. ,*JK, K* ,'•/»/ avv<-*f'.r. Jvl.K .•• • ,j *■* M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July » . 1M 7 mSGELLANGOUS CAR8 CAR8 CAR8 _____ loOLSnmiS I^FUmiTUliE EyAP^MDES HNI8ALE iI drsau F0R8ALE FDR8ALE F0R8ALE Emmy race: ‘L.A. Law’ Impasse: Caprilarujs yiolatioqis not fixed / page 3 ANTIQUE whItM, lace, COFFEE table and end POUBLE oven, self FOR Sale. Hardly used 2 TOYOTA 74 Corolla llnene, Nav'abo table (tooether or se- cleaning Hotpoint TORINO Wagon 1974. V-8, T BIRD 79. MIchelln tires. VW Rabbit 1980. 4 door, Queen sized waterbeds wagon, engine excel­ 351 engine. Power leads nominatiohs.fbr blanket*, decorative parote) one Individual stove. Coppertone. lent, body good, 150k. Excellent condition. sunroof, Michellns, Including heaters, lin­ steering, brakes, air. $1500 beat offer. 643- AM-FM radio, manual accessories. Red gloss topped coffee to- good condition. Great ers, sheets and comfor­ STOP. 447-9449 eveninga. Goose Farm Antlaues, Also 4 wooden tor cottage or opart- miles. $450. 444 0220, 543-4541. 4 speed, 1 owner. $1300. ters. Queen sized bed Coll 443-2012. TV awards / pagd 14 Goose Lone, Coventry. chcrfrs (together or se- ment. Best offer. White Including mattress and CHEVY Monza 78. Blue, SUBARU 81 6L. 4 door, 5 Economy: Index up fifth month in row / page 9 Weekends 12 to 5. 742- porote) tor ts each. Glenwood apartment box spring. $200each or no body rot. Sunroof, speed, air, stereo. Ex­ AMC Concord 78. Runs - 9137. Coll 742-991Sevenlngs.D slie stove. Needs oven best offer. 443-7480. om-fm cassette. 8800. cellent condition. well but needs work. : rPIEpi Colonial llvlno «»"• *“ « Is. 444-5140 446-0223 after 5:30. l^RANtON $2200. 459-3419. 8500/best offer. 449- room set. Brand new. 4om.o FORD 1978 Fiesta 2 door, 4820. Best offer over $100. — — MERCURY Bobcat 1974. ANO S IL IC T USSD CAWL beige. 80k. Good condi­ J C U m m iB call 525-7714. R T l L A W N i U l D Running condition. tion. $800/best offer. Best .offer. 444-3957. SONS S M FINANCINO OR LC8SI CAMPERS/ — * ENTERTAINMENT cen- l/flSMieM 449-8946.______________ TNAN.ER3 AUTUMN Haie mink ter. Medium Oak, glass | | » J 87 VOYAGER 'IS.SOS OLDS 67 Delmont 88. 425 locket. Size 1M4, $300. doors, bross accents. 87 LeBARON engine. Running condi­ 1971 F LE E T Wing 17 foot Block Persian lamb $425.444-5fW. LAW^N M o ^ , S n a p ^ aTSTuito '12,205 tion. $200. 643-9504. 443- travel trailer. Refrig­ 4 r CLYDE 87 PLY VOYAGER '15.895 9505 evenings. erator, stove, hot wa­ Haze*Vim%™“w u" FULL size Maple bed, $40 mulcheV OTd e S- CHEVRDLET-BUICK, INC. 87 RAMCHARGER «S n *lA!5nr» S22 dresser, $40. 444- cellent condition. $50. P O N TA IC J-2000 82. Air ter, furnace, sleeps 4. *250.644-2073. 1956. 646-0505. 4M '17,595 R O U T E 83, V E R N O N 86 THUNDERBIRD '9.695 coditloned, 37,00 miles. Good condition. S1200. 742-9379. 82 Buick Rogww. 96495 88 DODGE MiLotUMi '11,495 Good condition. $2200. 