Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 45 JULY 10, 2020 18 TAMUZ, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Legislators show support at CUFI WASHINGTON, D.C. — Summit. Regardless of party, Today, members of the U.S. its elected officials, like the House of Representatives ones from whom we heard, and Senate conveyed their who strengthen the US-Israel unequivocal support for the relationship and stand up to U.S.-Israel relationship at day anti-Semitism. I am deeply three of Christians United for grateful to all of the Members IsraeI’s 15th Annual Sum- of Congress who addressed mit. CUFI’s Summit, being our Summit,” said CUFI conducted virtually this year, founder and chairman, Pastor featured numerous legislators John Hagee. from both chambers of Con- CUFI, the nation’s largest gress reassuring their strong pro-Israel organization, was commitments to stand with honored to hear from con- Israel to CUFI members across gressional leaders Senator the country. Speaking to Marco Rubio, Senator Tim thousands of dedicated CUFI Scott, Senator Tom Cotton, Yaniv Nadav/Flash90 members, some of Israel’s Senator Ted Cruz, Senator A view of the Jordan Valley, part of the land that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to apply Israeli strongest congressional allies Marsha Blackburn, Senator sovereignty to, seen Feb. 2, 2020. delivered impactful messages James Lankford, Senator discussing topics ranging Jacky Rosen and Representa- from standing with Israel, to tive Dan Crenshaw on the 4 reasons why Israel’s West Bank confronting Iran, and com- strategic alliance between the bating anti-Semitism. United States and Israel. “We were thrilled to wel- “Israel is the only pro- come such a strong cadre American, free enterprise annexation plans didn’t happen yet of Members of Congress to By Gabe Friedman sovereignty, which we are working on The U.S. team is uneasy. speak during our virtual CUFI on page 14A these days and we will continue to work Tuesday’s meeting was just one of (JTA) — Since April, all eyes follow- on in the coming days.” several that Netanyahu has had over the ing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were With that, the anticipation that had past few months with the U.S. Middle glued to July 1. been building for months — or some East peace team anchored by Jared Evidence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- could argue for over a year, during which Kushner, Friedman and the 31-year-old tanyahu had negotiated the date into his Netanyahu promised annexation in not Berkowitz. The team’s message has been government coalition deal with his rival one or two but three election campaigns straightforward for months: Slow down Temple restoration? Benny Gantz. On July 1, as stipulated in — dissipated. “The coming days” takes the process. the agreement, Netanyahu could put the us into an indeterminate future. That’s despite the fact that the Trump topic of annexing the West Bank — a This doesn’t mean that annexation administration’s own peace plan, released move that would have enormous politi- in full or some other form won’t ever in January, gives Israel the green light cal repercussions well beyond the Middle happen. In fact, Netanyahu has floated to add West Bank lands to its map in a East — up for a vote in his Cabinet or in the idea of annexing just a few large future two-state solution with the Pales- the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. settlement blocs close to July 1 to try to tinians. The Palestinians would get about But on Tuesday, Netanyahu signaled appease all sides. 70 percent of the West Bank’s territory that nothing big would happen on July Still, missing the July 1 date is and Israel would annex the rest. 1. After meeting with White House en- symbolic of how fraught the process Some have speculated that the holdup voy Avi Berkowitz and U.S. Ambassador has become. Here are the reasons why is due to geographic specifics, or which to Israel David Friedman, Netanyahu it hasn’t come together the way that said they “spoke about the question of Netanyahu had hoped. West Bank on page 15A Shai Halevy, Israel Antiquities Authority Professor Yuval Gadot from Tel Aviv University with the Les Kramer inducted into seal. (JNS) — A double stamp im- findings revealed from the pression on a bulla and a seal Persian period are extremely Florida Inventors Hall of Fame made of used pottery shreds meager and therefore we lack discovered in the City of Da- information regarding the By Christine DeSouza the market. Because of this the Florida Inventors Hall of seven others, was originally vid may indicate that despite character and appearance of unique prosthetic, Kramer Fame. The actual ceremony set for Sept. 11, 2020, at the the plight of Jerusalem after the city during this period.” Les Kramer, Ph.D., de- recently was inducted