-· -.-~---. ! . .. i ... 1 .. -: . - .. ; L. PM<,. -LI .I,;. ! I . .. DATES OF GOVERNING BODY MEETING I I • I 1981-1987 · 28.01.1988 I 30.08.1988 I . I 22.09 .. 1989 · . J .. 24.09.1990 -, .. 30.08.1991 10.02.1992 24.06.1992 18.02.1993 / 09.07.1993 13.10.1993 20.09.1994·· I 31.01.1995 22.09.1995 , I ·:: . ' I 27.09.1996 26.07.1997 i I I . I' I I I I • I . I i ,.. • . 'I ,, .. 2· ... ~ . ... ,.· . ·1.: .. ·~i ., i . ORI er~, ATlDN PROGRAM'll'S .. ... ,, · ::.'~ 0·(·7 -· ...... { i) ~rk shoe in advenc9d evaluation techn1gu'ee.··. I 0 . ' wI j A 1.1.•orkshop wa!": or~Mt&ed in June• 1981 'ir· Oel: Greve School -~l Jharipani affiliated to .Board ~n ,coJlaboration with 'the British Council ·~;\ for training of paper-setters in ''the teehniquee or 'IJt'iting good questioni!t pa::,e!'s onr.! developing ma.ri<ing .schemes. The paper eetteU··in tnglish · 1, and Social Scicn::e wer!3 trained with the help c,f Brltish ·consultants ' ~:'le; the Resource Perso.ns who 11:'ete got trair,,ed in t.~e Unit~ Kingdom. ?:.:.1:i. i . ( ii) Scfonce Education lilor4<shop, Nerore, V,.P_.)·.:'·> ·.: · • (24th,..·: ·,t~2nd September, 1981) ·· .. : ::~··:' ,;;., .::, .. Tr,e v,mue of the Science Educet.ion\1ork~hop·.was .Atr.i~i~· ·1 Energy Cent.rel School, Narora. The ten-day work&"lop .wee organised for "'·. thie Science te·ae•,erc of Chemistr~, Physics, arid·· B'io~ogy'~" In all 40 · ::.1 te;:ichers drawn from the northern region of the oou~try,:. attended the' n. vcrkshop; This n•Jmber aleo included the Indian Reso"'r.ce. Persons who . ,:' I· hod been to the United Kingdom under the CBSt-Britieh·.Colleboration ... ( p:-o~ramme. ·Thre~ british Consultar:,te, namely D~· F:~irbrother {Physic$),f\. · ~1r. Gilliard (~h~istry) end Miss Moffa.t..(Biology) ·~~rect!d the workshopt_J each expert guid:a.ng the teachers in their regpect~\/e di_sciplines. \:J ( iii) Science Education Workshop, Madras .. :·. ~ .. ::\ .· f1 (7-~.fh,. .. anber119B1) · •:-,.·.-.;.·· .: ': ;.g/ / ·, ... ,· ,, . J l ,. The venue of the workshop WE.~.tesant Arundele Senior r'i Seconder~ Schcol., Kalakshetra. Madras. This':\:qti~kshop wee restricted <·l to Physics. teachers teaching senior .level classes~,. Th~:~ration of 'l I the i..•orkshop wes ten days which was·ettended by Ph\\eics te?chers .from ;...:I t:,e Sol'thern rcgicn of the country. Three lndian ;;~source persons al so p2rticipzited. The British Consultants Dr. rairbroU,~r prepared the ·:; pro9r~mme b~ue-print in association with the ~ndian. ~esource Persons . J and directed the workshop. .. ·- · · 1 . · · . 1~.-1 (iv) CAMCT-!'lathemat'ics Workshop, Ran' ur .. (·U~,~~), ·,· .. .,:.: · .. !: 31st Au ust-4th S tember 1981 · ·· :, ::-,.r i?. .. ·.,····· 14 . The ·venue of the tive day 111orkshop ·111as' 1)elhi Public Schooh( f?H£L Campus, ·Rar.ipur, Hardwar. :. ·Two 9rit~ah Consultants, .Prof. A.C. ~ajp-o' ; nnd Mr. Arms~rong directed the 1/JO~~op. ·:· 1,i"_ei'l. ~bout 30 ,Mathematics r·~.i / te2chers took part in tho delibretions .of: the .. ~or.kshop .... ·:: ·. '.'{~ • • .~,,,•:I, ~. ' 'I', • =; ;;} { v) CAMET - Mathematics wor~~hop.