644-5087. You can moke excellent R7|TV/8TERE0/ T or 8eH Sereegel Leaw. S3 Chovy S-10 XCab *6295 88 RELIANT S.W. '9.895 CHEVY VAN 1979 withair dish cloths from the mesh I / o I ip d l IlN T F e Any amount daWyarsd. Alao. fill, conditioning. Am/fm ) MnniJinsttir A Cily nf Vill;u)P Ch,)rn) 53 Skylark 4 ». '4995 86 DODGE 4a4w/ptow '12,995 PONTIAC Sunbird 1978. 4 HrralJi bogs In which oranges. mulch, 2 F A M IL Y tog sole. 84-88 cylinder, sunroof, new cassette. Captain's S4CoMftty4*.wa. *7296 88 LASER Tuibo '11,695 potatoes, onions, etc. ore — Bobcat. baekhoaSloadarranlal. Florence Street. Sotur- 86 DODGE brakes, tires and chairs. Soto, Ice box. SOk*. Just boll for 15 KENMORE chest Mins CBNSfBUCTION doy August 1st, 9-3. 54 8kyhawk4dr.w» *5995 clutch. $750 o r best Call 74241744.8am-5pm, 84DMaClara4*. *7495 CHARGER '7,895 ask for (ieorge, minutes In water to which freezer, 4 cubic foot. In V y s i jMn r TAG Sole. Soturdoy Au- 88 CELEBRITY T.795 offer. 443-4370 or 742- Thur.d«, July 3 0 ,1987 chlorine bleach hos been perfect condition. B K -m w / BBB-WWb gust 1, 9 to 4pm. Roln SOCavallorAw.wi. *7496 7467. 7am-2:30pm. S6 Chav. Caprtea 4 *. *8495 88 PLY. HORIZON m '8,995 Odded. Put still good but Reasonable. 449-14S5. dote Sundoy. 202 South CHEVROLET Custom MOTORCYCLES/ as Eacort Kback •6195 88 CHY. GTS Tm,*o '10,295 ng-longer needed furni- ------------------------------------------------ IS7IOFFICE/RETAIL M a in , Manchester. 88 600 Conv. ,#) Nova 1975. Runs good. MOPEOS fcf* <*"<• oppiiances ^ k i n v i t a t i o n t o b id | D I | nMIIPMCIIT 80 Camara aiM *9195 '13,895 Needs battery. $350. OOCamaroHM *11,495 85 VOYAGER '9,295 444-4816 anytime. 1984 HondTATCm rEr- S^itodbldiwlllberecalved CARS 0* Cantury 4 *. *10,295 w jth^low -cost Classified, " ^ f l ~ T r n H u r f f i l . i i ‘ 85 COUGAR '8,995 FIREBIRD 81, V-4 power cellent conditlon.must FOR SALE O0Cavallar4«r. «8395 82 PONTIAC J2000 '2,995 sell. Asking $450 or best __________________________ tor, C r until 11:00a.m. on ttia flee fu ^ltu re for sole. steering, brakes, air. 07 Spaelrum 4 *. *8495 79 R' MCK SKYLARK '2,795 otter. Coll otter 4pm Next step on mall? Town isn’t sure Mint condition. $3300. Leaei. u a tie e 9ato shewn below for the to- Write Box E E c/ the 07Chavwiat4r. '5495 447-9925. TOWN OP ANOOVBR lowine: Manchester Herdid. 64 LudARON 4*. Nto. '6,595 4 4 ^ 1 7 .______________ 07Bar*llaidr. *10,995 82 HORIZON lONINO BOARD AUGUST 111f*7 (1) — — a— TAKE A LOOK 4 dr. AC. Auts Ch e v y Van, 6 cylinder, OP APPRALS PURNISH A INSTALL ■‘HO BMTS/lIBBNiC stick shift. Power CARS POUR (4) OVERHEAD l O Q l steering. Runs well. The Zoning Board of Aopeola DOORS — HIOHWAY j O J I PlllllP tlfM T 875-3311 FOR SALE Court rules bond issue of the Town of Andover, Con- OARAOE y j c v u i r m H S i SPECIAL PURCHASE 443-9374. necticut held a meeting on (2) JM REFLECTIVE From DbHit Riirt-t-ctr July 211007 end took the fol- M ATERIALS SAIL Boot Super Snork. lowing action: ALUMIUNUM SIGN 12'.Safefam llvrecrea- 1085 Mircury Lynx heeded voters’ approval 024*-Dana Anergtih-Lot7, hwt m niiB ^ PSOPle. 