J~ -: I J ! ) "'!­',':) 11 ,I': '\ ':I I I ~ , I i Laude illers get life By Rafael I. Santos The two were also meted an­ Court. Long did not say when other year in jail for assault and \ exactly he is going to challenge . , CONVICTED killers of Filipino battery, the conviction of his client to the carpenter Eladio Laude yester­ The three life terms will be high court, but said Bowie and day were each given .three life served concurrently, Superior Reyes have 30 days to appeal the sentence and both were ordered CourtPresidingJudgeAlexCastro case. to payrestitution in the amountof said.This means thatin actuality, Reyes's counselAntonio'Atalig $50,000 for the family of the the convicts will just serve one said he will consider all available murder victim. life term because the three life options, referring to the possibil­ Joseph Anthony Bowie and sentenceare servedallat thesame ity of challenging the case in an Mario Muna Reyes were also or­ time. ·appellatecourt or filing of a mo­ :' dered to pay the amount of "It!s an appropriate sentence," tion for reduction of sentence. $25,000 to Nilo Rivera who was government prosecutor Charles Thesentencingcamemorethan' abducted together with Laude in Rotbart said shortlyafter the sen­ three months after a six-member 'I November 1992 but managed to tencing. jury convicted Bowie and Reyes I escape. Defense lawyer G. Anthony of first degree murder and two Joseph Anthony Bowie Charles Rotba(t Long however said the sentence counts of kidnapping "beyond was''verysevere." "Wefeltsome­ reasonable doubt" in connection 1992 and were transported to the' what disappointed because the withtheabductionof the tWQ Fili­ Department of Public Safety by Hotels generate sentence was too severe as it ap­ pinosand the subsequent deathof the convicted killers who posed ply to Joseph Bowie," Long told LaudeinDanDanhomesteadarea. as police officers. the Variety. Laude 'and Rivera were kid­ From DPS, they were brought Thedefense lawyersaidhe will napped along 'Beach Road near toReyes's housein AsLitowhere $12.5M in 1993 appeal the case with the Supreme Joeten Motors last November 5, continued on page 43 THE HOTEL Association of the Thehotelsalsogavegenerously Northern Mariana Islands to the community in 1993, Seven (HANMI) announced this week hotelsreportedgivinga combined the results of a statistical survey . total of more than $183,000 in of its members showing $12.5 cash and in-kind contributionsto millionintaxes were contributed localcharitableorganizationsand by the industry to the local schools in 1993. economy in 1993. The figures Despite a continuing economic were reported by 10 hotels on depression inJapan, the Marianas Saipan, and included gross re­ VisitorsBureaureportedthatvisi­ ceipts tax, hotel room occupancy tors coming in Saipan increased tax and bar tax payments made to by 12% in 1993. According to the CNMI government. HANMI HANMI statistical reports, the estimates that the total hotel in­ ·averageguest room occupancyof dustry on Saipan contributes ap­ the nine major hotels on Saipan proximately 10percent of the na­ was 73.31%, which was a 5.59% tional budget. continued on page 41 Abraham, DL Cruz The winners ofthis year's Northern Mariana Islands Geography Bee got together with teachers from their respective schools after last Friday's competition. 'Shown here, from left to right, are Ramiro Trinidad of Marianas Baptist Academy, second-place finisher Dan Toilet ofMarianas Baptist, Kevin get King's support Eichhorn of Grace Christian Academy, first-place finisherJon Abraham of Grace Christian Academy, third-place finisher Alina Haas of Saipan Community School cJnd Brian Cook of Saipan Community By Rafael H. Arroyo his senatorial office on Tinian, School. Sen. Esteven M. King, who is ACTING DirectorsPedroQ.Dela chairman of the Executive Ap­ Cruz and Isamu1. Abraham may pointments & Governmental In­ be headed towards confirmation vestigation, said he and other by the Senate as heads of the members of his committee are Departments of Commerce & inclined to recommend the ap­ Tax deadline today Labor and of Public Health & provalofbothnominees' appoint­ .TODAY,April 15is thefiling minute filers deperiding on their erythingbe mailed to the ad­ Environmental Services. ments to the full Senate. deadlineforindividual income volume, dresses indicatedin theirwage In a telephone interview from "Weare impressed by the cre­ tax returns,so everyone is en­ "I wouldlike tocallonthepublie and tax statements. dentials of both nominees. They couraged to beat the rush and tometheirincometax returnsearly Previously, suchcheckswere got support from the public at­ avoidpenalties for late filing. andavoidtherush.We alsowould. being mailedwhile filers with­ large on Tinian and in Rota. The Finance Director Maria D. like to tell them that their tax re­ outaddresses werebeingpicked mayors of both islands sent in Cabrera issued the reminder bates would be sent by mail on a' up from the TreasuryOffice. favorable testimonies. There was yesterday in a telephone inter­ firstin firstoutbasis,"saidCabrera. Attimesinthepasteventhose no opposition from anyone," said view with the Variety wherein She