~ ·-~~~l..!~d -: <,· ,.· .. <, . ~l (7-11 Seotember) 1981. · ·· .·. · .. :··._. .. :_::·i:.. i!fi': ; .The sec~nd Mathematic~\,io.r~~~p_:'~~·{h·~ld\~·T."V~S-- Lakshmi·~~: High~r Secondary School, T. v.s, Nagar~.-.f.la:dJr.ei. / ln.sll ebo~t 30 ~~,· Principals_ and. teachers te~ching Mathemati_ce to :.ser,i_or ).evel students ;'!~ ~articipated. .:le sides .the ·participants/ lndia·n resource persons who .~ ~ad received their training at Centre for A9.vancement.:of .Mathematical ! ,;.;_ _ Education in Technology,. Loughborough, were elso a.ssociated in the . !f. · 11:C'tkshop. Two eri tish C~nsul tant's:_P·tl:)f. ·A~:t:· ~.eaJpai'_~~:d -:i:tt'• Arma!)?Of'.l9 · i~ directed the work shop. · .... · . , .. ;:;,\::)i 1.iii.'11/ ,·:·. ,:. 1 K·' .; .· ··i .·.,·: ·: ·, ::·:: it{ { vi) lllorki,ng Groups for Mt1rl<ing Scheme. or9ani~_ed .· : .. r, ft~ for preparing marking schooie. · ·. · · · · · :.. l~. •.. ,, . ~ ~ . As a furthnr elep fe:1: ~mproving_ evaluation .of answer- f\ scriots, the Board has .recently set"~ ·working Cr.«?~s which hl!v~ pr~ ;.{, pa:-ed r.,arking schemes for. the Secondary 'and. Senior ·secondary Examina tionf•. I (, J3 Jh,i 1-t-.'.J .: +e'Yl-f 1181- 1q-a-1 ,, .£QJTRAL 8C'ARD OF SECONDARY EOUCATIO'I': rJ[\J! DELr:I :·'ir!.ltes of: tl-ie meeti~f tl,e Governing Body of the Board ~e:d on 17th Octobur, 1901 et 11,00 e,m, in the Conference room of the Indian Medical Association Building {opposite A,C,C.R.), l.P. Estate, N9.11 Delhi-110002, '1cs1; r:.!_~ ]";·.~ H''!? ··:,,.·,. rr. T. V. Kunnunkal S,J, In the Chair ,\·2 ~1r, I' ·,nakrj sh nan '. ~ ' . J • A. t ·!3, ~lr, n, ,.,,dan , Ii. Dr, D. B, Bis ht <s, Mr. A,P, Bortfiakur }·ti. Major General o. ~. Chibber '}• ~lr, G.S, c,;1iilon .a, iv:r. A, I~. D~a1:.•on '.9, . Mr, S,K, Gupta )"i fo I Mr. P. L, GL.:rta ~\11. Mr,·. B. 8, Gakhnr .f! , :,12, f\iI'. ~.K, Handn ,0,3. / )'f,, Mr-• S.P. Jain . 1'4, :"lr • Kan1.:!al Sud . j, s. ~ir, E.T. ani 1.6. rr. H,H. ~-cl' '17. Miss s. Sen HI, S.uamy Suhitananrla ,, 19, Mr, P, L. Valrriki ·/ 2[•, i'ir. G. C. Vats ::~ '.·lr. S, P. Vedi ;, ... .., . .. ~, ~,. r • L,A, Vyas -~ ',., .\ . ., 4!,,,~-, . I,_. H. R, Shcrrra 'Socretary . ,,; 1 . Sarvashri Girdhari Lal, Director (Schools), Ministry of Education '. ar.d Culture, Dr. O. S. Dewal, Oirecto,r1 Open School, •Or, K, D, Sharma , . :\s.be:cial Officer (Pr-ejects) ·and S.C. Gupta, o·eputy Secretary (Acinn & Affili.::itic.n) . iJ,·era. also present, -~- ·\~ jtril Sarvashri S. Sathyam, Or, S~K. Mitra, Or, P.L. Malhotra, Or. Ramusn f i1ohan and Or. U, B. Krishnan had expressed their inability to attend the / n'eet.:ng · due to their pre-occupation, h, /\t the outset the Cha,irman extended a very warm welcome to all the ' : .~e,.,bsr-s specially t1:1 the new··members Shr i: S~_K, - Gupta, O.P, I. Arunachal '\r::rad~sh, Shri G. c. Vats, Additional Director of Education, Delhi Admiri- 1·. st rat ion, Delhi, Miss s. Sen, Education Officer, Directoraie of Educd·ion, {{y.e2.hi, Shri B, B~ Gakha'r, Principal,· D,A, V. School, Chandigarh anrl - :.. P,L. · r.