NOVEMBER 1967 FINE VICTORY AT HAVANA and GOOD TIE AT WINNIPEG ( Set PllO" ) 2$ .:ond pig" 323) 65 CENTS Subscription Rat. ONE YEAR 57.50 e wn 789 7 'h by 9 Inches. clothbound 221 diagrams 493 idea Yariations 1704 practical yariations 463 supplementary variations 3894 notes to all yariations and 439 COMPLETE GAMES! BY I. A . HOROWITZ in collaboration with Former World Champion, Dr. Max Euwe. Ernest Gruenfeld, Hans Kmoch. and many other noted authorities This latest Hild immense work, the most exhaustive of its kind, ex· plains in encyclopedic detail the fine points of all openings. It carries the reader well into the middle game, evaluates the prospects there and often gives complete exemplary games so that he is not left hanging in mid.position with the query: What happens now? A logical sequence binds the continuity in each opening. First come the moves with footnotes leading to the key positi on. Then fol· BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observations, illustrated by " Idea Variations." Finally, Glossy paper, handsome print, Practical and Supplementary Va riations, well annotated, exemplify the spaciolls paging and all the effective po::isibilities. Each line is appraised: +. - or =. The hi rge format- 71f2 x 9 inches-is designed for ease of read· other appurtenances of exqllis­ ing and playing. It eliminates much tiresome shuIIling of pages ite book-making combine to between the principal Jines and the respective comments. Clear, make this the handsomest of legible type, a wide margin for inserting notes and variation-identify. ing diagrams are olher plus features. chess books! In addition to all else. this book contains 439 complete games-a golden treasury in itself! 1------------------------------1 I Please !:lend llIe CheJs OpeningJ: Theory and Practice at $12.50 I I Narne ..•.••.• . •.••••.••.•• . •• • • • .• • . ... • • . • • . • • . • . • • . • • . • . I I Address .. .. ... .. .... .. .• • ....•.••. • ....•. .••••... .• .•... ... .. ........ • .. .... •• I I City & SLaie .....................••........•••. ..... • •...... Zip Code No ............ I I Check/ Money order enclosed I ,------------------------------ Indiana - November 11 to 12 3d Mid·Cellual Open at HOlel Elkhart, CHESS Elkha rt, Indiana: same details (except da(~ ) as 'lI nder IndimlO - Sept. 30 to REVIEW Oct. I above ( page 257) . tHI ",crO.' (NUS MAOAZIH' C,.liforn ia _ November 18 to 19 Volume 35 Number 11 Novembe r 1967 San Pranci5C(} Open. at Hilton Hotel. EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY Sa n F rancisco: EF 57 (+ USCF dues for I. A. H o rowlt:r E)(llert/ A class): SS. 100a\ fund is $375: :\ d" EF for Expert/ A, Ilayable to Bechtel Employees C"Jb, Bedllcl Corp., 301 Mis· Table of Contents sion St., San Frandsco, Calif. 94105, at· tcnlion: M iss Irene Zadonsky. Book of the Month .... ....... ..... 351 Chess Club Directory .. , ........... 352 Massachusetts _ Novemb er 18 to 19 Chen Quiz .................. , . .... 