Porting C to the IBM" Mainframe Environment Gary H. Merrill, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC ABSTRACT • Class 3 contains programs that take advantage in inessential ways of various features of the machine ThiS paper deals with issues encountered in porting existing C pro­ architecture (for example, the size of ints or size of grams to the mainframe environment Following a discussion con­ pointers). cerning what it means to say that a program is portable, this paper emphasizes program features that are likely to inhibit portability to • Class 4 contains programs that take advantage in and from the mainframe. inessential ways of various features of the host operating system and file system (for example, the format of file names, the maximum length of file names, or library THE MEANING OF PORTABILITY functions specific to that compiler or operating system). What does it mean to say that a program, or a body of source code, Potentially portable is portable? For most practical purposes (and portability is a practi­ • Class 5 contains programs that make use of certain cal concept), this means that if you have written and debugged the common, but not universally available, library interfaces (for program so that it runs correctly on one system, when you compile example. UNIX curses or XWINDOWS). and link the same code for a second system, the program will (with­ out modification) run correctly on that system as well. Thus, portabil­ • Class 6 contains programs that intentionally take advantage ity is a relation among a body of source cocle and two computer of features of the machine architecture (for example, the systems. The two computer systems can be segmentloffset format of pointers on the Intel" 8086, or the • the same operating system (for example, UNIXj on two fact that byte ordering on a MC68000 is from left to right). different architectures (for example, a MC68000" and an Intel" 80286). • Class 7 contains programs that intentionally take advantage of features of the host operating system (for example, the • diffierent operating systems on the same architecture (for format of time and date information). example, CMS and MVS, or UNIX and VMS"'). Nonportable • two different operating systems on two different • Class 8 contains programs that make use of specific architectures (for example, MS-DOS" on an Intel 80286, and N assembly language interfaces for a given machine or MVS on an IBM''' 3090 ). assembler. Each of the first two possibilities presents its own problems regard­ • Class 9 contains programs that are coded to interface with ing portability, and the third combines those probl~ms. a specific device such as an IBM 3270 terminal, a DEC VT100~ terminal. an IBM/PC display, an async port, or a However, portability can be an even more complex issue than this particular brand of laser printer. because it not only involves a body of source code and two com­ puter systems, but it also involves two compilers (and two run-time Most programs commonly thought of as portable fall into either libraries) as well. If there is a standard for the language in which the class 2, 3, or 4. Once any inessentiaUy unportable code is converted program is implemented (as there is in the case of C), then some to functionally equivalent portable code, or once the minor system sense can be made of this concept of portability. In the absence of dependencies are isolated into just a few modules, such programs such a standard, compilers are free to differ in how they interpret are considered highly portable. In these cases, porting the program a program, so the notion of portability has no content. to a new environment requires only rewriting clearly identified and isolated portions of the code. Given this view of portability, you may have noticed that virtuaBy no interesting program is truly portable. It makes sense, however Programs in classes 5, 6, and 7 can be considered as potentially to speak of degrees of portability and to recognize that some pro­ portable, depending upon their structure and functionality. If such grams are more portable than others. In short, a program's portabil­ programs are specifically designed for a particular system, then the ity is inversely proportional to the amount of code that must be question of porting them may not arise. If it does and the program changed in order to move it from the initial system to the new (target) is otherwise well designed so that system dependencies can either system. In C, the portability of programs can be measured along be eliminated or isolated, then the program can be rewritten into a the following spectrum of classes (from most portable to least porta­ portable program. Unless such a program has specifically been writ­ ble): ten to accomplish a task tied tightly to the operating system or archi­ tecture (such as converting files to different record formats under Highly portable programs eMS), then the chances are good that the program can easily be • Class 1 contains programs that conform strictly to the ANSI converted to a highly portable program. In the case of a· program standard in coding, that use no 110, and that use no library in class 5, porting the program may require implementing an entire functions. (Such programs appear to be of little practical library on the new target system. This is more work than most pro­ value.) grammers are willing to do while maintaining that the underlying pro­ gram is portable. But once that work is done, the resulting program • Class 2 contains programs that conform strictly to the ANSI (together with its new library, which should have been implemented standard in coding, use only ANSI standard 110, and use as portably as possible) can be considered highly portable. ANSI standard library functions. 736 Programs falling into classes 8 and 9 are generally considered non~ A couple of approaches are possible in these cases. First. you can portable. but even this is a matter of degree. Certainly, a full~screen define a number of preprocessor symbols such as the following to debugger designed to run under MVS cannot be expected to run stand for input character (IC_) and output character (OC_) sets. on a PC because both its 110 and its interactions with the operating • IC_a system are at tao Iowa level to carry over to another environment. Nonetheless, this kind of program can be designed in such a way that all calls to 1/0 routines and operating system services are done through relatively high-level functions, so that a substantial amount of portable code can be retained. Porting such a program then involves rewriting those modules specific to a given system. • OC~ The moral of the portability story up to this point is this: portability The definitions look something like this: is a matter of degree. and the degree to which a program is portable lif EBCDICIN can be enhanced by careful attention to the language standard. ,define ICa Ox8l avoidance of system-specific code, and isolation of system~specific Idefine Ic...A OXCl code to a small number of separate modules. /* More source lines */ 'else /* ASCILIN *' Let us now look at some specific factors affecting the portability of ,define IC-.a Ox61 ,define Ic....A Ox41 C programs. '* More source lines */ 'endif ISSUES AFFECTING PORTABILITY lif EBCDICOUT Idefine OCa DxS 1 Although the topic of this paper concerns porting C to the main­ ,define OC...A OxCl /. More source lines ./ frame environment, other issues that have an affect on portability 'else '* ASCI LOUT ./ in general should be considered because in modifying a program ,define OC_a Ox61 for a new environment, it is preferable that the program continue Idefine OC..A OxQl to work under the old environment as well. The goal should be to ,. More soarce lines */ enhance the portability of the program and to create a single body lendif of code suitable for multiple environments, rather than simply to In your code you would then you use the manifest constants IC_a, create multiple versions of the same program, one for each environ~ OC_a, and so on, rather than explicit character constants. ment. By defining the symbols EBCDIC_IN and EBCDIC_OUT, you can control which character set the program uses for input and which Maximizing the amount of code shared in all of the target environ­ it uses for outp~t. ments results in significant savings in development time and in test­ ing and debugging efforts, and also results in a decrease in the bug String constants (and strings in general) are a bit more problematic level of the code. My experience with the SAS/C® and Lattioe~ com~ to handle, and for output you may want to implement a translation pilers, cross compilers, and associated products has shown repeat~ function called This function can be written por~ edly that the reliability and robustness of the code is enhanced str ing_out ( ). tably by making use of the I C_ and OC_ symbols just defined_ In greatly by the process of porting it to diverse systems. I will say this way you can easily control the input and output character sets more of this tater. of your program and have a single set of string and character han­ dling functions that are fully portable. The next sections deal with the most common issues involved in portability of C code. The result of writing portable code which can be shared by all the implementations of a program, is a decrease in maintenance cost, The Character Set testing time, and bug level. lance had the task of writing a code The character sets with which programmers are normally concerned generator for a specialized controller chip and porting the Lattice are ASCII and EBCDIC.
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