~slmik.i, orinciC>al, Govt. Hr, Sec, School, Panaji ( Goa). , /~ Before the commencanent of the meeting of the Governing Body cf the i :Soar-d, tho members unanimously join.ad in felicitating Fr. T. V. Kunnunka l :: en his appointment as Chairman of Central Board of Seconi;lary Education. ,:,;·He brings rich educational experience both as a teache+ and aducatinnal \\il:!ministrator, ·The house hoped that under his able guidance and Leader shi.p ,. (AJ~e 8oard will make further headilay in all clirectio1ns. The Chairman thank ed > ~ .i111 the menber s 'for· this kind gest.ure, l,;: The Chairman .then apprised the ml':!rnbere of the significant activities ~~;~[ the Soard .undertaken since its last meeting. •. ••••. 2. ·\.-\ .' -· . ' 4 - : .,,, (1 L14' Th J >'.l ! l\r,r.ur,l Coriferonce of coesc ie golng ·to be hold shottl'.>' .:.t: ,~~cipol from Oc tober 22-24, 1981 •. 'rhe Confereri;:o wil~ rr,ainly d~$t.:u!.::, '(' r~e ~-mp•Ht.ir t ::,oints viz. Human end Bohavfcura I AsP'ects of P.:r'~nnn! .j I i·'.;mogemcht er ~o-:ilicabl~ to tho F.loarde,M.inogemcnt of Exarr,inatioris c.nc! I Scding end Grodi'.'lg in c'i<aminatione. v. Al!TONOf~Y. or SCHOOLS ~!o infllrmcd the House tnat .the· recommendations of ,the CommitLc !;(;~-up by the 903rd grant ii"~ - '.!tono.my to th'c schoolf3 affilietEtd to1lth.-, 3L\::::d is plac~d in th,:) 8()'!''•, w•:'· This is. ·a· fairly detailad document .. fc·r <::)runt. of autonomy. H1: informod that in the countty. only Rc1Jtitth..in .5o.::rr of Secnnp...Jry Education has provided autonomy to two of its scho.)1!.. It 'Pes been observed t::hat the schools. are not toming forward to .acccr.t the full burden er autonomy-, includ{ng the prescription of the'ir own syllabus and holding their own examinations. In keeping with the objectives of the Project, what is proposed is to offer a wide spoctrum of cr ea s fox: autonomy and. promote innovatiOQ& in education. and institutional plunning •. Tl:le House then took up the agunda ·for· the general maetin,1 fbr ciscussion. I :I ,/ To. ci.1nfirm the minutes of tho Annual Goner~l Meeting of th~ Covernino Boey of the Board held on 20th· february1 1961 •. .., / I . liesolved that the minutes be confirmed. '•. -, . At this po~nt, when the proceedings of tho 'House ucre going on, Sarvas'1ri ·Mal')oh;:ir Arora, President .and Ashwini. Kumar_. ·General -s;.;c·rot2.ry of the 1.;.';,lfore A sso c.Iat icn of Boa!.'d1 s Efll)loyeus forc1bl~ ent,1re:d tr .. , · room and started (lbbtructing th~ bvsfness of the Houso to proco,~d, · Th,,y v.ir e uurnud by the mcnbers that tt,=y ~hould not act in such an un- desirable and illegal manner end s~ould leave the room so -that tho procuedin0s c.:ir, go on. They 11.'E'ro a l'so assur sd that .whatever may be their gr.i.iv~ncus, , tr'.~ftO ~ill be Looked into. Insp i.t e of "tt)is, they continued "'ith their. ... um;-uiy bohaviour end thus prevented th~ House from proceedin'g _with ~h£: busi-' n!?3S of tha meeting. The Hous.e then adjourned ~ill they .left the room, .
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