322 CO MtNG EVENTS IN THE U. S. American InJeflialioliai College Open at AND CANADA Finishing T ouch ... .... .. , .... .... 344 lite American International College, State Game of the Month . " ........ _ ... 329 A1)hro\'i" lions----SS: Swlu System Tournll­ St., S pringfield, i\·rass. 01109: 5 Rd SS; 'lie UI ( i" 1st round en lrles paired by lot or 50 movesj 2 hours; entries close 8:30 AM , Grand master Tournament ( Moscow) 336 llelcello,,; in su1)5e<luent rOlOu d" pla)·er;, wHh Manhattan Chess C lub . ....... .. .. 327 ;,lml1:lr lICOt"(!s paired). RR: Ro"nd Robin Nov. 18: Adv EF $5 (under 17, $4), but Tournament (e~"h num play~ every other $7 at the door, USCF dues: awards, 16 On the Cover ........... ' ....... .. 323 ma n). KO: Knock·out Tournament lo,,,rs + trophies, 2 championship, 3 A, 3 B, etc. Over the Board . .. 346 or low I«:o,·el"s e]!mlnaled). $S: Cash prl~ o~. EF: l ~n1l".v ree. CC Chou Club. CF : ChMS inquiries & ad" EFs 10 H. Burger, 131 Posta l Chess ..... , ..... , ... ..... 340 Fe<IO'·t\lloll. CA : Che$$ A38ociatioll. CL: Hudson St., Spl"ingfield , Mass. 01108. I Problemart .. ....... .. , .......... 342 ChC~H Leu!:"uc. Rd, round!!. USCF dues: $tO ",cm"cr~hi" per year. Solitaire Chess .. .. .... .. ....... .. 335 North Carotin,. _ November 19 I Spotlight on Ope n ings .. ... .. _ 330 Arizo na _ November 10 to 12 30·30 Tou rnament at News & Observer Unzicker Wins at Maribor ....... 34S Ar;;(>IW Open at Adult Cenld, 1101 Bldg, 215 S. McDowell St., R a leigh, N. World of Chess .. , .. .. ... ..... _' . 323 West Washin gton St., Phoenix, Ari:r.ona: 5 C .. I"egi~ t er 9 AM: 5 Rd 5S; EF $6 (S3 W orld Student s T eam T ournament. 332 Rd 55, 45 mo\'es/ 2 hours, Ihen 20 per: juniors) : SS & trophies: inquiries 8: adv. EF $10 (under 19, $7.50) + USCF dues: Ers to Dr. A. r..l Jenkins, 227 Bryan $S lsi $100 & trophy, 2d $50 & trophy, 3d Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. EXECUTI VE EDITOR S25 & trophy; top woman & junior, tro· W lzconsin _ November 23 to 26 J ack Slmley Bo.tlell phits : inquiries to J. Aden, 7249 E. MANAGI NG EDI TOR Coronado Rd., Scottsdale, Arizona 85257. NQah Central Open at Plan kinl0n Arthur I ~. Bi ~g \l ler House, 609 N. Plankinton Av., Milwau· Maine _ November 10 to 12 CON T R I BUTING EDITORS kee, Wisconsin 53202: 7 Rd 55, 45 mo\,ei! J. W, Collins. T. A. DUlIst, ilIaine Open at YMCA, 70 Forest Av., 2 hours: SS, guaranteed fund 51500; lst S"e t o~!t r Glig-OJ"jeh, Hans Kllloch. Portland, Maine: 6 Rd 55, 45 moves/2 $300, 2d $200. 3d $100 s.. merit 9:$ $12.50 " '"Ite r ](0"" and Dr. P . 'rrlfullo";ch. honrs : EF $7 (under 20, $4) : 5$ per each half·point over 4V2; trophies to top CORRESP ONDENT S Ers, Lst guarantced II. t least S50: inquiries A. B, C, woman, junior, 8: D or Unrued: Alabama E. lIf. Cock rell. to S. Laughlin, 6R Prospect St., Portland, H SIS (under 18, SIO) + USCF dues: California Or. H . R ... I" ton, )1. J. nO)·er. i\hinc. PM , Colo rado J. J . Reid. ent ries close 7:30 Nov. 23; ad\' EFs District of Columbia R. S. Cantwell. lilI then : & 10 New J ersey - November 