4 Dr*.. Auto, PS, Air Bailey Road - Varl- Sailing lesson. $450. once of 10 feet side 643-5854. yord Is granted. The Town of Manchester Is *3995 By Andrew J. Davis the town and the Economic Develop­ Herald Reporter ment Commission by Elizabeth Sad- PMI-Classic Modeler SrovS?'!SlU?SSS!i^anJti?' ^ ^ S liM lP ii Heme - Hendee Road m2«!L'23»«?SiK?»r2nlIf IQ jlllUatCAL 1085 Mircury Marquli loski, president of the Manchester and Route 6 - oppllca- | IW | ITEIIII8 8 cyl., Auto, PS, PB, Air Manchester town officials said they Property Owners Association, and four tion tamed until Au- 2? f gusts, 1«S7at7:20P.M. ®"*‘: m jaijaa-^^ are not sure what their next move will be others. The suit claimed that the town’s <5995 after losing a legal battle to help finance Doted at Andover, Connec- K d ir’m OrdS^liSS' "* ^ ”co^^dHlo®n"i7t^?^^hm agreement to build sewers and roads ticut July 29,1fS7. Bid forms, ohms ond sped- condition with rWlun the proposed Mall at Buckland Hills near the mall represented an illegal use ZONING BOARD flcotlons ore ovollome Of the section. $200. 447-9919. 86 Mustang *6895 with tax-increment bonds. of public funds. The money also would OP APPEALS General Services’ Office. K R A M ER Striker boss Hartford Superior Court Judge John be used to improve nearby roads. ANDOVER, TOWN OF With Strap and hard- 85 Gran Morq Brh. *6895 P. Maloney blocked the town from CONNECTICUT MANCHESTER, CT. rhlll V m t U k e new The bond issue was approved last year DONALD AYRTON, ROBERT B. WEISS iS S l/ha^ /Sal 86 Town Car *18,500 Issuing bonds for the project Wednes­ by the Manchester Board of Directors, CHAIRMAN GENERAL MANAGER Otter. 644- y U V l E R l C A day, saying the issue should be voted on but it was never put up for public vote. 049417_______________________ #41-47_____________________ __________________ 65 0>ugsr im *6800 by Manchester residents. The town had E D C officials worked out the agreement planned to float $13 million in bonds to 64 Mazda Pickup *4595 with the m all’s main developer, Homart PUBl'iC HBARINO PETS AND help finance the mall. Development Corp. of Chicago, and the BOARD OP DIRECTORS IPOISlIPniFS TOWN OP MANCHRSTBR. CONNECTICUT fc a a a l O U rr u c o ________ 63 Lynx Wg., At ac *4695 "We have not even seen the opinion as town. far as the town is concerned.” said 'Town Notice Is hereby given thot the Board Of Directors, Town Of BRITANY S p a n ie l, B 66 Mazda SE5FAJ *5495 Manager Robert B. Weiss this morning. “ It’s great to know that David can still Manchester, Connecticut, will held o Public Hearing at the months old. Spayed "It will take time to review.” beat Goliath." Sadloski said, "and that Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 4*4 Main Street, Manchester, A K C raolataraH 65 Colony Park it pays to fight city hall.” She said she Connecticut, on Tuesday, August 4,19*7 at l:m P.M.
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