MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA Fakulta sportovních studií Katedra kineziologie Elektronické sporty Electronic sports Bakalářská práce Vedoucí bakalářské Vypracoval: Mgr. Martin Sebera, Ph.D. Marek Štěpánek Management sportu Brno, 2017 Prohlašuji, že jsem bakalářskou/diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně a na základě literatury a pramenů uvedených v použitých zdrojích. V Brně dne 15. prosince 2017 podpis Poděkování Tímto bych rád poděkoval Mgr. Martinovi Seberovi Ph.D. za vedení, profesionální vhled a pomoc při psaní této bakalářské práce. Další dík patří mým přátelům z esportovní komunity za konzultace a poskytnuté informace nezbytné ke studiu elektronických sportů. Bibliografická Identifikace (CZ) Jméno a příjmení autora: Marek Štěpánek Název diplomové práce: Elektronické sporty Pracoviště: Katedra kineziologie Vedoucí diplomové práce: Mgr. Martin Sebera, Ph.D. Rok obhajoby bakalářské práce: 2017 Počet stran: 68 Abstrakt: Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou elektronických sportů. Zaměřuje se na definování pojmu, popsání obsahu pojmu, analýzou zdrojů, porovnáním a zařazením elektronických sportů ve vztahu ke sportům klasickým, zmapováním současné formy eSportů ve světovém měřítku a jeho budoucími příležitostmi. Zároveň je v práci zmiňován dosud nevyjasněný a mírně kontroverzní vztah mezi eSporty a klasickými sporty. Klíčová slova: competitive gaming; electronic sports; esports associations; Origins of eSports; esports leagues; history of gaming; professional gaming; video-games; Virtual gaming, Marketing of eSports; cyber athletes. Bibliographical identification (ENG) Author’s first name and surname: Marek Štěpánek Title of the bachelor thesis: Electronic Sports Department: The Department of Kinesiology Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Sebera, Ph.D. The year of presentation: 2017 Number of page’s: 68 Abstract: Paper discusses the problemacy of electronic sports phenomenon. Work focuses on the term definition, description of its contents, comparison and classification of electronic sports in relation to classical sports, map its current world-scale form, eSports future opportunities, and discusses its controversial question, if eSports may be considered a real sport. Keywords: competitive gaming; electronic sports; esports associations; origins of esports; esports leagues; history of gaming; professional gaming; video-games; virtual gaming, marketing of eSports; cyber athletes. Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................ 6 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 8 2 Research problems, goals of the work, research questions ..................................... 10 2.1 Research Problems ........................................................................................... 10 2.2 Research goals .................................................................................................. 10 2.3 Reserach questions ........................................................................................... 10 3 Methods ................................................................................................................... 12 4 Definition of Esport ................................................................................................. 14 4.1 What is esport? ................................................................................................. 17 4.2 What does esport contain? ............................................................................... 19 4.2.1 Game developers and Games in esports ................................................... 20 4.2.2 Game developer companies ...................................................................... 21 4.2.3 Games ....................................................................................................... 22 Competitive genres ................................................................................ 23 Other popular genres ............................................................................. 25 Which games are eSports ...................................................................... 26 4.2.4 Conclusion : Game developers and Games .............................................. 29 5 Teams, community, and Associations ..................................................................... 30 5.1 Esport Community ........................................................................................... 30 5.2 Esport teams ..................................................................................................... 32 5.3 Esport Association ........................................................................................... 33 5.4 Conclusion: Teams, community, and Associations ......................................... 35 6 Marketing and platforms ......................................................................................... 36 6.1 Marketing ......................................................................................................... 36 6.2 Platforms .......................................................................................................... 37 6.3 Conclusion: Marketing and platforms .............................................................. 42 7 Comparing „classic“ definition of Sport and eSport ............................................... 43 7.1 Are esports sport? ............................................................................................. 43 7.2 Who claims esport is a sport ............................................................................ 46 7.3 Electronic sport and Classic sports differences and similarities ...................... 47 7.4 Conclusion: Can we consider esport to be a sport? .......................................... 50 8 Esports in the world ................................................................................................. 51 8.1 Invention of video-games and game consoles ................................................. 51 8.2 Origins of esports ............................................................................................. 54 8.3 Esports main events and Leagues .................................................................... 56 8.4 University leagues ............................................................................................ 58 8.5 Conclusion: Esports in the World .................................................................... 59 9 Summary .................................................................................................................. 60 10 Zdroje ...................................................................................................................... 62 10.1 Video ................................................................................................................ 65 10.2 Web .................................................................................................................. 66 1 Introduction This work is focused on the gaming phenomenon, that emerged after 2000. Firstly in last century, it appeared to be just a fun way to spend time among the so-called „nerds“, who liked comics, technology, and sci-fi. But after 2000 with the development of broadband services it became a daily bread to many people around the globe. I am talking about the competitive gaming, sometimes called a virtual gaming or often called the professional playing of video games. However mostly the electronic sports, shortly e-sports or esports/esport. My motivation to write about this topic was rooted inside me for years, ever since I played my first video-game only I did not know that yet. That was the time when I entered the elementary school and it led me through my life. Giving me an opportunity to socialize with people around the globe and my country on the internet and also to play with my friends, after we came home from school. And earlier that time giving me an opportunity to learn English and study the history of mankind, martial arts and and read fantasy novels through video-games I have played. Later on, video-games was a major aspect that led me to do sports, because I saw many idols inside the fantasy and action games, so I wanted to become an athlete-lookalike. I started to workout, do jogging, swimming, and martial arts. I knew how to use my muscles, but those heroes always had a wisdom and high intelligence, so through the video-games and matrial arts I got curious about philosophy. That motivated me, to find an integrity in the world and be useful for the society. Nowadays it is difficult to find an employment. So looking for something original and fulfilling is very difficult in the today’s dense economic. However, there is a lot of people into the sport in the Czech Republic, and even more young people are into e- sports. A highly controversial topic among the sporting community, but also a great opportunity for future of the sports management, marketing, players, and infrastructure. To perceive this potential is a responsibility, because it gives young people as I am, the millennials a chance to contribute to the economy and society in a very new way. And in my opinion it is important to not overlook the benefits and occasions which esport is opening to younger generations. Over the years gaming evolved from „only playing video games“ sometimes called a mindless consumption by evil tongues, into a highly appreciated
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