THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Friday, February 5,1993 Vol XXVI, Number 9 Gordon and Pontikes elected to Grant being sought remaining TCU Senate positions for counseling center by CHRIST1 BEEBE Lhly Editorial Board Aims to fight alcohol and drug abuse Elections were held yesterday for by IMVII) MISYICKS hou sc . the three seats on the Tufts Cotn- I)dlly ldll~~ll'lllhmd "We're concerned about re- munity Union Senate left vac'mt On Jxi. 19. Dean of Students ports saying that ;IS much as one- by the resignations of senators Bobbie Knahlc applied tor ii fed- third of all collcgc students abuse earlier in the year. The senate cral grant in order to establish a iilcohol." Knable said. "Pcople scats are to be held for approxi- ccntcr for substance and alcohol itrc drinking'morc IhiiIi they nor- matel y two months. beginning ithusc education and prevention. mally would because they misun- immediately,and lasting until the The applicnlion is lor ;t fund tlcrstand the drinking patterns of end of the school year. lor the improvcincnl of post-scc- thcirpccrs. Pcoplc iliink they need The vacancies. left by the res- oiidary education (FIPSE) gnuit. to drink its much :is others." ignationsof fonner senators Andy "I hope it will allow us to hire The Univcrsiiy will hire a co- Salzer arid Pete Mutharika. and wincone lo help with drug aid ordinator to run the center. the departure for Israel of Elissa alcohol abuse education." Knahlc "Although people from the Uni- Goldm;ui called for one senior sitid. versity arc wclcolnc lo itpply for and two junior seats to be filled. According 10 Knahlc. the Ccn- the position. hut we will lnost Of the scniorsrunning for Sen- Icr will halve two purposes. "It likely tiire SoIncOIic froln theout- ate. Mitch Gordon won by ainar- Will dl0WUS t0 Work ChSClY with sidc,"Knablesaid."Besidesneed- gin of six votes, defeating Gra- peel' CdUcatOrs ;IS Well ;8 help US ing c.~ul,se~illg skills, the .I>erson ham Bengen and Christine Ctn)rdillatcefforts to prevcnt sub- tnust be to intervene illto Fern'mdcz-Zayas. ctnncc ahuse in gcncral."shc mid. soIncoIle~sproblelns as well as Of the four juniors who ran, Amy DuIiliip. prCSidclit Of thC out work with the SU- Chris Weise, the chairman of the Tulls chapter of Studelits Against dent populali~)1i.** Elections Board. said last night Driving Drunk.attcndcd the New that only Rebecca Pontikes had EiiglaiidCollcpcAlcohol Network see APPLICATION, page 9 enough votes to be considered as whcrc she and other incinhcrs of a winner. Due to the fact that votes for the remaining candi- grants. dates, Jennifer Boyle, Michelle "We wctit IODean Ktiiihlc with Farquhar. aid Julie Short. were lhc idea itlid she took it from too close to call, Jessie Gordon. ihcrc. Since then we have given vice chairinan of the Elections our inpul into what should hc Board, said that the Elections included in the center." Dunlap Board would be recounting the said. votes. aid did not want to an- Through the ccntcr,inorc stud- nounce a winner. "I don't wnnt to Photo by Oliver Wolf ies will be implcmcntcd. inorc release ruiy infonnation which Students voting in yesterday's election at Carmichael Hall. inlor inat ion w il I he made avail - might be false," he said. ,iblc atid the efforts of peer educa- Jessie Gordon was unsure of the remaining candidates. poor turnout" of students to the lors will he increased. when the Elections Board would While unable to specify the polls affected the vote totals and "One of the biggest partsofthe be meeting to recount the votes. time at which the otherjunior seat made them inconclusiveaidinore ;enter will be peer education. atid said that there was apossibil- winner would be announced. difficult to interpret. In total, ap- which is whcrc SADDcoincs in." ity that the board would recon- Jessie Gordon said that this infor- proxiinatcly 100 students voted, Dulilitp said. ' I vene during the night. He also mation could be available some- said Weise. Both Weise aidJessie The center will also provide Dally fi/e photo added that the Elections Board time today. IlSSiStilllcc 10 the McCollcster Dean Bobbie Knable w'mtcd to discuss the matter with According to Weise. the "very see page House. the campus's alcohol-free Sunday Senate agenda Finally focuses on.economy, budget deficit and health care Y U I by S'I'EPHEN AHBU'IHNOT pccted lo cohc in the form of tax crciises the chance of increasing Motion expected for postponement Daily 1;diioiiaI Ihmrtl credits aid government spending efficiency. While the order docs After a rocky first week as Ihilt would create jobs. 11ot cut itctuil spending. the Ad- scheduled to he in attcndaice at president. Bill Clinton has begun The dollar mount is substrui- ministration says it believes it the meeting. He said Andy Orkin. tially lower