ANNALES DE L’INSTITUT FOURIER ALLEN HATCHER Some examples of essential laminations in 3-manifolds Annales de l’institut Fourier, tome 42, no 1-2 (1992), p. 313-325 <http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIF_1992__42_1-2_313_0> © Annales de l’institut Fourier, 1992, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l’institut Fourier » (http://annalif.ujf-grenoble.fr/) implique l’accord avec les conditions gé- nérales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/conditions). Toute utilisa- tion commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une in- fraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit conte- nir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques http://www.numdam.org/ Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 42, 1-2 (1992), 313-325 SOME EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL LAMINATIONS IN 3-MANIFOLDS by Alien HATCHER Incompressible surfaces have long been a major tool in 3-dimensional topology, and more recently foliations without Reeb components have also begun to play an important role, particularly through the work of Gabai. Laminations fill the spectrum between surfaces and foliations, and the correct generalization of incompressibility for surfaces and the absence of Reeb components for foliations seems to be the following : a lamination L C M3 without Z52, 52, or RP2 leaves is essential if (1) the boundary leaves of L are incompressible, 9-incompressible, and end-incompressible in M — L, i.e. there are no properly embedded essential disks, half-disks, of half-planes in M — L, or more precisely, in the completion of M — L with respect to a path-metric; and (2) L contains no Reeb components , i.e. sublaminations of the usual Reeb foliation of a solid torus or solid half- torus. See the foundations! paper [GO] for more details. The new condition of end-lncompressibility amounts to requiring that non-compact leaves have no "infinite folds". For the extreme cases of surfaces and foliations this holds automatically - which may account for the relatively late discovery (ca. 1986, by the author) of this rather natural condition. The hope is that most irreducible 3-manifolds are laminated, i.e. contain an essential lamination. The first piece of evidence supporting this is the following simple construction which shows that in one sense "almost all" closed 3-manifolds are laminated. Viewing closed 3-manifolds as obtained by Dehn filling on surface bundles with a single boundary Key-words : Essential laminations - Boundary slope. A.M.S. Classification : 57R30 - 57M25. 314 ALLEN HATCHER torus, the generic case is pseudo-Anosov monodromy. Then the suspension of either the stable or unstable lamination of the monodromy is an essential lamination in the surface bundle, disjoint from the boundary, and it is not hard to see, using results in [GO], that this lamination stays essential after all but a ZU{oo}, or in favorable cases all but one, of the QU{oo} possible Dehn fillings. Novikov's theorem implies that 3-manifolds with finite TTI are non- laminated. This also follows from a result in [GO] that the universal cover of a closed laminated 3-manifold is R3. Some of the infinite 71-1 Seifert- fibered manifolds with base S2 and three exceptional fibers are also known to be non-laminated [B], [JN]. No non-Seifert non-laminated irreducible manifolds have yet been found, though we shall describe some strong candidates at the end of this paper. The main purpose of this paper is to give two fairly simple construc- tions of essential laminations, constructions which are rather special but nevertheless lend a little more support to the idea that most 3-manifolds are laminated. Our first construction, which was strongly motivated by [FH1] and turns out also to be related to Gabai's foliation constructions, yields essential laminations La in an arbitrary 2-bridge knot exterior, with QLy consisting of parallel curves of slope a in the torus boundary. The novel feature is that by varying certain parameters in the construction of L^, the boundary slope a can be made to range over an interval of real values. This is in strong contrast to the situation for incompressible surfaces where the set of boundary slopes is always finite [H]. For most 2-bridge knots a ranges over all of R in fact. The laminations Ly with a rational remain essential after Dehn surgery of slope (T, so we obtain in this way many laminated non-Haken manifolds, since it was shown in [HT] that all but finitely many Dehn surgeries on a 2-bridge knot yield non-Haken irreducible manifolds. Combining these examples with a much more general and subtle construction of Gabai [G], one can deduce that even in the exceptional cases when the boundary slopes of the £</s do not range over all of R, all