into to induct Kramer, along with Tampa Hilton, but it has the destruction of the First The researchers empha- signed and developed a pros- been delayed until next year Temple, efforts were made sized that “discovering these thetic foot that is more flexible because of the uncertainty to restore the stature of the artifacts in an archaeological than any other prosthetic on with COVID-19. administrative authorities. context which can be dated The Florida Inventors Hall The archaeological evi- with a high probability is of Fame honors and cel- dence revealed in excavations very rare.” ebrates those inventors whose by the Israel Antiquities Au- According to the research- achievements have advanced thority and Tel Aviv University ers: “Discovering the new the quality of life for Florid- in the Givati Parking Lot Ex- findings on the western slope ians and the country. cavation of the City of David of the City of David adds much Kramer has essentially may provide evidence of the information about the city’s been an inventor his en- restoration of the city in the structure during the period of tire life. As a child, Kramer period of Ezra and Nehemiah. the Return to Zion, a period watched how his father skill- The seal impression, bul- we knew about mainly from fully built things, which in- lae, were small pieces of clay biblical literature (the books spired him to be creative and used in ancient times to sign of Ezra and Nehemiah).” enter many science fairs. Two documents or containers “The findings from the of the inventions of his youth (for example, storage jugs for Givati Parking Lot Excavation included a robot (that chased agricultural produce collected shed light on the renewal of his friend’s mom across the as a tax) intended to keep the local administration, in basement floor) and a time- them sealed en route to their a location similar to the one lapse camera, designed from destination. that existed before the de- a World War II German movie According to Professor Yu- struction of the First Temple, camera. val Gadot of the Department of about 100 years prior,” they Kramer’s prosthetic foot in- Archaeology and Ancient Near said, according to a statement. vention has improved the lives Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv of many amputees. Heritage University and Yiftah Shalev ran an article about Kramer’s of the Israel Antiquities Au- invention on Feb. 24, 2017. thority: “Despite the numer- Christine DeSouza ous excavations conducted in Les Kramer holding his prosthetic foot invention. Kramer on page 15A Jerusalem to date, so far the PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, JULY 10, 2020 Preparing for the next the school year, JAO uses germ-killing technology to fight COVID-19 students, staff, and faculty For more information night. Also, teachers have the continued Rusonik, “We are of JAO from these illness- about Violet Defense, please ability to disinfect the rooms grateful for our partnership causing germs, including visit: https://www.violetde- each time they leave the room. with Violet Defense and how flu and COVID-19. Two fense.com. The school also has access their products are keeping years ago, JAO was the first Violet Defense is part of the to mobile devices to deploy us safer.” elementary school in the school’s multi-layer approach at a moment’s notice in the Jewish Academy of Or- United States to be fully out- to ensure its students and event of immediate disinfec- lando serves central Florida fitted with the Violet Defense faculty are entering a clean tion needs, such as with a students of all faiths from system. The technology is and safe environment. sick child. transitional kindergarten now being used across the “The safety and security Ivan continued, “This pro- through fifth grade. The nation in operating rooms, of our students, faculty and cess is a huge step that school delivers a whole-child hotels, schools, ambulances, staff has always been a top increases the safety of the education fostering academic food processing, and athletic priority at the JAO. Having students and staff as it has excellence and character facilities. Larger organiza- Violet Defense protecting our been proven to work against education rooted in Jewish tions including New York’s campus reassures the entire viruses and bacteria and is in values. Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Transportation JAO community that we are current use in hospital, hotels, Orlando is accredited by the Authority and the Orlando doing everything possible to and operating rooms among Florida Council of Indepen- Magic have partnered with keep them safe during these other applications.” dent Schools. Violet Defense. unprecedented times,” noted “In this time of great To learn more about Jewish “As a pediatric emergency Rusonik.
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