added that the Revenue & whosecheckshavebeenmailed King. shealsoannounced thattaxre­ Taxation Divisionwill start send­ prefer to pick their'checks up "That, coupled with their im­ bate checkswill be sent out in ing the rebate checks two weeks ,Cfl\!lling long queues in the re- pressive credentials, makes the two weeks time. afterthe April 15deadline,mean­ leasingoffices. committee strongly in support of According totheFinance di­ ing startingApril 29. "Wefeelthatitwouldbebest their nominations," said King. rector,theDivision ofRevenue According to Cabrera; Finance foreveryoneto.just haveUNery­ King's EAGI Committee yes­ & Taxationmay extendits of­ would no longer ready the rebate thingmailed. Besides,it would. terday took both Abraham and fice. hours today beyond 4:30 checksforpick-upby recipientsas be a lot moreconvenient," said Dela Cruz to Tinian for the sec- p.m. to accommodate last- . in previous years, opting that ev- Cabrera. Esteven M. King continued on page 43 PAC NE'NSPAPER STACKS 2-MARlANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 15, 1994 u.s. pushes new dialogue on Bosnia FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 By BARRY SCHWEID president on the need to reach night. slaying of 30 Muslims by a Michael McCurry said Torres threatens action vs, firm prompt agreement" and Clinton On Wednesday, another in a Jewish extremist Feb. 25in a Wednesday afterquotingArafat's WASHINGTON (AP) By Ferdie de Is Torre Cantos, manager of JTS Insurance school site. made clear "the United States is series of attacks took the lives of mosque in Hebron. Hamas also letter to Clinton that it was "a following the proper procedures. President Clinton telephoned Co. Inc. dated April 11, 1994, However, Torres said, as of ready for its part to ensure six Israelis on a bus in northern had claimed responsi.bility for stronger statement than the He said Torres first sent a notice Israel's prime minister to stress EDUCATION Commissioner Torres stressed that the Public Monday or three weeks after the negotiations reach a succesful Israel. the bombing ofa bus last week chairman made last week." to the contractors about the delay that a bombing that killed six William S. Torres recently School System is giving the agreement, hefound out thatthere conclusionasrapidlyaspossible," Before Clinton's seven-minute in Afula. Seven Israelis died Arafat wrote Clinton that "he and informed them that they were Israelis must not derail threatened to take legal action company official warning for was no agreed number ofworkers Myers said. In a letter to Clinton talk with Rabin, he issued a and scores were injured, some regretted and strongly rejected unable to complete the projects as implementation of an Israeli­ against an insurance company for failing to comply with the on site at the two schools. made public earlier, PLO statement condemning the new severely. such actions because they are agreed. Palestinian peace accord. non-compliance of agreement in agreement to the construction of "On behalf of the children of Chairman YasserArafat strongly attack in Hadera as "a further The Palestine Liberation directed against innocent people The next procedure, Quitugua Clinton offered condolences to connection with the delayed classrooms at San Vicente and San Vicente and Koblerville we rejectedattacksonIsraelicivilians attempt by ex tremists to derail Organization issued a and claim to strike against the explained, the Commissioner Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in construction of the five new Koblerville Elementary Schools. cannot allow this to continue," delivered another notice to the and said the violence is designed the peace process." He said statement offering its peace process and destroy it," a seven-minute phone talk, classrooms for two public The commissioner told Cantos Torres emphasized. "If this to destroy Arab-Israeli "they must not be allowed to condolences to the families of McCurry said. bonding company of the White House press secretary negotiations. elementary schools on Saipan. that last March 2 I. the company absurdity continues we will be contractors to take over and succeed." the victims, but the Clinton "It's clear from his statements Dee Dee Myers said late In his letter to Mr. Thomas agreed to place 10workers ateach forced to take action against your proceed with the construction. The letter was sent to the The Islamic group Hamas administration called: on that th# chairmanrecognizesthese Wednesday. company for non-compliance." He-pointed out that it was not White House through the U.S. said it bombed the crowded Arafat to condemn the attack. acts for what they are and he Rabin "agreed with the The Commissioner told Cantos only the San Vicente and Embassy in Tunis on Tuesday bus in retaliation for the State Department spokesman ¢'ongly rejects them." that the PSS is expecting Koblerville which were affected Farmer admits immediate action on his part to but also the construction of the : : \ . have both sites fielded at least 10 same five classrooms at Garapan. Fossils on monkey-ape-human family found workers each.
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