10 to 12 rdundable Efs in quiries F lorida R. C. I;:"',,\wooo. Miss Pearle Mann, 1218 Railway Ex· Georgia Url\swcll Dec"_ South ! er5ey Amateur at Plaza Motor IdahO it. S. V",ndenOOrg-. change Bldg., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hut el, 5th & Cooper Cumden, N. 6 Illinois J . G. Warren. St., J. 53202. Indiana D. C. Hills, D . E. Rhoad. Rd SS, 50 movcsj 2 ho\\rs, $tarts 8:30 PM, Iowa J, M. O~"e~~ . rc,\;i stcr 7:30, Nov. 10: upell to below 2200 Michigan November 24 to 26 Kanan ].:. R. ~lacDon"ld Loul,lana J. l~. Acres. A. L. McAuley. rating! : Ef S6 (53 under 21) + USCF MOlor Cily Open at Mic Mac Club, Ma ine L. Eldrid~e. dues: 19 awards; SJ Amalcur tille & 16600 J oy Rd., Delroi l, Michigan: 6 Rd Maryland C harles Barasch . Dr. W . R. B undick. troph y 10 highesl SJCA club membe r ; 55, 50 nlO\'esj 2 hours: EF S10 (juniors Michigan n. Buskagcr . ~ ro l lh i e s 10 2<1, 3d, tops all classes, j unio r, S7) less $1 lill Nov. 17: 5S lsI 8200 Minnelota O. 'n ers. M iullllppi E . ,\. Dunning. senior and women 8: books for runnersup: t guaranteed) s.. trophy ; olher 55 per Nebr;llka B. E. Ellsworth, Jack Spence. inquiries 10 Dr. H. B. ~Iallr, 10·P Towers Ers; trophies & S5 to top classes be· Nevada R. L. Wheel€'". A M. New Ha mp$hire Halph '\T. Onrtil. of Windsor Park, Cherry Hill, N. J. 08034. tween 2000 & BOO: begins 11 Nov. New York P. 13e rlow. Edward Ln~ke r, J . ::-. 24: also speclal, unrllted tourneys for high Otl$. ttems I>ri nted fer benefit of our re~dtrs und grade school student; EF $2 & 81 North Carollna Dr. S. :\obll". If reported by autheri~ e d olfl"ial$ at least North Oa kota D. C. MacdonaJd. two mortths in advance. and kept to brief respecth·el)': EFa & inquiries to Dr. H. Ohio R. B. R nye8. J . R. Schroeder. SlSs n t l.. tl. Readers: n c.~ rt y all 10llrn()y" a s k Gaba. 21721 Dequindre, Hazel Park, Mich. P en nlylvlnia .1. K Arm&trol>g. rOllr a.td In- b ring lnll" o\\'n cheM sets, board" 48030. South Ol kot a M . F ..... nd eT!!On. n.ud <:lock". A I!W. wr ite (or f urther del"n" Tennenee .\ 'r ~. Mal·tha. I·tardt. J. G. Sulli· for sllaee h e,·e i~ very rell trlct",l. but IlIlln· vn.n. J r. lion ~'ou hlla.rd through Che.. Review! (Cont inued on page 326) Texas Homer n. Hyde. Utah Harold T~\lndslrom. Wisconsin Pelll·le '\lnnn. CH£SS HEYIEW Is publi ~ h e<l monthly b.v Subscription Rate: One YeH.r $7.50. two wyom ing g. l~. Rohlf(. C H ESS Itl;;vrEW. 134 w . 72d St.. Xc", York. )'el\f$ $14.00. three yellr8 $18 ..;0. world-wide. CoUegiate: P. C. JOu. Xcw York 10023. Printed In U. S. A. R@_ Change of Addreu: SI" W()ek 8' notice reo entered a ~ ~e<:on d ·claS! malt()! August 7. IIUlrlld. Please rurnlllh an IIddreh n encll CANADA Impre ~~ion hom the wrapper recent 1'0'. a t the Po~t Office at :\e"· York ..... Y .. ot a IQue. Address chang~ cannot be made 'I\·lth· Alberta T~. Steele. ""de r the ,\el of .\\areh S. 1$19. British Columbia Dr. X. O I.. ln,k)·. out the old add t llU n~ weU M Ihe ne ,,' o ne.
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