CHA KUIN TAITEIT US009814777B2VAN DE LA MAN UNITA MAN UNITED (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,814 , 777 B2 Manoharan et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Nov . 14 , 2017 (54 ) TARGETING LIPIDS (58 ) Field of Classification Search CPC . A61K 31 /7088 ; A61K 31 /713 ; A61K 47 / 16 ; @( 71 ) Applicant : Arbutus Biopharma Corporation , A61K 47 / 22 ; A61K 47 / 28 ; A61K Burnaby, BC (CA ) 47/ 48092 ; A61K 47 / 48215 ; CO7H 21/ 02 USPC .. .. 514 / 44 , 777 , 784 ; 536 / 17. 9 , 5 ; 544 /258 ; @(72 ) Inventors : Muthiah Manoharan , Cambridge , MA 552 /502 ; 560/ 159 ( US ) ; Kallanthottathil G . Rajeev , See application file for complete search history. Cambridge , MA (US ) ; Jayaprakash K . Nair , Cambridge , MA (US ) ; Muthusamy Jayaraman , Cambridge, (56 ) References Cited MA (US ) U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (73 ) Assignee : Arbutus Biopharma Corporation , 5 , 994 ,517 A 11 / 1999 Ts ' o et al. 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