Social Report 2015 www.slowfoodfoundation.org Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity The Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity has published a Social Report since 2006, presenting its activities and their environmental, economic, social and cul- tural impact. The Social Report recounts a year of work not only in numbers but also through descriptions of activities and testimonials from individuals involved in these projects (producers, technical advisors, cooks, students and others). The 2014 Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity Social Report can be downlo- aded in electronic format from the website www.slowfoodfoundation.org. A free print copy can be requested by sending an email to [email protected]. Main Offi ce Educational Headquarters Slow Food Azienda Regionale Agricola Via della Mendicità Istruita, 14 di Alberese 12042 Bra (Cn), Italy Loc. Spergolaia 58100 Alberese (Gr), Italy Offi cial Headquarters Accademia dei Georgofi li Contact Us Piazzale degli Uffi zi tel. +39 0172 419701 50122 Florence, Italy fax +39 0172 419725 [email protected] Editors Annalisa Audino, Cristina Battaglino, Silvia Ceriani, Eleonora Giannini, Serena Milano, Alessandro Tocci Editorial Team Cristina Agrillo, Serena Alaimo, Andrea Amato, Francesco Anastasi, Elena Aniere, Carlotta Baitone, Francesca Baldereschi, Valentina Bassanese, Valentina Bianco, Typhaine Briand, Abderrahmane Amajou, Roba Bulga, Elisabetta Cane, Giulia Capaldi, Salvatore Ciociola, Ester Clementino, Translation Daniela Conte, Chiara Davico, John Irving and Carla Ranicki Elisa Demichelis, Paolo Di Croce, Davide Dotta, Emanuele Dughera, Martina Dotta, Valerie Ganio Vecchiolino, Editing Tiziana Gazzera, Jacopo Ghione, Vincenzo Kirt Dennis Girgenti, Venusia Govetto, John Kariuki, Samson Kiiru, Nazarena Lanza, Michela Cover Photo Lenta, Velia Lucidi, Marina Mainardi, La Guajira Bean Presidium, Peru Simona Malatesta, Maria Mancuso, © Mujeres andinas en camino Sophie Marconi, Irene Marocco, Valentina Meraviglia, Michèle Mesmain, Marta Messa, Edie Mukibi, Paola Nano, Graphic Design Cristiana Peano, Simona Piasentin, Alessia Paschetta, Claudia Saglietti Matteo Pizzi, Raffaella Ponzio, Rinaldo Rava, Mabel Redaelli, Printing Mariusz Rybak, Ludovico Roccatello, La Stamperia, Carrù (Cn) Paola Roveglia, Michele Rumiz, Printed on recycled paper Veronika Sadlonova, Claudia Saglietti, Piero Sardo, Francesco Scaglia, Issue closed May 2016, Francesco Sottile, Alessandra Turco fi nancial analysis 2015 Contents 5 Our Identity 70 Financial Report 6 Biodiversity: 72 2015 in Numbers Our Common Home 79 Fundraising by Carlo Petrini 83 Slow Food Foundation 7 Slow Food and the 10,000s Supporters 8 Holes in the net by Serena Milano 10 The Slow Food 10 Our Network Foundation for Biodiversity 88 Experts 11 The Biodiversity House 94 Writers, Journalists, 12 Organizational Structure Photographers and 13 Objectives, Policies Filmmakers and Projects 96 Associations, Institutions and Universities 14 Our Activities 20 Projects 108 Communication 21 10,000 Gardens in Africa and Research 33 Ark of Taste 110 University Dissertations 44 Presidia 115 Documentaries, 60 Slow Food Chefs’ Videos and Films Alliance 119 Press Review 64 Earth Markets 67 Communication 5 1 WWenchienchi VVolcanoolcano HHoney,oney, PPresidiumresidium EEthiopiathiopia © PPaolaaola VViesiiesi 6 Our Identity 7 © MMarcoarco DDelel CComuneomune Biodiversity: Our Common Home The years go by and Slow Food is now about to celebrate its thirti- eth anniversary. It has been and is an exciting journey, strewn with challenges and enlivened by new goals. In all these years, the as- sociation has changed and grown, following a common thread that, step by step, has gradually unraveled amid doubts and discoveries. We can now recognize clearly what the thread is: it is the protection of this Mother Earth of ours—Terra Madre—of its animal and plant species, of food products born of traditional wisdom and skills. In short, biodiversity formed by the actions and people who feed the planet with their daily labor. The ways we mistreat the home we share with the whole of human- ity are innumerable: hunger, inequalities, food waste, and lack of access to water; intensive industrial production that devours tradi- tional gastronomic skills, excessive meat consumption, and overex- ploitation of the soil; land grabbing, the violation of the right to land, and violence towards indigenous populations. Here we have just a few examples, but it is only natural to ask: how far do we have to go before we realize that the world in which we are living is a common home—and that we are all responsible for it, each one of us? There can only be one answer: we have to start taking care of Mother Earth and the people who inhabit it—with loving kindness and also a dash of poetry. Not