than the one Clinton will Icaidto the iinplcinciitalionof This Sunday's Tufts Commu- a huinan rights lawyer and ad- Week in Review proposed in the campaign, but a more specialized programs that nity Union Senate meeting will viser of the Cree Nation. its well number of economic biromctcrs in the long run will save money convcncal7:OOp.in. in the lounge ;IS ;I representative of the Cree to lay soine of the foundation for have indicated thitt the economy iuid improve hedth care. of Hodgdon Hall in order to ac- Nation will be prcsenl lo support his repitiring the cconolny and is slcadily recovering from rcccs- Also In health care, The New commodate what is expected to divestment. Rcprcscntntives of ittldrcssing the hcdth CIUC issue. sion.Ahighcrdoll~r ainouiil would York Tinrcs reported Monday that he a large audience tuniout for the Hydro-Quebec will hc on hand to The prcsidcnl miouncctlTucs- not only increase the budget defi- the Clinton Administration is con- dcbittc atid voting 011 ii resolution oppose the resolution. day he would bc scching $3 I bil- cit. which Clinton hxx swoni to sidering a plan that would vacci- c;dling for divcstinent of Hydro- lion in economic stiinulus. The cut. hut might lead to inllation. nate all American children. The Quchcc bonds. The ScIiitIc USU- Ravitz also said that sopho- package W;LS unveiled in an ad- But Clinton has come under criti- plan would result in a tnonopoly ally inects in the Large Confcr- more senator Matt Stein has cir- dress to the nation's governors cism for not following throughon in which the Federal and state cncc Room of the Maycr Campus culated ;I letter to members of the who were meeting in Wtishington his caunpaign promise and there govcnunents would buy up virtu- Center. Senate. "calling lor theSenntc to this wcek. The stiinulus is ex- has been speculation that $30 bil- ally all childhood vaccines and According to TCU President postpone the dchittc id VOIC uti- lion of stimulus in a $S trillion then vaccinate all children for RiIIidy Ravit A. representatives of til the next mecling." economy will not have a measur- free. Drug compariieshavevoiced both sides of the resolution are According to Stein. this would able cffcct. their disapprovalbecause they say allow Ibr"a loruin where all sides In i~ ~OCUS011 thc budget dcfi- they fear it would render the drug arc represented so all issues cui cit. Secretary of Defense Lcs business unprofihble and would Inside he brought up." He also added Aspin has reportedly ordered his hinder further research and de- I IhiIt I 110t he T~US~CCSdo meet until staff to draft :I inilitury budget for velopment, including the discov- Features.. ......................... P. 5 theendofFebruary sothere isstill next year that is $14 billion less ery of more efficient manufactur- A jazz-international band returns tc liinc to postpone before the next th;w this year's. The Bush Ad- ing techniques. the Crafts House, and the Tetris addic. Board of Trustees meeting. ministration hadcalled forcutsof The focus this week must have tion strikes the unsuspecting. Also on thc agcndit, according come as a relief to the White p. 7 only $3 billion dollars less than Arts ................................ lo Ravitr.. Stein "will be introduc- House that struggled in its first Sam and Matt -- or Matt and Sam -. this year's. ing a bylaw to require all Trustee charm Tufts audiences, while The Vun- In another atlcinpt to deliver weck to contain events that at Rcprcscnlativcs lo adhere to thc irhing offers less sedate entertainment. on ciunpaigtl promises. the Ad- tunes seemed to spin out of con- smc attcnd;incc policics ;IS all inin istration iinnounccd Monday trol. Firstthc nomination of Zoe senators." He continued .that it Baird for Attorney General was Sports .............................. P- 9 it was going lo cut the bureau- The Daily has a squash for every sea. will initkc ihcin "subject toavotc cracy surrounding state-run Mcd- derailed when it was revealed that son; you can't put it in a salad, but go tc of hifidcnce at the end of each icaid prograins that arc aidminis- she had employed illegal aliens Cousens to watch the Jumbos play. scincstcr arid will require thein to DaUy tile photo tcred with federal funds. Accord- and had failed to pay Social Secu- makc a rcporl at the end of each President Bill Clinton ing to Clinton. federal red tape see WEEK, page 9 semester." hampers innovittiotls arid de- page two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, Februaury 5,1993 THETUFTS DAIL~ Editorial Paul Horan Give Hydro-Quebec its say Editor-in-Chief Conversation about .Tufts' investment in-Hydro- a mutually convenient meeting time. In fact, Hydro- IManaging Editor: Elizabeth Yellen Associate Editors: Elin Dugan.
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