". ·'1 , tt J I VOL. XV HARTFORD, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1918 MAJOR DWIGHT W. TRACY . TWO MORE TRINITY MEN WOUNDED. HOBART J. ROBERTS REPORTED NOT KILLED APPOINTED SURGEON AT According to the casualty list of ;' Friday, Captain Charles T. Senay, '14, LATEST ADVICES INDICATE HE of Co. C, 28th Infantry, American TRINITY S. A. T. C. WAS WOUNDED IN THE HAND E . F., was slightly wounded. Captain EIGHTEEN MEN TO GO TO CAMP Major Dwight Wallace Tracy of AND TAKEN TO A HOSPITAL. Har tford has been appointed surgeon Senay hrus recently been awarded the LEE. American Distinguished Service Cross for the S. A. T. C. unit at Trinity and On Oatober 22, all members of the Hobart J. Roberts, '14, of Utica, for gallantry in action. took up his duties the first part of S. A. T. C., exclusive of those in limit­ N. Y., who was officially reported First Lieutenant Harold B. Thorne, last week. He is a graduate of Yale ed service, were permitted to make '16, of the 315th Mach. Gun Battalion, killed in action, was not killed but and received his medical education at applications for Officers Training 80th Division, was wounded by shrap­ wounded, according to later dis­ Johns Hopkins' Medical School. He Schools (Infantry, Field Artillery and nel during the heavy fighting in the patches, says an article in the "Utica has been medical inspector for the Machine Gun), at Camp Lee, Camp Argonne and is now in Base Ho&pital Zachary Taylor and Camp Hancock, Press" of October 29. On October 10 No. 23 in France. According to the respectively. A total of fifty appli­ his parents• received a telegram from last reports he is now convalescent. cations were made. The following the War Department telling of Rob­ men have been recommended as elig­ erts' supposed death, and an investi­ ible for Officers Training Schools, CONFERENCE HELD AT YALE gation was made by his father. A UNIVERSITY TO MAKE PREP AR­ infantry, eighteen of whom have been letter was sent to the Canadian au­ ATIONS FOR UNITED WAR W,ORK ordered to hold them&elves in readi­ CAMPAIGN. ness to go to Camp Lee, Virginia, thorities at Ottawa, and from this which is to open November 11: source Mr. Roberts learned that his A conference of representatives from colleges and private schools of Sergt. A. Baker, son was committed to a casualty sta­ Connecticut was held Sunday after­ Sergt. A. P. Bond, tion on September 29, suffering from noon, November 2, at two o'clock in Sergt. R. G. Bruce, a gunshot wound in the left hand. Byers Hall, Yale University, to form Pvt. W. F. Caldwell, The rector of records and the adjutant Sergt,. R. S. Casey, plans for the Unitted w ·ar Work general corroborate this fact. His Campaign, ·which will be waged Pvt. 0. H. Engstrom, throughout the United States from Pvt. J . D. Gunning, parents are now quite hopeful that November 11 to 18. The quota ,set for Pvt. J. G. Havens, their son is· alive and that there was the colleges and private schoois of Sergt. C. Z. Jette, an error in reporting his name on the New England is $300,000, and that for Pvt. E. L. Johnson, death list. We are glad to receive Connecticut $150,000. Tthe conf-erence Corp. G. R. Kingeter, this good news. was presided over by Professor Cor­ Pvt. A. G. Larson, Pvt. P. A. McCarthy, MAJOR DWIGHT W. TRACY. win of Yale University. Mr. Campbell (Courtesy of the "Courant.") of Ya!le and Mr. Lumb of Wesleyan Pvt. S. W. Maynard, gave much valuable information to the Sergt. J. H. McGee, TRUSTEES' OCTOBER MEETING. Hartford Board of Health for a num­ delegates in regard to conducting the Sergt. B. R. Newsom, A meeting of the Trustees of Trinity ber of years and is a member of vari­ approaching campaign. Yale last year Corp. T. W. Newsom, College was held in Williams' Memo­ ous state and city medical societies. raised $50,000 and Wes.Jeyan $4,000 Pvt. T.V. O'Keefe, rial on October 26, 1918. He is the present master of the Hart­ for Y. M. C. A. work. Connecticut Sergt. R. C. Puels, Th-e Trustees received and accepted ford Lodge of Masons, and is a mem­ College for Women has \llready pledg­ Pvt. L. White, the report of the Committee of the ber of the Sons of the American Revo­ ed nearly one-quarter of its quota of Corp. E. W. Wright. Trustees on the report of the Board lution, the ·Royal Arcanum and other $6,000 for the approaching campaign. of Fellows made by the Trustees last societies. He is a vestryman of Dean Brown of the Yale S!!hool of The men recommended for the other June. Christ Church, Hartford, Conn. He Religion in a most briHiant address camps are The action of the Executive