Diary Dates for August 2013 31 August Produce Show p 17 Buxhall Diary Dates for September 2013 1 Sept Fairtrade Stall p 33 3 Sept Candlestick Club p 33 Broadcast 10 Sept Finborough Coffee Morning p 13 12 Sept Garden Club meeting p 25 12 Sept Onehouse table tennis p 19 14 Sept Sponsored bike ride p 13 15 Sept Haughley Hoofers p 13 15 Sept Harvest Festival—Buxhall p 27 15 Sept Garage Trail p 17 16 July Parish Council meeting p 21 18 Sept Women’s Institute p 4 21 Sept Macmillan Coffee Morning p 15 22 Sept Shelland Harvest Afternoon Tea p 31 24 Sept Lunch Club Buxhall Village Hall Jill (737814) 26 Sept Onehouse table tennis p 19 27 Sept Onehouse Harvest Supper p 31 29 Sept Onehouse Ramblers p 17 Diary Dates for October 2013 6 Oct Fairtrade Stall p 33 4 Oct Voices Together p 7 12 Oct Finborough Autumn Supper p 27 19 Oct Men’s Breakfast p 22 September 2013 26 Oct Buxhall Village Hall Quiz p 30 36 CHURCH SERVICES IN THE BENEFICE FOR SEPTEMBER 2013 Priest in Charge: The Revd Chris Childs, Rectory Bungalow, Buxhall IP14 3DJ 01449 736093 1 September : Trinity 14 Jeremiah 18.1-11; Philemon vv1-21; Luke 14.25-43 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Chris Buxhall Ivy Friston & Gill &Gill Ivy Friston Ling John&Lavinia Biles &Barbara Mike Chatt &Lesley David Steed &Lesley David Steed IvyFriston 9.30 am Holy Communion Arlene Shelland Sidesman 11 am Parish Communion Chris Finborough 11 am Matins Harleston 6.30 pm Evensong Chris Onehouse Church . 8 September: Trinity Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Isaiah 61.10-end; Galatians 4.4-7; Luke 1.46-55 DeniseKing & JohnBiles WendyChilds andIvy Friston Ling Gill Biles Lavinia Steed Lesley BarbaraChatt 9.30 am Patronal Sung Eucharist Chris (pr The Revd Julia Mann) Buxhall Coffee 15 September: Trinity 16 Jeremiah 4.11-12, 22-28; I Timothy 1.12-17; Luke 15.1-10 9.30 am Matins Shelland 9.30 am Holy Communion by extension Ray Harleston 11 am Harvest Family Service Chris Onehouse Church 3 pm Harvest Festival Chris & Richard Stainer Buxhall BarbaraChatt All All All All &Ivy Friston AnneHicks Flowers 6.30 pm Holy Communion Arlene Finborough Church rotas Church 22 September: Trinity 17 Jeremiah 8.18-9.1; 1 Timothy 2.1-7; Luke 16.1-13 9.30 am Matins Roger Buxhall 11 am Parish Communion by extension Ray Onehouse Church 11 am Harvest Festival Family Service Chris Finborough 3 pm Harvest Festival Chris (pr The Revd Ruth Farrell) Shelland 29 September: Genesis 28.10-17; Revelation 12.7-12; John 1.47-end 9.00 am Holy Communion (shortened) Chris Buxhall 10.30 am Benefice Communion/Harvest Chris/Ray Harleston Cleaning &Barbara Mike Chatt &Shireen Minoprio Lisa Wright &Shireen Minoprio Lisa Wright Reed,and Newell Tina Jill Gibbs Trudy Reed,and Newell Tina Jill Gibbs Trudy &AnneIvyHicks Friston 6 October: Trinity 19 Lamentations 1.1-6; 2 Timothy 1.1-14; Luke 17.5-10 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Chris Buxhall 9.30 am Reflective Morning Prayer Derek Shelland 11 am Parish Communion Arlene Finborough 11 am Matins Chris Harleston directly them with wish swapyou to please it someone, arrange with If Whether you are a regular worshiper or a visitor to our churches this Sunday, you will find a warm welcome at any of our services Service SungEucharist SungPatronal Eucharist HarvestFestival Matins Communion Said SungEucharist Evening Prayer will be said at St Andrew’s, Great Finborough at 5.30 pm each Wednesday All are welcome 2 35 Week ending 1/9/13 8/9/13 15/9/13 22/9/13 29/913 6/1013 From Rectory Bungalow: September What a summer it is proving to be! Fairly extreme heat—for England at least—followed by heavy rain or its threat. Fortunately the big weather dependant events on our villages – Open Gardens at Finborough, Buxhall and Shelland Church Fete and OHS fete- were not too adversely affected – though the final of the tennis at Wimbledon did reduce Open Gardens attendance somewhat. All good community events and we have many people to thank – not only for the doing but also for the thinking and reflecting on lessons learnt, and prayer! In Church we are working through Luke’s Gospel at the moment. The PREHYSTERIC follows the misadventures of two unlikely dinosaur Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37) tells us that we need to ‘do’ but then friends, Marshall and Steve, as they make their way through life in the the Martha and Mary story( 10.38-42) reminds us not to spend a life just late Jurassic period, 150 million years ago. doing and doing and