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T~ through ¾1 and no matter the size In architectural applications is dearly the top choice among (u· x u· to 84" x 170'?, °"' mm- where beauty and elegance are as architects, builders, laminators, glaz­ important as strength, utility and ing contractors and other large-sale safety, only a handful of tempered users. glass manufacturers claim to meet Our horizontal tempering pro­ your specifications. And once you as produces a handsomely flat sur­ have made the comparison, you will face, remarbble clarity and an make a choice. absence oE marb and distortions Tempp91. Top choice. DAI.I.AS/Fr. WOR1H TOUDO An.ANTA 1J01 Fountain Parkway 291 M 5trffl P.O. llox928 Clad Prairie. T-.,,_, W.o.ylndultrialPart, lllueridair lndUltrial Paric: Cal T..,_ IIINJ1.1J'JS. ~ Ohio USSJ Nomoa. Geo,p 30071 In T-. ail IIIIMG-16211 Cal Tal-flw 80G-537-«IM. «IM76-4W n4-60-«m In Ohio. call llOIM72-40U. Cldl4 ___...., c.d ANOVA A hm11cd number of lho Canovas Contract Acfcrcnco Library 1s ava1lablo through Sutherland Contract ; .;. ..... A.rch11Cd ti pwl,lislttt4 J .I r,-,J CONTENTS _,, '1 iw r,..., s«llly of Arrlrit«U o/f,cwl---- of ,,,. Tu,u ltl11tM of• A-,ro111 IIIIIUIIU of ArriultttJ O.• To.,/.,,, ADAPTNE REUSE HOii AJA E.i.ttlllt~ \ ,,, P,,~,.,,, ,.PUBLISHl!R: ,..... '--7,,_,,......EDITOI MANAOINO EDITOI Dnltllltooa -.r•,..ASSOC1ATI! EDITOI ClllCULATION MANAOl!R LotrAM~ EDITORIAL CONSULTANT• J«li:J'W*,AIA CONTRIBllTINO mITORS Da,NI Bra1t, FAJA J-, C_, Dawd IN THE NEWS 26 DiUo,, Larry Gootl AIA Clo..,, H,....... FAIA llidterl Mc<:..a.r. El Paso revitalizes dow11town; Texas Historical Commission l'n,r l'.,,,..._r_ AJA David W_,..ori IUBA blocks unauthorized courthouse destruction; Houston's second­ oldest building threatened. TSA PlJBUCATIONS C"OMMITTf.E c,. 1 1:.-.-.J, H,,..,,,., ( fwj,-J W-~ Fort .,....., llorm ABOUT THIS ISSUE 37 •- El l'tu<> Hw,,. c_..,,.,_ H- Fr• o,,,.,r., H,,..,"" /OM~ c.,,,... Cltrl,n t,,n, THE LOUNGE AT lNWOOD THEATRE J-,,/r. Allllt • G,,.U lloorrltrod 38 Hou,"" JI,.... l'oll«lr. H°" ,.,,. A grand Dallas movie house opens Texas' first theater bar. Mon S.-1I-. Doli.. H.,.-.,,1 T,,,,,.,, • s,,,. AJol - o.,, ,J w,u_, °"'"" RESURRECTlON OF A ROADHOUSE 42 c..,,,.,,., /9/U •,,., T,..., 5oc,..,,. of Ar, /ttucu C-rol/'4 rirralotlOlf A home of A11stin' s progressive cou11try music, Threadgill' s is po,_ poid 01 Alllli• T,.., 111701 now acq11iring legendary status as a restaurant. 38 l'OsrMASrF.11 Sft4 oMr,., """' , , T,aa, AKlulfft 1400 Non,,ood r.... .,, AIIJli• r,..., 7870/ ARTFUL REDEMPTION Tri,,.-, t'11/41/I :J/16 s,,I, ,.,,, "" ""'' ,. $/J ,.,, - ,.,, OF A FORMER SCHOOL 46 TSA _..., OlfJ 113 prr war far ,._ ,.,,.,,,,,, "'"" ...,,_, w11lu11 A former San Antonio public school is born again as Trinity ,,., ,.-;.,_, u.,w s,.,., Baptist Ch11rch's community outreach ministry. 