but finitely many Dehn surgeries on a non-torus 2-bridge knot yield laminated manifolds. Based on the example of 2-bridge knots, one might then conjecture, loosely, that most surgeries on all knots and all surgeries on most knots yield laminated manifolds, and similarly for links. This is reminiscent of the situation for hyperbolic Dehn surgery. Our second construction gives essential laminations Fy in an arbitrary punctured-torus bundle, again with boundary consisting of parallel curves SOME EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL LAMINATIONS IN 3-MANIFOLDS 315 of slope a ranging over intervals. The laminations Fy are in fact foliations, which makes verifying their essentiality both before and after Dehn filling considerably simpler. In the main case of pseudo-Anosov monodromy the manifolds produced by the Dehn fillings for the rational boundary slopes of the F'^s were already known to be laminated, by the suspension construc- tion described earlier. Nevertheless, the construction of the Fo-'s, which is quite different from the other constructions of essential laminations, gives further evidence that essential laminations exist in great abundance. This construction has subsequently been generalized by R. Roberts to bundles with fiber a once-punctured compact orientable surface of arbitrary positive genus. 1. 2-bridge knots. A simple example, the figure-eight knot ^2/5, will suffice to give the essential idea. The laminations here will be obtained by grafting together two measured laminations. As in [HT] and [FH1], these measured lamina- tions will be described as finite sequences of 1-dimensional laminations in level 4-punctured spheres, each obtained from the previous one by passing through saddles. Figure 1 shows the first measured lamination. It starts with two bands of parallel arcs of slope oo, of thickness a-h 1 and 1. Two batches of saddles of thickness 7 and 1—7 change this configuration to two bands of parallel arcs of slope 0 and one band of slope oo. Next, two batches of saddles of thickness 6 and a — 6 yield two bands of slope 0 and one band of slope 1/2, at least if 6 < 1 and a — 6 < 1. If these inequalities fail to hold, we can use thinner batches of saddles to reduce the thickness of the slope oo band to a — 1, creating a slope 1/2 band of thickness 1, (retaining the two slope 0 bands of thickness 1), then repeat this process until all of the slope oo band is replaced by the slope 1/2 band. Finally, we reverse the first step, with slope 1/2 now instead of slope oo (a Dehn twist about a slope 0 circle achieves this), to produce two bands of slope 1/2, of thickness a+1, and 1. The second measured lamination is simpler : take two bands of slope 1/2 and thickness 1, and change them to two bands of slope 2/5 and thickness 1 by two batches of saddles of thickness rj and 1 — rj. This is the same as the first step in the preceding construction, but with a = 0 and a linear change of coordinates in the 4-punctured sphere to change slopes oo and 0 to 1/2 and 2/5. 316 ALLEN HATCHER 1 ^^\ i > -. 1 J i ^ \\ 1*1 1 .--„. :^ ^ S a /'cl ^ l .^ • 1-y k \^ ^/ Figure 1 These two measured laminations are grafted together at their common slope 1/2 configuration by identifying the two slope 1/2 bands in the first lamination with the two slope 1/2 bands in the second lamination, using identifications which preserve the transverse measure up to scalar multiplication. The result is a lamination La in the exterior of K^/^. (The values of the parameters 7,5, e, rf are not important, and could be fixed in advance.) La meets the peripheral torus transversely in a lamination 9La transverse to meridians, consisting simply of parallel curves (circles or lines) since it inherits a well-defined projective class of transverse measures from the measures on the two pieces which make up La' In the limiting case a = 0 the second picture in Figure 1 is skipped, and the lamination LQ is measured; LQ is in fact just a thickening of the incompressible Seifert surface for -K^/s- I11 the setting of [HT], LQ corresponds to the edgepath with successive vertices 1/0, 0/1, 1/2, 2/5 in the strip of triangles shown in Figure 2. SOME EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL LAMINATIONS IN 3-MANIFOLDS 317 1/0 1/1 1/2 Q/l 1/3 2/5 Figure 2 For a > 0 the edgepath for La does not pass through the vertex 0/1 but takes the "shortcut" indicated by the dotted line. The 3-slope of La can be computed by measuring the twisting of the leaves around the four punctures as we go from one picture in Figure 1 to the next, seeing what proportion of the total weight at each puncture passes across a fixed reference direction, say the direction radiating outward from the centerpoint of each picture.
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