Com­ was in active service at a southern outlined plans for the campaign and Field Artillery: mittee in contracting for new plumb­ cantonment until his health broke impressed upon the delegates the Sergt. W. H. C. Berg, ing and electric lighting was ratified. down. necessity of the institutions• they r·ep­ Corp. C. A. Harding, In reference to Ohapel Services, the resented to subscribe most liberally Corp. J. E. Jessen, following resolution was voted by the to the United War Work Campaign, Pvt. H . C. Jones, Trustees: "That during the operation QUARANTINE LIFTED. which embraces the work of the of the contract with the Government Machine Gun: The influenza ban, which has• re­ Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., National of the United States, in connection stricted members of the S. A. T. C. Catholic War Council, K. of C., Jewish Pvt. W. H. Tait, with the Students Army Training to the college grounds since Oct. 4, Welfare Board, War Camp Community Corp. F. T. Tansill. CorpS>, the rule of compulsory atten­ was formally rescinded at retreat on Service, American Library Associa­ dance at religious services be in Friday. All the men received verbal tion, and the Salvation Army. The abeyance." The services in the Chapel good-conduct passes and soon writren delegates who represented Trinity on Sunday and on week-days will be ones will be iss-ued. The only re­ were Professor Henry A. Perkins, VACCINATION AND INOCULA­ held and the attendance will be tabu­ strictions imposed are riding on trol­ John H. Callen and Vincent H. Potter. TION OF S. A. T. C. MEN. lated as heretofore. It is earnestly ley cars and drinking at soda foun­ After the conference a tea wtas held On October 29 Major Tracy began hoped that students will not cease to tains. Before leaving the college, in W•oolsey Memorial. the vaccination and inoculation of the avail themselves of the privilege of however, the men are required to S. A. T. C. men who have no army public worship. "sign out." Twenty paspes for over ce11tificates slhowing that they have The Trustees considered the advis­ the week-end were issued after in­ ANOTHER FOOTBALL GAME been succe.ssfully vaccinated and in­ ability of having a joint meeting of spection Saturday, and many men CALLED OFF. oculated by army surgeons. The men the Trustees, the Faculty and the procured passes good for a few hours Negotiations were made for a foot­ are taken eight or ten at a time, those Fellows at a convenient place at some only. ball game with N.Y. U. at New York men being taken first who are under date in the near future. It was de­ on Election Day, and the deal would orders for Camp Lee. After the in­ cided to have such a meeting. It will Owing to the fact that Trinity is certainly have gone through but for oculation, the men are required to re­ be of a social nature purely. now a military institution Founders' the fact that the students down there main in the infirmary in Seabury Hall The Trustees gave a vote of thanks and Benefactors' Day was not a hol­ were to take part in an Election Day for twenty-four hours; where they to J. Cleveland Cady for his fine gift iday this year, as it has been hereto­ parade. The team would have left receive constant medical attention. of valuable books and pictures to tlie fore. Chapel services were held at by auto at 6 a. m. and returned before Two men are detailed daily to serve Library. They describe the progress 7.30 a. m., with Holy Communion. taps. as hospital orderlies. of architecture. 2 THE TRIPOD FRATERNITY GOLD STAR LISTS. •From a Trinity Man Rece.ntly Com­ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • The follo.wing is• a list of the Trinit y missioned Second Lieutenant at ~be~tipob men who have died in service, classi­ Plattsburgh. TRINITY COLLEGE, fied as per fraternity affiliations: The following letter was received Personal from a Trinity man recently commis­ Hartford, Conn. Delta Kappa Epsilon 2 sioned Second Lieutenant, Artillery, Publish•d every Tuesday throughout the Xmas Rev. Walter Danker, '97 at Plattsburgh, now in Field Artillery College Year .. GeorgeS. Huggard, '20 Oo~ps, Officercs· Training School, Delta Phi (1. K. A.) 1 "Semewhere in U. S." Cards Subscribers are urged to report promptly · Lieut. James Palache, '17 any serious irregularity in the receipt of The "W-ell, I am for the time being no Tripod. All complaints and business commu­ Neutrals 3 ' longer a second lieutenant wearing t ~ e Proper nications should be addressed to Circulation Ensign Basil L.
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