11.,,,ttt1»cti.,,, of"'' ,., pon of rJm,rltl/ ..,,,., ... ,,.,_, .., ,,,,, ,,,,,,,. ,,,,. u 1trlc dy fl'°"""IH N_, o,.,J ,....,,., Pf l"ohm Md 1rr111<.,, •• , dt,r DEPOSITORY RETAINS HISTORY SANS TRAGIC FACE 52 ,,lb«,.,/o,u, ,,,,., "' 011 """''' nttlorM,_,., .,,., -· I, -TSA or AIA ,eor ~ 1 "111, '1111 tw111,1t1 Dallas County Commissioners moi•e into the renol'ated Texas ... , """' ,.,,,, "" ...., ""'"'°" Schoolbook Depository, site of Kennedy's assassination. ,:,/ rllltrr °''""' "" ,. ISSN QOl/l 4179 Tlflli'A""'',,,,,,.,.,,,.,.. "''"""' ...,., '"' """' •OIIOlfl FORT CONCHO: OUTPOST FOR A NEW FRONTIER 56 TSA 01-1-IC"ERS T- M,K11111d A former frolllier military outpost now sees new d111y as a West I-NA HtHulOft p,~11«111 JOIMI Texas art museum. Fw,.,, Su Aa,M,0 ,.,,,"""1 F.l,cf 42 Joi,• car ..,. FJ I',.,. v,., l'r '°""' /lr;r,o• W c;,,,,,, F AIA MEMPHIS IN DALLAS 64 IMll,u V1<r l'rt IJ,-, I-• Wlwr/rr ANl,w V,c, l'~,tJ,-, Grace Designs' Memphis showroom in Dallas' World Trade J.., It lloa1,• Fn,r Wo,dl \. "~ l'rr,ulnrt J-, II S1•1lr1a. I\ Ce111er is "a showcase of dreams and possibilities." 1.,,,.,, ltw Sttr,- /ult• Rt,-oid, Ho,,110,, T, iUVNr ~ M To,lar CAI: H""' A.IA Amta,1 t. tl'I: 1110~ KNOLL IN HOUSTON 70 \lltYPr, ul,nl Houston· s Knoll Showroom is full of architectural ideas thllt TSA BOARD Of DIRl:CT(lltS /,kt speak directly to the potential of a difficult site. Horl.1111 Abtlnw c,.,,,,,, I•-• .,,,,.,,.,,.,,, c.,,,...,1..,,,. c.,c,.,,,,,, .,, c,.,,,,,, J...,., Al ,_,,, 1.-1/0H £11',aoc,..,,,,,, BOOKS 76 Morna T,,d.,, FAIA HfltUI,.,,,, c,..,,,,,, r- w 0a.11 ,.,,,.... c,.,,,,,.., C /aw"" Slt,w, "-"'r Ila INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 98 l "°l*t Tiw-. A C"""'1 Ir Bro , , <"""' , J_, £ Wiky F'AIA o.J/4, c,.,,,,,, Bob DAVE BRADEN/ MUSINGS 98 ..._, F"'1W<NfltC,,.,_, H"71 70 11.,,.,.,,, to-r Jllo G,.,,.,,.. V..Utr l ..,,, C,.,,,,,, H- Non,._,, COM ING UP: NeJ.t issue, Texas Architect will fellture the r,.,,. ""'"" A,tdrrw ,.,,, Ill S.,, A-,_, c,.,,,,,.., w,11- G architecture of Houston. R•-ur Jr w....., C..,,, Ill It#/ F. Kor• Wt<l,, .. F.Jb C,..,,,,, 1'-' H•• _,.,.,., 1,..., c,.,,,,,, W•lt,r ON THE COVER: Interior of Dallas' Memphis Showroom by l'dlr Wru T,...,. C,,,,,,,, J,,.,... L c,,_., DaUu ,,..., ,.,.,,_,,,, Ettore Sottsass. Photography by Greg H11rsley. Dr "'11ltlt D G°""'1ld DalJo, ,,...,_ II__,!. T# J-, (.UC AJA ~-1Dwrtot/ Texas Arcllllel'I J11/\'·A111wrt /984 5 LETTERS EDITOR: Three cheers for your article on public transportation in Texas. I was mighty impressed with the piece, which did an excellent job of summarizing where we are in Texas, as well as hap­ pening elsewhere in the country. As a member of the Austin Area Rapid Transit Authority interim board, I obvi­ ously have a bias. Nevertheless, I am firmly convinced that Texans are, indeed, willing to leave their cars behind if they are provided with a public transportation system that will get them where they want to go in a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable cost. The challenge to organi­ zations such as mine is to develop this service. Al the same time, we must be aware pf the impact public transit has on land use development and the ascetics of the community. Thank you for an excellent article. Richard H. Paul Member, AARTA Interim Board P.S. I liked your piece on the Austin city hall competition, too! CORRECTION: Two credits in the May/ June story, "The Not So Lowly Parking Garage," were incorrect. The designer of the street level retail shops at the San Antonio Hyatt Regency garage is Barry P. Middleman & Associates, San Antonio; the architects of the garage are Ford, Powell & Carson, San Antonio and Thompson Ventulett and Stainback, Atlanta. The Dallas Galleria garage was designed by the St. Louis office of Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, with associate architects, Kendall/Heaton/ Associates, Dallas. CORRECTION: The major source listed in "Sources For Additional Information On Transit" in the May/June issue, the American Public Transit Association, is now at a different address: 1225 Con­ neticut Ave. N.W., Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036. Clfc/O 6 on Reader tnqwry Card Tews Architect J11ly·A11g11st 1984 Archltactural llluatratlona Number Three in a Series of Informational Illustrations Subject: Masonry's Innovative Applications Innovation/ Fort 'M>r1h Museum of Science and History Hammel Green and Abrahamson, Incorporated St. Paul, Mlnne8oCa Anoclllle Archlllct: Al>ert s. Komatsu & Asaoclates Fort 'M>r1h, Texas Maeonry Contractor; Fenimore-Blythe, Incorporated Fort 'M>r1h, 1exas -4111 Loews Analole Hoe.I-Flrat Atrium awn.: Trammell Crow Hotel Companies Dallas, Texas Archlllct: Beran & Shelmire Dallas, Texas Maonry Contractor; Dee Brown Masonry, Incorporated Dallas, Texas Texas Masonry Institute A Cedar valley Community College P. 0. Box 42097 OWlw: The Dallas County Houston, Texas 77042 Community College Di8lrict Archlllct: JPJ Archilacta, Incorporated Dallas, Texas lla10.~ri'Y Contractor; Dee Brown Maaonry, Incorporated Dallas, Texas Texas Masonry Institute ason Build It For Keeps With Masonry. Ours is an era of architectural innovation ... one in which masonry is exhibiting an extraordinary ability to respond to the architect's most Ingenious creative reach. The suitability of masonry exists measurably ,n the myriad ways m which It can accommodate the designer's desire for form and shape. The functional competence of brick Invites It to be formed Into intnguing curves, acute angles, sloping walls .. even ceiling surfaces. The 11st of current applications is long and indicative of the versatility afforded by masonry. The capabilities of masonry are further extended by the nearly limitless range of colors and textures. From the pristine ~ Dlscalced Carmellte Convent reflections of polished white marble Owner: Monastery of Most Holy Tnn,ty to the rugged surfaces of umber Arhngton, Texas brick, the potential of color, texture Architect: WIiiiams Pollock Associates and materials Is mathematically Wheaton, Illinois astounding. Masonry Contractor: Fenimore-Blythe, Incorporated Fort Worth, iexas When pursuing innovative solutions • Brookhaven Community College In structural de519n, you can Owner: The Dallas County acquire more Information by Community College D1stnct contacting Gregg Borchelt at the Architect: Pratt, Box, Henderson & Partners Texas Masonry Institute at Dallas.
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