all is lost: thanks to the initiatives of civilians, associations, and NGOs, positive signals are coming in from all over the world. All that remains for us to do is to learn to Carlo Petrini march, all together, towards the same objective. president of Slow Food 8 © Marco Del Comune © AAntoniontonio BBalassonealassone © SSlowlow FFoodood AArchivesrchives Slow Food and the 10,000s © MMarcoarco ddelel CComuneomune SSlowlow FFoodood iiss aann internationalinternational associationassociation tthathat uunitesnites tthehe ppleasureleasure ooff ffoodood wwithith ccareare fforor ffood-pro-ood-pro- dducingucing ccommunitiesommunities aandnd tthehe eenvironment.nvironment. FFound-ound- eedd iinn 11989,989, iitt hhasas eeffectivelyffectively bbecomeecome a ppoliticalolitical eentity,ntity, aandnd tthroughhrough iitsts nnetworketwork ooff mmembersembers aandnd TTerraerra MMadreadre ffoodood ccommunities,ommunities, iitt cconnectsonnects rruralural cculturesultures ffromrom aallll ooverver tthehe world,world, pprotectsrotects bbiodiver-iodiver- ssityity aandnd ppromotesromotes a mmodelodel ooff ssustainableustainable ddevelop-evelop- mment.ent. How can we feed the planet and guarantee good, clean and fair food for everyone? This is the ambitious challenge that Slow Food has set for itself. The answer is clear, and was refl ected in the three strategic ob- jectives set during the International Congress in October 2012: use the strength of the network and make biodiversity the starting point. This means creating 10,000 food gardens in Africa, identify- ing 10,000 Ark of Taste products and creating 10,000 local groups (convivia and food communities) in the network. These are sym- bolic numbers, paradigms on which Slow Food will concentrate its energy, but also highly concrete targets. The Slow Food Founda- tion for Biodiversity will be focusing its engagement on the fi rst two objectives. © TTripodphotoripodphoto 9 110,0000,000 ffoodood disease. Native plant varieties and The animal breeds are often hardier and ggardensardens iinn AAfricafrica require fewer external inputs (water, association’s (i.e. the construction of a Slow Food fertilizer and pesticides in the case of network in Africa) plants, and veterinary treatments and three The objective of creating 10,000 food supplementary feed in the case of gardens is linked to the desire to fo- animals), allowing communities to use strategic cus more attention on the global south sustainable and clean farming tech- and particularly on Africa, where Slow niques. It is essential that the issue objectives: Food’s strategy of promoting small- of biodiversity is freed from the spe- scale family farming, biodiversity pro- cialist sphere to become a common tection and local food consumption heritage, shared by everyone who can contribute to achieving food sov- buys food on a daily basis, everyone ereignty, and therefore to guaranteeing who serves food (at restaurants, fairs the survival of local communities and and events), everyone who teaches cultures. Slow Food will create new in schools, everyone who plans lo- gardens and organize support and cal policies and everyone who grows training for the network of existing gar- their own vegetables at home. dens. A project to map the genetic and cultural heritage of African food prod- ucts will be administered alongside the 110,0000,000 llocalocal ggroupsroups gardens initiative, with the selection of (i.e. strengthening the network) new foods for the Ark of Taste and Pre- This last objective is linked to the sidia and the creation of Earth Markets. awareness that the fi rst two, and The rehabilitation of African gastrono- their connected projects, can only be my will be carried out by collaborating achieved with a strong, widespread, more and more with cooks and chefs, locally rooted network, plus the ca- and by organizing awareness-raising pacity to bring together the various campaigns in favor of local food, sus- nodes (local, regional, national and in- tainable fi shing and raw-milk cheeses, ternational), creating common fronts and against land grabbing and the in- and synergies. It is not possible to talk troduction of GM crops. about access to good, clean and fair food for everyone without the com- 110,0000,000 pproductsroducts mitment and mobilization of the as- sociation and the whole Terra Madre oonn tthehe AArkrk ooff TTasteaste network at every level: from the in- (i.e. biodiversity protection) ternational bodies to the national, This number symbolically indicates regional and local branches, from the the relaunch of all the biodiversity- longest-standing convivia and com- protection projects (the Ark of Taste, munities to the newest, from the old- but also the Presidia and the Earth est to the youngest members, from Markets).
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