doing what we have always done because we don’t know when to stop or what else to do. The other side of doing – of fol- Steve is a mellow stegosaurus, who is content with just being a lowing Mary rather than Martha - is prayer and reflection (11.1-13). dinosaur. He likes the simple pleasures in life, like food. Marshall is an Then Luke 12.13 -21 reminds us of balance between looking after excitable and eccentric marshosaurus who, frustrated by his mundane ourselves and our finances and property and looking to what God calls existence, dreams of unlocking the secrets of the universe using us to do or to be or to say. A good run of teaching if ever there was science. They don't always get along as things inevitably go haywire, one... but they are the best of friends. And so for our lives – and that of our community and nation… The Ian Beck Church of England prays and reflects on what is happening and speaks out in the hope of improving a situation to bring closer the Kingdom of Help!! God. Archbishop Justin’s comments about Payday loan companies have undoubtedly struck a chord. Occasionally our churches get it right We are always on the look-out for volunteers to help with jobs with something that needs to be done . The Lunch Club was such an around the church. Normally you will only have to do a job 3 or 4 occasion 16 years ago and they would welcome more lunchers. So was times a year under the rota system (unless you’d like to do it more the Wednesday Morning Coffee Morning at Onehouse which now often!). We have rotas for the following: attracts several retailers—perhaps Finborough’s Monthly Coffee Morning Key—opening and locking up of the church daily for a week at a time in aid of Charities (see notice) will do the same? The Men’s Breakfast is booming –with 21 last Saturday. All were born out of reflection and Grass-cutting—cutting half of the churchyard every eight weeks or careful consideration then doing. A large and enthusiastic group from so in the summer months Buxhall church is shortly to meet with the Diocesan Director of Mission Cleaning—with a friend! Every 10 weeks or so, twice in a fortnight to consider the future of the church there following on from its ‘health check meeting’. Flowers—twice in a fortnight, every two months and for festivals, if you like And in our personal lives? Does the other New Year - September cause you to rethink any part of your life – that may take you closer to Coffee—Every couple of months, can be done with someone else the person you are meant to be? Do you feel the need to pray or reflect Please contact Lesley at [email protected] or on as much as to do? Both are critical for life – and probably the former 737991 if you are able to help—thank you!! has more importance. Chris 34 3 St Mary’s Parish Church contacts Buxhall and Great Finborough Over 60s Priest-in-Charge Candlestick Club The Revd Chris Childs Rectory Bungalow, Buxhall 736093 The group has had two excellent outings since our last note to the Churchwardens: Broadcast. In July we had a day in Wroxham that also included a two Mr David Steed Leffey Hall, Buxhall 737991 hour trip on the Broads, very enjoyable. The August outing was a visit to Mr Clive Fisher Fasbourn Hall, Buxhall 737867 the Hollesley Bay Suffolk Punch Trust. A very interesting day’s outing Lay Elders: with many of our older members remembering when Suffolk Punches Mrs Jill Reed Sorrels, Mill Road, Buxhall 737814 actually worked on Suffolk farms. We then went onto Charsfield for a Mrs Angela Pead Tiree, High Road, Great Finborough 674754 delicious WI tea. We all know how the WI does a tea but that was Mrs Gill Ling 5 Stearn Drive, Onehouse 613523 something special. Many thanks Charsfield. Mr Tony Bugg 108 Spencer Way, Stowmarket 616865 Our final outing this year is to Southwold. This is on Tuesday 3 Mrs Irene Bugg 108 Spencer Way, Stowmarket 616865 September with the coach leaving at 9.45 am from Great Finborough, 9.50 from Buxhall Village Hall and then on to Harleston for 10 am. Also All of the ministry team of this benefice are available for pastoral care - to a reminder of our October meeting: this is on Thursday 3 October at 2 offer a space to talk informally, to offer support and prayer. pm in Buxhall Village Hall with a Bring, Buy and Bingo. Just to remember Evelyn Fisher: she had been a member of the club for many years, although not well enough to attend meetings in her latter Advertising days.
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