said, ªI have no evidence she is gayº) and ruminated that the president is addicted to phone sex.6 Unfortunately, the Clintons' self- serving effort at misdirection trivializes the Conspiracy that Bill Clinton's mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley, boasted of belonging to. In Empower the People: A 7-Step Plan to Overthrow the Con- x Empower the People spiracy That Is Stealing Your Money and Freedom, I expose the evil cabal of elitists and money lords that pulls the strings: the Illuminati Ruling Class Conspiracy. This Conspiracy controls our government, steals our income, and usurps our freedom. I trace the history of this Conspiracy and show how it has systematically oppressed and exploited the people of the world. The Illuminati Ruling Class Conspiracy is not the tony White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) society of the north-eastern United States; that's the legitimate American ruling class elite, the Establishment. The Conspiracy is a criminal empire with religious overtones, while the upper-class WASPs comprise the cultural phenomenon of the Americanized British elite. Yet the Illuminati conspirators have thoroughly infiltrated the Es- tablishment and use the institutional instruments controlled by the upper-class eliteÐthe universities, the government, or- ganized religionÐto enslave the people. Thomas C. McAuliffe states in Debt Bomb and the Savings Pool that ª80 million Americans, fully one third of the nation, are but one paycheck away from being homeless, while the top 1 percent of the population controls 90 percent of the nation's wealth.º7 It is my mission to lift the veil of secrecy that the Conspiracy counts on for survival. Becoming informed is essential to get- ting out from under the thrall of this powerful Conspiracy. And in this book, I give you all the information you need for self-empowerment and a seven-step plan for taking back your economic and personal freedom. An elite insider, Dr. Carroll Quigley, boasted in his book Tragedy and Hope that not only is there an ªinternational Anglophile networkº conspiracy that is stealing our money and freedom, but he was a proud member of this movement to rule the world.8 Quigley, President Bill Clinton's Geor- getown University mentor, expressed a premeditated contempt for the American middle class and their ªpetit bourgeoisº property rights and Constitutional guarantees.
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